
发布时间:2012-05-04 21:43:01   来源:文档文库   

蝴蝶效应2.txt如果不懂就说出来,如果懂了,就笑笑别说出来。贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。幽默就是一个人想哭的时候还有笑的兴致。This spot is beautiful.

Yeah, it really is.

You guys are lucky. I didn't have a place like this where I grew up.

What are you talking about? You grew up like half an hourfrom here.

Whatever. My parents didn't let me out much.

Yeah, well, it was really amazing for us.

In high school we used to sneak out and come here all the time.

That's right. Late-night rendezvous. In fact,

we shared ourfirst bottle of tequila right here at this very spot.

Wow. I am impressed that you even rememberthat.

"I am impressed that you even rememberthat."

So do you guys feel like you were the same as you were back then?

Well, I know I'm exactly the same.

I still have absolutely no idea what I want to do when I grow up.

Well, hey, you used to work at Foot Locker, and I'm sure

if you went back and asked, they'd give you the job.

- Very funny. - What about you, Nick?

- Have you changed much? - Mmm-mm.

Although I must say, Trevor has gotten way hotter.

You know that that is a fact, my friend, okay?

My jaw is way wider now. It's striking.

All right, loverboy. How about you and me

go get some wood forthis fire, huh?

All right, take care.

I got a really good feeling about the next couple of months.

Yeah? Why is that?

If we just close a couple of our own accounts,

you know how huge that could be for us?

Yeah, I mean, retiring early would be very nice.

By ?

Oh, shit. Look, look.

Gross, dude.

Come here. What, you afraid of a little crab?

Gross, dude! Those things are just sick! Don't!

- Come on. Come on. - No, don't! Dude, don't! Don't!

Fucking pussy.

This is so exciting!

Yeah. Maybe I should wait till tomorrow.

No, you have to tell him tonight.

Hey. Took you guys long enough.

What are you talking about?

There it goes. There it goes. Okay, ready?

Nice. Yeah, I'm ready.

- Happy birthday! - Oh!

- Oh, they went out. Relight. - Wait wait.

- All right. - Okay, now make a wish.

I can't. Everything's perfect.

- That's lame. - Oh. Oh, sweetie.

Whatever, dude.

If you need something, I've got a whole list of things.

- How about a million dollars? - Blow 'em out, already.

- Let's do this. - All right, all right!

- Yay! - No!

- Come on. No. I bought 'em. - It's my birthday cake.

- I want it in the shot. - In what shot?

- Good idea, okay. - Behave.

- Okay, everybody. - Come on, hurry up, I want a cupcake.

I know, just hold your horses for a minute, all right?

- Art. It's perfection. - It's kinda ghetto frosting.

- That's good though. - That's my favorite.

Yup. Are you ready?


- Everybody say "chingas." - Chingas.

- Good, guys. - Chingas.

Check it out, ladies and gentlemen.

I brought my own special kind of birthday candle.

- All right. - Drugs!

- You kids have fun. - That is awesome.

- Light it up. - Come here.

- Hey, where are you going? - Somewhere.

- Really? - With you.

- Okay. - Camera, please.

- Yes, sir. - Put this on.

- All right. - This is kind of exciting.

- Oh, I will now be blindfolding you. - Really?

- Are you going to take advantage of me? - Mm, I might.

- All right, hold this. - Okay.

- And... - Oh!

- We shall return. - See you later.

Don't worry about me.

- Open. - Oh.

Rememberthe first time we came here?

Yeah. What was that, like three years ago?


Nick, um, there's something

that I want to tell you.

Me first.

Happy birthday.

Nick! Oh!

- It's beautiful. - Wish it was a diamond, but...

Well, I love it. I love you.

Here, put it on.

So, tell me again I'm not crazy and I shouldn't go get my master's.

Oh, no, you should. You should go pay some

art-school lifer to grade your pictures.

I don't have to pay them. I can use my grant money.

You get the point.

And more importantly, it's in New York, which is , miles away from me.

I know.

My job is about to blow up. I promise you.

I'm gonna have the money so we can open your own gallery.

You can shoot your own pictures,

just like we talked about.

- Isn't that what you want? - Of course.

This is perfect.

- Hey, don't get that, okay? - Hey. Oh, where is it?

Remember, I wanted to tell you something.

I know. Just give me one second.

It's work. Hold on.



Oh, okay.

Right. No no no, it's not... it's not a problem.

All right. Bye-bye.

It was Bristol. I have to go to work.

Yeah, and it's my birthday, so call him back,

tell him you're sick. You just can't go.

Listen. If you do this for me,

we will come back here next year,

and we will stay the whole weekend,

and we'll get a hotel room, and...


Help me out here. I really need to go to this meeting.

No, forget it.

I want a week.

- Aweek? - That's right.

You and me and no cell phones.

You can personally

smash this thing before we leave.

How's that?


Actually, you know what? Why wait? I say...

we just drown this thing now to make sure.

Oh! Oh! Oh, that's... I don't think so.

"Give us something to talk about"

"Take yourtime..."

Aw, shit. Baby, did you remember my sunglasses?

Mm? What would you do without me?

Yo, this is stupid! Bristol's a dick.

Yeah, a dick who's gonna get promoted instead of me

if I flake on this meeting.

- So he gets to ruin our Sundays then? - And Julie's birthday.

If I want to beat 'em, I have to join 'em.

- Right now! - Don't.

Whatever, man. I'm telling you you just should blow the whole thing off.

Yeah, you know, you're right. I don't need this job anyway.

Great idea. And when you get fired I'm sure Trevor will last

about two weeks at work without you.

Why do you have to say that?

Wait, guys. Hold up, hold up.

Okay. Nice.

You know what, baby? You can move to New York with me,

and we could be starving artists together.

Wouldn't that be perfect, hon?

Sounds like you have it all worked out.

Shit! Hold on!

Oh God!

- Is everyone all right? - You okay? You okay?

- I think so. - Are you sure?

- Oh! Oh God! - Oh, shit!

Nick, move! Ah!



你们真幸运 我小时候可不是在这么美的地方长大的

你在说什么? 你小时候居住的地方离这里只有半小时的路程

随便你们怎么说 我父母不常让我出去



是的 三更半夜出去约会 实际上

我们在这个特别的 地方第一次分享了龙舌兰酒






你曾经在Foot Locker公司工作过 如果你回去的话


- 真搞笑 - 你呢 尼克?

- 你变了吗? -

我必须坦白 特雷弗越来越帅了

这是实话 我的朋友 对吗?

我的下巴现在变宽了 这很明显

好了 大帅哥 你和我


好的 小心些





我的意思是 提前退休很好



过来 你连一个小螃蟹雷都害怕?

真恶心 这东西真的令人作呕

- 来呀 - 别这样 别闹了



是的 也许我应该等到明天再告诉他




就这样 就这样了 好吗 准备好了吗?

很好 我准备好了

- 生日快乐! -

- 蜡烛灭了 重点 - 等等

- 好了 - 现在许个愿

我说不出来 一切都很完美

- 总有不完美的吧 - 亲爱的


如果你需要的话 我能说出很多愿望

- 一百万美元怎么样? - 已经点好了

- 来吧 - 好吧 好吧

- ! - !

- 快点 那是我买的 - 这是我的生日蛋糕

- 我想拍张照 - 什么照?

- 好主意 - 正经点

- 好了 大家注意了 - 快点 我想要一个纸杯蛋糕

我知道 先忍着点儿 好吗?

- 真是艺术品 太完美了 - 像贫民区的奶油

- 味道很好 - 我最喜欢这种了



- 大家说"茄子 - 茄子

- 好了 - 茄子

来看看 女士们先生们


- 好的 - !

