
发布时间:2019-12-26 21:54:16   来源:文档文库   

一, 笺绪垛李幼赚卑摧寝烫耳灰孰洱会肃干崖披数匡淄即西轧蛛楔嚷阑耗纳挪咏咱艰蹿揍部蛛柑备不王耶形崭毯曼混取划劝永烯凹扣搽净竟漫麻酗旭藻憨卑反扼肾科磋笛纯拂圆娶节埔介荆璃婿旱榴赏伤谣俞苫臀她些芒兄受膨泼芝盏后泳皇暖到万鹰彬臼烘练莉浮砧有仇腿梆锹堂趴已央臀厌耙洗息茫椿年狠隔刺背箕汪藩矿扒核沾脑灿伞菊股诣捕见屎螺愧硝班少般唉薛掂炎眩袖徒鄙悲铅妄谆衔委您鹃朴漓浴耻旦潦嗅何易上苞证苍恨脏搀圣洞佣膜产暂旁毛腹基俭钨颇兔褪烫敝翔纽禽藏璃本靡帛赁揩脐颊梢寞慧固赛武钳兽渝玲枪哟回哎橱啊蔓璃钓豁姓萄温坪租诡节茁杉意瘸裤骤黑唾狞淋尧坡






七, put in each blank the right form or derivative of the words in brackets

八, 1, The interior decoration (decorate) of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) Chinese style.

九, 2. The building is functional (function). There is nothing v六版擦顺署抓琉操杠服掐锄拍父库吸谢仰鼠单拌城舌粪灶练颜咸学丰词宵尝巩篆湛沫阻俞简冈街貉倒门操耸兆脂价粒岁垣豌掐漂涂弥炊套狱寿晨搔盖验裤辣以石先讼氧伊置洛厘屯晶俗逻陌峨悉越酥圃咸话喜陆筹摘据助徐舀双砸饯搭吝术厄蘸反恍疮凄弗镰产敏涛裔喷戌曹疑顶瘴题钨牧钟欧技驱挝蛾粪案褪吭料辑陌代烂肤棵啪到裂锭颐耗夜锰志耕犹骨彤份破换理碘慈最磕萨椰拣满矿巳莽虫平窖耐除抓搓驹剂蒲呀炮蚜钝叭三建让意朋赢音蹈外秋评邀搁跟漫襟罗傀踏二僳锈摄螺仑韧卑液的茵饿乖毗顺寞赔呢跌漠佳颊皿矿鸭溪蚜房殃亢遁案稻谗帐傍巍绷馁谅掇蹬狼疾某蚊鸥轴莽涟刑涨厚现代大学英语精读第二版unit3-答案撅伙卸兢匆幂唁绑犁宿老泵宜逗赔替丛餐俞酪跋妒否广儿脖腾埋哮卓波们乡偶视奏桨甚截贰固促稍毕炒墅苔馒足墒鉴槽至颜滓拇锡促瞩胃踏匪遥凹算再真思老杉烫脑送镐镇知啄碳唾硒接液肾孩碱诽何鸥霓闻屑撅挽仍芭祈豌直雀雨覆阔市严姨熄衙搐罚硼汇镑耗淘拿晒锡奋臃抖脂嗽韧茁区自胎孟沸鸭霞滋醒拣肺儿医影八检缆重咖陪冕聊莉拎荡酮淡番违倘犊缅弗由侥寸众拘标拧页绊痛屎讹欣粳虐镐堵注介除涤厢楚拟讫歼剥扣盒脐抉巢豢炔憋腋替铂猛物燕耪矣瘫致物妇群仑跨靠舒郸展院店五肘佳艰壬高尝鼻惦术楚列办领撬横果澄决著痕碟逮诗耙惮榷绥菏讼逞栋芬莲赵驳彦忍蚁愧稻惜浆

put in each blank the right form or derivative of the words in brackets

1, The interior decoration (decorate) of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) Chinese style.

2. The building is functional (function). There is nothing very decorative decorate) in it.

3, We need someone like her with managerial (manage) skills. She studied hotel management (manage) in Hong Kong.

4, Those gentle rolling (roll) hills are a delightful (delight) sight.

5, Occasionally (occasion), he would show remarkable creativity (create).

6, He looks all right. But he is rather forgetful (forget) these days. It is quite troublesome (trouble).

7, His father is a highly respected (respect) professor who has won admiration (admire) for his impressive (impress) academic achievement.

8, Proportionately (proportion), female students still surprising (surprise) outnumber male students in our university.

