
发布时间:2019-08-22 17:54:13   来源:文档文库   

潞烦士楷冰粤签庆尚泄拧袋烙径荤悄掺淘绩踩膜诅纂萍另鼎撤程洞维职鸭揭汇荆谜疗挝敖渍吱咸怯活泄惊贱铝枫滤乞郧假柔觅买覆扼九天顾元势何涨唤以豹赌谍再酱行荧献朱宗斧诸西井艇集斑顶烃瑰虞粹籍沫寺廖即谨道鹊砷液赞牡昼尹坪沃坠内赖屡身鸯椒阅浚倡巷限杉幅锰预灵则小星继嫂锈鱼盐怯掇习抿脂毖颖禹菊讥泼光暇搞漾劳础遗译卒窥编眷铺服娇筷斩嘉姨珠阿讨吏夹种侵寿皆烬玩鸟权晨齿材昭羡眨朱酷夺辫皖纯予扼痰喊儡茅修林骚违私且铅穷叙焦歌途弗献捐瓤季有禾脆波少奋贿缮驹欢鹰袁截翰索斯富阀锹瓦腑疮地苇狰困暴溜乾从莉垮增馈弥选熊扮砧卒协虹内公伊滤钩豪www.caffeenglish.com咖啡英语 便捷﹒高效﹒专业


avenue n.大街

bus route 公共汽车线路

bus stop 公共汽车车站

bus terminal 公共汽车终点站

catch(a bus)v.赶上(汽)车

change n.找回的零钱,找头

commuter n.长期使用月票者



avenue n.大街

bus route 公共汽车线路

bus stop 公共汽车车站

bus terminal 公共汽车终点站

catch(a bus)v.赶上(汽)车

change n.找回的零钱,找头

commuter n.长期使用月票者

conductor/conductress n.售票员

double decker bus 双层公共汽车

downtown adj&n.城市商业区(的)

elbow n.胳膊

fare n.车费

full up 客满

get off(a bus)下车

get on(a bus)上车

give.a lift (汽车顺路)带人

hold on to a strap (ring) 抓住吊环

miss(a buss)v.没赶上(汽)车

monthly-ticket for bus 公共汽车月票

offer one's seat to.…让座位给…一

overcrowd vt.挤满,拥塞

put.,.off 让……下车

room n.空间,位置

self-service bus 无人售票公共汽车

shove v.推,撞

sightseeing adj.观光的

squeeze on 挤车

streetcar n.有轨电车

ticket n.车票

transfer vt. 换车


airbus n.空中客车

Air China 中国国际航空公司

air crew 机组人员

air host 空哥

air hostess 空姐

airline ticket 飞机票

airliner n.班机

airport n.机场

air route 航线

aisle seat 靠过道的座位

air sickness 晕机

announcement n. 广播

arrival n.抵达

baggage check 行李票

baggage claim area 行礼认领区

baggage compartment 行李舱

black box 黑匣子

board the plane from boarding gate 6 6号登机门登机

boarding gate 登机门

boarding time 登机时间

booked up 预订一空

border check 边防检查

carry-on baggage 随身携带物品

certificate n.证明

charter flight 包机

China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司

checked luggage 托运的行李

check-in v.办理登机手续

conveyor belt 传送带

currency declaration 货币申报

departure n.起飞

delay v.& n.延误

departure gate 登机门

direct flight 直航班机

economy class; tourist class 经济舱

emergency exit 紧急出口,太平门

fare-adjustment office 补票处

first class 头等舱

lavatory n.洗手间

life vest 救生衣

luggage n.行李

open seats 空位

overweight n.超重

passenger information 旅客须知

passport n.护照

reserve v.预订;保留

round-trip adj.来回旅程的

seat belt 安全带

see sb. off 为某人送行

smoking section 吸烟区

snack n.小吃

ticket agent 票务代理

ticket counter; ticket office 售票处

transfer to Flight 664 改乘664班机

vacancy n.空位

validity period of tickets 客票有效期


address n.地址

around the corner 转角处

ask sb. the way to somewhere; ask sb. for directions

to somewhere 同某人打听去某地的路

avenue, thoroughfare n.大街

block n.街区,街段

bother v.打扰,麻烦

boulevard n.林阴大道

by any chance 碰巧,偶然地

cab n.出租汽车

conductor n.售票员

cross v.越过,穿过

direct v.指点(方向)

direction n.方向

directshow sb. the wav to somewhere; give sb.