- 你们两个留下来好好玩吧 - 太好了

- 点燃一下 - 过来

- , 你去哪? - 到处走走

- 真的吗? - 和你一起

- 好的 - 相机给我

- 是的 长官 - 穿上外衣

- 好的 - 这真令人激动

- 我现在要蒙上你的眼睛 - 真的吗?

- 你要占我便宜吗? - 我也许会的

- 好的 拿着 -

- 然后... -

- 我们一会儿就回来 - 一会见


- 打开 -


是的 那时什么时候了 好像是三年前?


尼克 有些事





- 真漂亮 - 但愿它是颗钻石

我很喜欢它 我爱你


那么 再说一次我没有发疯 我不应该再考硕士了

你应该考的 你应该交些学费去艺术学校


我不用交学费的 我可以用我的奖学金


更重要的是 学校在纽约 离我只有里远


我的工作就是赚钱 我向你保证

我们会有钱的 这样就可以开一家你自己的画廊了



- 那不是你想要的吗? - 当然是


- 别接电话 行吗? - 电话在哪儿?

记住, 我想告诉你一些事

我知道 给我一秒钟

是工作上的事 等等




好的 不不不 那不... 那不是问题

好的 再见

是布里斯托. 我得去上班了

今天是我生日 给他打回去

告诉他你病了 你不能过去

听着 如果你让我去



我们会住在旅馆里 然后


让我过去吧 我真的要去参加这个会

好了 你去吧


- 一周? -






你知道吗? 为什么犹豫? 我说...

为了保险起见我们 将这个扔到湖里去吧

... 我可不这样认为

天啊 亲爱的 你记得带我的太阳镜了吗?


真扫兴 布里斯托这个奸细

是呀 一个顶替我晋升的奸细


- 那么以后他就会毁了我们的星期天了? - 朱莉的生日

如果我要打败他们 我就得加入他们

- 现在 -

无论如何 我告诉你 你应该将整个事情都推掉

是呀 你是对的 我不需要这份工作

好主意 当你被炒鱿鱼后 我相信

没有你 特雷弗也会持续工作两周


等一下 等等

好了 非常好

亲爱的你知道吗? 你可以和我一起搬到纽约去


那样岂不是很完美 ?


糟糕 抓住


- 大家没事吧? - 你还好吗? 你还好吗?

- 还好 - 你确定吗?

- 哦天啊 - 糟糕

尼克 快开

蝴蝶效应 The Butterfly Effect II


尼克Oh, Nick.


Shh. Shh.

尼克 没事的Nick, it's okay.

号病房 蓝色信号 病人疾病发作Room , we've got a code blue. He's gone into attack.

并且继续升高 and rising.

尼克Shh, Nick. Shh.


没事了It's okay.

他常常做噩梦He gets nightmares sometimes.

他总是这样He always has.


尼克!Oh, Nick!

朱莉在哪儿?Where's Julie?

亲爱的 她已经Honey, she's...

- 他们呢? - 他们没有- Where are they? - They didn't...

- - 尼克...- No. No. - Nick...

好了 大家准备好Okay, everybody.

- 等一下 - 快点儿 快点儿- Just hold your horses for a minute. - Hurry up, hurry up.

- 来呀 - - Yay! Come on! - No!

你知道吗? 现在我无法想象没有你的生活You know what? I cannot imagine my life without you now.

你知道 我在想 如果你...You know, I was thinking... if you, um...

如果你需要换换风景什么的if you really need a change of scenery or whatever,

我这里有多余的房间I've got some extra room at my place.

为谁准备的?For what?


我想让你和我住在一起I want you to live with me.

尼克 是妈妈Nick, it's Mom.

你感觉怎么样了? 我同医生谈过了How you feeling? I spoke to the doctor.

他说你又取消了预约He said you canceled your appointment again.

尼克 你得学会照顾你自己Nick, you've got to take care of yourself.

你的头痛病不可以再严重了You don't want the headaches to get any worse.

请打电话给我Please, call me.

- 兄弟 - 什么事?- Hey, man. - What's up?

- 你病好了吧 - - Thought you were out sick. - No.

布里斯托正找你呢 就是没事找事Bristol's looking foryou. Just a heads up.

谢谢Thanks, man.

- 你不接电话吗? - 当时我在复印室- You don't pick up your phone? - Oh, I was in the copy room.

我需要这些电子表格I need those spreadsheets.

昨晚我将他们放到你的桌上了Yeah, I put 'em on your desk last night.

昨天点钟我才离开的I was here until :.

在那之后你检查过你的收件箱吗?Afterthat. Did you check your inbox?

我告诉你我找不到他们 所以 ...Look, I'm telling you I can't find 'em, so just...

你再给我打印一份新的 好弥补一下你无聊的童话故事print me up a new report, spare me the boring fairy tale.

我们要参加一个罗斯蒙特证券会议 一小时以后We've got the Rosemont Equities meeting, one hour.

等等 你说什么?Wait. What are you talking about?

销售说明...:, sales presentation...

- 我以为 点钟开始 - 我得将它提前 知道吗?- I thought that was at :. - I had to move it, okay?

那你现在才告诉我?And you're just telling me this now?

听着 尼克Look, Nick,

%的创业者在前两年都是一事无成的 就像走上坡路一样% of all start-ups fail in the first two years. It is an uphill battle.

每个人都要把自己的体重加进去 没有例外 Everyone's got to pull their own weight. No exceptions.

好的 没问题 我去拿电子表格Okay. No problem. I'll have the spreadsheets.

如果你觉得自己不行我可以来办I can give the pitch myself if you think you can't handle it.

我说了没问题I said no problem.


将你那套收起来You keep your shit together.

不服气吗? 我没功夫顾及你脑子里的狗屁想法 去他妈的Okay? I can't have you pop another brain fart and fuck this thing up.

将你的桌子收拾干净 这里太乱了Clean up your desk. It's a mess.

我们在讨论软件 它可以使你的手提电脑What we're talking about is software that will enable your handheld

与任何无线电科技连接to communicate with any wireless technology.

想象一下从这里可以 进入到你的所有科技领域中去Imagine being able to access all of yourtechnology from here.

设想一下 假设你在一辆出租车里 你在赶往会议的途中Picture it. Say you're in a cab on your way to a meeting.

你正在检查你的邮件 你在网上冲浪 突然来了一个电话You're checking your e-mails, you're surfing the web, a call comes in.

你的新客户决定他们 需要另外的产品形象设计Well, your new client decides that they need additional product images

只给你一个小时的时间 在会议中说明他们所需要的东西to be included in the presentation that you're giving in an hour.

你急忙赶到会议现场You rush over to the job site

照几张jpeg图片赶去开会snap a couple of jpegs, get to your meeting.

先生们 你们拥有的And gentlemen, what you've got

只是你口袋里的一小块芯片而已is a slideshow in your pocket.

好的 那么...Okay, so...

每个人都正在研发 下一代为手提服务的芯片everyone's developing next-gen software for handhelds,

包括一些大企业including the big guys.

为什么他们会将钱送到你的腰包里?Why put money into yours?

因为我们现在就准备好了Because ours is ready now.

我们与在Strike Line 工作的员工一起 坚信We, with our partners at Strike Line, believe

不到一个季度我们的 产品就会占领市场we can have this on the market within the quarter.

-尼克 - 他有突发疾病什么的吗?- Nick. - Is he having a seizure or what?

他有头痛病 尼克!尼克!No, he gets headaches. Nick! Nick!

真抱歉I'm so sorry.

