大学英语作文Will the Plastic Surgery Improve Chances of Getting Jobs

发布时间:2013-07-03 16:32:04   来源:文档文库   

Will the Plastic Surgery Improve Chances of Getting Jobs?

Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to do plastic surgery.Many students are not satisfied with their appearances.They want to become more beautiful and handsome.Plastic surgery will improve their confidence.While most of college students think plastic surgery will improve their chances of getting jobs and should be encouraged.In my opinion,i don’t think the plastic surgery will improve students chances of getting jobs

First,most of jobs need the college students’ability instead of appearance.I admit some special positions need persons to have good appearances,such as,model actress and waiter.If you are not beautiful enough,you will be eliminated.But most of jobs request interviewers’competence instead of appearance.I admit good appearance will make a good impression on interviewer,which is a advantage .But many companies want to employee some students who have professional skills and knowledge.As long as you are competent to your job,you will be hired.If you don’t have competence in your job,i think the beautiful appearance will not help you find a job.

Second,when you want to make a plastic surgery,you will face many risks.Although cosmetic technology develops quickly,yet it is not mature.Many people has been disfigured because of cosmetic technology operation failure.I don’t think you will find a job after cosmetic technology operation failure.

Third,the plastic surgery is very expensive .I believe that most of college students can’t afford it,especially for those who come from poor family,because they rely on their parents economically.If they spend much money on plastic surgery,they will have no money to live and learn knowledge.They can hardly focus on studying knowledge and technology,which is not helpful to find jobs for college students.

From what we have discussed above,we can see clearly that we should not encourage college students to do the plastic surgery,because the plastic surgery does more harm than good for college students.The plastic surgery will not improve students chances of getting jobs.


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