2020学年度第一学期普陀区高三英语质量调研试卷 2020.1

发布时间:2020-04-10 12:13:50   来源:文档文库   

2020学年学期普陀区高三质量调研英语试卷 2020.1

第一卷 (共105分)

第一部分 听力

I. Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversation (10分)

(17~24 55~64写在第二卷答题纸上 其余选择题,请按题号涂在相应的答题卡上)

Direction: In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Each conversation and question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. A holiday. B.A meeting. C.A film. D.An accident.

2. A.Two hours by train. B.One hour by train. C.One hour by bus. D.One hour by car.

3. A.English. B.Canadian. C.Australian. D.Austrian.

4. A.Crown's. B.Mrs. Peterson's. C.Peter's. D.Mr. Peterson's.

5. A.Sauce and sea food. B. Veges. C. Meat and sauce. D.Fish and soy beans.

6. A.An article in the newspaper. B.A telephone conversation.

C.A play in the theatre. D.A play on television.

7. A.Dentist and patient. B.Schoolmates. C.Roommates. D.Workmates.

8. A. The bus was late. B. She forgot her class.

C. She got up later than usual. D. Her clock went wrong.

9. A. Because she was not at home. B.Because she didn't hear the telephone ring.

C. Because she was washing her hair. D. Because she didn't want to answer.

10. A.On the third floor. B.At a bookstore.

C.In a department store. D.In the men’s department.

Part B Passage (12分)

Direction: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. All birds follow major geographical features.

B. We have no information about this.

C. All birds use their memory of a map.

D. They use many different methods.

12. A. To fly one following the other. B.To fly without stopping.

C. To use land features as the guide. D. To take one route only.

13. A. With their memory. B. By the stars.

C. By using the sense of time. D. With their experience.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A.In Dakota. B.In New York. C.In Hawaii. D. In England.

15. A.The doorman. B. A 20 year-old young man.

C. One of the Beatles. D. A fan of the Beatles and John Lennon.

16. A. He shot John by accident. B. He was a fan of the Beatles.

C. He knew what he was doing. D. He asked John Lennon for his signature.

Part C Longer Conversations (8分)

Direction: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. Each conversation will be read twice. After each conversation, you are required to fulfill the task by filling in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.

Numbered blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

Numbered blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (16分)

25.Recently many famous universities and colleges have come to our school to enroll new

students on their own, and many excellent students ___________ contracts with them.

A.have offered B.were offered C.have been offered D.had been offered

26. Accounting is described as ______ science of classifying, recording, and reporting ______ important financial events.

A. a, the B. a, / C. /, / D. /, the

27. ______ great achievements China may have in the future, it is likely that many of them will be born in Western China.

A. If B. Whatever C. As D. However

28. Once ______, everyone taking the examination will be given test papers.

A. seated B. seating C. being seated D. having seated

29. ______ the city lies the famous beautiful mountain.

A. Southeast 40 miles to B. To 40 miles southeast of

C. 40 miles southeast of D. To southeast 40 miles of

30.The Internet is an important channel of learning more information, but many people use it for ______ purpose than to send and receive emails.

A. another B. other C. the other D. no other

31.The price of any product is linked to a complicated system of prices ______ everything depends on everything else.

A. where B. which C. that D. of which

32.Here are some new computer programs _______ for home buildings.

A. designing   B. design C. designed   D. to design

33.I just don't understand_______ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.      

A .why it does   B. what it does    C. what it is  D. why it is

34. He learned to speak the language so quickly and well that he ______ have been taken for a native speaker .

A. must B.could C. should D. need

35. Loulan city is not at all _______a traveler who has never seen the desert before can expect.

A. what B. that C .which D. where

36. There are a lot of computers being shown in the ________Center.

A. computer B. computers' C. computers D. computer's

37. The idea for the new machine came to Mr. Baber _________ to his invention recently.

A. while devoting B. while devoted

C. while he was devoted D. while devoting himself

38. ________ , the football game has been decided not to be put off.