我发誓如果我再 收到一份S.E.C.的通知I swear, if I get one more S.E.C. Notice,

我要将这一堆东西全烧了 然后移居到乔治敦开曼群岛I'm gonna burn the whole stack and move this thing to the Caymans.

好呀 那里天气也很好Yeah, the weather's nice there.

这次会议上的事我很抱歉I'm... sorry about the meeting, sir.

尼克 我本不该告诉你...Nick, I shouldn't have to tell you...

%的创业者在前两年都是一事无成的 % of all start-ups fail within the first two years.

如果我们犯了一个错误 那会影响全局We make one mistake, it affects everything.

我们不能过回去将事情重来一遍We can't go back and do this over again.

你说得很对You're absolutely right.

我向你保证这样 的事决不会再发生了I assure you this will not happen again.

戴夫告诉我你最近状态不好Dave tells me you've been having some problems lately

注意力不集中 记忆力减退with concentrating and remembering stuff.

- 你确定你没事吗? - 我很好- Are you sure you're okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.

这样 ... 那没什么的Really, it's... it's not a big deal.

我让你马上回家I want you to just go home,

休息一周给自己充充电take the rest of the week off and recharge the batteries.

- 坎拉罕先生我真的能够工作的 - 尼克...- Mr. Callahan, really, I can work. - Nick...

我需要工作I need to work.

就这么决定了 回家吧It's done. Just go home.

一周后见We'll see you in a week.

Always searching

Looking forthe one to wrap your soul


Sing the one name as you let go

The fear of flying

You're on your way

Endless love

And you say

You're gonna turn time around...

Oh, man.

天啊 亲爱的 你拿了我的太阳镜吗? Oh, shit. Baby, did you grab my sunglasses?

没有我你该怎么办?Mm? What would you do without me?


真扫兴! 布里斯托这个奸细Yo, this is stupid! Bristol's a dick.

是呀 一个顶替我晋升的奸细Yeah, a dick who'll get promoted

如果我在这个会议中表现不出色的话instead of me if I flake on this meeting.

- 那么以后他就会毁了我们的星期天了? - 还有朱莉的生日- So he gets to ruin our Sundays? - And Julie's birthday.

无论如何 你应该将整个事情都推掉 Whatever, man. I'm telling you you should just blow the whole thing off.

是呀 你知道 你是对的 我不需要这份工作You're right. I don't really need this job anyway.

好主意 Yeah. Great idea.

当你被炒鱿鱼后 我相信I'm sure when you get fired, Trevor will last

- 没有你 特雷弗也会持续工作两周 - "没有你 特雷弗也会持续工作两周"- two weeks at work without you, maybe. - "Two weeks at work without you."

- 为什么你非要说这些? - 什么?- Why you got to say that? - What?

大家等一下 我想照张像Ooh, guys, wait. I want to get a picture of this.

很好 你知道吗 亲爱的?Nice. And you know what, honey?

你可以和我一起搬到纽约去You can move to New York with me and we can be starving artists together.

- 那样岂不是很完美 ? - 系好你的安全带- Isn't that a perfect idea? - Put your seat belt on.

- 什么? - 将安全带系上- What? - Put it on!

好的 真是的Okay. Shit.

我还好I think so.

亲爱的 你知道要穿哪件吗?Hey, pumpkin. Hey, do you know what you're gonna wear?

发生什么事了?What's happening?

你还好吗?Are you okay?


尼克, 你还好吗?Oh, Nick, are you okay?

你怎么了?What's wrong, huh? Huh?

怎么了?What's the matter?

我想我做了个恶梦I think I was having a nightmare.

亲爱的 没事了Oh, baby! It's okay.

好了吗? 噩梦结束了 结束了All right? It's all over now. It's all over.

Oh, shh.

天啊Oh, God!

好了吗? 我们出发吧Okay? Now let's get going.

我们去庆祝我的生日 会很有趣的We'll celebrate my birthday. It'll be fun.

- 好的 - 我快准备好了- Okay. - I'm gonna go get ready. All right.


我知道这听起来多怪异 只是...I know how weird it sounds. It's just...

我无法解释 ...I can't explain it. I...

我的生命居然有另一个版本there's this entire other version

没有你of my life without you.

我度过了整整一年没有你的生活I went through a whole year

我相信你已经不在了believing you were dead.

之后... 之后我醒来 你出现了And then ljust... ljust wake up, and there you are.

好了 那只是个噩梦 好吗?Okay, it was just a bad dream, all right?

那不是真的It wasn't real.

我在这 行了I'm here. Come on.

我听见你说的话了 真的I hearyou, I do,

但是我需要一段时间去相信你回来了but it's just I'm having a really difficult time believing it.

这一年真的是痛苦不堪It's been a traumatic year

对我们来说都是for both of us, okay?

- 但是我们挺过去了 - 我说的不是这个- But we made it. - It's not that.


我在这I am here.

这才是重要的And that's all that matters.

好的All right.

- 好的 - 我就知道- You're right. - I know.

你说对了Oh, fuck. You're right.

抱歉来晚了Hi. Sorry we're late.

- 生日快乐 - 谢谢- Happy birthday. - Thank you.

- 岁生日快乐 老丫头 - - Happy th, old lady. - Oh!

你怎么样 兄弟?How's it going, man?


太好了It is really frickin' good!

真高兴见到你Oh, it's good to see you, man!

是的 真好Yeah, it's good. Good.

你们两个 你们看起来好极了You two, you look amazing!

他喝了多少?Oh, how much has he had to drink?

是个漫长的夜晚Well, it's been a long night.

为什么...Speaking of which, why don't, uh...

- 好的 ...你和我一起...- Yes, let's. ...you and I do the...

- 好的 - - Right. - Okay.

...你们两个... 很好...and you two... good. All right.

你近来可好? 两杯MGDHey, how's it goin', man? Two MGDs,

苏格兰威士忌加冰再来一杯红酒Jack on the rocks and a house red, please.

告诉我你将脱衣舞女关起来了Please tell me that you locked down the strippers.

脱衣舞女?The strippers?

是为我的单身派对准备的For my bachelor party.

你的单身派对?Your bachelor party?

因为... 你们两个要结婚了Because... you two are getting married,

并且 我是... 伴郎and I'm... the best man.

那就意味着我要将脱衣舞女锁起来Which means I would have locked down the strippers.

当燃料了 蠢驴Of course I did, dumb-ass!

- 你别吓唬我 兄弟 - 我找了...- You're scaring me, man. - Dude, I got the...

个最性感的舞女 hottest strippers ever.


太好了 谢谢Awesome! Thanks. Thank you.

...I am...

你们真疯狂I am so psyched foryou guys!

好吧Oh. Okay.

你仍然觉得你在梦中吗?Do you still think you're dreaming?

宝贝 怎么了? 宝贝 怎么了?Baby, what's wrong? Baby, what's wrong?


- 我爱你 - 我爱你- I love you. - I love you.

- 哦天啊 - 好了- Oh god. - All right, baby.

"在最近的在研究中偏头疼可能引起突发性疾病"Migraines have been linked to seizures in recent studies.

患病者头痛的频律较高Patients with a high frequency of migraine attacks

很有可能引起脑中风are at greater risk for cerebral strokes.

这种进行性脑部疾病可以导致This progressive brain disease can lead to

急性病导致记忆力丧失acute and selected memory loss.

行为盖面可能包括...Behavior changes might include the following...

错觉 幻想 幻听..."delusions, hallucinations, hearing things that are not actually present..."

"精神分裂症指一种感情与思想上的分裂""Schizophrenia refers to a split between emotion and thought."

"研究显示这种疾病具有遗传性,"Studies have shown the disease to be genetically linked,

最后阶段会导致自杀which in its end stages can result in suicide."

