配套K122017-2018学年高中英语 模块检测(二)新人教版必修5

发布时间:2019-06-24 11:18:40   来源:文档文库   


时间:100分钟 分数:120

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40)




Listed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world.

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in BilbaoSpain

Built in 1997the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the newest in the world.It has transformed the industrial city of Bilbao into a travelers' desired destination.The beautiful architecture of the museum has provided a dramatic background for movies and commercials.

The Louvre in ParisFrance

Probably the most famous Louvre also holds the most famous painting in the worldtheMona Lisaby Leonardo da Vinci.Crowds can be found any day surrounding the smallbut mysterious painting of the smiling woman.Butthe Louvre is much more than a home to theMona Lisa”.The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world.

The Barnes Foundation in PhiladelphiaAmerica

Just opened in its new downtown location in 2012the Barnes Foundation is unique in that it is a completely reproduced display from one man's private collection.Dr Albert C Barnes started collecting art in the early 20th century and collectedamong othersthe largest number of original Renoir paintings in the world.

The Uffizi Gallery in FlorenceItaly

Walking on the marbled floors feels like stepping back in time.The building itself is a beautiful palacelike structure with frescoes(湿壁画)decorating the ceilings and walls.Viewers are bowled over(印象深刻)by the works by Botticellisuch asThe Birth of Venus”.Classic artworks from nearly 1000 years ago describe religious events of the time.

【语篇解读】 本文为应用文,涉及文学与艺术话题。文章主要介绍了四个世界闻名的博物馆。

1Which of the following is the most popular?

AThe Louvre.

BThe Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

CThe Barnes Foundation.

DThe Uffizi Gallery.

解析:细节理解题。由The Louvre in ParisFrance部分的“Crowds can be found any day”和“The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world”可知四个博物馆中卢浮宫人气最旺。


2What makes the Barnes Foundation particular?

AIts structure.   BIts collection.

CIts location. DIts history.

解析:细节理解题。由The Barnes Foundation in PhiladelphiaAmerica部分的“the Barnes Foundation is unique in that it is a completely reproduced display from one man's private collection”可知该博物馆的特殊之处在于其所有的展览品均是复制品。故选择B


3What type of writing is this text?

AAn activity poster.

BAn exhibition announcement.

CAn art show review.

DA travel guide.

解析:推理判断题。由本文首段“Listed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world”可知本文主要介绍了四个世界闻名的博物馆的概况,故最有可能是旅行指南。



Balancing work and school is not an easy task for me.My first semester in college has come and gone and I've had to balance a job in there too.Many times I wanted to cut one loose.Honestly I think I would have dropped out of school for my job because I need the money.For a while I made myself believe that school was disturbing my job and my money.Then not only was I trying to do work and schoolI wanted a social life.Many times I found that there were not enough hours in the day but I realized I wasn't managing my time right.Hanging out with friends may have been wonderful but it wasn't putting money in my pocket or knowledge in my brain.Friends would have to wait.I was back on the see-saw(拉锯局面)of balancing work and school.

Scheduling and planning became the key to my success.Making deadlines for myself and meeting them were important for my college experience.Planning was going well and I felt ready to try and throw a social life back in there.I tried to make plans with friends which didn't conflict with my deadline.That was actually harder than I thought.So once again my social life had to be put off.My friends were very understanding and encouraged me to do my work.Some friends would joke that I was all work and no play but sometimes that's what has to happen to get work done.

As the semester came to an end I can say I learned a lot.Planning is necessary for organization.Writing a to-do list at the beginning of the week and actually completing it make me feel goodand it's an accomplishment to be proud of.Not only have I learned something new on organizationbut also I've learned a new tool that I can take everywhere with me and use effectively.

【语篇解读】 作者通过自己的经历说明了一个道理:凡事要做好计划计划好的事情要严格执行。

4Why did the author stop hanging out with his friends?

AHe thought it was meaningless for him.

BHis friends didn't like to wait for him.

CHe had no money to pay for the meals.

DHe had to work and study.

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Hanging out with friends may have been wonderful but it wasn't putting money in my pocket or knowledge in my brain.”可知跟朋友们一起外出闲逛作者并没有赚到钱也没有学到知识。由此可推知作者不再与朋友闲逛是因为他得工作和学习。


5How did the author succeed in balancing work and school?

ABy following his friends' advice.

BBy turning to his friends for help.

CBy organizing and planning in advance.