A. Heavily as did it rain B. As it rained heavily

C. Heavily as it rained D. As heavily as it could

39. _______ I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.

A.Since the first time B.The first time

C.The first time when D.For the first time

40. The writer has written quite a few books now, _______ his teachers and parents didn't expect.

A. that B. as C. of which D. which

III. Cloze: (15分)

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are _____(41) enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness(宽容) of American parents. The old rule that “children should be seen and not heard” is rarely_____(42), and children are often allowed to do _____(43) they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him _____(44) question, and children are encouraged to be _____ (45) at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom ______ (46) far. Others think that a strong father image would not ______ (47) the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize the importance of independence, young people are expected to ______(48) their parental families by the time they have ______(49) their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a ______ (50), a kind of weak dependence.

This pattern of independence often results in serious ______ (51) for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live ______ (52) the age of 70. The job-retirement age is______ (53) 65. The children have left home, married, and _____ (54) their own households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes.______ (55) the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.

41.A.senior B.junior C.old D.young

42.A.watched B.followed C.understood D.grasped

43.A.what B.that C.which D.when

44.A.for B.on C.without D.in

45.A.dependent B.independent C.sure D.secure

46.A.too B.almost C.nearly D.so

47.A.gain B.welcome C.suit D.estimate

48.A.break up B.break into C.break through D.break away from

49.A.reached B.come C.arrived D.developed

50.A.reward B.criticism C.failure D.success

51.A.events B.problems C.matters D.affairs

52.A.on B.up C.from D.beyond

53.A.only B.usually C.sometimes D.seldom

54.A.set forth B.set aside C.set up D.set down

55.A.But B.Therefore C.In contrast D.On the other hand

IV. Complete the passage by choosing the right words from the box: (9分)


Instead of buying only fresh foods, Americans nowadays buy many more __56___ foods. These are foods which are ready partly or ___57____ prepared. Many of them are frozen ,such as frozen dinner, heated serve French fries, and frozen pizzas. There are also many ___58____ convenience foods, such as ready made spaghetti, soups, stews, and vegetables.

Convenience foods save time and trouble. They are popular with people who are busy or who don't like to cook or wash dishes. But they often cost more than fresh, ___59__ foods and may contain man-made additives. Also, many people feel they don't taste as good as home cooked foods.

In the 1960s, a “back to the earth”movement was started by young people in the United States. The movement was a __60____ against the harmful effects of technology. From the movement came a new understanding for food and health. Many people now prefer natural and organic(有机物)foods to the prepared foods sold in health food stores and in food coops, which are small stores where customers help manage the store. In coops, food is usually not packaged. Customers bring their own bags and jars and take their food out of boxes or baskets.

These days Americans are more and more ___61____ with their weight. Perhaps as many as 70 million Americans are on ___62___ dollar business.

American supermarkets ____63____ a variety of diet foods such as diet soft drinks, diet candy, and diet salad dressings. Dieters also spend money on diet pills, exercise machines, and jogging suits(健美服).Each year dozens of new diets are popularized. They have such names as the Miracle(奇效的)Diet, the Nine day Wonder Diet, and the East 24 hour Diet. There is even one called the lce Cream Diet, which ___64____ dieters to eat only ice cream for lunch and dinner! For dieters who can not lose weight on their own, there are many well organized diet groups, which offer help and encouragement.

V. Reading Comprehension: (35分)

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


The majority of astronauts from America have been men. At the start of the space programme there was strong resistance from some people against having women in space. However, some women were very keen to become astronauts and in the end they were successful. In 1978, NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.

