英语词汇库英语专题分类词汇(花木Flowers and Trees)

发布时间:2019-09-01 07:41:11   来源:文档文库   



(花木Flowers and Trees

conifer 针叶树;larch 落叶松;verdant pine 长青松;cedar 杉树;cypress 柏树;fir纵树;varnish tree 漆树;tung tree/paulownia桐树/泡桐;phoenix tree梧桐/中国梧桐;rubber tree 橡皮树;palm 棕榈树;oil palm 油棕;silk tree/cotton tree 木棉树;mulberry 桑树;betel-nut tree摈榔树;willow 柳树;weeping willow 垂杨柳;birch 白桦;elm 榆树;oak 橡树;Manchurian ash 水曲柳;beech 山毛榉;tamarisk 柽柳;linden 菩提树;poplar 杨树;camphor tree 樟树;cinnamon 肉桂树;ailanthus 椿树;aspen 白杨;wattle 荆树;Chinese scholar tree 槐树;locust tree 洋槐;maple 枫树;Japanese pagoda tree 龙爪槐;plane tree/platan 法国梧桐;sterculia 梧树;banian/banyan 榕树;orchard 兰花;Chinese rose 月季;fruit-bearing tree 果树;cherry-apple tree 海棠树;walnut tree 胡桃树;plum tree 李子树;chestnut tree栗子树;apricot tree 杏树;prune tree梅子树;cherry tree樱桃树;cocoanut tree 椰树;apple tree 苹果树;pomegranate tree 石榴树;pear tree 梨树;date tree 枣树;persimmon tree 柿子树;olive tree 橄榄树;gingko tree 白果树;tangerine 四季桔;crocus 番红花;Chinese trumpet-creeper 凌霄花;honey suckles 金银花/忍冬;marsh marigold 金盏花;winter sweet 腊梅;lily of the valley 欧铃芝;oleander 夹竹桃;orchard 兰花;rose 玫瑰;hydrangea 紫阳花;furze 金雀花;poppy罂粟花;gardenia 栀子花;tmas flower 簋;dahlia 大丽红;May lily 铃芝;amaryllis 孤挺花;hedge rose 蔷薇;mallow 锦葵;touch-me-not 含羞草;balsamine/garden balsamine凤仙花;orchid cactus 昙花;guelder-rose 绣球花;violet 紫罗兰;meadow sweets 珍珠花;foxgloves 指顶花;jasmine 茉莉/素馨;lotus 荷花/睡莲;trumpet 喇叭水仙;carnation 香石竹/康乃馨;gillyflower 麝香石竹;sweet william 美洲石竹; camellia 山茶花;chrysanthemum 菊花;sunflower 向日葵;tea rose 香水月季;straw flower 腊菊;holyhock 蜀葵;canna 美人蕉;fouro 'clock 紫茉莉;morning-glory 牵牛花;hibiscus 芙蓉;red sage/sagebrush 山艾/串红;sweet osmanthus 桂花;cockscomb 鸡冠花;trupet flower 紫薇;iris鸢尾/蝴蝶花;azalea 杜鹃花;sweet pea 豌豆花;buttercup 金凤花;narcissus 水仙;plum blossom 梅花;tulip 郁金香;tree peony/peony 牡丹;poinsettia 一品红;Chinese cymbidium 墨兰/春兰;madonna lily 白百合花;daisy 雏菊;calaeolaria 蒲包花;kapok 木棉花;peach blossom 桃花;frangipani 鸡蛋花;ginger lily 姜花;orange blossom 香橙花;herbaceous peony 芍药;daffodil黄水仙;pompon dahlia/fragrant plantain lily 绒球大丽花;ebony 黑檀/乌木;sorbaria 珍珠梅;rosa xanthina 黄刺梅;lilac 丁香;Chinese wisteria 紫藤;creepers 爬山虎;sandal 香;forget-me not 勿忘草;evergreen 万年青;gentian 龙胆草;lavender 薰衣草;snap-dragon 金鱼草;fuchsia 倒挂金钟;cactus 仙人掌;prime rose樱草;tansy 艾菊;wood sorrel/exalis 酢浆草;heliotrope 洋茉莉;water lily 水浮莲;fern 羊齿草;asparagus 文竹/天门冬;clover 三叶草;ivy 常青藤;clematis 铁线莲;moss 藓苔;mint 薄荷;dandelion 蒲公英;weed anemone 白头翁;sweet sedge/bulrush 菖蒲;rattle 野百合;cinquefoil 五指草;yellow flag 黄菖蒲;garden pansy 园三色堇;snowdrop 雪花莲;snowflake 雪片莲;globe thistle 球蓟;clivia minata 君子兰;nasturtium 早金莲;pelargonium天竺葵;Chinese hibiscus 桂桑;lilac 木犀/桂花;begonia 秋海棠;passion flower 西番莲;Chinese pink石竹;magnolia 玉兰;wistaria 紫藤;canterburry bell 凤铃草;larkspur 飞燕草;citrus chirocarpus 佛手;cerous/organ-pipe cactus 仙人柱;aster 紫苑;pendulum orchid 吊兰;zinnia 百日草;gladiola/sword grass 菖兰;field poppy/corn poppy 虞美人;bamboo groves 竹林;holly 冬青;potted kumquat 盆栽金桔;succulent plant 肉质植物;fragrant plantain 玉簪花;agave 龙舌兰;pussy willow 银柳;saplings 树苗;flower-pot cover/jardinière 套盆;flower pot 花盆;trimming 整枝;pruning 剪枝;grafting 嫁接;nursery garden 苗圃;transplant 移栽;seedlings 花苗;floor seeds 花籽;lawn 草坪;perennial 多年生植物;herb 草本;weed 杂草;floriculture 花艺;florist 花店;flower bed 花坛;rockery/rock work 假山;miniature/pot scenery/bonsai 盆景;bud 花蕾;stem 茎;filament 花丝;pistil 雌蕊;stamen 雄蕊;pollen 花粉;receptacle 花托;corolla花冠;calyx花萼。


《英语词汇库英语专题分类词汇(花木Flowers and Trees).doc》