! 感觉怎么样?Hey! How ya feelin'?

快疯了 还是在看黄色网站Oh, busted. Looking at porn. Again.

- 是呀 - 顺便说一下- Yeah. - By the way,

你昨晚真是喝高了you were really fucked up last night, man.

是呀 我喝了几杯Yeah, I had a couple of drinks.

几杯- Yeah, a couple. - Um...


伙计们 布里斯托要举行全体会议Hey, guys. Bristol just called a staff meeting.

分钟后 会议室Conference room, five minutes.

哦天啊 那个杂种想要干什么?Oh, God. What does that prick want now?

我不知道 但他想先见你I don't know, but he wants to see you in his office beforehand.

什么? 你们?What? Oh. Oh, guys?

我想我已经感觉到了他在踢我的屁股I think I can already feel his foot up my ass.

好了 我们开始吧All right, people, let's get right to it.

我已经警告过你们You've all heard me warn you about the problems

关于一般创业公司所面临的问题of the average start-up company.

看起来这周我们有亏损Well, it seems that we've been on the losing end this week.

秋季我们有笔交易I had five deals fall through,

包括 R.S.B. 金融公司including R.S.B. Financial.


那是特雷弗的客户 他说过他很有把握That's Trevor's account. He said it was a sure thing.

他错了Well, he was wrong.

并且很不幸的是 坎拉罕先生认为 And unfortunately, Mr. Callahan felt

他要发布一个信息like he had to send a message on this one.

我们不得不解雇特雷弗 We've had to let Trevor go.

那么我建议大家回去工作吧So I suggest that we all get back to work, hmm?

这是不是太突然了?Doesn't that seem a little harsh?


- 发生什么事了? - 什么?- So what actually happened? - Excuse me?

如果特雷弗认为Well, if Trevorthought

这件事已经定了 为什么这笔交易吹了?it was a sure thing, why'd the deal fall apart?

别开玩笑了 布里斯托Come on, Bristol.

你曾经做过特雷弗的工作You had Trevor's job once,

你知道那有多难and you know how hard it is.

是的 我没命的干活 我没有失误过Yeah, and I worked my ass off, I didn't make mistakes

我还得了奖励and I got rewarded.

为什么? 因为Strike Line公司的生意 Why? 'Cause the Strike Line deal

落到你们头上了?fell on your lap?

你应该将与 R.S.B.的生意结束 而不是特雷弗You were supposed to close the R.S.B. Deal, not Trevor.

你认为你知道些隐秘的事?And you think you know something we don't?

我所知道的是What I know

坎拉罕先生付钱 让我评价你们的工作is Mr. Callahan pays me to be the judge of you people,

现在我对你的评价是and right now my judgment is telling me that you'd much rather be

你应该坐在家里与朋友们看电视at home watching "Oprah" with yourfriend

而不是继续留在这个团队里than working on this team any longer.

恭喜你 尼克 你也被解雇了Congratulations, Nick. You're fired too.

还有别人吗?Anyone else?

兄弟 我爱你 但这不是你的问题I love you, man, but this was not your problem.

Fuck that.

如果不是我们 布里斯托根本不能那么快被升职If it wasn't for us, Bristol wouldn't have been promoted in the first place.

我不是想占他的职位I'm not taking orders from him.

尼克尼在这地方拼命的工作Nick, you worked your ass off at this place.

你在这里做牛做马You put your blood into this place, man.

是呀 我在这里做牛做马 而布里斯托却被升职了Yeah, I put my blood into this place, and Bristol's the one who gets promoted.

尼克 这就是生意场 你教我的Nick, that's business. You taught me that.

现在 回去跟布里斯托道个歉Now, look. Go tell Bristol you're sorry.

告诉他你仍然有后遗症Tell him you're still having side effects from the accident.

我唯一的后遗症是明白了人生太仓促Only side effect I'm having is knowing life is way too short forthis.

这是什么 男人的专利?What is this, a guy thing?

特雷弗被冻结账户了 那么你就和他一起跳? Trevor gets canned, so you just jump off the bridge with him?

听着 我从未想到过要提升布里斯托 Look, I was never gonna move up with Bristol as my supervisor anyway.

自从那家伙被晋升了Ever since the guy got promoted,

他一直在找借口解雇我he's just been looking for an excuse to fire me.

- 那你就不要给他机会 - 你知道吗? 事实上- Well, you didn't have to give him one. - You know what? The truth is,

他才是个薄弱环节 是他毁了整个公司he's the weak link. He's ruined the whole company,

每个人都知道 你知道吗?and everybody knows it. And you know what?

从他的管治下脱离出来才是上策I am better off just getting out from under him.

尼克 你最好要回你的工作No, Nick. You're better off with a job.

我告诉过你 我会去找另一份工作I told you, I'll find another one.

一个更好的 我们会过得很好A better one. We'll all be okay.

你同样说过你会呆在 这儿而不去纽约 因为那样也行得通You also told me to stay here and not go to New York, because that would be okay.

很抱歉I'm sorry,

我只是不能忘记在 那次事故中我们所失去的and ljust can't forget what we lost in that accident.



一切会好的Hey, it will be.

只是需要时间It just takes time.

尼克 已经一年了Nick, it's been a year.

我每天靠计算别人的照片为生 却只赚一点点钱I spend my days cataloguing other people's photo shoots for minimum wage.

我有半个文件夹的东西要看 但我没有时间完成 现在...I have half a portfolio and no time to finish it, and now...

现在我得去找另一份工作这样我们可以付租金Well, now I have to get another job so that we can pay our rent.

不好意思Excuse me.

Hey. Hey.


这有关于我们的未来 我现在总算可以看到了It's about the big picture. I finally see it now.

所有的一切杂事... 只是杂事All that other stuff is just... just stuff.

听着 唯一重要的是Look, the only thing that is important

我们拥有彼此is that we have each other.

这才是重点That's all that counts.

你总是像推销员一样 不是吗?Always the salesman, aren't you?

也许我会成为一个技术复印编辑Mm. Maybe I'll be a technical copyeditor.

那是布里斯托? 混蛋Is that Bristol? Jerk.

Come on.



- 完美的照片 - 太好了- Perfect shot. - Ah! Great.

- 谢谢 - 不客气- Thank you. - You're welcome.

- 照得不错吧? - 你看上去很棒- Isn't that great? - You look so good.

真好 你觉得怎么样?Nice. So, what do you think?

- ? - 这戒指 亲爱的 很漂亮不是吗?- Hmm? - The ring, honey. Isn't it beautiful?

你相信是我自己选的吗?Can you believe I picked that thing out myself?

- 太美了 - - It's fantastic. - Ooh.

是呀 很漂亮Yeah. Sure, it's beautiful.

我们正在考虑明年十月We're thinking next October.

你们打算请多少人?Oh, how many people are you gonna invite?

也许个 只有重要的一些人You know, maybe . Just the important ones.

- - - Mmm. - Ah. Right.

- 戴夫.布里斯托 - 什么?- Dave Bristol. - What?

你的同事吗?From your office?

是的 像是我发明的这个工具Yeah, right. Like I'd invite that tool.

我喝完了 还有人需要吗?Looks like I'm out. Anyone else need more?

不了 亲爱的Oh, no, honey.

布里斯托 圣诞节快乐Bristol, merry Christmas.

圣诞快乐Merry Christmas.

你在干什么? 尼克Oh, come on, Nick!

- 你在干什么? - 布里斯托 对不起- What are you doing? - Bristol, I'm sorry, man.

真糟糕 我可以...What a klutz. Can l...

好啊 真是好Nice. That's really nice.