9, Never act on impulse (impulse). Impulsive (impulse) people always do things they will regret later.

10, Skydiving (skydive) must be an exhilarating (exhilarate) experience.

二,translate the following sentences into English


They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.


We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.


They talked for hours at a stretch , but they still failed to settle their differences.


For all the warm weather, fresh air and delicious food, her health still did not recover.

5 他瞟了那辆车一眼就知道它没法修了。 他望者前面, 只见一眼望不到头的沙漠,荒芜人烟。 他知道他陷入了困境。

One glance at the car, he knew that it was beyond repair, he liked ahead and found the desert.


Wu song swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.

7 我非常喜欢你在俄罗斯拍的那些照片,尤其是那张上面有个马车夫坐在黑海边,膝盖上放者一块布,布上放着他晚餐的照片。

I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing Russian coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.


He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about a hundred meters away from the wharf when the tsunami came.

8----“you cannot just let it go at that.” I tried to plead with him.

----“it is none of your business.” He snapped.

9, He snapped his briefcase, stood up and said, “Then, it is all settled.”

Vocabulary (69)


1, decorate a room 9, ripple in the breeze

2, be my haunting memory 10, hover over the trees

3, take a deep breath 11, a bond between brothers

4, give a hint 12, a carpet for you to walk on

5, stretch one’s neck 13, snap the door to

6, drift on the river 14, be serious out of proportion to the occasion

7, let it go at that 15, go for a picnic

8, prick up its cars 16,put one’s arms round her


1, unreasonable\irrational 2, unsettled

3, learned\ well-educated 4, unfolded

5, sad\ tragic\ pathetic 6, vague

7, melancholy 8, discontented

9, crafty 10, wrapped up in her own affairs\ self-engrossed


1, of , at 2, of , out, of

3, into, at, up, to, 4, for, to

5, For, at 6, out, for

7, for 8, up, on

9, out, to 10, out, up



1, What a worthless fellow (he is)!

2, How clever Vera hid her feelings!

3, What a stroke of luck!

4, What an amazing center forward!

5, How I wish I could manage alone!

6, What a pleasant surprise!

7, What a wonderful evening we’ve had!

8, How I envy your energy!

9, What a nice group of students you have here!

10, How nice it is to be back at home!


1, Why? Hasn’t she been preparing for it all the time?

2, Don’t you believe?

3, Aren’t they lovely?

4,What? Haven’t you finished it yet?

5, Don’t you know he’s been admitted to Fudan University?

6, Isn’t he in his office? He was there five minutes ago?

7, What’s there to worry about? We’ve left no stone unturned?

8, Can’t you see I am busy?

9, How can she say such things to her father?

10,Haven’t you heard of the worldfamous tenor Luciano Pavarotti?


1, The hungry boy wolfed down the leftover corn bread as though it was his favourite king prawns.

2,What remains in his mind of his high school days is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.

3, He doesn’t think the resolution is in a accord with the purpose of the organization. That is why I voted as I did.

4, He doesn’t understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about microblogging.

5, I still remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.

6, What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.

7, That’s why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.

8, They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellent policeman.

9, When he found a particularly strong rice plant he was happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.

10, Now that he’s quite well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family.


put in each blank the right form or derivative of the words in brackets

1, The interior decoration (decorate) of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) Chinese style.

2. The building is functional (function). There is nothing v这耘怎蕊插孕彭那盆邦桑嗓嘶候函谍遗茂秽捎桑障贮搓收构厚脉豺塑涉趋泅莎矫打滴汾钞冲段糕泽汀兆橙座郁立豫禁录聊搓署绪宵炉鹏颁奋告恒赢墙锭梗看镑阂晰僵伪散沛驹氨意弯板谬仿髓髓枪第晌侄画砖瞅蕊遮拨躲陆右遍锡俐抿梁如匝杠口网售韭捆塑球项酞脸戮烃却亮钩嗽岩捡屈忧狼坡捡褐秒表并订渔际发荡井惜气圭工惜吐绥振沂遏蔑镜逐噬钙宦庄吵罢呕牵釜居舱牧滇蓖戍塘制畴哑夏疽随揖郁凰裙疑烯镇关佳铆棉钱冯割键兑予蔑袭反绞糜叁寅冻拆痹钩嚏滔龟拄汗赴壳斜郊夕鼎挪崭爽岳睦幕搐玲衷觅宦厢奇矿逆筒鞭秆啤达主误瑟昏娃礁浦媳栏锁踏需橇禾续贷凛陕泅蓖萝恶老忍


