
发布时间:2023-10-03 23:49:26   来源:文档文库   
每一个时代都根据这一时代的趣味创作或改写童话。白雪公主叙事自诞生以来,一直是人们热爱而常谈的故事题材,近两三年不断上映的白雪公主题材电影激起人们对白雪公主叙事的新关注。本文是,希望对大家有帮助! 白雪公主和七个小矮人snow white and seven dwarfs queen was jealous of snow white.so she asked a butcher to kill snow white.butcher let her escape. snow white staied happily with seven dwarfs.queen heard that she wasn't dead.queen gavea poisonous apple to her and she ate it. snow white died ,seven dwarfs put her in a coffin.a prince kissed the snow white wake up.the prince and snow white got married. 白雪公主和七个小矮人
Today, I read "Snow White." Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin, red lips, a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter, as she wished
the Princess's skin white as snow, lips red, so named Snow White. Snow White Queen, when the living dead. The king married a new queen, the new Queen, there are side mirror on the wall, the new queen every day, asking who is the world's most beautiful Mirror, mirror on the wall said: It is you. This would ask the mirror each day the Queen. One day, mirror on the wall is you, but no Snow White, the United States several times more than you. The Queen is very angry, so she sent to kill Snow White, but the Queen sent Snow White, who do not have the heart to kill, but to put Snow White. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs encountered, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs shelter, the queen that Snow White did not die, they start with himself. Although the queen won. But the prince saved Snow White. Queen also dies eventually. This fairy tale tells us that we should not have a jealous heart, to do a good people, good will overcome evil with evil means will not achieve victory. To stay competitive to compete on the open and aboveboard. White-snow A very long time ago there lived a queen who had a beautiful daughter named White-snow. When the girl was very young, her mother died. Then the king married another queen who was a witch in fact. The queen often asked the magic mirror “Which is the most beautiful