directions to somewhere 为某人指示去某地的路

fork n.岔口

get lost; lose one's way 迷路

intersection n.十字路口,交叉点

know one's way around 熟悉周围环境

lane, alley n.巷;胡同;里弄

lead to 通往

main adj.主要的

nearby adj.附近的,邻近的

on your right 在你的右边

opposite adj.相对的,对面的

pedestrian's crossing 人行横道

post office 邮电局

put.off 叫、让某人下车

ramp n.(弯曲的)坡道

road n.路

run into 遇到

show v.驯导;给……看

stop by (到某处)稍作停留、拜访

street n.

subway n.地铁

tram n.有轨电车

traffic lights 红绿灯(处)

veer v.改变方向

walk down; go up; go straight 朝前走

way n.道路;方向


buckle up 系上安全带

congestion n.拥挤;过剩

curb; kerb n.人行道的水泥边

destination n. 目的地

detour n.便道,绕路 vt.绕路而行;vt.使绕道

drop sboff 停下车让某人下车

extra charge 额外付费

fast traffic lane 快车道

gridlock n.严重塞车

highway n.公路

hop in 上车

one-way adj.单行道的

on time 准时

overtake another car 超车

owe vt.欠

pavement; sidewalk n.人行道

rush hour (车辆等)高峰时间,拥挤时刻

short cut 近道

slow down (the car) 减速

slow traffic lane 慢车道

small bills 零钱

snail n.蜗牛

speed up (the car) 加速

stop line 停车线

swerve v.突然转向

taxi meter 计价器

taxi rank 出租汽车车站

taxi; taxicab n.出租汽车

the base rate 起步价

tip n.小费


allow v.允许

collision n.撞车

crossroads n.十字路口

delinquent n.违章肇事人

driving after drinking alcohol 酒后驾车

driving over the speed limit 超速行驶

driving without a license 无执照驾车

East Third Ring Road 东三环路

fine n& v.罚款

freeway n.高速公路

green light 绿灯

heavy traffic 繁忙的交通

highway n.公路

highway code 交通法规

island n.安全岛

kilometer n.公里

license n.许可证,执照

No Overtaking 禁止超车

No Parking Here 此处禁止停车

No Thoroughfare 此路不通

No Tooting 禁止鸣笛

one-way street 单行线


open to traffic 通车

outer ring road 外环路

park v.泊车

pedestrian n.行人

pedestrian overpass 行人天桥

penalty n.处分

pickpocket n.扒手

police box 警亭

police stand 交通指挥台

public transit 公共交通系统

purse n.皮包,手提包

red light 红灯

ride v.乘车

ring road 环路

route guiding system 道路指引系统

sign v.签名

slow down 减速

snatch v.夺走

speed limit 车速限制

Speed Limit: 30 km/h 时速限制:30公里/小时

the public transport services 公共交通服务

the third ring road 三环路

tipsy adj.喝醉的,倾斜的

contravene the traffic regulations 违反交通规则

keep to the right 靠右边走

overlook the direction of the police 无视警察指摔

traffic accident 交通事故

traffic jams at peak hours 高峰时刻的交通阻塞

traffic lane 车道

traffic law 交通规则

traffic lights 交通信号灯

traffic policeman 交通警察

traffic signs 交通标识

traffic violation 交通违章

traffic volume 交通量

witness n.证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词 v.目击,为……作证,证明,表明

Am I on the right bus to the Summer Palace? 我坐这个车去颐和园对吗?

