
发布时间:2012-12-05 19:28:38   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Nouns and Noun Phrases

1.1 kinds of nouns

word formation构词法: Simple简单名词, compound复合名词 and derivative nouns派生名词

lexical meaning词汇意义: Proper专有名词 and common nouns普通名词

Proper nouns专有名词: France, Madrid, Tom

Common nouns普通名词分为四大类:

1. collective noun 集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的总称。 eg: family, team, cattle, police

2. individual noun 个体名词:表示单个的人或事物。 eg. boy, house, tiger, insect

3. abstract nouns 抽象名词:表示抽象的概念。 eg: glory, honesty, failure, education

4. material noun 物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。 eg: water, air, bread, rice

and grammatical form语法意义: Countable nouns, uncountable nouns and nouns that can be countable and uncountable

1.2 function of nouns

1. The subject of verb: Tom arrived.

2. 作补语

The complement of the subject be, become, seem: Tom is an actor.

The complement of the object call: We call her Miss Wang

3. 作宾语

The object of a verb: I saw Tom.

The object of a preposition :I spoke to Tom.

4. 作同位语: The small desks and chairs are for us students.

5. A noun can also be in the possessive case: Tom’s books.

6. 称呼语 Helen, open the door.

7. 作副词 She was late three times this week.

2. Number of Nouns (名词的数)

英语可数名词有单数(singular)和复数(plural)两种形式, 表示一个人或事物用单数形式, 表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。

名词的单数形式就是词典上所出现的形式,没有变化, : a pen, a bed, a room, an English book

名词复数形式有着规则的(Regular plurals)与不规则的(Irregular plurals)变化形式,以及复合名词(compound nouns) 特殊的变化形式。

2.1 Regular plurals

1.The plural of a noun usually by adding –s to the singular: day-days, dog-dogs, house-houses

“ -s” is pronounced /s/ after a p, k or f sound. Otherwise it is pronounced /z/. When -s is placed after -ce, -ge,-se,or -ze an extra syllable(/IZ/) is added to the spoken word.

2.Nouns ending in –o, –s, -ch, -sh, -ss, or -x form their plural by adding -es:

tomato-tomatoes, brush-brushes, box-boxes, church-churches, class-classes

when es is placed after -ch, -sh, -ss or --x an extra syllable(/IZ/)is added to the spoken word. And after –o, -es is pronounced /Z/.


1. 如果词尾的chk音,要加-s, e.g. monarch君主, stomach, patriarch族长, epoch

2. 但是有些以字母o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式只加-s,如果o前面的是元音字母,也只加-se.g.: alto男高音, folio对开纸, cuckoo, radio, bamboo

3. Nouns ending in y following a consonant(辅音) form their plural by dropping the -y and adding -ies: baby-babies, country-countries, lady-ladies, fly-flies (例外: stand-bys)

Nouns ending in y following a vowel(元音) form their plural by adding –s:

boy-boys, day—days, donkey-donkeys

(词尾为quy时,变yi再加-es,如soliloquy, colloquy

4. 14 nouns ending in f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. These nouns are calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, shelf, thief, wife, wolf, elf, housewife

loaf-loaves, wife-wives, wolf-wolves etc.

scarf, wharf, staff, dwarf, handkerchief, hoof, 可以加-s-ves.

Other words ending in f or fe add s in the ordinary way: cliff-cliffs, safe-safes

2.2 Irregular plurals

1. A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change改变元音: foot-feet, mouse-mice, woman-women, goose-geese, man-men, tooth-teeth

The plurals of child and ox are children, oxen.

2. Some nouns do not change in the plural: deer-deer, sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese,

直接从汉语译音的名词一般无复数,但要用斜体,e.g.: li, dan, mu, renminbi, yuan, liang

3. Certain words are always plural:

clothes, trousers, barracks, series, species, etc.

4. Collective nouns ,crew, family, team, etc., can take a singular or plural verb; singular if we consider the word to mean a single group or unit:

Our team is the best.

or plural if we take it to mean a number of individuals:

Our team are wearing their new jerseys(运动衫).

5. crisis,将-sis换成-ses,如thesis, analysis, diagnosis;

datum类,将-tum换成-ta ,如stratum, medium;

criterion类,将-on换成-a ,如 phenomenon;


nucleus类,将-us换成-i ,如cactus, focus, fungus

2.3 Compound nouns

1. Normally the last word is made plural:

boy-friends, break-ins, travel agents

But where man and woman is prefixed both parts are made plural: men drivers, women doctors

2. The first word is made plural with compounds formed of verb+ er nouns + adverbs: hangers-on(奉迎者), lookers-on, runners-up(亚军队)

and with compounds composed of noun + preposition + noun: ladies-in-waiting(侍女), sisters-in-law,

2.4 Nouns that can be countable and uncountable






















2.5 Number forms of proper nouns

Proper nouns are unique in reference and therefore have no plural forms, except for such proper names as the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands, etc which are themselves plural in form.