Judy Resnick and Christa McAuliffe were both astronauts and they were both women, but in many other ways they were very different. Both of them were on Flight STS-5L-L. Judy Resnick was born in 1949 and studied engineering at university and went on to obtain a PhD in 1977. She was a member of the first group of women selected for astronaut training in 1978, and in 1984, she became the second woman in space. During that flight, she helped to launch three new satellites and she carried out a programme of research. She was, in many ways, a professional astronaut whose whole life was devoted to space travel.

Christa McAuliffe was born in 1948 and she was an astronaut almost by accident. In 1984, NASA decided to find a teacher who could accompany astronauts into space. They hoped that she would be able to communicate with students from space and encourage every one of them to be interested in space travel. Christa was a secondary teacher in history and social studies. She was a gifted teacher and she was selected from over 11,000 applicants to go on flight STS-51-L. She was also a very good communicator and she immediately established a very good relationship with the news media(radio, television and newspapers). It was partly because of this that there was a great deal of interest and excitement about the flight. Thousands of students in schools and universities all around the country were looking forward to communicating with Christa in space. Millions of people were watching her flight with great interest. It is partly because of the excitement over McAuliffe's place in the flight that the disaster in 1986 had such an effect on people.


65.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that ___________.

A. Judy was against the idea of having women in space at first

B. Judy was the first woman selected for astronaut training

C. Judy helped to launch three new satellites at the age of 35

D. Judy carried out a programme during her second space travel

66.Christa McAuliffe was chosen for training because _______.

A. she was popular with the news media

B. she expected to give history lessons in space

C. she was an excellent teacher and communicator

D. she made the students in space very excited

67.The reason why there was great interest in Flight STS-51-L is that ________.

A. both Christa and Judy got PhD degrees in the same year

B. a young secondary school teacher was on the flight

C. students were going to learn more about space travel

D. it was the first time for women to travel in space

68.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Two Astronauts   B. Flight STS-51-L

C. Travelling in Space   D. The Training Programme


A is for always getting to work on time.

B is for being extremely busy.

C is for the conscientious (勤恳的)way you do your job.

You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.

Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago: Hard work alone doesn’t make career advance.You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet, despite the obvious rewards of being good at office politics-a better job, a raise, praise-many people are still unable -or unwilling -to “play the game. ”

“Some people feel that office politics means some manipulative(工于心计的)behavior, ”says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. “But politics comes from the word ‘polite’. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your boss, and then expecting something in return. ”

In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to gain one’s own interest in the workplace. In many cases, this includes some form of socializing within the office environment-not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.

“The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis, ”says Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. “But if two or three people are up for a promotion,each of whom has similar ability, a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It’s simple human nature. ”

Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others mistake politics for flattery (奉承), fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boss for favor.

Experts suggest changing this negative picture by recognizing the need for some self-promotion.

69.What does “office politics” mean according to the passage?

A. The code of behavior for company staff.

B. The political views and beliefs of office workers.

C. The interpersonal relationships within a company.

D. The various qualities required for a successful career.

70.To get promoted, one must not only be capable but ______.

A. give his boss a good impression B. honest and loyal to the company

C. get along well with his company D. avoid being excellent

71.It is the author’s view that ______.

A. speaking up for oneself is part of human nature

B. self-promotion does not necessarily mean flattery

C. hard work has very little to do with one’s promotion

D. many employees fail to recognize the need of flattery


Special trees that grow faster, fight pollution, produce better wood, and even sense chemical attacks are being planted by scientists in the US.

When 40 per cent of Hawaii's US$14 million-a-year papaya (木瓜)industry was destroyed by a virus five years ago, work began on creating genetically engineered (转基因的) trees.

Researchers successfully introduced seeds that were designed to resist the virus. Since then, more and more people have been testing genetically engineered trees.

Some researchers put special bacteria into trees to help them grow faster and produce better wood. Others are trying to create trees that can clean polluted soil.

Meanwhile fruit farmers are looking for trees that are strong enough to resist worms, and paper companies want trees that produce more wood and therefore more paper.

The Pentagon (五角大楼) even gave the researchers US$500,000 this year after they developed a pine tree that changes its colours if it senses a chemical attack.