DBy making plans with his friends and his teachers.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Scheduling and planning became the key to my success.Making deadlines for myself and meeting them were important for my college experience.”可知作者通过计划自己的时间并且严格执行自己的计划成功地平衡了自己的工作和学习时间。


6Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AThe author had some difficulty in balancing his job and school.

BThe author had enough hours to balance his job and school.

CThe author found it was easy to finish the to-do list on time with the help of his friends.

DNone of the author's friends understood him and they all laughed at his planning and scheduling.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“I was back on the see-saw of balancing work and school.”和第二段“I tried to make plans with friends which didn't conflict with my deadline.That was actually harder than I thought.So once again my social life had to be put off.”可知作者在平衡工作和学习的过程中有些困难。


7We may know from the passage that ________

Athe author has been proud of his college life

Bplanning has become a useful tool for the author's life

Cthe author didn't succeed in planning his daily life

Dplanning the author's task makes him feel good




The largest land animal remaining on the earththe African elephantis of much importance to the African ecosystem.Unlike other animalsthe African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.As a big plant-eaterit significantly shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it livestherefore deciding the conditions of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.

It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it both a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat.In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every dayit kills small trees and bushesas well as pulls branches off big trees.This results in numerous open spaces in not only deep tropical forests but also the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas.In these open spacesthere are numerous plants in various stages of growthwhich attract a variety of other plant-eaters.

Take the rainforests for example.In their natural statesthe spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.By pulling down trees and eating plantselephants create open spacesallowing new plants to grow on the forest floor.In such situationsthe forests become suitable for large-hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small-sized plant-eaters to obtain their food as well.

Scientists are worried now that the African elephant has become an endangered species.If the elephant dies outscientists saymany other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forests and savannasgreatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文文章主要介绍了非洲象对非洲大草原生态系统的巨大影响。

8It can be inferred from the passage that the African elephant ________

Ais now the largest animal on the earth

Bdetermines the living conditions of millions of other animals in its habitat

Chas far-reaching impacts on its habitat as a giant animal-eater

Dmakes great contributions to its environment like other animals

解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的“As a giant plant-eaterit significantly shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it livestherefore deciding the conditions of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat”可推知非洲象作为巨大的食草动物它决定着栖息地的许多其他动物的生活条件B项正确。


9The African elephant influences the ecosystem in the following ways EXCEPT that ________

Ait creates open areas in deep tropical forests as well as woodlands

Bit pulls off the branches and leavesshutting out the sunshine

Cits eating habit can be made use of by large-hoofed and small-sized animals

Dit encourages the growth of some plants

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In their natural statesthe spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor”可知应选B项。


10According to the passagewhich of the following statements is TRUE?

ANumerous grown plants are the favourites of plant-eaters.

BThe extinction of the African elephant has nothing to do with the ecosystem.

CQuantities of plants are consumed by African elephantsincluding branches and bushes.

DThe forest floor in tropical forests is scarcely dotted with new shoots.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every dayit kills small trees and bushesas well as pulls branches off big trees”可知C项正确。


11The passage is developed mainly by ________

Apresenting the changes in time order

Bmaking comparisons and giving examples

Cclassifying similarities and differences

Dshowing the effect and then explaining the reasons




Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legsbut the brave 32-year-old man plays football and golfswimsand surfs.Nick has a small foot on his left sidewhich helps him balance and enables him to kick.He uses his one foot to typewrite with a pen and pick things up between his toes.

I call it my chicken drumstick,”joked Nick.I'd be lost without it.When I get in the water I float because 80 percent of my body is lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller(螺旋桨)

When Nick was bornhis father was so shocked that he left the hospital room to vomit.His distraught mother couldn't bring herself to hold him until he was four months old.

It was so hard for thembut right from the start they did their best to make me independent.My dad put me in the water when I was 18 months old and gave me the courage to learn how to swim,”said Nick.

Throughout his childhood Nick dealt with the typical challenges.At the age of sevenNick tried out some specially designed electronic arms and legsin the hope that he would be more like other kids.During the short trial period of the electronic arms and legsNick realized that even with themhe was still unlike his peers at schooland they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operateaffecting his flexibility quite significantly.

When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others,”said Nick.I realized why God had made us like this—to give hope to others.It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do havenot get angry about what I don't.

I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves,”he said.If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.By nowhe has visited 35 different countriestouring the world as a motivational speaker.

【语篇解读】 本文讲述了演说家尼克身残志坚的故事。

12What makes it possible for Nick to swim in the water?

AHis small size. BHis small foot.

