2019届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists 单元测试(9)

发布时间:2018-09-11 15:23:07   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Great scientists 单元测试



If I had to choose what language to learn nextit’s a tough decision but it’d probably be German because many people that know several languages tell me that German is their favourite language in terms of expressing themselves.And I think it might have something to do with the vast amount of vocabulary the German language has.So I think it’d be really difficult but a fun challenge.


I think Id like to learn French next because it’s a very romantic(浪漫的) language and it could be very useful in different job situations.BesidesI think it could help me understand English a bit more as wellsince it was previously the language of diplomacy(外交).


I’d love to learn Italian next.I visited Milan last year and I think it would be great to be able to speak to some of the locals.Alsoit’s quite similar to Spanishso I don’t think it would be too confusing.

Georgina(EnglandOlympic swimmer)

I’d really like to learn French.I actually learned it some years agobut I haven’t used it for a long time and I’ve forgotten it but it’s a language that I really enjoy speakingand I think France is a wonderful country.

James(New Zealandtravel writer)

【语篇导读】 本文是说明文。文中四人分别表述了自己最想学习的下一种语言并给出了理由。

1.One of the reasons why Bryan wants to learn French is that ________.

A.it is easy to learn

B.it is used frequently

C.it sounds more beautiful than English

D.it allows him to express himself more clearly

答案 B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的it could be very useful in different job situations可知,在不同的工作场景中法语都非常有用。由此可推测,正是因为法语的使用频率很高,所以Bryan想学法语。]

2.We can infer that Georgina ________.

A.will live in Milan

B.can speak Spanish

C.feels puzzled about her career

D.wants to make some Italian friends

答案 B [推理判断题。根据第三段中的its quite similar to Spanishso I dont think it would be too confusing可推测,因为Georgina会西班牙语,所以她认为和西班牙语很像的意大利语应该不会很难学。]

3.Who is the most fearless learner?

A.Elena. B.Bryan.

C.Georgina. D.James.

答案 A [推理判断题。根据第一段中的...the vast amount of vocabulary the German language has.So I think itd be really difficult but a fun challenge可知,Elena明明知道德语的词汇量很大,学起来会很困难,但仍然想去尝试学德语,并认为这是一项很有趣的挑战。由此不难看出,Elena是个不畏困难的学习者。]


Roberto Clemente was born in Puerto Rico.When he was eight years oldhe started working on a sugar farm.Clemente worked many hours.But he always found time to play baseball.Even when there were no gamesClemente would throw whatever he could find—a bottle top or an old shoe.

Years of practice made Clemente a skilled player.When he was 18 years oldhe became a professional baseball player.In 1954the Pittsburgh Pirates asked Clemente to play for their team.Howeverplaying for the Pirates was not easy at first.Many of the other players treated Clemente poorly.Most of the players were whiteand Clemente was a black.But his attitude and skill helped him become the leader of the team.

In 1971Clemente’s team competed in the final game of the Baseball World Series.By this timeClemente was one of the oldest players on the team.Howeverhe was also still one of the best.Clemente had been hurt all season.But he believed in his skill and in his team.He promised his team that they would win.Clemente kept his promise and the Pirates won the World Series.

After the World SeriesClemente became famous for more than just his baseball skills.

On December 231972 there was a big earthquake in Nicaragua.Clemente decided to go to Nicaragua himself and give supplies to people there.But Clemente never had a chance to do so.On December 311972his airplane crashed(坠毁)over the ocean.Clemente was only 38 years old.

In his lifeRoberto Clemente cared about many things.He loved baseball.He loved his country.And he loved helping other people.Clemente gave his life serving others.He died as a hero.One of his friends saidIf he had died as a baseball playeronly people who love sports would remember him.But he died helping other people.And now people will remember him as someone who used his life to help others.

【语篇导读】 本文是记叙文,文章主要介绍了来自波多黎各的著名棒球运动员罗伯托·克莱门特,他不仅球艺精湛还救国扶危。

4.Clemente was badly treated in the Pirates because of ________.

A.his age B.his race

C.his poor skills D.his bad attitude

答案 B [推理判断题。根据第二段中的Most of the players were whiteand Clemente was a black.可以推测,由于Clemente是黑人,所以一开始在匹兹堡海盗队时受到不好的对待。]

5.During the final game of the World SeriesClemente ________.