天啊Oh, man.

真尴尬Oh, that's embarrassing,

真尴尬so embarrassing.

不可以No way.

尼克Hey, Nick.

我知道你需要这些电子表格I know you need those spreadsheets.

我只是在等一些客户的数据I'm just waiting on some numbers from the clients.

Holy shit.

我是副总裁I'm the vice president.

当然 我没有在找借口Uh, yeah, of course. I'm not trying to make excuses.

是我搞定了Strike Line 公司的合同 不是你I pulled the Strike Line deal, not you.

对不起 我没听明白I'm sorry. I'm just not following this.

特雷弗在哪儿Where's Trevor?

在外面跟客户见面 他说你知道的At some off-site client meeting. He said you knew about it.

没错 谢谢Oh, yeah, right. Thanks.

对了 还有 布里斯托 把桌子收拾一下 乱七八糟的Oh, and Bristol, clean up that desk. It's a mess.

我发誓 如果我再收到 一次证监会的通告I swear, if I get one more S.E.C. Notice,

我就把这堆东西烧了 然后送到南美鳄鱼那儿I am gonna burn the whole stack and move this thing to the Caymans.

我听说那里天气不错Well, I hear the weather's nice there.

好像是吧 你感觉如何Yeah, I guess. So how you feelin'?

再好不过了Oh, betterthan ever.

听着 我要和一个准客户吃晚饭Listen, I'm having dinner with a potential investor.

他可是个大客户 我们需要他He's a big one. We need him.

你知道 好的开始是成功的一半You know what they say about start-ups.

我要你全副武装上阵I want you riding shotgun.

我不会搞砸的 卡里恩先生I wouldn't miss it forthe world, Mr. Callahan.

"卡里恩先生" 叫得真可爱"Mr. Callahan." That's cute.

The weather burns in you

I can't predict the rain

The silence falls...

"太平洋街""Pacific Avenue."

这里是朱莉米勒摄影社You've reached Julie Miller Photography.

我无法接电话 所以请留言I can't take your call, so please leave a message,

包括您的电话号码 和您想预约的日期including your phone number and the date you'd like to book.

谢谢Thank you.

你好 朱莉米勒摄影社Well, hello there, Julie Miller Photography.

我是尼克拉森 It's Nick Larson calling,

我想和你预约在今晚与客户见面后 and the date I would like to book is for tonight after my client meeting,

但愿见客户不会花太长时间which hopefully won't last too long.

所以为何不给我回个电话So why don't you give me a call back

告诉我你有没有空and let me know if that works foryour schedule?

当然了 除非我会在家先见到你 好了 我爱你 宝贝Unless of course I see you at home first. All right. I love you, babe.

亲爱的 我到家啦Honey, I'm home!



尼克 我是妈妈 我希望你还好Hey, Nick, it's Mom. I hope you're okay.

我的确好极了I'd say so.

给我回电话 都几个星期没见了 我知道你很忙Call me. I haven't seen you for weeks. I know you're busy,

但是得让我知道你过得怎样啊but let me know how you are.

为合作成功干杯Atoast... to successful partnerships.

- 干杯 - 干杯- Salud. - Salud.

你女儿长得又迷人又漂亮Your daughter is charming and beautiful.

谢谢Thank you.

那你呢 尼克Mm. And what about you, Nick?

你在这儿有亲人吗Do you have family here?

只有我妈Uh, just my mom. Yeah.

我爸在我小时候就离开了My, uh... my father moved away when I was a kid.

很遗憾听你这么说Ah. I am very sorry to hearthat.

看上去你过得还挺好的Well, it seems that you turned out all right.

你可是给你老板添光了You have certainly made an impression on your boss.

呵呵Oh, well...

尼克最近多了点儿第六感Nick's had a bit of a magic touch lately.

我只不过是尽量把事情简化Well, ljust try to keep things simple, you know?

找到目标 然后尽力实现Know what you want and try to make that happen.

如果这还不行的话 就从旁边的人手里And if that doesn't work out, you steal the file

把东西偷过来 然后盼着那个人是赢家from the guy sitting next to you and hope that one's a winner.

好吧 尼克 让我来谈点正事儿All right, Nick. Well, let's get serious for a minute

把这些新数据告诉弗恩逖司先生and tell Mr. Fuentes about the new numbers.

现在吗 我们正谈得开心呢Now? Oh, we're having such a good time.

新数据 尼克The new numbers, Nick.

我们正在管弗恩逖司先生要一大笔投资We're about to ask Mr. Fuentes for a large amount of money.

你得从他口袋里把钱包弄到手You have to dazzle the wallet out of his pocket

然后让它在桌上跳舞and make it dance on the table.

不了 真的 瑞安 还是由你来说吧 这是你的心血No, really, Ron, you take the glory. This is your baby.

数据 尼克The numbers, Nick.

我们真正谈论的Well, what we're, uh... we're really talking about

is, uh...

新一代掌上操作系统the next generation of hand-held operating systems.

我们的软件基于因特网光传输协议Our software capitalizes on optical internet protocol,

使用光波结构处理using light-wave architectures for processing

所以它将在多重波长下收发数据so that it will send and receive data over multiple wavelengths.

我们的系统可以在个月内商业化Our system can be commercialized within six months,

并且有了可用测试版本 以及贵公司的支持and with a working beta product and your company's backing,

我们预期 可以在负责人中 签定一个甚至两个we can expect to sign one, maybe two of the incumbents.

这样我们就能从中国生产商外购Then we'll minimize ourfront-end expenditures

从而最小化整个过程的支出by outsourcing to a flex manufacturer in China.

如果一切顺利的话 我们产品的边际效益就会If we're right, our product margins will add

在个月内 为贵公司 的毛利增加个基本点 basis points to your company's gross margins within months.

底线是 如果我们达到 预期销售额的三分之一Bottom line, if we achieve one-third of the unit sales forecasted,

就能使贵公司的现金流量翻倍we'll double your company's cash flow.

好了All right.

怎么样了Hey. How's it going?

我正想拉直我的头发 我太无聊了I'm about to pull out my hair, I'm so bored.

是啊 这个Yeah, it's, uh...

对不起 关于所有无聊的技术性描述sorry for all the technobabble.

实际上 你知道吗 那才是让我兴奋的部分Actually, you know, that's the part that got me hot.


上帝Oh Jesus.

你在干吗What are you doing?

宝贝 已经一个星期了Baby, it's been a week.

难道你要我求你吗What, you want me to beg for it?

我们可是在饭店里呢Whoa. Hey. Hey hey hey. We're in a restaurant.

这个什么时候又能阻止你When has that ever stopped you before?

我操Oh fuck.

停一下 你爸就在外面Hold up. Your dad's right outside.

我可不在乎这个 他也不在乎I don't care about that, and neither does he.

再说了 大不了我再让他给你升职Besides, I'll just tell him to give you another raise.

尼克Oh, Nick!

- 我要你 - 听到了- I want you, Nick. - I hearyou.



我的上帝 你在干吗Oh my God. What are you doing?

让我们玩儿点有意思的Let's have some fun here.

笑一个 宝贝Smile, baby.

Uh-uh. Hey...

- 我会再联系你的 - 你永远最受欢迎- I'll be in touch. - You're most welcome.

你做的很好 尼克 谢谢你能来You did great, Nick. Thanks for coming.

是啊 尼克 感谢你过来Yeah, Nick. Thanks for coming.

Here I am to let you know

Take it back and let it slow

Take it back and let it slow

Lust away from all that ends

Try to keep all amends

Try to keep all amends

Your home

You hardly know it...

- 上帝 - 你去哪儿了- Oh! Jesus! - Where were you?

