
发布时间:2017-08-25 20:56:51   来源:文档文库   

7-3考试试题 姓名:


1. T: 8pm BT student BEAR--assessment...there is NO FILE to download in her assessment today. Please attach the file to her name

FM: please contact education

T: I made the ticket--but Education wont respond in time--assessment is for 8pm BT

FM: hi class at 8pm it is not an assessment do not worry it is a normal class

T: it says it is an assessment, there is a UA ASSESSMENT REPORT in the class portal

FM: already contact education, they will help you

EDU: Hi Laura. This is Christina from VIPKID Education. Your class at 8PM BJ time is a summer camp course, and no UA is necessary. But please leave feedback after you finish that class.

T: but it says UA ASSESSMENT ...just ignore?

EDU: Yes, please disregard the UA report mark. The class with Bear is not actually a UA class. Please notice that not many of us work on weekends. Sorry if we failed to take care of your concern on Fresh desk as quickly as you expected. But we've been trying our hardest.

T: I know thanks

Thanks to FM for getting someone from Education to address issue.




T:但是系统里显示它是一节测评课,教室入口显示了一个UA Assessment REPORT.



T:但是系统上显示UA Assessment 忽略了就行了



2. Bruce had a really difficult time today in class. I couldn't tell if he was busy in another screen (looking at another website) of if he truly did not understand. His eyes were looking in a different direction when I would call out to him, so I believe he was looking at something other than the screen. Please send a message to his Chinese teacher to address this issue.She can view the lesson and decide. I do not know this child, so I can't really judge the situation

Bruce 在今天的课上表现不好。我无法辨别是否忙着看另外一个屏幕(另外一个网站的),还是他根本听不懂课。当我叫他的时候,他的眼睛一直盯着其他方向,所以我认为他一直在看其他的。而不是这个课的屏幕。请把消息发给中教,让他解决。他可以看下这节课然后做出判断。我不了解这个孩子,所以我不能判断真实的情况是怎么样的。

3. I created a ticket when I left my classroom open and it recorded for two hours. Is there a way to cut the video off when it is supposed to end? It has personal information and I do not want it to be available on playback. Is there something else I am supposed to do


4. The portal is not loading for me, I can see everything in the classroom except for the box with the video chat and PPT


5. I am attempting to get ready for my first class. The tech issue I am having is that the chrome browser does not pop up "allow" for me to use my headset and microphone. It does not recognize it at times, other times it does.


6. It will not let me enter the classroom with this student after testing my equipmentI tried shutting down my computer, and restarting and then it will not let me enter the classroom now.I already previewed the material about animals that I was to teachIt is no longer green, but shows it a white on my schedule/calendarIt is not showing up under classrooms either.


7. The internet of Jose Contreras is out he can't make his classes to day. Buddy system notification

Jose Contreras的网断了,他今天上不了课了。系统通知的。

8. There was a lesson with Jenny yesterday where there were significant tech errors but they all were quick to resolve themselves. Because of them, we didnt finish the assessment. Her mom would like to know if she can finish it


9. Class reads finished as scheduled do I complete the feedback assessment even though there were tech issues with the 8:30pm Beijing time class on 6-18-2016? Please advise


10. I see it's now marked as STUDENT_NO_SHOW. Why don't you update the teachers anymore when these changes occur? Instead of us refreshing refreshing refreshing when we're supposed to be paying attention to the classroom in case the student arrives?Or wasting time just sitting there when the company knows the student isn't going to show up. A heads up would be nice.

我看到现在课堂结束状态是student No-Show.这些变化出现时为何不通知老师?反而是当我们该集中精力关注教室,以防学生学生突然出现时,我们却一直在刷新、刷新、刷新。或者是当对方知道学生不会来了时,还只是浪费时间干坐着。要是给我们通知一下就好了。

11. Hello again. Susan has still not shown up for the 6:30PM assessment. Even if she does come in late, she will probably have to repeat the assessment as I dont believe there will be enough time to get through the whole assessment. Susan is 8 minutes late. I am in the class, but I have closed my camera. I will continue to wait.


12. The student didn't have video but was able to see me, I taught the lesson and student and parent followed along. I clicked the help button within the lesson and it stated was resolving a tech issue. Now the class is showing as student no show student did show and class taught

这个学生没有开视频但是学生可以看见我,我教了这节课,学生家长一起的。我点击了这节课的帮助按钮,它显示是正在解决一个技术问题。现在这节课显示状态为student No-Show,但学生确实来了,课也已经上了。

13. Hello, I am a trial only teacher, but I have a student on Thursday who is major and has an assessment. I know this student (she was a regular before I was trial only) and love teaching her, but she has an assessment. do I still do her assessment even though I'm trial only?



