
发布时间:2019-05-29 02:06:19   来源:文档文库   




课时跟踪练() Project




1She has had a number of different jobs, ranging (包括) from chef to swimming instructor.

2There is no point buying him expensive presents and he doesn't appreciate (欣赏) them.

3It was illegal (不合法的) to refuse to accept the disabled people as a worker.

4Spacecraft are vehicles (交通工具) used for flight in outer space.

5He buried himself in an electrical (电学方面的) book.

6He likes public transportation in particular (特别的)

7So absorbed (全神贯注的) in her work that she didn't realize it was time that she picked up her daughter.

8Tea, something that people around the world enjoy consuming (消费), might actually be good for you.


1I don't doubt/have no doubt if he can finish the work on time.ifthat

2The father ordered a meal for his family, ranged from fried chicken to beef.rangedranging

3I appreciated your help me when I was in trouble.helphelping

4Illegal parked cars will be removed by traffic police.IllegalIllegally

5Italy has one of the poorest records in Europe with regard of patents.第二个ofto

6In China, many cities forbid people to let out fireworks during the Spring Festival.outoff

7I found him sitting in his chair, completely absorbing in a magazine.absorbingabsorbed

8On particular, new technologies have made global communication much easier.OnIn


result in under way blame ...on let off set up in use last but not least in particular do one's part in regard to

1They set up many branches throughout the country.

2If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success.

3The police blamed the traffic accident on Jack's careless driving.

4Now, the semifinals of the track and field events are under way.

5I am interested in stories in general, and in detective stories in particular.

6One of my neighbours let off fireworks to celebrate the wedding of his daughter.

7Last but not least, I will be great honored if you can provide us some new and useful books.

8With the development of the Internet, it has resulted in a huge increase in credit­card fraud (诈骗)

9In regard to the question, I have a good idea.

10The line always seems to be in use whenever I want to make a call.



1We debated on/over/about the question till late into the night.

2But when they got there they found they were blocked by a river flowing (flow) across the only way to it.

3Don't throw away the waste paper. It needs recycling/to be recycled (recycle)

4It's everyone's responsibility to make (make) good use of water.

5Electronic cards are environmentally (environment) friendly, so why not use them?

6Quantities of food and clothes were (be) donated to the charity last month.

7I'd appreciate it if you could give me the chance.

8Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring (measure) over two metres long, was found dead in a nearby cave.

9Though the food was running out, the miners tried their best to keep up their own spirits and waited for the rescue team.

10I hold the opinion that the passengers ought to queue up for the bus rather than rush to it in a crowd.



On the table lies an old envelope, which contains many photos.


There is no doubt that a small child has to learn to keep its balance before it can walk far.


The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer.


The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago.

5.我们感到好像我们见证了整个事件。 (as if)

We felt as if we had witnessed the whole thing.



Over the past 20 years, scientists studying monarch butterflies have noticed that the number of monarchs has dropped by about 90 percent. But help may soon be on the way for these bright­orange­and­black butterflies.

Recently a petition (请愿) was sent by the Center for Biological Diversity, the Center for Food Safety, and the Xerces Society to the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, ho announced it would take a year to decide whether the butterflies should be considered an endangered or a threatened species. By officially labeling monarchs as endangered, the government can then carry out specific plans to help increase the population of monarch butterflies.

Monarch butterflies are known for their impressive, almost 3,000­mile migration each fall. When the weather starts to get cooler, the butterflies move from summer habitats in Canada and the northern US. to warmer winter homes in Mexico and California.

The drop in numbers of this beloved butterfly is partly because of farming practices in the US. Midwest, where monarchs are first born. Many farmers there use herbicides, or chemicals that destroy unwanted plants. Unfortunately, the herbicides are also destroying the milkweed plant, which monarch caterpillars (幼虫) feed on.

In the past 20 years, monarch butterflies have lost about 165 million acres of their habitats — an area about the size of Texas. That's about a third of their summer breeding grounds (繁殖地). And most of their wintering grounds in Mexico and California have suffered from droughts, heat waves, and severe storms, which have been damaging to the creatures. Heavy logging (伐木) in these regions has also been destroying monarch habitats.

If officials label monarchs endangered, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service will try their best to ensure that monarchs do not die out.

To protect our nation's wildlife, the government should recognize the dangerous situation of monarchs” says Sarina Jepsen of the Xerces Society. Protection as an endangered species will enable monarch habitat recovery on both public and private lands.


1The purpose of the petition is probably to ask the US. government to .

Atake measures to stop monarchs moving

Bprovide new natural habitats for monarchs

Cadd monarchs to the list of protected species

Dwork out how many monarchs there are

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“it would take a year to decide whether the butterflies should be considered an endangered or a threatened species”以及“By officially labeling monarchs as endangered”可知,由于北美帝王蝶数量的骤减,一些组织向美国政府请愿,请求把帝王蝶纳入到濒危物种名单中,从而使政府制定计划来使帝王蝶的数量回升。

2Each fall, monarch butterflies .

Achange their color from orange to black

Bneed a lot of milkweed to feed themselves

Cdie in large numbers because of the weather

Dtravel long distances to look for warmer habitats

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“known for their impressive, almost 3,000­mile migration each fall”可知,帝王蝶每年秋天都会从北美洲飞行约3 000英里到墨西哥和加利福尼亚州过冬。

3Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly discuss .

Athe habitats monarchs prefer

Bthe hard times monarchs are facing

Cthe food monarch caterpillars feed on

Dthe places where monarchs are first born

解析:选B 段落大意题。第四段和第五段主要分析了帝王蝶数量急剧下降的原因,即帝王蝶如今所面临的困境——除草剂的使用使得帝王蝶幼虫的食物遭到破坏;帝王蝶赖以生存的栖息地遭到严重破坏。

4If officials label monarchs endangered, Sarina Jepsen will be very .

Aproud          Bpleased

Cnervous Dsurprised

解析:选B 推理判断题。Sarina Jepsen来自于向政府请愿的组织the Xerces Society,因此如果政府官员同意把帝王蝶纳入濒危物种名单中,他一定会很高兴。


It's time to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016. 1 will you celebrate New Year's Eve? By getting together with your family, or by 2 (sing) karaoke with your friends? Perhaps you'd like 3 (take) a look at how people in other countries celebrate the important day.

In the US, thousands of people gather in Times Square in New York City to welcome the New Year at midnight. 4 (start) at 1159 pm, people count down the seconds to the new year as the New Year's Eve Ball 5 (slow) drops down. When it hits the bottom at 12 pm, fireworks are set 6 lighting a sign that reads Happy New Year”.

In Brazil, most people wear white 7 (clothing) on New Year's Eve to bring good luck for the new year. 8 they live near a beach, people go there after midnight, light candles in the sand, throw flowers in the sea and make 9 wish. They say that the goddess who protects the sea 10 (make) their wishes come true.

答案:1.How 2.singing 3.to take 4.Starting

5slowly 6.off 7.clothes 8.If 9.a 10.will make