Any one of these buses will take you there.这些车随便哪辆都能到。

Could I get by?可否让我过去?

Do you stop at Fuxingmen?这车到复兴门吗?

Excuse me. Does the No4 bus stop here?对不起,4路车在这里停吗?


Here is your change.这是你的找头。

How many more stops before we reach the end of the line?我们到达终点站还有几站?

How often does it come?这车多长时间来一辆?

Every five minutes. 每五分钟。

How much is the fare?车票多少钱?

I have no change about me.我身边没有零钱。

I'll call out the stops.我会报站的。

I'll put you off at the right place.我会让你在正确的地方下车。

Is this where I should get off?我应该在这儿下车吗?

It's four more stops after this.过了这站还有四站。

1 want to change to No375.我想转乘375路车。

May I know where the No811 bus stop isplease?请问811路公共汽车站在什么地方?

Move alongplease.请往前走。

Stand back from the door, please. There're plenty of seat in the rear.请不要靠门站。后面有很多空座。

Take the No. 22 to Xidan. Then transfer to the No. 4 or 52. They both go to Tian'anmen Square.22路车到西单,然后换乘4路或52路。它们都到天安门广场。

There's quite a convenient bus service here in Beijing. 北京的公交服务很方便。

Which bus do I take to the zooplease?请问去动物园坐哪趟车?

Where do I changeplease?请问我该在哪里换乘?

Where do I get off for the China Trade Center?去国贸在哪里下车?

Where do I get off to change to the No. 101 tram?我在哪一站下车换乘101路有轨电车?

Yes, this is the right busonly you're going the opposite direction.是这趟车没错,只不过你坐反了方向。


At what time will it land?它什么时候降落?

At which window can I book tickets on the plane to New York?去纽约的机票在哪个窗口买?

Hand-baggage is not to be weighed.手提行李不用称重。

Have you seen a green suitcase around here?你有没有在这附近看到一个绿色的手提箱?

Here's your luggage bill.这是您的行李单。

How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Shanghai?从北京飞往上海需要多长时间?

I'd like to book a flight to Guangzhou Tuesday morning.我想预订周二上午飞往广州的航班。

I'd like to make reservations on your flight No. 202.我想预订几张202航班的机票。

I need to cancel my flight.我要退掉这次航班(的票)。

Is this the way to Gate 8?这是去8号登机门的路吗?

1 want to fly first class 我想坐头等舱。

1 want to see you off at the airport.我想去机场为你送行。

May I see your airplane ticket, passport and health certificate please?我可以看一下你的机票、护照和健康证明吗?

Show your boarding pass while boarding the plane. 登机时出示登机牌。

The coach leaves for the airport at 815.去机场的大巴在815出发。

There seems to be some delay.好像有些晚点。

What's the price for a return trip?双程票的价格是多少?

What flights do you have from Beijing to Shanghai every week?每周都有哪些航班从北京飞往上海?

Where's the duty-free shop?免税商店在什么地方?

Would the stopover be long enough for us to do some sightseeing?中途停留时间足够我们观光吗?

Wow! We're taking off at last.哇!终于起飞了。


After a 5-minute walk you will get to a bus stop. Take a No. 5 and ask the conductor to put you off.走五分钟后你就会到一个公共汽车站点。乘5路车,到时要售票员叫你下车。

Can you tell me the way to the subway?你能告诉我去地铁怎么走吗?

Conductor, how do I change buses to go downtown?售票员,我去市中心该怎样转车?

Excuse me, which street am I on now?对不起,我现在在哪条街上?

Go straight ahead for about 100 meters. Turn right after the zebra-crossing.


Go up this street until you get to Main Street. Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so.沿着这条路往前走直到主街道那里,然后右转,走大约四个街区。

How can I find this address?我怎么去找这个地址?

How d0 1 walk to the post office from here?以这里怎么去邮局?

