
发布时间:2021-06-26   来源:文档文库   
It is not difficult to make a decision, but the hard part is to put it into action and stick to it to the end.勤学乐施


As we can see from the picture, Internet connects the human society together, but sadly, walls of barrier are estricting people in their own space. 正如我们从图片中所看到的,互联网将人类社会联系在一起,但悲哀的是,重重阻隔将人们只限制在自己的空间。 It is undeniable that Internet has changed the way people live. With many programs such as instant messaging, online communities, micro.blogs and so forth, communication can nearly be carried out everywhere at any time. But despite the great convenience, we find the distance among people becomes farther, instead of nearer. We play online games and forget to call the family; we sit alone surfing the net with mobile phones when classmates are gathering together; children today often play with the tablet computers, rather than with other kids from the neighborhood.
无可否认,互联网改变了人们的生活方式,有了即时通讯软件、网络社区、微博等等,交流可以随时随地实现。但尽管互联网带来了如此大的便利,我们却发现人与人之间的.距离变得越来越疏远,而不是越来越亲近。我们可能只顾着玩网络游戏而忘了给家人 打电话,也可能在同学聚会的时候独自坐在角落里用手机上网;如今的小孩经常是在玩平板电脑,而不是和邻居家的小孩一起玩。
In my view, we should use the Internet reasonably, and keep in mind that the real life is much more meaningful than the virtual one. To be closer to other people, we should talk with them, using our voice, instead offinger tips. And we should pass this idea on to the younger generation. 在我看来,我们应该合理使用互联网,并且记住:真实世界要比虚拟世界更有意义。为了拉近与他人的距离,我们应该多用声音而不是用指尖与他们交流。而且我们应该将这一理念传递给年轻的一代。


