
发布时间:2018-11-28 17:51:34   来源:文档文库   

What it is


A tour guide’s job is the most interesting I can think of, which involves planning trips and showing tourists around places of interests.




我的工作包含了活动计划(event planning)

My job involves event planning.


An HR’s responsibility involves recruiting.


Show somebody around + 地点名词 = 带领某人参观某处

places of interest=旅游景点



He showed me around his university.




It takes various qualities to be a good tour guide.


It takes + 名词 + to be a = 要成为一个…需要(某些特质)



It takes patience to be a good teacher.


It takes wisdom to be a good leader.




You need to be patient to be a tour guide, as it is essentially a type of customer service.


as代替because, 表示原因。



You need to be intelligent to be a teacher, as a teacher needs to keep learning.


essentially = 本质上



A manager is essentially a leader.

Why you like it



Being a tour guide is a perfect match for my personality.


be a perfect match for something = 和某物很匹配



Being a teacher is a perfect match for my personality.


Being a boss isn’t the perfect match for my personality.


Well, I already have a job, which is not the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do. However, if I can do any job that I want in the future, I would love to be a tour guide. A tour guide’s job is the most interesting I can think of, which involves planning trips and showing tourists around places of interests.

What it is:

点明对象 + 工作内容 (当导游 + 职责)

I think being a tour guide is a perfect match for my personality. I am outgoing, communicative, and most importantly, I love traveling. I have an aunt who works as a tour guide in Japan.

Why you like it:

工作的内在性质 (符合性格特点)

Her job is to guide groups of Chinese tourists around Japan. I remember being amazed by such a job, and thinking that I would be a tour guide too, so that I can travel around the world.

How you learned about it:

了解渠道 + 时间 (从亲友处得知 + 小时候)

That being said, it takes various qualities to be a good tour guide.



For example, when you're guiding the tourists, you introduce what’s special about this place to them.This requires good public speaking skills, because you are presenting in front of a relatively large group of people.


工作内容 + 职位要求 (介绍旅游地 + 要有公众讲话技能)

You also need to be patient to be a tour guide, as it is essentially a type of customer service. Your clients might have a lot of questions or demands, so you’ll need patience to handle that.

Last but not least, you probably need to have lots of energy, both physically and mentally, because you are constantly walking around, speaking, talking to people, etc. Fortunately, these don't seem to be a problem to be at all.


工作内容 + 职位要求 (大量活动 + 要有充足精力)


1 Describe a small business you would like to own.

You should say:

What the business would be

Why you would like to own this business

How much you would have to invest

and explain how you could make the business successful.

I have a dream of opening a bakery (开一家面包店), it would just be a small local bakery for me and maybe a few members of my family to work in.

I would sell cakes, but also coffee too. So, I guess its kind of a bakery plus a café all rolled into one (大概是个面包店和咖啡馆的结合体).

I would like to sell a mix of Chinese traditional products as well as some Western style products, it would be a great chance to let people try something new and yummy (美味的).

I have enjoyed baking cakes, biscuits, and all sorts of things, for a while now, I have several books about it, and I also watched lots of videos online.

Its really a hobby of mine, I think it would be marvelous (非凡的,了不起的) if I can turn my hobby into a business (把爱好变成事业).

Also, I think doing business in an area related to food is clever, because people always need to eat.

It’s a lot easier to get return customers.

Presently I dont have an exact figure (一个准确的数字) that I can tell you, but I guess it wouldnt be a lot of capital (资本) that I would need to invest.

The first biggest expense would be the rent of the shop, as well as renovating (整修,翻新) it.

Perhaps purchasing some big ovens (烤箱) for baking also.

However, another big investment is the time, I would have to wake up very early to do all the baking before the business opens.

I wouldn’t be able to have another job; all my hope would be in my business making me money.

I think the key to (…的关键) a successful business is happy customers, I will do my best to listen to any feedback my customers give me.

A good businessperson needs to be flexible, not stuck in their ways (不要陷入固定模式里), I will adjust my business plan, and my products based on my customers requirements.

2 Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future.

You should say:

What it is

How you can find this job

What qualities it requires

and explain why it is well-paid and why you think you will be good paid.

The job that I would like to try my hand at (尝试) in the future is that of a manager.

Managers are well paid for their work, but they also need to put in a lot of overtime (超时工作).

Every organization needs some form of manager, so I think its a good job to seek after (是份值得追求的好工作), as there must be lots of opportunities.

