大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit11-the story of an eyewitness 课后练习答案

发布时间:2013-06-23 15:49:33   来源:文档文库   

Unit 11

Text comprehension

I. B



1. Except for some dwelling houses on its outskirts, San Francisco has almost completely disappeared from the world and only remains in people’s memories.’

2. Nothing could stop the forceful advancement of the flames.

3. The courageous and brave deeds in the firefighting would fill up a library if related in writing and exhaust the Carnegie medal fund if rewarded.

4. Sometimes all members of a family fastened themselves with straps to a carriage or delivery wagon that was heavily loaded with their possessions.

5. Two Untied States soldiers sat astride on their horses and calmly watched the conflagration, their shapes contrasting sharply with the wall of flame behind them.



1. moved slowly back and forth

2. ingenious devices and protective measures

3. resisting

4. fill with a supply

5. polite or considerate in manner

6. threat


1. was weighted down

2. out of gear

3. wipe out

4. burdened with

5. crumbled

6. played out

7. sweep down

8. a flicker of


1. withdrawal

2. adjust

3. enumerate

4. hysterically

5. courteous

6. devastation

7. disruption

8. vacancy




1. invention, creation, innovation

2. enormous, immense, mammoth

3. economically, thriftily, frugally, sparingly

4. smooth, level, even

5. plod, drudge, labor

6. unsociable, discourteous, ill-mannered

7. plot, patch

8. edge, boundary, margin


1. way

2. controlled

3. for example

4. finished

5. be able to deal with it

6. making



1. the earthquake/came

2. the suck/was

3. her people/were

4. trunks/were

5. picket lines of soldiers/were flung

6. no fire/was

7. two United States cavalrymen/were

8. the tottering walls of the examiner building, the burned-our Call Building, the smouldering ruins of Grand Hotel, and the gutted, devastated, dynamited Palace Hotel/stood


1. Under no circumstances will we tolerate that.

2. So absurd was his manner that everybody stared.

3. Only with full agreement of everyone can we hope to succeed.

4. Here is the book you want.

5. Down sprang the cat.

6. Sitting at the kitchen table was the misbehaving child.

7. Hidden in the cellar were several barrels of wine.

8. Never have I seen such a mess.




1. All our many

2. The other ten

3. the few next

4. Few such

5. all these five

6. These next two

7. all these last few

8. His many


1. much of---a lot of, many---much

2. much---many, many---many of

3. a lot of---much, much---a lot of

4. much---a lot of, many of---a lot of

5. much---many

6. a lot of---many, a lot of---many/a large number of

7. many of---many, a lot---much, a great deal of



1. 人类所有聪明的发明创造和保护措施,在地壳震动30秒钟后便完全失效了。

2. 这死一般的沉寂从白天持续到黑夜,可是在大火周围,由于上升的热空气形成强大吸力,风力经常接近狂风。

3. 要记录被烧毁的建筑那将是整个旧金山的所有在册房屋,而要记录没有被烧毁的建筑可能只需要一行字加几个地址。如果记下所有英勇事迹,肯定会塞满整个图书馆,耗尽全部卡内基奖章基金,死亡人数的记录则将永远无法获得。

4. 这些精疲力竭的人,在刺刀的威胁下不得不又站起身来,在陡峭的路面上继续挣扎,可是每走五到十英尺又累得停下脚步。


1. My whole morning’s work has been put out of gear by that mishap.

2. By hiding himself among the bushes, he at last flung off his pursuers.

3. We must make every effort to wipe out the injustice in the system.

4. The soldiers held on to that isolated position until reinforcements arrived.

5. In front of all the facts, he was compelled to admit that he had stolen that confidential document.

6. His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.

7. Here there was no one in sight for miles, which made me feel very lonely.

8. At the beginning of May 1945, it was clear even to the most zealous of Hitler’s followers that his “Thousand-Year Reich” was doomed.





Exercises for integrated skills


The first time I was personally introduced to lightning, / I was flying between Puerto Rico and the American continent. / Had I not been in an airplane, / I might not be alive now to describe the experience.

We had just ridden through three minutes of violent storm. / As I was beginning to wonder / how much longer the wings of the airplane could stand the terrible tossing, / suddenly it happened. / The inside of the plane lit up / like an electric light. / The light lasted less than a thousandth of a second, / yet huge green sparks jumped all over the cabin. / The radioman was knocked to the floor, / and the hairs on the back of his head stood out stiffly.

The lightning bolt had evidently struck the trailing wire of our radio / and followed it to the tail of the airplane, / then on to the radio itself, / which was severely damaged.


1. exactly

2. from

3. Even

4. before/until

5. it

6. last

7. nature

8. of


《大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit11-the story of an eyewitness 课后练习答案.doc》
