Unit 3 What courses do you offer

发布时间:2018-07-02 07:30:28   来源:文档文库   

Unit 3 What courses do you offer?


这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。



能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan.

能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。 能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。


1. 词汇目标

(1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。

(2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。

2. 能力目标

(1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。

(2) 学生能运用 “I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any

part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。

To make Ss understand the text and grasp the useful information.

To let Ss practice their reading skills.

To talk about their own views of doing part-time jobs.

To cultivate Ss teamwork spirit and form their ideas of career plan.



3. 教学方法及策略

(1) 通过速读、略读、细读、找读等多种方法训练学生的阅读技巧和能力。

(2) 通过阅读练习、分析文章结构、帮助学生理解文章主旨与大意。

(3) 以任务型教学为载体,运用探究式的学习方式,通过双人活动、小组活动、小组竞赛等形式来完成教学目标,并在活动中培养学生的团队合作精神。



Step I Lead-in

1. Show a picture of our training school to the Ss.



2. Ask Ss whether they had some training courses in the training school.

(设计意图:先问学生是否知道本校附属培训校有哪些培训课程,然后接着问学生是否 参加过本校的培训课程,参加过什么课程,这个环节的设置,主要让学生用英语说出本校培训课程的名称。)

3. Ask Ss to name out some training courses they know.

Teach the new words and phrases


4. Brainstorm

Training School

(设计意图:此环节教师把学生分为四人一组,让学生列出和“Training School ”相关的词汇,例如:certificate, courses, time等等,本活动的目的是通过让学生思考、讨论选择培训学校所关心的问题,激活学生的知识和语言,为后面的听力输入基本词句,让学生在听的时候不会有陌生感。)

5. Listen to the dialogue between Rick and Staff.

(1) Listen and choose the right answer.

What course did Rick ask about?

A. The course on English. B. The course on Education. C. The course on computer

(2) Listen and tick. 听录音,选出Rick询问时用到的句子。

)① Will there be lectures on weekends?

)② I’m calling to ask if you offer any night courses.

)③ When will the course start?

)④ May I know the course schedule?

)⑤ Do you offer courses on child education?

)⑥ Can I get a certificate? )⑦ How do I sign up?

(设计意图:本环节让学生听一段小对话,布置了两个选择的任务:第一个任务是选择 Rick询问的培训课程;第二个选择任务是选择对话中Rick咨询培训课程中用到的问句。 第一任务完成的是书本里的Activity 2,第二个任务完成的是书本Activity3,但在第二个 任务中,增加了几句后面对话中出现的问句,加入这些问句作为选择项的目的主要是让学生能够对听力对话中出现的新的问句不会感到陌生。)


Unit 3 What courses do you offer?

Words the useful expressions

courses Training school

Do they offer the course I want to learn?

fee Can I get a certificate?

schedule ...




Period Two

Step1 Review

Check the words and phrases

List them on the blackboard as the students say out

Read them again and again

Step 2 Listening and speaking

1. Listen and tick. (Activity 4)

Ss listen to the short dialogue and pick out the right picture.

(设计意图:在听短文之前,教师先指导学生讨论每幅图表示的学习方式,然后播放录 音,让学生听录音选出David选择的学习方式。最后教师检查反馈。本活动让学生听录 音来理解对话的主题,为后面的细节听力活动作准备。)

2. Listen and complete. (Activity 5)

Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

Name David

Course ( ) Adult ( ) Kid

Subject ( ) Language ( ) Computer

Type of class ( ) Full-time ( ) Part-time

Way to register ( ) Fax ( ) On line

(设计意图:在做本题之前教师先指导学生思考培训学校在登记学员信息时会登记哪些 项目,然后带领学生阅读一下题,了解听力过程中需要知道的项目,接着教师播放录音,学生完成信息卡。为取得较好的效果,教师可以在听对话前让学生对要提取的信息作一定的预测。本活动是细节信息提取的活动,学生在把握对话上通过第二次听录音获取更多的信息,进一步理解对话的主要内容,为本单元的学习做准备。)

3. Listen and fill in the blank.

Sally: Good morning. This is Jinghai Training School. What can I do for you?