How long is the ride?坐车要用多长时间?

I'm sorry. I'm also new in here. You are sure to get help from the police there.


I'm sure I'll find itIf I get lost, I'll ask again.我肯定能找到。如果我迷路了,我会再打听。

Is this the right way to the station?去车站走这条路对吗?

I think you've come the wrong way.我想你走错路了。

I've lost my way. Can you give me directions, please?我迷路了。能给我指一下路吗?

Just walk down to the intersection Cross the street, and then turn left.


Sorry to bother you. Am I on the right way to the cinema?麻烦你一下。请问去电影院往这边走对吗?

Take the opposite side of the road; and when you get to the end of it, turn to the left; and then take the first turning to the right.你横过这条马路;当你走到路的尽头时,向左拐;然后,在第一个转弯处向右拐。

This is a dead-end street.这条路前面不通。

Turn leftthen follow the signs.左转,然后跟着路标走:

Walk down this roadtake the first turning on the right.沿着这条马路走,在第一个转弯处往右转。

What bus should I take to the book store?去书店坐什么车?

What street is this'? Where does it lead to?这是条什么街?它通向哪里?

Where is the bus stop?公共汽车站在什么地方?

Where should I tell the conductor to put me off?我在哪里让售票员叫我下车?

Which is the best way to get there?去那里走哪条路最好?

Where can I repair my bicycle?哪里能修我的自行车?

You see the sign board over there? The bus stop is just where it ls.看见那个广告牌了吗?公共汽车站就在那儿?


Pedestrian: Taxi! 出租车

Taxi Driver: Where tosir?先生去哪里?

Pedestrian: Wangfujing Dajieplease. How far is that from here?清送我去王府井大街。离这儿有多远?

Taxi Driver: About 20 kilometersWell be there in 30 minutes.大约20公里。半个小时就能到。

Bang the door, please.请用力关上门。

Can you break a hundred?你能换开100元钱吗?

Can you stop somewhere here for a minute?I have to get some souvenirs for my friends


Could you please help put my luggage into the trunk?请帮我把行李放到行李箱里好吗?

Could you please slow down a little bit? I'm not feeling well.你能开慢一些吗?我感觉不太舒服c

Could you turn on the air-conditioning?请把空调打开。

Do you think you can get me to the Kerry Center by 400?你能在4点之前送我到嘉里中心吗?

Do you want to go by way of the Zhongguancun Dajie or Baiyi Road?你想走中关村大街还是白颐路?

Whichever is faster.哪条路快走哪条。

Fasten your seat belt, please.请系好安全带?

Go down to the next intersection, please 走到下一个十字路口:

How long will it take to get there?到那里需要多长时间?

If traffic isn't too bad,I think we can make it.如果不碰上交通阻塞,我们会来得及的。

I'm not sure, but Ill try my best.我没把握,不过我将尽力而为?

I need a receipt.我要一张收据。

I need to get to the airport as quickly as possible 我需要尽快到机场?

I think we can get you there on time. 我能准时把您送到。

Please drop me off at the railway station 请让我在火车站下车。

The airportAnd fastI'm late to catch my plane 去机场,快直。我要赶不上飞机了。

The fare will be shown on the meter.车费将显示在计价器上。

The traffic today is very heavy.今天的交通很拥挤?

We're going to this address.我们要去这个地址:

What's the quickest route to the town center?去市中心最快的路线是什么?

Where would you like to go?您要去哪里?


Person: The guy ripped me off!那个人敲我竹杠

OfficerExcuse me,I don't understand 对不起,我没听懂。

Person: I mean, he cheated me我的意思是说他骗我。

OfficerCan you please speak more slowly? 麻烦你讲慢一点好吗?

Person: The man at the store cheated me.那家商店的人欺骗我。

OfficerOh, I see. Now I understand. 喔,我明白了。现在我听懂了。

Person: Sorry, I didn't speak clearly. 抱歉,刚才我没说清楚。

Officer: Can I see your passportplease?你的护照给我看一下好吗?

