
发布时间:2015-09-06 10:46:26   来源:文档文库   


Analysis of the Characters in

Pudd’nhead Wilson


Analysis of the Characters in Pudd’nhead Wilson


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

The degree of Bachelor of Arts

In Hunan University of Arts and Science

By Zhang Wenxing

Supervisor: Ran Li

May 2015

Hunan University of Arts and Science



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关键词:威尔逊 罗克西 奴隶制 种族歧视


Pudd’nhead Wilson, published in 1894, is one of Mark Twain’s representitive works, which reflect America slave culture. The novel is set in America southern slavery.During 19 century, slave and racial discrimination is a special and sharp subject in America. The author through the depiction of characters, with its peculiar irony, criticizes the American society at that time deep-rooted racial discrimination policy and white supremacist.This paper emphatically analyzed two typical characters of the novel fool Wilson and slave Roxy.In my opinion, this seemingly unrelated two characters has a profound cultural links,Under the social background of racial discrimination, the two figures reflects the opposite extremes of racial conflicts in American society.This article will analyze Roxy and Wilson from the point of view of their portrait, behavior and psychological reproducing Mark Twain’s deep and sharp criticism to the ruthless southern slavery and rigid fallen racial culture on humanistic view. What’s more, I want to reflect the influence of this work and profound lessons for later generations, that is, evoking people’s desire and pursuit of human rights, freedom and equlity.

Key wordsRoxy; Wilson; Slavery;Southern Racial Discriminition



Abstract ii

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Mark Twain and Pudd’nhead Wilson. 2

1.1 Introduction to Mark Twain 2

1.2 Introduction to Pudd’nhead Wilson 2

Chapter 2 An Introduction to Character Analysis 4

2.1 The Way of Character Analysis 4

2.2 The Significance of Character Analysis 4

Chapter 3 Analysis to The Main Characters in Pudd’nhead Wilson 5

3.1 Analysis to Roxy 5

3.2 Analysis to Wilson 5

Conclusion 6

Bibliography 7




Chapter 1

An Introduction to Mark Twain and Pudd’nhead Wilson.

1.1 Introduction to Mark Twain

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens,1835-1910) was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Although he was not rich, he was still regarded as one of the most famous people because of his great humorous and witty and fame. He was honoured as Lincoln of literary history. Helen Keller once said , I like Mark Twain . Who does not like him ? Even God loves him , provide him with wisdom and paint a rainbow of love and belief in his heart. William Faulkner said that Mark Twain was the first real American writter and we all come to inherit him. Mark Twain was died in 1910 and buried at Elmira,NewYork.

Mark Twain, American founder of critical realism, the world famous short story master, went through the development process from early American capitalism to imperialism, The tone of his works also turned from brisk to sarcastic and then to pessimistic. He wrote many works which reflected America's social phenomenon. Mark Twain established a memorial monument in both history of America literature and history of the world. As a great spiritual wealth of mankind ,his works will be spreaded on earth forever.

1.2 Introduction to Pudd’nhead Wilson

" Pudd’nhead Wilson" is written by Mark Twain in 1893.It tells a bizarre story made by man. Female black slave Roxy only has sixteenth black ancestry, her son has only one over thirty-two black descent. Although the skin of her son is as same as the white man, he still will be treated as slaves for his whole life. So Roxy plays a shrewd trick.She changes her own son ,Toms,leeping in cradle and Thomas `a Becket, the white race, the son of Driscoll. As a result, the two wrong-identitied children grow up in different environment not belonging them. During the later long 23 years, Roxy’s son becomes young master of the house while the real master becomes black slave.Tom grows up in a superior environment, unlearned, also pick up a bad habit of gambling. To pay his debts, he dresses as a girl in the town to steale. Finally, he is discovered when he steals his uncle’s money. He killed his uncle and flees at night. At the last minute of the trial, Wilson find the truth by fingerprint. The two children don’t go back to their own position until Wilson distinguish them with unique dactylography.

The style the work telling the story continue the American humor pattern of Mark Twain and it also has a distinctive ideological significance of criticizing southern racial and cultural-discrimination. He sharply criticized the cruel and savage slavary.

Chapter 2

An Analysis of Main Characters in Pudd’nhead Wilson

2.1 The Portrait Analysis of Roxy and Wilson

At the begining chapter of the book, Mark Twain uses many words to describe Roxy. From Roxy's manner of speech, a stranger would have expected her to be black, but she was not. Only one sixteenth of her was black, and that sixteenth did not show. She was of majestic form and stature, her attitudes were imposing and statuesque, and her gestures and movements distinguished by a noble and stately grace. Her complexion was very fair, with the rosy glow of vigorous health in her cheeks, her face was full of character and expression, her eyes were brown and liquid, and she had a heavy suit of fine soft hair which was also brown, but the fact was not apparent because her head was bound about with a checkered handkerchief and the hair was concealed under it. Her face was shapely, intelligent, and comely--even beautiful. She had an easy, independent carriage--when she was among her own caste--and a high and "sassy" way, withal; but of course she was meek and humble enough where white people were.