Basically, a managers job is to make sure the organizations keep working smoothly (保持运行顺畅).

I do see the occasional advertised position for a vacancy as a manager, but I think a lot of organizations would like to hire their managers internally (内部地).

So, the best strategy that I can think of (我能想到的最好策略), is for me to join a company that I would like to work as a manager in, and then work my way up the corporate ladder (一步步晋升) through hard work.

I think being a good manager is not that easy, you really need to be ready to work hard for the company that employs you.

You will need to keep the bosses above you, and the staff below you, happy, you are pretty much sandwiched in the middle (被夹在中间).

In this situation, having exceptional (杰出的) communication skills will help you out.

Also, being very well organized is a big benefit, so that you can make sure everything gets done on time.

I think a good manger will be well paid, because through their efforts they can help the organization, and its staff, do their job well.

They can even help the company to excel (卓越), I know that a lot of managers get an end of year bonus based on their ability, and that can be a large sum of money.

I am confident that in the future if I am given a chance to be a manager, I will excel in this job, and make a small fortune (发个小财).

3 Describe a big company or organization you know.

You should say:

What it is

How you knew about it

What this company does

and how you feel about it.

I am going to talk about Apple, as we all know this internationally famous company is responsible for the Apple iPhone, the iWatch, the iPod, and Apple computers.

Its probably the world leading company for smart phones, it is the industry leader (行业领头羊).

This is an American based company, and probably one of the most popular individuals from this company would be the late (已故的) Steve Jobs.

I’ve known about this company for ages, all my friends use their smartphones or other electronic equipment.

We often hear or read news about this corporation online, on TV, or even in the papers.

Their products are so popular and there are always rumors about what the next latest release (即将推出的最新款) will be, and what new nifty functions (精巧的功能) it will incorporate (纳入) into its design.

So, this company is one of the main distributers of smart phones, and related electronic devices around the world.

It also designs the latest devices with new features for cell phones.

They have also produced some very novel inventions (新奇的发明), like the iWatch and the iPad, now there are many other firms have imitated these products.

However, Apple was there first. So, they are leaders in new forms of technology, that people can use in their home, and thus (从而) can influence peoples everyday life.

I think this company is wonderful, they are helping to improve the lives of people through making them have more convenient and modern devices to use in their everyday lives.

Its exciting to see new technology being developed that is for the everyday person (普通人) to utilize (运用).

If I have a chance to work for Apple, or a similar company in the future, I would jump at the chance (我会抓住机会不放).

Although, I must say it is really a pity when Jobs passed away (去世), I feel that the company hasnt been as good without his guidance.

4 Describe a paid job you ever did.

You should say:

When did you do this job

What the job was

Why you chose this job

and how you feel about it.

During the summer holidays sometimes, I do get a little bored.

At first, we are super excited to be able to have a break from (从…中喘口气) academic life, but as the days drag by (缓慢度过,一点点捱过去) I need to find something to occupy myself with (找点事做).

So, during the last summer holidays I took up a part-time job (找了份兼职) that my best friend introduced to me.

There was a Western restaurant not too far from where I lived, my friend was related to (是…的亲戚) the owner, and so he informed (通知) me that they had a vacancy over the summer holidays for some waiting staff (服务生).

The waiting staff are responsible for taking down the orders of the customers, letting the chef know what is needed, and then bringing out the food to the different tables.

So, the pay wasnt extremely good, but it was some good pocket money (是笔不错的零花钱), also I had never actually had a part time job before.

I felt the experience would be a great one, I think the classroom is not the only place we can learn new things.

At first my parents were against it (反对), but with a little bit of persuasion (劝说) they agreed to let me try.

I was eager to try something new, and to do something to help the time pass, to keep me from going crazy from boredom (无聊得抓狂).

Working as a waiter or waitress may sound like a straight forward (简单的) job, however its really tiring.

By the end of the day your feet are numb (麻木的) and super sore (酸痛的), you back will be aching () too.

Finally, I did get used to it however.

For the first two weeks it was interesting and novel, but for the last two weeks I was getting bored again, lucky by then it was time for me to go back to school!




Sir 今天给大家准备的学习材料,是Nigel Marsh,澳大利亚畅销书作家、李奥贝纳传播集团执行长,带来的演讲,讨论的是一个老生常谈的话题:work-life balance(工作与生活的平衡)。内容有趣且深刻。