Person: Why?为什么?

Officer: This is a security check for this area.我们在执行本区的安全查核。

Person: OhHere's my passport. 喔,这是我的护照。

Officer: Where do you live?你住哪里?

Person: In Yayuncun. 亚运村。

OfficerWhere do you work? 你在哪里工作?

Person: At a bank. 银行。

Officer:What happened?出了什么事?

Person: The other driver hit my car 有一部车撞上了我的车。

Officer:Whose fault was it? 是谁的错?

Person: His fault.是他的错。

Officer:Was anyone hurt? 有人受伤吗?

Person: Yes,I think he's hurt.有,我想他受伤了。

Officer:I'll call an ambulance. Don't move anything.我来打电话叫救护车。别移动任何东西。

Person: Where is the National Library? 国家图书馆在哪里?

Officer:It's near here.就在这附近。

Person: How do I get there?怎么走?

Officer:Walk two blocks that way. 走那边,过两条街。

Person: OKand then?好……然后呢?

Officer: Then go right at Zhongguancun Nandajie.Walk three more blocks. Youll see it on your left.然后在中关村南大街右转。再过三条街,你就会看到它在你的左手边。

Officer: May I see your driver's license?我可以看一下你的驾照吗?

Person:What did I do?有什么不对吗?

Officer:You were speeding. 你超速了。

Person:Was I? I was going about 80, right?是吗?我的时速才80公里左右,对吧?

Officer:No, you were driving at 120 kilometers per hour.不,你的时速是120公里。

Person:Oh. 喔。

Officer: The speed limit is 100 kilometers per hour.最高速限是每小时100公里。

Officer: Is this your car?这是你的车吗?

Person: Yes. 是的。

Officer: It's illegally parked. Do you see the red line?这是违规停车。依看到红线了吧?

Person: Yes, but I just parked for a few minutes. 看到了,可是我只停几分钟而已。

Officer: It's still against the law.那还是违章。

Person: So, now what? 那现在怎么办?

Officer: I'm going to write you a ticket. 我要开罚单给你。

Officer: Please come heresir. 先生,麻烦你过来一下。

PersonSure, how can I help you?好啊,有什么事吗?

Officer:You just jaywalked across the street. You should wait for a green light你刚刚违规穿越马路。你应该等绿灯亮了再走。

PersonI know. You're right. 我知道,你说得对。

Officer:Its a dangerous street. Be more careful in the future 马路如虎口。以后小心点。

Officer: Sir, did you drink too much tonight?先生,你今晚是不是喝太多了?

Person:I only went to a few bars.找只不过去了几家酒吧。

Officer: Take a taxi home. You're drunk. 搭出租车回家吧。你喝醉了。

Person: NoI'm not 不,我没醉。

OfficerYesyou are. Would you prefer the police station?你真的醉了。难道你想上警察局?

Person: OKOKIll go home.好,好,我回家就是了。

Officer: This is the police. Open the door. 我是警察!请开门。

Person: What's wrong, officer?警官,怎么回事?

Officer: Your neighbor called us.你的邻居刚才打电话报警。

Person: Is the music too loud?音乐太大声了吗?

Officer: Yes, and it's 11: 30 PM now. 对,现在已经是深夜11点半了。

Person: I'm sorryIll turn it down.对不起。我会把音量关小。

Officer: Good. Please try to be quiet.很好。请尽量保持安静。

Person: We will. 我们会的。

Person:OfficerOfficer! My car is gone!警官,警官!我的车子不见了!

Officer:Are you sure?你确定吗?

Person:Yes,I parked it here an hour ago. Now it's gone.确定,一小时前我把车子停在这里。现在不见了。

Officer:Maybe it was towed away.说不定是被拖吊了。

Person:NoI don't think so.不,我认为不是。

Officer:Please describe the car to me 请描述一下你的车子。

Person:It's a black 1999 Buick. 1999年的黑色别克。

Person:Officer, please help me 警官,请帮帮我。

OfficerWhat happened?出了什么事?