A.was in good health

B.let his team members down

C.was the oldest player on his team

D.was sure of winning the competition

答案 D [细节理解题。根据第三段中的But he believed in his skill and in his team.He promised his team that they would win.可知,在世界大赛的决赛时期,Clemente对自己的球队信心满满。]

6.While trying to help people in NicaraguaClemente ________.

A.lost his life

B.died in an earthquake

C.gave up playing baseball

D.gave supplies directly to them

答案 A [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的描述可知,Clemente想要亲自将赈灾物资送到灾区,然而却在途中意外坠机身亡,故选A项。]

7.The author writes the text to tell us that ________.

A.Clemente loved baseball more than his life

B.Clemente was much more than a great baseball player

C.the honor of Clemente was not easily won

D.the story of Clemente was not just about a promise

答案 B [写作目的题。作者在文章最后一段描述Clemente不仅热爱棒球还热心助人,最后因助人而献身,并引用Clemente朋友的话:如果Clemente仅仅是一名棒球运动员,那么只有热爱运动的人会记得他,但Clemente舍己为人,全世界的人都将他铭记在心。因此,作者旨在告诉我们:Clemente不仅仅是一名出色的棒球运动员。]


About three decades agoChina was known as the“Bicycle Kingdom”.But the twowheeled transport’s popularity began to fadewith many bikes soon replaced by their fuelpowered competitors.

But recent months have seen a renaissance of the bike across Chinawith an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schoolsto workplaces or to do sightseeing.The introduction of bikesharing schemesfirst developed by new companies like Ofo and Mobikehas brought the trend to a new level.According to data from iResearch Consulting Groupthe first week of this year saw 5.85 million active users of Mobike while Ofo had 1.4 million active users.

People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphones.The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public places for the next user.They’re popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective answer to the “last mile”problemwhich refers to a person’s final journey.In places where the subway doesn’t reach and where it’s difficult to change from one kind of transport to anotherit’s so easy to get where you want to go with MobikeHu Hong29said.She rides a bike to work.

Howeverthe schemes have also led to problems such as illegal parkingvandalism(故意破坏) and theft.Bikesharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a userfriendly experiencesaid Liu XiaomingViceMinister of Transport.But it’s a combination of online and offline business.Operators are usually strong in online servicesbut lack offline business experience.

In factthese problems are also shared by bikesharing schemes abroad.Set up in 2007Vélib is a largescale public bike sharing system in Paris.By October2009a large number of Vélib’s initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft.Bikes were found hanging from lampposts(街灯柱)or thrown into the Seine River.

【语篇导读】 本文是说明文。共享单车在中国兴起,这种创新的交通方式让人们的出行变得更便利的同时也存在着诸多问题。

8.What can we learn about Ofo and Mobike from the text?

A.Their bikes are aimed at people who can’t afford a car.

B.They are pioneers in the field of bike sharing in China.

C.There are 7.25 million people using their bikes this year.

D.No other bikesharing system in the world can match theirs.

答案 B [细节理解题。由第二段的The introduction of bikesharing schemesfirst developed by new companies like Ofo and Mobike可知,OfoMobike是最早把单车共享方案引入中国的公司,也就是说,它们是中国单车共享领域内的开辟者。]

9.Why are shared bikes convenient according to Hu Hong?

A.They can be shared by a lot of different people.

B.They allow people to use various forms of transport.

C.They are a useful addition to other means of transport.

D.They are accessible as long as people have smartphones.

答案 C [推理判断题。由第三段Hu Hong的话可知,在地铁到不了的地方和难以更换交通方式的地方,共享单车可以轻易地带你去任何你想去的地方;由此可推知,她认为共享单车方便是因为它们是对其他交通方式有用的补充。]

10.What do we know about the existing problems with bike sharing?

A.They are actually universal phenomena.

B.They are brought by bikesharing users.

C.They are mainly caused by the operators.

D.They are the results of illegal companies.

答案 A [细节理解题。由最后两段尤其是最后一段的these problems are also shared by bikesharing schemes abroad可知,单车共享存在的问题是一种国内外都普遍的现象。]

11.What could be the best title for the text?

A.What problems does bike sharing face in China?

B.Bike sharinga new battle begins in China

C.Why is bike sharing popular in China?

D.Bike sharing is booming in China

答案 D [旨大意题。阅读全文可知,本文主要介绍了共享单车在中国兴起的情况,并说明了它的好处与随之而来的问题。]


《2019届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists 单元测试(9).doc》