When a proper noun takes a plural ending, it takes on some characteristics of a common noun, eg:

Have you invited the Browns ?

There are two Miss Smiths / Misses Smith in our class.

3. Partitives单位词

Partitives, also called unit nouns, are commonly used to denote a part of a whole整体的一部分 or the quantity of an undifferentiated mass未分化物质的数量. Both count and noncount nouns can enter partitive constructions单位词结构. With plural count nouns, partitive constructions can denote the idea of "a group", "a pack", etc. With noncount nouns, such constructions can achieve countability.

1) General partitives一般表示个数的单位词

a piece of advice

a bit of trouble

an item of news

an article of furniture

several pieces of bread

three items of news

2) Partitives related to the shape of things表示形状的单位词

a cake of soap一块肥皂

a bar of chocolate

two earsof corn

ten head of cattle / cabbage

要表示“牛”的头数,可借助 head()这个词。如:ten head of cattle(10头牛)forty head of cattle(40头牛)等,这些表达中的 head of 也可省略,即可说 ten cattle, forty cattle等,但是我们通常不说 one cattle, 而应说成 one head of cattle, 因为cattle 是一个表复数意义的集合名词。同时应注意:以上各例中的head()是一个单复数同形的名词,所以没用 heads 这样的形式。

3) Partitives related to volume表示容积的单位词

a bottle of ink / oil

two bowls of rice

several pails of water

a glass of beer

4) Partitives related to the state of action表示动作状态的单位词

The use of these partitives is limited to certain set phrases, eg:

a fit突然发作, 一阵of anger / coughing / laughter / fever

a peal隆隆声of applause / laughter / thunder

a flash一瞬间of hope / light / lightning

a display表现of courage / force / power / skill / fireworks

5) Partitives denoting pairs, groups, flocks, etc表示成双、成组、成群的单位词

a pair of shoes / scissors/trousers

a flock (禽、畜等的)of birds / chickens / sheep / goats

a herd牧群of elephants / cattle

a swarm蜂群, 一大群of bees / flies / animals / people

a troupe一群一伙或一群of actors

a gang(), ()of hooligans小流氓/ criminals

a pack<>一群of lies / cards / thieves

a bench of judges

4. Genitive名词属格

CASE is a grammatical category. It denotes the changes in the form of a noun or a pronoun showing its relationship with other words in a sentence.

4.1 genitive

4.2 of + noun

4.3 independent genitive

4.4 double genitive

4.1 Genitive

4.1.1 Formation,

4.1.2 meanings

4.1.3 and uses of genitive nouns

4.1.1 Formation of genitive nouns

Rules of formation are as follows:

a) The genitive is formed in writing by adding 's to singular nouns and to those plural nouns that do not end in -s, eg:

my mother's arrival

women's clothes

b) Plural nouns ending in –s takes an apostrophe撇号 as a genitive marker, eg:

the girls’ dormitory

a teachers' college

c) In compound nouns复合名词 or a postmodified noun phrase有后置限定词的名词词组, the genitive ending is added to the end of the compound or to the end of the noun phrase, eg:

my mother-in-law's death

an hour and a half's talk

somebody else's opinion

the University of Minnesota's student

d) In coordinate nouns并列名词, the genitive ending is added to each of the coordinate elements when denoting respective possession, and only to the last coordinate element when denoting common possession. Compare:

Mary's and Bob's books

Mary and Bob 's books

e) In the construction of "noun phrase + appositive同位语", the genitive ending is added to the end of the appositive. It can also be added both to the end of the noun phrase and to the appositive.

Basel the bookseller's

Basel's, the bookseller's

4.1.2 Meanings of genitive nouns

The genitive is chiefly used to denote “possession”, and therefore, is traditionally called “possessive case所有格". But genitive meanings are by no means restricted to possession. They can be summed up as follows:

a) Possessive genitive表示所有关系, eg:

Mr Brown 's suitcase has been taken upstairs.

Taiwan is part of China's territory.

b) Subjective genitive表示主谓关系, eg:

The Prime Minister's arrival was reported in the morning paper.

Everybody was pleased at David's quick recovery from illness.

c) Objective genitive表示动宾关系, eg:

The enemy's defeat brought the war to an end.

The criminal's punishment will be ten years in prison.

d) Genitive of origin表示来源, eg:

I haven't received my sister's letter yet.

Newton's law was developed in the 17th century.

e) Descriptive genitive表示类别, eg:

I first met her on a summer's day.

