
发布时间:2020-03-02 17:18:58   来源:文档文库   

Family Education in China vs. Western countries

Introdution* What is the family education ? As we all know, Family is the first school for children. our parents are our first teachers, and their ways of teaching us and their concepts may affect our whole life. So ,family education is so important that parents all pay attention to it.Books,TV series and Movies,However, according to the different background of the culture, the Chinese parents’ educating measures are different from the western countries’.

The training of independence*In Western countries:The Western parents pay great attention to raising children independence conscious since childhood. Parents give their children an opportunity of getting through something tough and hard. Sometimes children have to solve problems mostly all by themselves.In China:While , Chinese parents will do everything for children .What children need to do is just study! The parents even want to do something they never did before, In order to make preparation for their kids’ brighter further.

The focus of family education*In Western countries:Western parents are more concerned about the development of children’ healthy beliefs. Thus they care about psychological need and share inner emotions with each other. Parents often have discussion with children, and children will also consult with parents when they are in tight spots.In China:By contrary, Chinese parents usually focuse on physiological requirements, including: foods,clothes .Even some parents do not know what is psychological needs. Children will get depressed,frustrated when they face with obstacles.

The targets of family education*In Western countries:Western education is not the preparation for earning their living. “The learned education” has the value of molding one’s mind, making their children to be what they want to be and living a happy life. This kind of value which has nothing to do with the utility or the occupation consideration. In China: The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child. Educating the child to become a useful person and have a good job are their achievements, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The education’s goals are for earning their living and for obtaining honor. they ignore the development of children themselves.

The attitude for children’ shortcomings*In Western countries:Western parents give more encouragement and support to their children so as to make their children be more confident. so their children also will be more positive to improve themselves and be more excellent.In China:While the Chinese parents tend to give more pressure to the children. sometimes they even criticize or punish them. They saw more drawbacks of their children instead of advantages. And the kids are apt to lose confidence.

Relationship*In Western countries: Children usually are considered as equal independent individuals. Parents treat them as best friends. In China: Paternalism is still very popular. Parents lead and arrange children’s life.

Peroration*Can we find a balance between the two differences?We think, it can be. Anyhow, the essence of education is consistent. Although there are many differences in family education between china and western countries, with the extensive intercultural communication, the concept and the way of family education is gradually complementing.Therefore, we not only admit and accept the western good points ,but also succeed and develop our benefits, such as, cultivating kids’ traditional virtues and the value of moral since childhood. As parents, whatever they do and how to do it ,they just want to be better for us. Just like Jimmy said to his daughter in the movie “I was just trying to be a good father". so no parents never love their children.As children ,we have been grown-ups ,we also should stand our parents' position to understand them and learn to care for them.

What is the most important thing in family educationIn our opinions ,communication plays the significant role in family education.so try your best to communicate with your parents!