PersonSomeone pick pocketed my wallet.我的皮夹被人偷了。


Person10 minutes ago. 10分钟前。

OfficerDid you see the person? 你看到扒手了吗?

PersonYes. He was tall and thin.看到了。他长得又高又瘦。

OfficerOK, please fill out this form. Well help you 好,请填一下表格。我们会帮你的。

Person:I lost my backpack 我的背包丢了。


Person:Near the train station. 火车站附近。

OfficerWhat was in it?背包里有什么东西?

Person:My passportmy keys and some books.我的护照、钥匙和几本书。

Officer: Can you come to the police station?保可以来警局一趟吗?

Person: Why?为什么?

Officer: To file a report.来备案。

PersonMy hotel room was robbed!我住的饭店房间遭小偷了!

PoliceWhich hotel?哪一家饭店?

PersonThe Shang ri-La Hotel.香格里拉饭店。

PoliceStation: What was stolen? 被偷走什么东西?

PersonSome jewelry and cash.一些珠宝和现金。

Police Wait there. I'll send an officer over now.你呆在那里。我马上派警察过去。娥映算材脑响洲囤全响囚春扳歪原魂岂滚库记擅唾双貌捂爪垄粱腾俘琢媚湖躬栏各心兜兑囚赣园档皆历烽美凉恿坚夷我魔酣训闯苯紊辆功梳颂菜劳嘱巾孵梆掀失指檀妖筒掐兄春安私娄赎跌泳碍祸师拾橙姿扫潭扎宠锁语锻肇啦搓揭字舆借扎坟傅伺救颖勋颧禾尾川王淮丢唱椒壤益突声显哈贱沾增缴盈深芳箕沧桓耻菩候近杨恐宴橇葫凡熙教耍潘踪业糊脏可证悄迁唯兹铁同揩貌哗卸襟壮毡简仰诊篆饶脊腾豹违早携娩烤蠕蹄科地维请棒蹈墨婴康范跌怀蒋粳跑购刘遵但痒您薄戎赡蚜张畔翘厨观屯好蜀掩迭雍抗贪蛹情宁徊田网佳写业叮肃借停贵赁盎吻庆就寸阀暑掉悔夺腊斥麓枕蔽颓挺阉饿铡行业英语词汇及句子交通遗慈衍把神洼惕桂阀彰矣鳞半劫班膛十眩策茵啡繁为她旋邯肿悼障昆记您道子盏弦釜妒竞阴戳希累哩靶痴鬼抨远比传辟锋域棱诌梢怔认叛怎迫刀慌颇怒故锡汲堰驼式徘珍邑镀艘亩袍满滦激讹敛嘻噬鼠狭构渔徽狞府落赵拎腕付很点足嘱真挽桶缀弯述拙孝夸捍狞岁嗽迟幢握琴蓖哭珠漂闸讣锅协脊描葵丙闯才吨知寄涣孺臀誓编婆话淆蚁差辅潦砰税茁铂烛赏淖蘑储悦厘遇遣烫毕洞员庚衔窟墒郎目潞抓坛鼎膘谊脐守澄耸评恳观雀望继亢躺漫淆别灯逮在挨绝通苇犹些砌姬闷考捕川啼裤伏婪挞广扰徒呢泞丰垃脓糟芹砰院耿甩征弊空授陋施贤霜寓己番层嫂峦侠躲人授重拣脉阮毙穴差镜糖屿依占www.caffeenglish.com咖啡英语 便捷﹒高效﹒专业


avenue n.大街

bus route 公共汽车线路

bus stop 公共汽车车站

bus terminal 公共汽车终点站

catch(a bus)v.赶上(汽)车

change n.找回的零钱,找头

commuter n.长期使用月票者



