
发布时间:2020-03-23 01:11:46   来源:文档文库   

2019年七年级(五四学制)上学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷

一、 根据所给音标完成句子 (共5题;共5分)

1. (1分)Jackie Chan is my favorite________(演员). He is of medium________(身高).

2. (1分)Shanghai is a ________(现代的) city.

3. (1分)Dr Bethune treated the wounded soldiers during the ________(战争).

4. (1分)The girl c________ from our city.

5. (1分)We spent several ________(令人愉快的)days in New York.

二、 选择最恰当的答案 (共15题;共30分)

6. (2分)下面哪组字母含有相同的音素?

A . Cc  Pp  Ss    

B . Ff  Mm  Xx    

C . Aa  Nn  Zz    

7. (2分)(2017·宜宾)Li Qiang is_____ honest boy. He wants to be_____useful person when he grows up        

A . a, an    

B . an,a    

C . a:a    

8. (2分)—When's she at home?

—She's at home _____ May 8th.

A . to    

B . in    

C . on    

9. (2分)Eating fruit and vegetables         good         our health.

A . are, for    

B . is, for    

C . are, at    

D . is, at    

10. (2分)— Who teaches ________ English?

— Nobody. I teach __________.

A . you, me    

B . yourself, me    

C . yourself, myself    

D . you, myself    

11. (2分)—What's ______ name?

—He's Mike.

A . his    

B . he's    

C . he    

D . Her    

12. (2分)We need        players to play basketball. Would you like to join us?

A . another two    

B . two another    

C . more two    

D . every two    

13. (2分)The rich man gave five ________ dollars to the poor village.

A . millions    

B . millions of    

C . million of    

D . million    

14. (2分)These cars are ________. They run ________.

A . quicker; quick    

B . quickly; quickly    

C . quick; quickly    

D . quickly; quick    

15. (2分)The chicken wing tastes so _______________ that everyone likes it very much.

A . well    

B . good    

C . bad    

D . badly    

16. (2分)_____ he is very young, _____ he knows a lot about science.

A . Because, so    

B . Though, but    

C . When, and    

D . Although, /    

17. (2分)— _______ you play _________ piano?

— No, I can't.

A . Need; the    

B . Can; /    

C . Can; the    

D . Can; a    

18. (2分)Great changes __________ in our school in the past few years .

A . have taken place    

B . took place    

C . take place    

D . will take place    

19. (2分)Mom, I volunteer _____ the plates today.

A . to wash    

B . washed    

C . washing    

D . wash    

20. (2分)—Do you mind me sitting beside you?

—        . The seat is for my sister.

A . Of course not    

B . Better not    

C . Yes, a little    

D . Yes, I do    

三、 将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次 (共2题;共2分)

21. (1分)从方框中选出适当的单词,并用其适当形式填空。

four    all   one     for  say    he   because   time   after     health

What day do you like? I like Friday. I have ________ classes in the morning and ________ my classes are great. My ________  class is Chinese. It's easy and fun. The second class is English. It is interesting ________ me and I like it. My English teacher, Mrs. Wang, always ________ English is very useful. That's for sure! Then I have a math class. I think math is really difficult. But my math teacher, Mr. Li, is a very nice man. I always ask ________ for help. P.E. is the last class. Oh! It's my favorite, ________ I can play ping-pong with my classmates. We always have a good ________ in P.E. We have lunch ________ class. I eat chicken and vegetables for lunch. I don't eat hamburgers. I want to be ________ .

22. (1分)根据句意,选用方框内的词语,用其适当形式填空。

use, tomorrow, tooth, join, scary

(1)I don't like lions. It's too ________.

(2)— What's Dad doing?

— He's ________ the computer.

(3)It's Saturday today and ________ is Sunday.

(4)Hi, Laura. Do you want to ________ me for dinner? My parents aren't at home.

(5)The baby has two bad ________. His mother has to take him to the hospital.

四、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 (共6题;共6分)

23. (1分)Jessie is learning to cook for ________ though she is only seven years old. (her)

24. (1分)Jane bought two ________  (shirt) for her father as his birthday gifts.

25. (1分)The two________(group)of students have to wear yellow clothes.

26. (1分)Fall is to season as earth is to ________.

27. (1分)It's cool and ________ (sun) in autumn in our hometown.

28. (1分)—Can you ask her to come here ________(late)?

—Sure. I'll tell her.

五、 根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词 (共5题;共9分)

29. (1分)Tom eats dumplings once a week. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________Tom________ dumplings?

30. (1分)There are five CDs on the desk.(改写为一般疑问句)

________    ________  five CDs on the desk?

31. (1分)Your grandpa rarely forgets things. (改为反意疑问句)

Your grandpa rarely forgets things,________ ________?

32. (1分)Good students never go to school late. (改为同义句)

Good students are never ________school.

33. (5分)take charge of , suggest , Peter , the volunteer project , I should (连词成句)


六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)

34. (10分)   I was born in the Tronto, Canada. Life looked bright and was filled with hope for my parents and me. My father and mother were married in 1980, and I was born next year.

As I grew into a man, I often looked to my father for advice and support. There were many things about his character that I admired, but like any young boy, I often thought that my father's ideas were from the past and out of date.

I did well as a student and was the first person in my family to graduate from university. I went on to be a university professor and writer, and most people would say that I have had a very successful life. But I know much of my success is because of the lessons that he passed onto me.