So far, the poplar, eucalyptus (杨树与桉树), apple and coffee trees are among those being engineered. All this can be done today because we have a better understanding of tree genomes (基因组).

However, some people fear that the genetically engineered trees will cause dangerous results. They are worried that the new trees will breed with natural species and change the balance of the forest environment.

"It could be destructive," said Jim Diamond, an environmentalist. "Trees are what is left of our natural environment and home to many endangered species."

But researchers insist that science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.

They hope to answer the critics by stopping the new trees from breeding, so their effect on the environment can be controlled.

72.Which kind of tree is not the ones that scientists are planting in the US?

A. Trees that worms can't hurt.

B. Trees that can protect themselves at a chemical attack.

C. Trees that can resist wind better.

D. Genetically engineered trees.

73.What caused the American scientists to work on special trees?

A. They think science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.

B. Great numbers of trees have been lost due to attacks by viruses.

C. Researchers successfully introduced seeds designed to resist the virus.

D. Tree genomes are mapped out so scientists know how to improve trees.

74.Which of the following was probably the first kind of trees being engineered?

A. Papaya. B. Pine. C. Apple. D. Poplar.

75.Why did critics think engineered trees dangerous? Because _______.

A. these trees can destroy the balance of nature

B. everything except trees has been genetically engineered

C. trees are home to many endangered species

D. these trees may affect normal trees


A picture, a calendar or even a balloon may be the best way for millions of people living in China's vast country areas to learn about AIDS, one of the biggest threats to public health in the world today.

China has decided to use user-friendly methods including exhibitions, VCDs and TV programmes to spread knowledge of the disease across the nation to try to keep it in check. Educating people nationwide about AIDS is the top priority (优先权) to prevent the disease from getting out of hand. The farmers will be given knowledge in the easiest way that they can understand.

A recent survey from the commission (调查团) of more than 7,000 people in China showed that nearly 20 percent of them had never heard of AIDS before. Just over 71 percent said they knew AIDS was highly infectious (传染的), but most of them had no clear idea of how the disease could be spread. Just over 62 percent said they knew they could do things in advance to prevent them catching AIDS but they didn't know what these measures were.

The month-long survey, carried out last December, talked to people in seven counties and cities across China including both developed coastal areas and the less-developed inland areas. The interviewees changed from 15 to 49 years old, and country residents were about 63% of the total surveyed.

Chinese residents, especially those in the country, have very little knowledge about what AIDS is all about, not to mention prevention and treatment. By the end of last year, there were 22,517 known HIV/AIIS cases in China. However, more than 6,000,000 people in China have been infected.

Since 1985, China has discovered 880 patients with AIDS --- 466 of them have died. Sharing needles, complicated sex relations and contaminated(污染的) blood transfusions are major ways for HIV to spread. A lack of education has been the biggest difficulty against nationwide efforts to prevent AIDS, especially in the countryside.

76.The author's purpose in writing the passage is to .

A. show his concern about the health of people

B. make people know about AIDS

C. call on people to fight against AIDS

D. tell us people are short of the knowledge of AIDS

77.The greatest difficulty against the nationwide effort to prevent AIDS lies in .

A. misunderstanding of people B. the shortage of money

C. its infection D. lack of education

78."Since 1985, China has discovered 880 patients with AIDS --- 466 of them had died". Do you know why?

A. Because their families refused to cure them.

B. Because they had been in low spirits for a long time.

C. Because there weren't enough effective measures to treat AIDS.

D. Because they couldn't lead a normal life like other healthy people.

79.It is judged that there are people hit by AIDS in China at present.

A. 22,527 B. over 6,000,000 C. 880 D. over 7,000


Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

80. ________.

  Airplanes are used to carry passengers, cargo and mail. Air transport companies operate scheduled airlines and non-scheduled services over local, regional, national, and international routes. The aircraft operated by these companies range from small single-engine planes to large multiengine jet transports.