CHis light weight. DHis big lungs.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句“Nick has a small foot on his left sidewhich helps him balance and enables him to kick”并结合第二段中的“my drumstick acts as a propeller”可知尼克的小脚使其游泳成为可能故选B项。


13The underlined worddistraughtin Paragraph 3 probably means________”.

Acold-blooded Bbad-tempered

Creally crazy Dextremely upset

解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段的第一句“When Nick was bornhis father was so shocked that he left the hospital room to vomit”可推知尼克刚出生时的样子吓到了父母当时尼克的母亲应该是很难过的故选D项。


14Nick abandoned the electronic arms and legs because ________.

Ahis family couldn't afford them

Bhis classmates didn't like them

Cthey were too heavy to handle

Dthey affected his appearance

解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句中的“and they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operateaffecting his flexibility quite significantly”可知电动的胳膊和腿太沉了使他的灵活性大受影响因此在尝试一段时间后他不再使用它们了故选C项。


15Which of the following statements is TRUE?

ANick's parents were very strict with him.

BNick's family accepted his disability at his birth.

CNick's mother was to blame for his disability.

DNick learned to be independent at a young age.





When Danny Wallace26got boredhe sent off an ad reading simply“Join Me.Send a passport photo”A year and a half laterhis east London flat is the headquarters(总部)for a global Internet-based club whose members do an act of kindness for strangers every Friday.

16____ If you see someone struggling with somethingpart of your brain goes“I want to help.But the trained part of the brain says“They will think you are mad or going to mug(抢劫)them,”so you walk away.

17____ For exampleI'm usually out on a Friday so I go for one of the standard acts—the unexpected cup of coffee.You might be sitting in a cafe and see an old man in the corner drinking coffee or tea.Then you walk up with another cup of whatever he is drinkingand say“I've bought you a coffee,”and walk away.____18____ There can be some suspicion(猜疑)but I think that was mostly in the early days when I didn't know how to do it properly.I would walk up quite nervously like I was doing something wrong and I didn't know when to leave.Later I discovered that you have to walk up with confidence and humour and notget in their faces”.____19____ It's hit-and-run kindness.And there is no point in doing it half-heartedly.____20____

AYou say“This is for you”,then you go.

BYou've got to do it because you really mean it.

CIt now has about 3000 members around the world.

DIt's pleasure to see the look of surprise on his face.

EJoin Me is about giving you an excuse to do something.

FThis is why Danny Wallace usually goes out on Fridays.

GIt's not common for people in London to talk to strangers.

答案:16.G 17.E 18.D 19.A 20.B

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 完形填空(20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30)


I love a good murder mystery.It is so ____21____ to watch or read an exciting and interesting detective story and try to solve the ____22____ yourself.Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story considering she ____23____ over eighty books.Many people have fallen in love with her ____24____—Hercule Poirota famous Belgian detective and Miss Marplean old lady who is also an amateur ____25____

As I am a big ____26____ of Agatha ChristieI was excited to ____27____ her house in Devon called Greenway.I travelled to her ____28____ by steam train.We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke.It was a ____29____setting for a murder like in her famous novel Murder on the Orient Express.____30____all the passengers arrived safely!

After a pleasant walk through the woodsI ____31____ the splendid house.I did a tour and I loved seeing where she wrote her ____32____Many first editions were on display in a revolving(旋转的)bookcase.Howevermy ____33____ part of the estate(庄园)was the boathouse.There was a lovely view of the river but the ____34____ also served a more special purpose—inspiration for a crime ____35____In Christie's novelDead Man's Follya girl's body is ____36____ in the boathouse.They even ____37____ the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway.

I really ____38____ my visit to Greenway.It was such a ____39____ place and I was interested in seeing where Agatha Christie was ____40____ to write so many exciting stories.

【语篇解读】 本文讲述了作者酷爱英国著名侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品及参观她故居时的感受。

21A.upset Bserious

Csuccessful Dfun

解析:根据语境“I love a good murder mystery”“an exciting and interesting detective story”可知作者认为阅读侦探小说是很有趣的(fun)事情故选D


22A.doubt Bproblem

Cmurder Dmethod

解析:根据“a good murder mystery”“detective”可知此处指尽力自己破案故选C


23A.read Bwrote

Csaw Dcontributed

解析:根据“Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story”可知这是对阿加莎极高的赞誉可推出她写(wrote)了超过80本的书。故选B