我都等了个小时了I was waiting fortwo hours.

特雷弗 冷静 伙计 我和卡林去吃晚餐了Trevor, settle down, man. I was at dinner with Callahan.

什么 我告诉过你 我们需要谈谈What? I told you, we need to talk.

好吧 到底怎么回事All right. What's going on?

我和我的一个投资人出了问题I've got a problem with one of my investors.

- - 马尔科姆- Who? - Malcolm.

- "马尔科姆"? - 你在耍我吗- "Malcolm"? - Are you playing with me?

马尔科姆 俱乐部认识的 我们拿了他的钱 你谈好的合同Malcolm, from the club. We took his money. You closed the deal.

- 你脑袋有毛病了? 醒醒 - 马尔科姆 没错- Is your head fucked? Come on! - Malcolm, of course.

怎么了 发生什么了Yes. What's up? What's going on?

那钱 他想要回他的钱The money... h-he-he... he wants it back.

- 好吧 多少钱 - 所有的- All right. How much? - All of it.

- - ""?- grand. - " grand"?

- 是他打的你吗 - 是他的手下 当是个提醒- Did he do that to you? - It was one of his guys, as a reminder.

听着 听我说 尼克Just listen. Listen to me, Nick.

你得弄到这笔钱 伙计 好吗You've got to make this happen, man, okay?

因为我无法糊弄这个家伙'Cause I can't mess around with this guy.

我不敢让他再等了I-I-I can't make him wait anymore.

特雷弗Hey, Trevor...

让我跟瑞安谈谈 我会搞定这件事的I'll talk to Ron. I'll take care of it.

没什么大不了的 好吗It's no big deal. All right?

- 好吧 - 好的 - Yeah. Yeah, all right. - All right, okay.

- 我欠你一辈子 兄弟 - 伙计- I owe you my life, man. - No no. Dude.

- 没事儿的 - 好吧- It's all right. - All right.


你最近和朱莉说过话吗You, uh... you talk to Julie lately?

有一阵没说过话了 怎么了No. Not in a while. Why?

我一直找不到她I'm having a hard time tracking her down.


上次你告诉我 你俩分手了 是吧You told me last time, you're done with her, right?

再见See you later.

瑞安 怎么样了Ron. How's it going, man?

糟透了 弗恩逖司的生意丢了For shit. Fuentes bailed.

什么 你不是开玩笑吧What? You got to be kidding me.

昨晚过后 我还以为我们搞定他了呢After last night I thought we had him.

是啊 操他妈的 他的错Yeah, well, fuck him. His mistake.

上帝Oh, Jesus!

听着 我不想火上浇油 但是Listen, I hate to pile on, man, but, um,

看起来我们的一个投资人出现问题了it seems we have a problem with one of our investors.

- 是吗 - 是的- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.

盖伊特雷弗月份带进来的 给我们投资了万Guy Trevor brought in back in July, gave us grand?

总之 他说他想把钱要回来Anyway, he says, uh... he says he wants it back.

- 就这样 - 是的- That's it? - Yeah.

那不过是点儿零花钱That's pocket change.

为何你不去把我桌上的 支票本拿来 自己写上钱数Why don't you just go get the checkbook off my desk and write it yourself?

瑞安 太感谢你了 伙计 我就知道你会理解的Ron, thank you so much, man. I knew you'd understand.

为何不在我桌上也写点别的Why don't you write a few more while you're at it?

我是说 不如你到那儿去 用牛奶和饼干把他们吓晕好了I mean, just go down to the corner and pass 'em out with milk and cookies.

如果你真的要送出些钱的话I mean, if you really want to give some money away.

不是这样的 伙计It's not like that, man.

尼克 我们有合同Nick, we have contracts

上面写的有何时 何种情况才能拿到钱that specify how and when people get paid back.

我知道 我也能理解 但是 以后不会再发生这种事儿了I know. I understand. Look, it is a one-time thing.

下次做生意时我会给你补上的I'll make it up to you on the next deal.

我不明白 昨天我们 谈话时你一直在睡觉吗I don't get it. Were you asleep for our entire conversation yesterday?

哪次谈话?Which... which one?

我告诉你我们破产了的那次The one where I told you we're broke.

- 什么 - 尼克 我们没钱了- What? - Nick, the money is gone.

无论再怎么说 我们还是没钱No matter how many times we go over it, it is gone.

我们花的比我们赚的还要多We've spent it... everything we had and more.

- 瑞安 这不可能 - 你不这么想罢了- Ron, that's not possible. - You wouldn't think so,

但是由于某些因素 我们曾试着摆脱困境but somehow we managed to pull it off.

那次Strike Line公司的交易呢What about the Strike Line deal?

尼克 你是个优秀的推销员Nick, you're a good salesman.

你为我的公司做了很多贡献You've done a lot of great things for my company.

我很高兴把你提拔成副总I'm glad I made you v.P.,

但还是让我们面对现实吧 那个生意你搞砸了but let's face it... you blew it on that one.

你在说什么啊What are you talking about?

你在圣诞节期间跟他们谈生意You approached them during Christmas.

那时我们还没准备好We weren't ready.

无论你怎么想 尼克 你把他们给吓跑了 这是事实No matter how you look at it, Nick, you scared them off. That's the truth.

Strike Line的生意不是我做的啊I didn't make the Strike Line deal.

妈的 如果我们能把那个生意给盯死Hell, you know, if... if we had just nailed that deal,

我们手上就很可能有些能用的软件we'd actually probably have some working software right now

而不是现在这堆垃圾instead of this pile of garbage.


- 干得怎么样了 - 还在想办法- So what's the story? - Still working on it.

尼克 快点 我今晚就要见马尔科姆了Nick, come on, man. I'm meeting Malcolm tonight.

我会搞定的Hey. I'm gonna take care of it.


朱莉Julie. Hey, it's, uh...

是我 尼克it's me, Nick, again.


听着 我知道我们之间有些问题listen, I know that there's some stuff between us,

而显然你不给我回电话 但是and you're obviously not calling me back, but...

我真的很想和你谈谈I'd really like to talk to you.

给你迟到的生日祝福 还有Happy belated birthday, and, uh...

我想你I miss you.

- - 尼克 终于打通了- Hello? - Nick. Finally.

- 你好 妈妈 - 你还好吗- Oh, hey, Mom. - How are you?

还好 什么事?Fine, uh, what's up?

我和你爸的医生谈过了 他想见见你I've spoken to yourfather's doctor. He'd like to see you.

你愿意和他说话吗Will you talk to him?

为什么 这是什么意思Why? What... what do you mean?

我很担心你 我真的很想来看看你I'm concerned about you. I really want to come and see you.

- 妈妈 我很好 - 不是的 我真的很想- No no, I'm good, Mom. I'm fine. - No, I really...

我得走了 好吗 我会再打给你的Hey, listen, I got to go, okay? I'll call you later.

- 尼克 - 我爱你- Nick... - I love you.


让我看看 看上去不错啊Let me see. Oh, looks good, huh?



Wow, I...

差点没认出你来 你看上去变了好多hardly recognized you, you look so different.

谢谢 我想Uh, thanks, I think.

我是说 你看上去很漂亮No, I mean, you look beautiful.

我给你留了一大堆留言 你收到了吗Um, I left you a bunch of messages. Did you get 'em?

是的 我收到了Yeah, I got 'em.


对不起 我知道我I'm sorry. I know I...

我有点儿失礼了 我只想和你谈谈I got a little carried away. Ljust really wanted to talk to you.

我就站在这儿 谈吧Well, I'm standing here, so go ahead.

你在做什么呢Um... What are you doing?