81. ________.

  The first air passenger services began in 1910, when dirigibles(飞船) began operation between several German cities. The first scheduled airplane service to carry passengers began in the U.S in 1914. Several experimental airmail flights took place in India, Europe, and the United States before World War I, but air transport service did not become a true business until after the war.

82. ________.

  During World War Two, intercontinental air transport became firmly established. After the war the new long-distance transports with advanced facilities were increasingly able to avoid storms and strong wind and make flights more economical and consistent. A new generation of "jumbo-jet" transports began operations in 1970, and the supersonic transport entered passenger service in 1976.


  During the 1970s the number of domestic passengers on U.S airlines increased about 78%, and during the 1980s the figure was up about 58%. In 1990 there were 41.8 million international passengers, the figure was a 75% increase over 1980. The total cargo flown by U.S airlines almost doubled during the 1980s, from 5.7 billion to 10.6 billion ton-miles in 1990.

84. _________.

  Major airports provide a wide range of facilities for the convenience of millions of travelers. These range from such basic services as ticket-sales counters and restaurants to luxury hotels, shopping centers and play areas for children. International airports must also have customs areas and currency-exchange counters and so on.


I. Translation (20分)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the worlds given in the brackets.



2.你做得远不能让人满意。(far from)








6.现在许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(focus, adequate)


II. Guided Writing (25分)

Direction: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 根据以下提示,写一篇120-150词的英语作文。

What Benefit Can the Olympic Games 2020 Bring Us?

1.2020 奥运会在北京举行将对中国在各方面产生影响。



2020学年学期普陀区高三质量调研英语试卷答案 2020.1

Part One (105分)


1. D 2. B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.A



17. language 18. morning 19. 37 20. 18

21. buy concert tickets 22. paying in cash. 23. explains/tells the reason 24. likes/prefers to wait


25. C 26. B 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. C 39. B 40. D


41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.A


56. ③ 57. ⑨ 58. ⑩ 59. ① 60. ② 61. ④ 62. ⑧ 63. ⑤ 64. ⑥

V. (35分)

65.C 66.C 67.B 68.A 69.C 70.A 71.B 72.C 73.B 74.A 75.D 76.C 77.D 78.C 79.B

80. B 81. C 82. E 83. D 84. A

Part Two (45分)

I.中译英: (20分)

1.Many experts propose that the number of high buildings in Shanghai should be limited.

1 1 1

2.What you did is far from being satisfactory. /satisfactory.

1 1 1

3.To meet the expenses of his family , he had to do extra work at night.

1 1 1

4.His finger prints on the cup proved to the police that he was present that night.

1 1 1

5.The reason why his English is poor is that he concentrates on grammar instead of

1 1 1 1


6. Now one of the most serious problems many people talk about focuses on the lack of

1 1 1

adequate housing space .


II. 作文(25分)

One possible version:

It is known that the Olympic Games 2020 will be held in Beijing. All of the Chinese people feel proud of this event. It will affect the whole nation in many ways.

First, this event will attract more foreign capital into China. Many foreign investment institutions and individuals are looking forward to this opportunity, hoping that they will make a profit investing in China. Take Sydney for example, the Olympics 2000 brings about 4 billion dollars worth of profit to the Gross National Product. China, as a nation with great potentialities, ought to earn more. Second, with large numbers of tourists coming to this event, Chinese tourism and service industry will have an opportunity of blooming. To meet the need of foreign guests, China will have to put strength on basic construction and public projects such as traffic facilities and buildings, which, of course, will improve the living conditions of the Chinese people.

Therefore, China should take this opportunity to display the fruits of the modernization construction, letting the world know about modern China, making friends with the outside world. In this sense, the benefit of the Olympics 2020 is ever-lasting.











《2020学年度第一学期普陀区高三英语质量调研试卷 2020.1.doc》