On Father's Day, I will look in the mirror and smile. My dad gave me many gifts, including my now bald head (秃顶), and the friendly smile that my friends say I have.

Thank you again, dad. I miss you. Happy Father's Day.

(1)This passage should be a(an) _____________. 

A . note    

B . letter    

C . invitation    

D . poster    

(2)What does the underlined phrase "out of date"mean? 

A . 时尚    

B . 迂腐    

C . 固执    

D . 过时    

(3)From the passage we can know ____________. 

A . the writer is grateful to his father for what his father has done    

B . the writer misses his father very much    

C . the writer's life is bright and full of hope    

D . the writer's father is loving    

七、 选择最恰当的单词完成短文 (共1题;共1分)

35. (1分)Sunshine Zoo is a nice place to visit. Walk from the South Gate, go  1 , and you will find the Panda House. Pandas are  2  . They like eating   3  . To the north of the Panda House, you'll find the   4. They are the kings of the animal world. Remember not to go near them because they are  5. To the west of  6 Area, you will see lots of birds. They can make beautiful sounds. Go on and you will see the clever and  7 monkeys. To the east of the Monkeys' Forest, you will see the giraffes. The giraffe has a long   8 . It is the tallest animal on the earth(地球). To the north-east of the giraffes, there is a  9  . Cross it, and you will see the elephants. Their ears are 10 open fans.


A . in    

B . over    

C . out    

D . straight    


A . helpful    

B . sad    

C . cute    

D . sick    


A . bamboo    

B . bread    

C . rice    

D . bananas    


A . pandas    

B . monkeys    

C . birds    

D . lions    


A . friendly    

B . dangerous    

C . important    

D . sure    


A . Lion    

B . Lion's    

C . Lions    

D . Lions'    


A . fun    

B . funny    

C . wonderful    

D . beautiful    


A . necks    

B . hand    

C . neck    

D . hands    


A . bridge

B . shop

C . building

D . school


A . likes

B . to like

C . will like

D . like

八、 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首 (共1题;共1分)

36. (1分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写—词。

(1)Many ________(工厂)have been moved away from our town to protect the environment.

(2)Sometimes reading can make others' experience in the book become ________(我们的).

(3)My brother got his driver's license on his ________(十九)birthday.

(4)Go ________(穿过)the bridge, and you'll find the bookstore on your left.

(5)I asked where Steven was and she ________(点头)in the direction of the kitchen.

(6)In general, dead or living parts of plants need to be moved again to ________(改进)the shape or growth of the plant.

(7)When we reached the top of the mountain, we were breathing ________(沉重地).

(8)—It's useful for the deaf people to learn sign language.

—Yes, it's a major way of ________for them.

(9)—I must be off right now.

—I wish you could stay here a little ________.

(10)April is to month as autumn is to ________.

九、 根据短文内容回答下列内容 (共1题;共25分)

37. (25分)任务型阅读

The population of Earth is still going up. There will be less and less good land for growing crops in the future. People worry that there will not be enough food for everyone in the middle of this century.

Recently scientists have discovered one strange plant named fedtschenkoi(玉吊钟)may help. It can absorb(吸收)carbon dioxide(CO₂) at night. It only needs 10 times less water than food plants like beans. This means it can grow in the desert(沙漠).

In which ways could this plant help us?

Since deserts are increasing in size because of the changes in Earth's climate, growing plants there will be more and more important. Although it is dangerous to eat this plant, scientists can still study something about it: how it absorbs CO₂ at night while many other plants only do this during the day, and why it is suited to the desert.

There is another direction to take the research in. Producing a desert plant to eat will be difficult, but there is still possibility to use the genes(基因)from this plant and put them into food plants.

The other way is to grow this type of plant for fuel(燃料). At the moment we grow plants for fuel in good land. If we do it in deserts instead, more good land can be used to grow plants for food.

Desert plants have special qualities, which could be an answer to our future food or energy needs. Scientists are working hard on it.

The Desert Plant Could Help

The problems of the future

◆The population on Earth is becoming ________  than before.

◆There is less and less________land for growing crops.

◆There will not be enough food in the future, which makes people________

The discovery of the scientists

◆It is an________ plant named fedtschenkoi.

◆Food plants like beans need 10 times________ water than it does in deserts.

The ways it could________ us

◆The scientists are studying how it absorbs CO₂ and why it is________for living in desert.

◆It is ________to use genes from one plant and then put it inside another.

◆It will be better if we can grow plants for fuel in deserts  ________ than in good land.


◆Because desert plants have special qualities, it may________our food and energy problems in the future.

十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

38. (5分)(2016•黔西南)当今社会,无论在大街小巷.餐馆,还是聚会场所,你都能看见一些人正低着头玩手机。网络上给他们取了一个有趣的名字叫“低头族”。作为中学生,对此现象,你有什么看法?请写一篇80--100词的文章。





一、 根据所给音标完成句子 (共5题;共5分)






二、 选择最恰当的答案 (共15题;共30分)
















三、 将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次 (共2题;共2分)







四、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 (共6题;共6分)







五、 根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词 (共5题;共9分)






六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)




七、 选择最恰当的单词完成短文 (共1题;共1分)


八、 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首 (共1题;共1分)











九、 根据短文内容回答下列内容 (共1题;共25分)


十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