David: Good morning. ________________________________ for adults.

Sally: Yes, we have courses on foreign languages and computer science for adults.

David: What I want to learn is something new about computer programming.

Sally: Yes, we have courses on computer programming.

David: Good! ________________________________.

Sally: Sure.

David: ________________________________.

Sally: Yes. We have both night and weekend courses for those who have to work at daytime. David: ________________________________.

Sally: You can find our homepage on the Internet and fill in the application form online.

David: Great! It is good news to me that I can register online. Thank you!

Sally: You are welcome!


4. Read the sentences.

(设计意图:上面一个活动已经呈现了本课中有关询问信息的句型,这一步骤教师 学生读这些句子,起到一个巩固的作用,为句型的练习和应用作准备。)

Further education

Courses on foreign languages

Courses for adults

What I want to learn is….

Keep pace with

The latest development

Get a certificate

Sign up

5. Act and practice. (Activity 7)


话,学生问,教师回答,这为后面学生之间的对话作了一个很好的范例。运用两张表格, 充分结合Lead-in和对话部分的内容,形成清晰图式,让学生在操练中巩固和熟练运用本课的重点句型和词汇。通过对活动内容的补充积极拓展学生思维,提高语言的运用能力。教师在活动操练结束时,可以对学生的表演进行评价。)

6. Discuss and act. (Activity 8)

(设计意图:教师设置了三个语境,先引导学生回顾在咨询信息和回答时要用到的语 句,然后把学生分为两人一小组,让学生选择一个语境。学生程度好的话,也可以根据自己的实际情况,讨论并完成对话,然后教师邀请两至三组同学表演。本活动的目的是让学生把听力活动中学习的语言知识应用到实际语境中,训练学生在相对真实的情境下用合适的方式和语句咨询信息的能力,提高学生语言综合运用能力。)

Step 3Homework

1. Make a dialogue between 2 students.

(设计意图:家庭作业为两个同学之间编一则有关询问培训课程的对话,这一家庭作业 将课堂内容自然延伸,形式活跃,激发学生积极参与。)


Unit 3 What Courses Do You Offer?

Further education

Courses on foreign languages

Courses for adults

What I want to learn is….

Keep pace with

The latest development

Get a certificate

Sign up

Period Three\Four

Step 1Warm-up

1. Greetings

2. Show some pictures about part-time jobs, and ask Ss to name them out.

3. Brainstorming:

(1) Show some pictures about my experiences of doing part-time jobs.

(2) Ask Ss to tick out the part-time jobs I did.

(3) Have a match game.

4. Questions:

1) Do you know what’s my purpose of doing part-time jobs?

2) My conclusion on purpose of doing part-time jobs.

3) Read these phrases together.

5. Free-talk time:

Questions: 1) Have you ever done any part-time jobs?

2) What part-time jobs did you do?


Step 2 Fast Reading

1. Read the text quickly, and match the paragraphs with the general idea.

Paragraph General idea

Paragraph 1 A. The experiences and purpose of part-time jobs

Paragraph 2 B. Attitudes towards the future

Paragraph 3 C. Some personal information about Zhang Lin


Step 3 Careful Reading

1. Read the first two paragraphs carefully, and then fill in the blanks.

Name Zhang Lin Age

Nationality Chinese Country to study

Part-time work experience Types of work


Why can he work under pressure?

To Zhang Lin, what’s the value of doing part-time jobs?

A. Get rich experiences.

B. Make life colorful.

C. Support himself.

D. Apply the knowledge into practice.

E. Feel happy and inspired.

2. Read the last paragraph carefully, and then fill in the blanks.

(1) Studying in a foreign country in not ______, but Zhang Lin will never ____________.

(2) Zhang Lin is ___________ in ___________difficulties.

(3) Zhang Lin strongly believes all his ________ will bring him ____________.

Meet difficulties, the writer never give up. How do you deal with the difficulties in your life and study?give up or not give up.

So life is difficult, well never give up.

studying is not easy , well never give up, either.