24A.creations Binventions

Cdiscussions Dreasons



25A.guard Bdetective

Ccreator Dspy

解析:根据“Hercule Poirota famous Belgian detective”可推断出马普尔小姐也是一位业余侦探(detective)。故选B


26A.guide Bfellow

Cfan Dgift



27A.watch Brebuild

Cexplode Dvisit

解析:根据后文的“I travelled to her ____28____”可推知作者对要去参观(visit)阿加莎的故居兴奋不已。故选D


28A.house Bfamily

Chometown Dsite

解析:根据前文的“____27____ her house”可知本空答案为house故选A


29A.perfect Bcentral

Ccolorful Ddirect

解析:根据前文的“We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke”及后文的“for a murder like in her famous novel”可推知这个地方是谋杀案的完美的(perfect)背景。故选A


30A.Sadly BFortunately

CHopefully DSurprisingly



31A.fetched Bgot

Creached Dmentioned



32A.posts Bpoems

Cletters Dbooks

解析:句意:作者喜欢参观阿加莎写书(books)的地方。故选D。文末的“to write so many exciting stories”是提示。


33A.personal Buseful

Crewarding Dfavourite



34A.novel Bestate

Cboathouse Dbook



35A.scenery Bsight

Cview Dscene



36A.dissolved Btended

Cfound Dburied



37A.developed Bfilmed

Cadapted Daffected

解析:根据后文的“the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway”可知Bfilm意为拍摄(影片)”。


38A.enjoyed Btreasured

Cexploited Dfocused



39A.shocking Bbeautiful

Cskilful Dhelpful

解析:根据文中的“the splendid house”和“There was a lovely view of the river”以及空格后的“I was interested in seeing”可知这里的风景很美(beautiful)。故选B


40A.inspired Bdisappointed

Cmarked Dhonored

解析:根据最后一段的内容可知正是这样一个地方使阿加莎富有灵感创作出了这么多令人兴奋的故事。故选A。上文中的“inspiration for”是提示。


第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)



Habitswhether good or badare gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing againhe 41.________(drive)by an unseen force to do the same thing 42.______(repeat)then a habit is formed.Once a habit 43.______(form)it is difficultand sometimes 44.________(possible)to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we pay great attention to the formation of habits.

Children often form bad habitssome of 45.________ remain with them as long as they live.46.______(lazy)lyingstealing and so on are all easily-formed bad habits.Howeverthere are many other habits 47.________(form)in early life that are of great help.Many successful men say much of their success has something 48.________(do)with certain habits in early lifelike early rising and honesty.We should keep away 49.________ all the bad habits and try to form such habits 50.________ will be good for ourselves and others.

【语篇解读】 不管是好习惯还是坏习惯都是逐渐形成的并且和一个人能否成功有一定的联系。因此要培养好习惯避免坏习惯的形成。

41解析:“...by an unseen force...”可知要用被动语态。

答案:is driven

42解析:用副词修饰动词短语do the same thing



答案:is formed



45解析:引导定语从句修饰先行词bad habits




47解析:there are many other habits formed in early life“有许多在人生早期形成的习惯formhabit为逻辑上的被动关系。


48解析:have something to do with意为有关有关系

答案:to do

49解析:固定搭配keep away from意为远离……”




第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错(10小题,每小题1分,满分10)







February 282015 was an unforgettable day on when our class had a meaningfully experience.In the morningwe bicycled to the suburbs to plant treestalked and laughing all the way.Upon arrivalwe began to work out immediately.Some were digging holeothers were carrying and planting young treesand still others were watering them.Before getting the work donewe put up a board reminding people to protecting the trees.Before leaving we take some photos to record our green action.Seeing the lines of treeswe had sense of achievement.We feel that is our duty to protect and beautify our environment.


February 282015 was an unforgettable day on our class had a experience.In the morningwe bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees and laughing all the way.Upon arrivalwe began to work immediately.Some were diggingothers were carrying and planting young treesand still others were watering them. getting the work donewe put up a board reminding people to the trees.Before leaving we some photos to record our green action.Seeing the lines of treeswe had sense of achievement.We feel is our duty to protect and beautify our environment.

第二节 书面表达(满分25)









Dear Li Ming

I hear that you have won first prize________________________













Li Hua



I_hear_that_you_have_won_first_prize in the English Recitation Contest for middle school studentsso I am writing to give congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart.

As your best friendI am proud of youI know you always have been hard-working.Your efforts pay off at last.Your pronunciation and fluent Englishespecially your beautiful voiceleft me a deep impression.I hope that I can be successful like you one day.So could you share with me how you improve your EnglishYour experience will be of great help to me in my learning.

I will appreciate it if you can write me back and give me your advice.Look forward to your early reply.




《配套K122017-2018学年高中英语 模块检测(二)新人教版必修5.doc》
