
发布时间:2020-02-27 10:14:21   来源:文档文库   








Jean was walking with his grandfather through a public square in Paris.
At a certain point, he saw a shoemaker being mistreated by a client, whose footwear showed a flaw. The shoemaker listened calmly to the complaint and apologized, promising to correct the error.

Jean and his grandfather stopped to have coffee at a bistro.
At the table next to them, the waiter asked a man to move his chair a little in order to make space. That man burst into a torrent of complaints and refused to move.

Never forget what you have seen today, Jean’s grandfather said, the shoemaker accepted the complaint, while this man next to us didn’t want to move.

Useful men, who do useful things, don’t mind being treated as useless.

“But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority.

错误的礼物 10 second reading: the wrong gift

我的一个朋友Miie T.——她曾是一位经济学家——决定抛弃一切,致力于学画。




A friend of mine, Miie T. decided to abandon everything she knew — she was an economist — in order to dedicate herself to painting.

For years she sought an adequate master until she met a woman who lived in Tibet and specialized in miniatures.

Miie left Japan and went to the Tibetan mountains and moved in with the teacher, who was extremely poor, to learn what she needed to learn.

At the end of the first year, Miie returned to Japan for a couple of days and returned to Tibet with suitcases filled with gifts.

When her teacher saw what she had brought, she began to cry and asked Miie not to come back to her home, saying,

Before your trip, our relation was of equality and love. You had a roof, food and paints.

“Now, as you brought me these gifts, you have established a social difference between us.

“If this difference exists, there can’t be comprehension and surrendering.

救了我命的那条鱼 The fish who saved my life








Nasrudin is walking past a cave when he sees a yogi, deep in meditation, and he asks the yogi what he is searching for. The yogi says:

‘I study the animals and have learned many lessons from them that can transform a man’s life.’

‘A fish once saved my life,’ Nasrudin replies. ‘If you teach me everything you know, I will tell you how it happened.’

The Yogi is astonished; only a holy man could be saved by a fish. And he decides to teach Nasrudin everything he knows.

When he has finished, he says to Nasrudin:

‘Now that I have taught you everything, I would be proud to know how a fish saved your life.’

‘Very simple,’ says Nasrudin, ‘I was almost dying of hunger when I caught it and, thanks to that fish, I had enough food for three days.’

法律与水果 The law and the fruits



  但是这里的人们依然每天只吃一个水果 —— 他们虔诚地遵守着祖先中的预言家说过的话。然而,他们从不让其他村子的居民分享每年的丰厚收成。



  预言家回到村子里传达新的神谕。但是却被村民用石头砸死了—— 因为流传下来的习惯已经在当地居民心中根深蒂固。



In the desert, fruit was scarce. God called one of his prophets and said:- Each person may only eat one fruit a day.

The custom was obeyed for many generations, and the ecology of the place was preserved. Since the remaining fruit supplied seeds, other trees appeared. Soon, the entire region was turned into fertile soil, which was the envy of other towns.

But the people continued to eat one fruit a day – they remained faithful to what the ancient prophet of their forefathers had told them. However they never allowed the inhabitants of other villages to take advantage of the abundant harvest with which they were rewarded each year.

The result was that fruit rotted on the ground.

God called a new prophet and said:- Let them eat as much fruit as they like. And ask them to share the abundance with their neighbors.

The prophet came to the town with the new message. But he was stoned – for by now the custom was ingrained in the hearts and minds of each of the inhabitants.

With time, the younger villagers began to question the barbaric old custom. But, since the tradition of the elders was unbending, they decided to abandon the religion. Thus, they could eat as much fruit as they wished, and give the rest to those in need of food.

The only people who remained faithful to the local church, were those who considered themselves saints. But in truth they were unable to see how the world changes, and recognize how one must change with it.