Read the last paragraph together alound


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Tick out: What do you learn from the text?

1. Zhang Lin’s personal information

2. The experiences of part-time jobs

3. The feeling of doing part-time jobs

4. The attitudes towards the future.

2. Have an interview. (One acts as a reporter, the other acts as Zhang Lin.)

3. Evaluation



1. Do a survey.

Names S1 S2 S3 S4


Have you ever tried to do part-time jobs?

What part-time jobs did you do? According to your major, if you can have a part-time job, what kind of job do you prefer? Why?

2. Ask Ss to make a report.

3. List some disadvantages.

4. Teacher’s conclusion.

(设计意图:利用已知信息,创设新的信息内容。此环节本人创设了小组调查活动形 式,通过探究性的学习策略,让学生结合自己专业谈论自己对兼职工作的想法,并让学 生思考兼职工作的优缺点,这是对已知信息进行补充和延伸。)

Step 6 Homework

1. Use the correct forms of the words given, and fill in the blanks.

try, enable, cooperate, experience, overseas, get a chance,

pressure, offer, deal with, succeed, confident

Zhang Lin is an ___________ student studying in Australia. During his study, he did a lot of part-time jobs. For example, he once ___________ to work in Australia companies, and he also ___________ a lot of part-time jobs, such as Chinese ___________, a kitchen hand, and a housekeeper. From these part-time jobs, he learned to ___________ with each other, and the teamwork ___________ his to work under ___________. The part-time jobs also ___________ him rich ___________ and made his life more colorful. Life is difficult, but he needn’t to rely on his family any more. In the future, he is ___________ that he is able to ___________ whatever happens in his life and he believe he will ___________ some day if he works hard.

2. Read and complete.

(1) I will graduate from _________________________________.

(2) I like _________________________________________ in my spare time.

(3) My major is ____________________________________.

(4) I once worked in ________________________________.

(5) I am good at _________, and I have the ability to ______________, _______________.

(6) My recent career goal is _________________________________.

(7) My long-term career goal is ______________________________.

(8) I want to _________________________________.

3. According to the sentences above, write a career plan for yourself.


Unit 3 What course do you offer?

Part-time jobs Value of part-time jobs

Secretary Make money

Babysitter Make life colourful

Nurse ...

Period 5\6

Step I Presentation

1. Ss read the following sentences.

What I want to learn is something new about computer programming.

It is good news to me that I can register online.

It impressed me that many Australian students earn their tuition fees through part-time employment.


1. what引导的是原因状语从句。

2. it 引导的是目的状语从句。

2. Read and choose.

(1) What he said is not important.

(2) It is impossible for me to get there before July.

(3) It is good news that all of us are invited to the concert.

(4) It is time that we took some night courses to improve our English.

(5) It is well-known that Disneyland is the place children love most.

(6) It is likely that he will ask for a loan from the bank this time.

(7) What a terrible mistake you have made.

(8) It is a pity that he cannot go abroad with us.



Step 2 Practice

1. Read and underline.

(设计意图:教师让学生重读本单元的对话和课文,让学生划出what引导的主语从句和it 作形式主语的句子。增加这一个环节,主要目的是让学生能够真正识别主语从句,选择本单元的材料,其一是内容对学生来讲比较熟悉,其二是能让学生进一步加深对本单元内容的理解,更好的掌握。)

2. Choose and complete.

It is not decided It is a pity It is likely

It is good news to us What he said It’s said

It is well- knows What I want to learn

(1) _______________________ made me eager to taste that delicious food now.

(2) _______________________ that the party will go on till mid-night.

(3) _______________________ that everyone at the party should dress up.

(4) _______________________ that Santa Claus will send children gifts on Christmas Eve.

(5) _______________________ is how to draw money from the ATM.

(6) _______________________ that the river will freeze tonight. It is very cold outside.

(7) _______________________ that I can’t join you in the party this weekend.


3. Discuss and complete.

(1) It is good news to us ____________________________.

(2) It is likely _________________________________.

(3) What we need is ___________________________.