From the first sentence, From Roxy's manner of speech, a stranger would have expected her to be black, we can get the information that the author suggests the difference between black and white. Tone of voice. However only sixteenth of her was black, and that sixteenth did not show. What’s more, with later words about Roxy, we know that Roxy is as same as white people except her tone of voice and hei sixteenth black lineage even she is more beautiful than others. As a very typical, slaves of oppression by white culture. Her life is full of contradictions. She is always in a natural "identity crisis". She looks different with the white, but she was born a slave. Her skin is white but her words are vulgar; she has thick soft hair but wears the humble clothes; She is very deferential to white masters but very bossy to those black workers. In other words, Roxy , as a black people, agrees with and also accept the racial attitudes and slavery. She agrees that the status of white people is naturally higher than black. So sad she is.

However, as a woman slave, she has an attractive appearance. It is doomed that she is not only a slave with economic value but also a tool available for white master to vent their sexual desire. The novel implys to readers when refer to Tom that she once is the plaything of a another prominent noble race. Unfortunately, the white master who makes her to be pregnant is only interested in her body. Also this novel darkly implys that Roxy becomes the focused target of her new master when she is sold down the river. And then the hostess retaliates her unscrupulously nearly killed her. Thus it can be seen, what her pretty appearance takes her is just a string of misfortune. Since that she is a slave. Meanwhile, we can get that under the slavery socal background, slaves have no any status. They are treated without dignity, just like dogs. The author, with its peculiar irony, criticizes the American society at that time deep-rooted racial discrimination policy, white supremacist and slavery.

2.2 The Behavior Analysis of Roxy and Wilson

In order to distinguish herself and those black slaves slightly, Roxy goes to church like white people and stresses repeatedly in front of her son that his father have the same noble lineage with the judge. Thus it can be seen, in the very bottom of her heart, Roxy feels deeply fear about the terrible slave society system. But on the other hand , she attaches herself to it willingly. This is the most sad place for Roxy as a slavery.



2.3 The Psychoanalysis of Roxy and Wilson


摹了罗克西娜极其矛盾的内心世界: 小说中的奴隶主波赛,似乎还比较仁慈,但正是这种所谓仁慈举动的任意给予或收回,更揭示了奴隶们任人宰割的悲惨命运。人生最大的恐怖莫过于不能把握自己的生活和未来,而恰恰在这一点上,所有奴隶的感受都是一样的。当主人帕西#德里斯科尔威胁要将偷窃的奴隶卖到河的下游去时所有奴隶都吓得瑟瑟发抖,头脑发昏,感到末日来临。从这种心理反应中可以看出,长年累月、骇人听闻的悲惨遭遇已经构成黑奴们日常生活中无所不在的恐怖氛围。实际上,每一处的黑奴都坚信有一处比此地更为可怕的地方存在,这个地方之可怕已经取代了地狱。这种异乎寻常的心理氛围说明什么呢?说明黑奴们在生活上和精神上已经彻底绝望。 ,罗克西娜最初的反应是非常庆幸自己检点的行为,并将她诚实的行为归于虔诚地参与教堂的礼拜活动,吐温在这里暗示了罗克西娜似乎有了一种真正为白人社会接受的/可能性0。然而,随即涌上心头的恐惧感使她认识到,自己和孩子永远也无法真正摆脱/被卖到河下游去的可能性0。正是意识到在奴隶制下母子关系的纽带是极其脆弱的,才产生了罗克西娜最初的自杀以及后来施展调包计的种种念头,而作为一个真正意义上的人有可能被接受的短暂喜悦在瞬间就被关于孩子命运和前途的焦虑彻底替代了。她充分意识到,一时为奴,一世为奴,无论她如何向白人社会靠拢,也无法逃脱像牲口一样被贩卖的潜在危险。




Chapter 3

Significance to Analyse The Character of Main Characters in Pudd’nhead Wilson

3.1 Reveal and Criticize The Ruthless Slave and Southern Racial Culture





3.2 Evoke People’s Desire and Pursuit of Freedom and Equlity





After studing the Pudd’nhead Wilson, we can know that the writer didn’t only criticize cruel slavery system, for this great racial discrimination and oppression as a obvious social problem, Mark Twain shows a more complex understanding of it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


John Bird. Mark Twain and Metaphor[M].Columbia: University of Missouri Press.2007.

Susan Gillman. Forrest G. Robinson. Mark Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson :Race ,Conflict and Culture[M].California Santa Cruz: Duke University Press.1990.

Tom Quick. Mark Twain and Human Nature [M].London: University of Missouri Press.2007.

洪治纲. 无边的迁徙[M].济南:山东文艺出版社,2004.


李红, 田海虹. 反抗异化 追寻理性——《傻瓜威尔逊》主题新探[J].解放军外国语学院学报,20051:68-83.




I have eternal gratitude to…, my tutor, for his inestimable help and valuable instruction, and to Professor …, for his insightful lectures, which inspire me to compose this dissertation.

I am greatly indebted to Professor … for his allowing me to have access to his books pertinent to this dissertation.

I also thank those who help me in course of the writing and whose names I can’t list here one by one.


