
发布时间:2019-10-16 17:30:37   来源:文档文库   



1The woman is my mothers s . Shes my aunt.

2—Do you have an u ?

—No, but I have an aunt.

3—Who are these girls?

T are my friends.

4The doctors w are all teachers.

5Emma has two d , Alice and Mary.

6My uncles son is my c .

7This is Pauls family p .

8Those are my two b .

9Your motherss mother is g .

10Do you have a pen f ?


1These are pen.

2 bethose your parents?

3This is shegold ring.

4Here are two photoof my family.

5Those childboats are on the river.

6Mr Li havea new car now.

7 whobaseball is that?

8Are these your keys? No, itarent.

9Is this youson?

10What colour are the watch?


1—Are those your pen friends?

—Yes, .

Athey are Btheyre

Cthey are not. Dthey arent

2The son of my aunt is my .

Auncle Bbrother

Csister Dcousin

3 are good friends.

AYou, I and he BHe, you and I

CI, you and he DYou, he and I

4Look at the . Theyre very cute.

Ababy Bbabys

Cbabies Dbabys

5 Math books, theyre books.

ATheir; they BTheyre; their

CThem; their DThey; thems

6Mrs Hill is a good teacher. She loves his students .

Amuch; very Bvery; very

Cvery much; much Dvery; very much

7Please call Mary 245—6218.

Aat Bfor

Cin Dof

8 is your grandfather?


AWhat BHow

CWho DWhere

9Are these parents?

Ayou Bshe

CMonas Dthey

10Kate and I good friends.

Aare Bis

Cam Dbe



1That is my good pen friend.(改为复数句子)

our good pen .

2This is her family photo.(变为一般疑问句)

her photo?

3Tom is Mr Greens son.(改为同义句)

Mr Green is .

4Those are my friends. (对划线部分提问)


5They are orange backpacks.(改为单数句子)

orange backpack.



This is .


these two ?


Who in the picture?


Can you picture family?


that Janes ?


ALook at the picture!

BOh, its nice picture of a 1 . Is it your family, John?

AYes, it is. Can you see me in this picture?

BIs the boy 2 red you?

AYes, he is.

B 3 is the old man?

AHes my grandfather.

BAnd this old woman.

AShes my 4 .

BIs this your father?

ANo, 5 isnt. He is my uncle. The man beside(在……旁边)my uncle is my 6 .

BWho is the woman beside your father?

AOh, she is my 7 .

BYour mother is very beautiful(漂亮的).

A 8 you very much!

BIs the 9 your sister?

ANo, she isnt She is my uncles 10 .

BI see. She is your cousin. You have a nice family.

AThank you!


This is a picture of my 1 .My grandpa and my grandma 2 old. My fathers 3 English teacher. He is a 4 man. My mother is a doctor 5 are students. Were in No. 2 Middle School. Were not in 6 grade. My brother is 7 Class 1, Grade 2 Im in Class 2, Grade 1. 8 name is Lin Tao. Im only 9 .They all like 10 very much(很).

1Afamily Bfamilies Cfamilys Da family

2Ais Bhas Care Dam

3Athe Ban Ca D.×

4AEngland BEnglish CChinese DJapan

5AMe and my brother BMy brother and me CBrother and me DMy brother and I

6Athe same Ba same Cour D.×

7Ato Bat Cin D.×

8AYour BMy CMy brothers DHis

9Aten Bfour Cone Dtwenty

10Athem Bme Cit DI



This is a photo of Mr Blacks family. The man with glasses(眼镜)is Mr Black, the father. The woman is the mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind(在……后面)Mr Black. His name is Jack. Hes 14. Kate is Jacks sister. She is 12. Jack and kate are in the same school, but they are in different(不同的)grades. Jack is in Grade Three and Kates in Grade One. They are good students.


1Mr and Mrs Black have .

Aa son and a daughter BJack and Kates sister

Cthree children(孩子) Da family of five

2The woman is mother.

AKates BJacks

CKates and Jacks DKate and Jacks

3Jack and Kate are in the same .

Aclass Bgrade Cschool Dyear

4Black is the name.

Amans Bwomans Cboys Dfamily

5Jack and Kate are .

Agood children Bgood students

Cin different schools Din the same grade


Family tree

A family tree is a diagram(表格)of the peple in a family. This is the Wilson family tree. All the members(成员)of the Wilson family are on this family tree.

Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single(单身的).Sally is married(已婚的).Her husbands name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their son, and Sarah is their daughter.

Tom is also married. His wifes name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their daughter, and Kevin is their son.

Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.


6Afamily treeis .


以“My family”为题写一篇短文介绍自己的家庭。 要求:1.语言通顺,语法正确,2 不少于10句话。

My family




1Is that boy your friend?

2What colour is the pencil case?

3How do you spell photo?

4Are these Mary’s friends?

5Do you have a sister?



6WWhat’s this?

MIt’s a picture of Jim’s family.

QWhat is this?

7WWho is that man?

MHe is my father. He is a teacher.

QWhat does the man’s father do?

8WThose are Mary’s cousins.

MThey are in No.3 Middle School.

QWho are they?

9WLook at this picture. This is my sister, Lucy.

MWho is the man next to Lucy?

WHe is Lucy’s brother.

QWho is the man in the picture?

10WHow do you come to school?

MBy bike.

QHow does the man go to school?



I’m Devin Black. Henry Black is my grandfather. Frank Black is my father. My mother is Alice Black. The little girl is my sister. Her name is Linda Black.

Keys11Grandfather 12Father 13Mother 14Me 15Linda Black


一、1sister 2uncle 3They 4wives 5daughters 6cousin

7photo 8brothers 9grandmother 10friend

二、1pens 2Are 3her 4photos 5children's 6has

7Whose 8they 9your 10watches

三、1—5ADDCB 6—10DABCA

四、(A1Those are; friends 2Is this; family 3Tom’s father

4Who are 5It’s ; an

B6my family photo 7Are; your brothers 8Are the women

9draw ; of Anna’s 10Is; set of keys

五、1family 2in 3Who 4grandmother 5he

6father 7mother 8Thank 9girl 10daughter

六、1—5ACBCD 6—10ACDAB


B6a diagram of the people in a family

7Sally 8Linda 9Patty 10Julie