(4) It is said that ____________________________. (5) It is well-known that _______________________________.

(设计意图:本活动是开放性应用活动,让学生运用主语从句描述自己的实际情况,达 到巩固和应用主语从句的目的。教师以四人小一组讨论,根据实际情况完成练习中的句子,教师根据各组实际情况写出尽可能多的句子。各组展示自己的句子,根据句子的数量和内容进行评比。)

Step 3 Homework

Complete the Exercise Book.



Unit 3 What courses do you offer?

What引导的主语从句 It作形式主语

Period 7

Step I Vocabulary practice

1. Ask and answer.

Ss tick the right statements according to their own situations.

When you choose a training school, you should know:

(1) Whether the training school offers the courses you want to take;

(2) Whether the staff are confident in their service;

(3) Whether you will get a certificate when you finish your study;

(4) Whether you can sign up online. (5) Whether you can learn to study something new by yourself.

(6) Whether the course will enable you to make any improvement;

(7) Whether you will have a chance to make new friends;

(8) Whether you can give up the course at anytime.

(设计意图:活动前,教师先让学生自由讨论自己参加培训前要了解什么,然后让他们 看句子,总结彼此选择培训学校时最关注的问题。最后教师找几位学生汇报一下。主要是检测学生对本单元词汇的理解。)

2. Choose and complete.

get a certificate offer a course give up confident in enable ... to ...

have a chance to ... sign up learn ... about

(1) A: Good morning, Jing Hai Training School, how can I help you?

B: I’d like to know whether you _______________ about Chinese painting.

(2) A: If you can pass the exam you will _______________.

B: That will be great. I will try my best.

(3) A: I would like to _______________ now.

B: Please fill in this form and sign your name here.

(4) A: I’ll go to America to continue my study next month.

B: Then you will _______________ learn something about a different country.

(5) A: You have been doing part-time jobs since you came to America.

B: Yes, I become _______________ overcoming difficulties in my life.

(设计意图:教师先不让学生看方框中的词汇,指导学生阅读这 个小对话,然后让学 生预测应填什么词组,之后再让学生看方框中的词汇,选合适的短语填入空格,最后由教师作出反馈。本活动主要检查学生是否熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语,为下面的应用练习做准备。)

3. Act and practice.

learn ... about offer a course have a chance to

sign up get a certificate

1) information about the course

2) schedule of the course

3) ways to register

4) certificate

(设计意图:两人一组,用所给信息表演在培训学校报名咨询时的对话。本活动为应用 性活动,要求学生能正确的使用本单元所学的词汇和表达方式,就指定的主题进行咨询并给出建议。教师指导学生分小组讨论给出的信息和对话主题,设计对话情景,与同伴 进行对话练习,之后,教师请几组同学进行表演并给出反馈。)

Step2 Unit task

Suppose you were teachers at a training school, and you were required to make a webpage named How to Choose a Training School for Students.

(1) Choose at least 3 subtitles for the webpage. Work in groups and find out the most important information the students should know when choosing a training school.

(2) Work in groups. Discuss and list questions and answers under each subtitle.

(3) Design your webpage and arrange the information. You may use the following model.

(设计意图: 教师指导学生分四人小组讨论关于培训学校和培训课程的词汇,先计论并列出人们在选择学校时最关心的三个问题,然后对于这三项内容会有哪些问题,并给出答案,最后讨论设计网页的形式,然后展示自己的网页,投票选出最佳网页。本活动的目的在于让学生能够运用本单元所学语言知识完成一个真实的任务,即设计一个网页。)

Step3 Homework

1. Design a webpage named How to Choose a Training School for Students.

2. Complete the exercise book.

(设计意图:让每个学生都设计一个网页,目的是让班上所有学生通过小组讨论都能独 立完成一个网页设计,让每个学生能参与到活动中来,既是对课堂内容的延伸,又是对本单元学习内容的最佳巩固。完成练习册,是学生对本单元教学内容的一个自我评测。)


Unit 3 What courses do you offer?

Courses the school offer

What courses do you offer?


《Unit 3 What courses do you offer.doc》
