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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 大学真相早知道
作者:By Srose52 / Tanya Zhang 来源:《新东方英语》2013年第09
在迈入大学校门之前,想必你已经听过关于大学生活的许多传闻。新生会增肥15磅?大学里会遇到未来的伴侣?进大学就得确定未来的职业方向?怀揣着对大学的憧憬和一点点紧张,聆听一下过来人要对你说的话吧。尽管在通常的情况下,人们宁愿在自己经历一切之后再领会,但有些事情还是早知道为好。要知道,大学的精彩一旦错过,就再难寻觅! You know that popular phrase “If I only knew then what I know now” Sigh. Why is it so true After two and a half years as a college student I’ve finally learned the truths to those college myths. I’ve also realized a lot about what it means to learn more about yourself during those four years of experiencethe good the bad and the ugly. Let’s face it college entails a lot of new ordeals1 and exciting encounters. Yes you drink only if you want to!); you study and work your little butt off you go to “college” parties meet a lot of interesting and sometimes questionable people and honestly you screw up sometimes. The ride is always fun but there are always those little bits and pieces I wish I had more knowledge of beforehand. So here I am sharing the wisdom of a junior in college … but let’s be real I still have a lot to learn myself. Parents friends college graduates and peers always try to scare you with the “freshman fifteen” factor. They seem to believe that all you will do during your first year of an unfamiliar lifestyle is eat microwaveable pizzas drink beer five days a week and sit on your futon2 Saturday and Sunday afternoons watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy and cheesy3 eighties movies. Of course you will have days like these. But in reality the freshman fifteen is so easily avoided. For one most schools have a gym. You do not have to go every day or on a regular schedule but it’s there for you when you feel a little lethargic4 and want to get yourself moving. Even the most exercise-phobic college students will check out the gym when it’s at their disposal5. Second your cafeteria will hopefully offer a variety of food choices besides pizza and grilled cheese. You’ll get sick of greasy6 food believe me. And for those of you who don’t already know
drinking alcohol is an appealing part of college. For those of you who decide not to drink—that’s a great personal choice. I chose to drink as a freshman and I learned to control myself. It can be considered one of those things that once you get a taste you go a little crazy. But like I said you’ll learn when the right time to drink is and how much to drink is right for you. It most likely will not be your life at college.