This workshop makes men's shoes.

f) Genitive of time, distance, measure, value, etc表示时间、度量、价值等, eg:

two hours' delay

300 kilometres' distance

five dollars' worth of stamps

50 kilograms' weight

4.1.3 Uses of genitive nouns

Genitive nouns are mostly used as central determiners中位限定词 and therefore perform the same function as “possessive determiners物主限定词“ (traditionally called "possessive pronouns"), eg:

the boy's father = his father

the woman's husband = her husband

the students' essays = their essays

the prime minister's arrival = his / her arrival

the criminal's punishment = his / her punishment

Mary's letter = her letter

the stranger's story = his story

As central determiner中位限定词, genitive nouns can‘t collocate with other central determiners, nor can they be preceded by a premodifier前置限定词. For instance, we can say "Mary's letter", but not " a Mary's letter; we can say "Mary's interesting letter" instead of " interesting Mary's letter.

This, however, does not apply to some other genitive nouns such as the descriptive genitive表示类别的属格 and the genitive that denotes time, distance, value or measure表示时间、距离、价值、度量的属格. These genitive nouns are not used as determiners but as premodifiers in the noun phrase, eg:

a children 's book

these children's books

an interesting children 's

some other new children's books

the newly published children's book

a / another three days' journey

a pleasant three days' journey

another very boring three days' journey

4.2 of + noun 所有格的用法

1、用于无生命的东西 e.g. the rocket of the space shuttle

2、用于名词化的形容词 eg. the happiness of the old         

3 名词的修饰语较多时 eg. the very long and graceful tail of the old black cat.

As central determiner, genitive nouns are sometimes interchangeable with of-phrases, eg:

Possessive genitive

China's foreign policy = the foreign policy of China

an elephant's trunk = the trunk of an elephant

Subjective genitive

the prime minister's arrival = arrival of the prime minister

Objective genitive:

the criminal's punishment = punishment of the criminal

Genitive of origin:

Newton's law = the law of Newton

Shakespeare's tragedies = the tragedies of Shakespeare

But in some cases, we can only use genitive nouns instead of of-phrases, eg:

1) children’s pictorial

men’s clothing

2) at swords' points剑拔弩张

a hair‘s breadth间不容发

a wolf in sheep's clothing

a bird‘s-eye view鸟瞰

at a stone‘s throw一箭之遥

In some other cases, however, we can only use of-phrases instead of genitive nouns, eg:

1) the opinion of the chairman appointed a month ago

the suggestions of those present at the meeting

2) the income of the rich

the struggle of the exploited(被剥削者)

3) the City of Rome

4.3 Independent genitive独立属格

1 ) Independent genitive is used:

a) when the missing noun has occurred somewhere in the context and can be easily retrieved:

Her memory is like an elephant's.

Mary's is the largest apartment in the building.

b) when the missing noun refers to somebody's house or residence:

I'm going to dine at my brother's.

The doctor's is on the other side of the street.

c) when the missing noun refers to church, school, or other public buildings:

Joe lives near St. Paul's (Cathedral) in London.

He was educated at Merchant Taylor's (school).

d) when the missing noun refers to commercial firms:

Pickled vegetables are available at the grocer's.

Chinese toys are sold both at Smith's and at Brown's.

4.4 Double genitive双重属格

He is a friend of my father's.

= He is one of my father's friends.

This is a painting of my roommate's.

= This is one of the paintings owned by my roommate.

She is a business client of Sir Roger's.

= She is one of Sir Roger's business clients.

From the above examples, we can see that the independent genitive独立属格 in the of-phrase must be definite specific personal reference确定特指的,一般指人.

Semantically, a double genitive is different from an ordinary of-phrase. Compare:

He is a friend of my father's. = He is one of my father's friends.

He is a friend of my father.

Implies "He is friendly to my father."

a portrait of Mr Brown's. = one of the portraits owned or collected by Mr Brown

a portrait of Mr Brown = a picture of Mr Brown himself

a criticism of Mr. Hamilton's = one of the criticisms made by Mr. Hamilton

a criticism of Mr. Hamilton = Mr. Hamilton is criticized

5. Gender of the Noun


5.1 表示人的名词的性

5.1.1 有些名词的性通过词缀的形式来表示:











5.1.2 有些表示人的名词性的根据其自然属性来表示:











uncle叔叔-- aunt婶;姨

5.2 表示人的名词的双重性


adult成年人 artist艺术家

comrade同志 cook厨师

doctor医生 enemy敌人

friend朋友 guest客人

lawyer律师 librarian图书馆管理员

musician音乐家 novelist小说家

parents父母 professor教授

scientist科学家 spouse配偶

teacher教师 writer作家

5.3 表示动物的名词的性







5.4 双重性名词的性的区别


a woman doctor女医生

a girl friend女朋友

a male nurse男护士

a lady clerk女职员