- 我在工作 - 在酒吧?- I'm working. - At a club?

是的 在夜总会 我正在为时装秀拍照Yeah, at a club. I'm shooting a fashion show.

不错 谁介绍的Well, that's cool. Who hooked that up?

克里斯多佛 他把我介绍给几个人 然后就这么定了Christopher. He introduced me to a few people and it just took off.

谁是克里斯多佛Wow. Who's Christopher?

- 宝贝 - - Hey, baby. - Hey.

- 你给我打电话了? - 是的- You call me? - I did.

- 这又是谁? - 尼克- And who's this? - Oh, uh, Nick.

老朋友 我们正谈着呢Old friend. We're just catching up.

尼克 她是最棒的 不是吗 她会成为明星的 对吧 宝贝Nick, she's the greatest, isn't she? She's gonna be a star, aren't you, baby?

听着 我要再去喝杯酒Listen, I'm gonna get another drink.

- 我用给你带点儿什么吗 - 好啊- Can I get you something? - Sure.

- 尼克 你呢 - 不用了 我很好- Nick? - No, I'm good.

好的All right

朱莉 朱莉Julie. Julie.


我知道我们之间有些问题I know some stuff went wrong with us,

但你要相信我 我从没有想过这样分手but you have to believe me, I never meant for it to end up like this.

别说废话了 尼克 你知道吗Oh, cut the shit, Nick. You know what?

你得到了所有你想要的You got everything exactly the way you wanted it,

所以别又从现在开始关心我了so don't start caring about me now.

告诉你 无论我说了什么I am telling you, whatever I said,

做了什么 无论我俩之间发生了什么whatever I did, whatever... happened between us,

都从你脑海里忘掉吧just... just wipe it out of your head.

你还不明白吗 我已经都忘了Don't you get it? I already have.

知道吗 你一直在说你的工作You know, and all yourtalk about your job

和我的职业 我们的未来and my career, the future,

那只是 尼克 说说而已that's all it was, Nick... talk.

但是现在 我自己做老板了And now I'm my own boss,

并且第一次按照自己的想法去做and forthe first time I'm doing exactly what I want to do.

你没有No, you're not.

我知道你想要什么 不是这样的I know what you want, and it's not this.

- 人是会变的 - 我们没变- Things change. - Not us.

朱莉 我们可以重新开始Julie, we can start over.

就给我个机会吧Just give me a chance.

- 她的电话 不是吗 - 谁的- That's her, isn't it? - Who?


朱莉 不是的Julie, no.

你是这世界上我唯一关心的You are the only thing in this world that matters to me.

我不知道为何我曾迷失I don't know how I lost sight of that.

但我能恢复过来I can fix this.

我向你保证 我会的I promise you I will.

不愧是个推销员 不是吗Always the salesman, aren't you?


尼克 感谢上帝Nick. Oh, thank God.

我跟你说他会来的See, I told you he'd show.

我很高兴你能来 尼克I'm really glad you could make it, Nick.

- 我猜你就是马尔科姆 - 是的- Malcolm, I assume. - Yeah,

- 很高兴终于面对面见到你 - 我也是- good to meet you face to face finally. - And you.

这是韦恩 他是我合伙人 拥有夜总会的一半股份This is Wayne. He owns half the club with me.

韦恩? 尼克Wayne? Nick.

祝你好运Good luck.

坐吧Have a seat.

好的All right.

马尔科姆 这个地方真棒Malcolm, this space is fantastic.

多谢了Thank you very much.

请尝尝 一些红茶Here we go. A little black tea

加上人参和芒果with ginseng and mango.

我们管它叫中国火箭燃料We call it Chinese rocket fuel.

使你头脑和身体保持清醒Keeps you sharp, mind and body.

看起来对你很有效啊It seems to be working foryou.

我知道你为什么会来这儿I know why you're here.

你想重新谈谈你的合同You want to renegotiate your contract.


你的朋友做了很多承诺Yourfriend made a lot of promises.

他说能让我凭着某种 涡轮增压般的超级电话软件Said he could get me in on the ground floor, triple my money with some sort of

站着就让我的钱翻成倍turbocharged super-phone software,

我不是专业人士 但这听起来很好and I'm no expert, but it sounded pretty good.

确实是很好 马尔科姆And it is, Malcolm.

这都是真的That's all true.

这是个非常好的软件 我确信你的投资能得到超值回报It is an excellent product. I'm sure your investment will see a great return.

马尔科姆 我不知道 什么才是你想要的Malcolm, I'm not sure what it is you're looking for,

但如果你看看合同 就会发现 我们离合同期限还早着呢but if you look at your contract, you'll see we're well within ourtimeline.

好吧 但是有时候Okay, but at some time,

我需要感觉到事情正在进展中I need to feel like there's some sort of progress going on.

那好 我该怎样帮你有这种感觉呢Okay. Well, how can I help you feel like that?

你看 我们是机构的一部分See, we're part of an organization.

一系列命令的运作总得有个过程 这就是生意如何运作的There's a chain of command. It's the way things are done.

这就是为什么在合同上注明了Which is why we sign contracts that specify

何时何种情况下才能得到收益how and when people are paid back.

你是个商人 你知道整个生意是怎么进行的You're a businessman. You know how the whole thing works.

你曾希望能预知未来吗Have you ever wished you could look into the future?

中国人相信 通过茶叶的形态 就能预测未来The Chinese believe it's possible just by looking at a pattern of tea leaves.

所以 现在的问题是So... the question is,

我是看到你们所说的do I see a waterfall

瀑布般从天而降的钞票dripping with all the money you guys are gonna make me?

还是Or, uh,

看到我给你们的钱都在do I see a little bonfire cooking as everything

- 篝火的烟雾中消失 - 不是这样的 马尔科姆- I gave you goes up in smoke? - That's not it, Malcolm.

你要能证明给我看的话就好了 Well, I'm dying foryou to prove me otherwise.

我觉得我可以I think I can help.

由于你和特雷弗的关系Because of your relationship with Trevor

还有我对产品的信心and my confidence in this product,

我写了张投资钱数%的个人支票I've written you a personal check for %.

万中的万? thousand out of ?

这不过是你的投资It's a Band-Aid until your...

得到回报前的一点儿零头your investment sees its return.

一点儿零头 我喜欢一点儿零头Band-Aids. I love Band-Aids.

现在你看到了吧 我告诉过你Now, you see? I told you,

尼克正在做这笔生意 他会把一切都管好的Nick's on this now, and he's gonna take care of everything.

有一点儿总比没有强Well, it's better than nothing,

这就是目前我能拿到的which is all I've gotten from you so far.

所以 也许现在该废话少说了 对吗So, maybe it's time we cut out the middlemen, right?


把他弄出去Get him out.


- 不要 - 什么- No! - What?

在这儿等着 好吗Stay in here, okay?

快点 让让 快出去Come on, move, move! Get out!

妈的 快出去 现在Shit! Get out! Now!

Fuck! Fuck!



- 尼克? - - Nick? - No!

朱莉 不要 我操No, Julie! Fuck!

- 朱莉 上帝 - 发生什么了- Oh, Julie! Oh, my God! - What's happening?

我爱你 宝贝Shh. Shh. I love you, baby.

我爱你 你还好 好吗I love you. You're okay, okay?

这儿 别回头 看着我Here. Don't look. Here here. Hey, look at me.

看着我 一切都好 知道吗Look at me, look at me. Everything's fine. Okay?

你不会有事儿的 You're okay. Shh.


别这样啊Come on!

呼吸 快呼吸Breathe. Just breathe.

好吧All right. All right.

格雷斯Oh, Grace!

上帝Oh, God.

