
发布时间:2021-04-17   来源:文档文库   

查莉成长日记GoodLuck 人员介绍:
Gabe盖比(弟弟) 赵凯 Amy 艾米(妈妈) 赵彬 Teddy泰迪(姐姐) 王玉星 Bob 鲍伯(爸爸) 苏凯旋 台词:
Gabe: Hey (喂,你们)
Gabe: Shouldn’t someone go tell Charile to shut up? (总该有人让查理闭嘴吧?)
Father:You know what? You give it a shot.We've been trying all night long. (我看还是你再去试试吧。我们都哄了她一晚上了) Mother:And by “we”,he means me.
(说到我们,他指的只有我自己而已) Father:Come on. I got up that one time. (谁说的,我也起来了一次。)
Mother:And when you flushed,you woke her up. (然后你起来冲厕所,把她吵醒了) Teddy:But why is she so fussy? (可这孩子为啥这么闹心啊)
Mother:We can’tfind her blankie.And we have looked everywhere. (我们找不到她的小毯子了,到处也找不到)
Gabe: Oh , that’s ridiculous. She shouldn’t need something to help sleep. (哎呀,真是可笑,她也不能总要抱个东西才能睡着吧) Mother:What about your stuffed monkey? (你不是也有绒毛猴子吗) Gabe: Coco’s diffrerent. (小可可是不一样的。) TeddyGuyswhat a horrible way to spend your anniversary.We should really get out of the house. (爸妈,这样过你们的周年庆也太磕馋了。你们要准备出门了。) Gabe: Ow , what are you doing ? (哎呦,你干嘛打我呀?) Gabe: Oh . Mom and dad , on your anniversary.I’m talking you to lunch and a movie . My treat. Oh ,dad ,bring your wallet .
Father:You don't know what”My treat”Means,do you? (你不明白“招待”这个词是什么意思吧?)

Mother:OK,we’d love to go to a movie,kids,but not when Charlie’s so upset. (好了,我们愿意去看电影,但不能在查理这么烦心的时候)
Teddy:I will find Charlie’s blankie and take care of her.Now you two go out and enjoy some alone time on your anniversary.With Gabe.
Gabe: And I know the perject movie to see .... “Star Exploders II : Ticking Asteroids ” in 3D.(我还知道该看什么最赞的影片呢,《星球大爆炸第二部:行星命运倒数》3D效果哦) Father:Hey,you know what? The critics hated that.That means it's gotta be good. (嗨,知道吗!评论家都不喜欢那电影,那一定就很好看) Gabe: Oh, yeah ! (没错)
Mother:Or we could see “The Willow Wepps Tomorrow”. (或者呢,我们可以去看《为明天哭泣的杨柳》) Gabe: What’s that about ? (那部讲的啥呀?)
Mother:It’s a haunting tale of a young girl who liveson a farm,plants a willow tree.And grows up With dreams of becoming a ballerina.And then on the day of the big audition.Shw twist her.Ankle,goes back to the farm.Gets married and has a bady.And do you know what she names it?Willow.
(它讲述了一个少女的传奇人生,她是一个农村姑娘,中了一棵杨柳树,之后她怀着成为一个芭蕾舞者的梦想渐渐成长,然后在一次重要的试演时,她扭伤了脚踝,回到了农村。结婚生子,你知道她为孩子起的什么名字吗?杨柳。) Gabe: I feel like we just saw it . (我感觉已经看完这部电影了) Father:And hated it. (而且味同嚼蜡) Mother:Oh,come on,guys.It’s my anniversary too. (拜托,男子汉们,结婚纪念日也有我的一半啊!)
Father:No no no,you're absolutely right.Look,we don't have to figure this out now.We'll decide when we get to the theater.
(好好好,你说的很对。我们现在先别决定吧。等到了电影院再想要看什么。) Mother:Okay.(行了吧)
Gabe,Father: “ Star Exploders ”(一定要看《星球大爆炸》) Teddy:Charlie,I’m looking for your blankie.Please stop crying.Oh,look,it’s your favourite show.”The circles. ”They’re the colorful singing shapes.That teach you about shapes.

(查莉,我这不是在找你的毯子吗,求你别哭了。哎呀快看,开始放你最喜爱的节目了哟。“圈圈”节目呀,是那些会唱歌的五颜六色的圈圈哟。会教你各种各样的圈圈。) Teddy:I am a red circle,yes,I am.I am big and round and red.Hey!Man,that is annoying.Oh,what’s this I found?Is this your blankie?I’ll take that as a no.Let’s take you on a walk.That’ll make you feel better.Yay!