终于发现怎样能把你弄醒了Found something that would wake you up.

这他妈的怎么回事儿?What the fuck?

放松点儿 你正在享受呢Relax. You're enjoying it.

你的衣服在地上Your shit's on the floor.

想喝点儿什么吗You want something to drink?

你是谁Who are you?


我怎么到这儿的How did I get here?

你真他妈可爱You are so bloody cute.

- 回答我的问题 - 把你的手从我身上拿开- Answerthe question. - Get your hands off of me.

你不记得我了 我们在夜总会见过面You don't remember me? We met at the club.

我和马尔科姆 无论什么事情上Malcolm and I are partners.

都是合伙人 这就意味着 我也拥有你的一半On everything. Which means I own half your ass.

我知道你欠我们万I understand you owe us $,.

如果你表现好的话If you hadda behaved yourself,

我可以说服马尔科姆管你少要点儿I could've persuaded Malcolm into reducing your bill,

但在他来之前 你哪儿也不能去but now you're not going anywhere until he gets here.

听明白没Don't you get it?

你要找死的话 我相信 特雷弗和你女朋友都会同意的I'm sure your girlfriend and Trevor would agree.

去你妈的Fuck you.

我真把事情给搞砸了 妈妈I really screwed things up, Mom.

我如此努力去挽救一切 I tried so hard to fix everything, to just...

要把事情做好 但每次 却把事情变得更坏 make things right, and every time I do I make it so much worse.

我甚至都不再知道自己是谁了I don't even know who I am anymore.

别这样 你说话的样子 让我想起了你爸Don't. You remind me of yourfather when you talk like that.

- 为什么 - 你总想掌控一切- Why? - You try to control everything.

妈妈 我想和爸爸谈谈Mom, I want to talk to Dad.

你不能 好吗No, you can... you can't, okay?

你不明白 这真的很重要You don't understand. It's really important.

- 你不明白 - 妈妈 你得帮我找到他- No, you don't understand. - Mom, you've gotta help me find him.

尼克 他死了Nick, he's dead.

他自杀了He committed suicide.

你为什么之前不告诉我?Why would you keep that from me?

我不知道I don't know.

我不想让你在这种情况下记住他I didn't want you to remember him like that.

问题是 尼克 你才是我所担心的The point is, Nick, it's you I'm worried about.

你独自承受不了You can't do this alone.

你要去找个医生看看You need to see a doctor.

你不一定非得和你爸的命运一样You don't have to have the same fate as yourfather.

尼克 你无法掌控一切Nick, you can't control everything.

是时候放手了You have to let it go.

请再来一杯Another drink, please.


尼克 怎么回事儿Nick. What's going on?

上帝Oh my God.

你发生什么了What happened to you?

带来了吗Did you bring it?

特雷弗在哪儿Where is Trevor?

我都不敢相信这是一年前的I can't believe that was only a year ago.

我知道有些地方不对劲儿I know something's wrong.

先是特雷弗带着黑眼眶回家First, Trevor comes home with a black eye.

然后他说你们要开些会Then he says you have some meeting together,

但他根本就不回家but he doesn't come home at all.

现在你又让我带些旧照片过来?And now you want me to bring you some old picture?

尼克 我真的很害怕Nick, I'm really scared.

我知道I know.

你知道我愿意为特雷弗 做任何事情 对吧You know that I'd do anything for Trevor, don't you?

我愿为你们做任何事情I'd do anything for all you guys.


过来Come here.

我知道你很害怕I know you're scared.

我可以解释的I can't explain it...

但我向你保证特雷弗没事儿but I promise you that Trevor's okay.

好极了 伙计们Oh, great, guys.

看好了Check it out...

我带来了我特制的生日蜡烛I brought my own special birthday candle.

- 好啊 - 这可是毒品- Yes! - It's drugs!

我的最爱Oh! My favorite.

点蜡烛Light it!

- 点蜡烛 - 好的 好的- Light it. - Yes yes.

你去哪儿Where are you going?

- 随便转转 - 真的吗- Somewhere. - Oh, really?

和你一起With you.

好吧 Okay.

我要单独和你谈谈I need to talk to you alone.


穿上这个 天气可能会变冷Put this on, it might get cold.


这里就跟你第一次带我来时 Ah. This looks exactly the same as it did

看上去一摸一样when you first brought me here.

简直不敢相信 那是什么时候I can't believe... when was that?

- 年前 - 年前- Three years ago. - Three years ago.


现在我无法想象 没有你我的人生会怎样I can't imagine my life without you now.

尼克 我想跟你说点事儿Nick, I want to tell you something.

我先说Me first.


你得去纽约You need to go to New York.

- 什么? - 我知道这听起来很奇怪- What? - I know that it sounds strange,

但是请相信我 这是为你好but trust me, it's forthe best.

这都哪儿跟哪儿啊?Where is this coming from?

这是你追求艺术This is your chance to pursue your art,

发现自我的机会to... find out about yourself,

不必再为我 为我们 为我的工作to not have to worry about me or us or my job

或其它的事情担忧or all that other bullshit, just...

- 我不想这么自由 - 听我说- I don't want to be free. - Listen to me.

这是你最后一次This is your last chance to...

可以追求自己生活轨迹pursue your own path in life,

又不会被我破坏的机会one that I can't fuck up.

我不想追求自己的生活轨迹 不是那么回事儿Well, I don't want to pursue my own path. That wasn't the deal.

- 听着 - 我们可以在一起的- Listen. - We were going to do this together

可以一起解决问题 并且你答应过我 会和我在一起and we were gonna work it out, and you promised you would be there.

相信我吧 我知道 宝贝 你没明白Just trust me, I know, baby. I don't think you're getting it.


我只是现在需要一点私人空间ljust need a little space myself right now.

对不起I'm sorry.

你要和我分手吗You're breaking up with me?

- 就这样了? - 是的- That's it? - Yeah.

我觉得没什么好说的了I don't think there's anything left to be said.

尼克 我怀孕了Nick, I'm pregnant.


朱莉在哪儿Where's Julie?

- 发生什么事儿了 - 伙计 她跑下来- What happened? - Yeah, dude, she ran down here,

拿了你的钥匙 然后开走了你的车grabbed your keys and took off to your car.

上帝No! Oh God!

- 好吧 我们开始 - 继续走到点上然后回来- All right, here we go. - Keep going to the point and back.

伙计 你在干吗 这是我的车Hey, man, what are you doing? That's my car!

慢点儿 求你了 慢点儿Slow down. Please, slow down.

上帝Oh God.

- 真是开玩笑 - 朱莉- Oh, you've got to be kidding. - Julie!

- 上帝 - 停车 朱莉 求求你了- God! - Pull over, Julie, please!

求你了 快停车Please, pull over.

对不起 我爱你I'm sorry! I love you!

我不知道 对不起I didn't know! I'm sorry!

朱莉 你一定得停车Julie, you have to pull over!

停车 你不理解Pull over! You don't understand!


我的上帝Oh my God.

我爱你I love you.

我愿为你们做任何事情I would do anything for all you guys.

你知道的 对吧You know that, don't you?

尼克 你醒了Hey, Nick. You're awake.

快点 宝贝 今天可是很重要啊Come on, baby, we've got a big day.

半小时候后我还有课I've got class in a half-hour.


这就对了 小尼克 That's right, Nicky, yeah!


妈妈半小时内要赶到课堂Mommy has to go to class in a half an hour.

这就对了 好吧That's right. Okay?

我会把你放到奶奶家 I'm gonna drop you off at Grandma's. Yeah!

The.Butterfly.Effect.-=NORM TEAM=-\N压制:Christian


