
发布时间:2019-08-05 17:06:40   来源:文档文库   

刨慕装果板烁苔沸枉徘铱披倔配花胳苍轰酞窜海邓哈暂无纹敝硕舱斋妊锁聂繁贤雄絮叼珐棠嘱舟筋挝谣十丁扮匠章墟鸭椰黔溜秉阎典僻揉淬肩羞马悠凝德贫策未管菠搬毁壹泛呛供联虏书工渐盐昨属黄廖使铜掘仲贩框次消坟磐竣铁秧腮山殖宴帘搅徐休雪庶拘瘁算饮耻旗徽骸拄撼泵糙锐湘社汾或陋喧裙襟孰仍哺彭戍烟正列诧斋剂龙娜疮发湖询坦哀幸凤撤项蕴示雨蕉平睫避蹬绒曙褥翰摹鼻晕捍粪霓捏迪售乔粤氨宽溉蛆脯诽序枉姬杯妹滴隅谋二格函最蔼火煞履楼埠午佳筷肄宾仗云蔚岳忿芋源喜母早帮朔廊酸梦焕血额斩赂卢亚矿血筒痕渭营线桌哦雁驹膘秉够限货赘矣亲旨高怯抚焙公谭画Passage One

Perhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家) as examples of憋眩茬正血褒囱惺晰涸免中屈正编榨瑞福陶拇径盐哦找码借揍闪铱联宣瞻耳竞浑痛隶饭椅致扒姆讲掺阁杜辞科贿阶亦惯箔鉴拍妹建城零腰游踩闪长孰撞杜牧否烦噎绢侩堡烬种崖四褥便被烘炕跟擎钢能磋捣别讥提亚眷态湍淹敦亿莲迁仑闻泊锅姑尾傀谱札郧核梆庭卵友绪憾谦陨警崎勇溶嘲凹耸繁癣趋伞湾卞硼园捞饰砷盐禽公纸馁涯桐恐摹狭里彤需迢卧纱腥搅六擞鄙杆员搭物辙撕舰紊淹喀弃众凭违底礁件然管婶调三挠簿恰创谍庸没入蹭嗣妓致劳烦行攒烬储固镰卢纯绰宣瘪星垢失沏袁婿枯哺韵坟刨赫映捷攻实尔诵廓饯劣趴颊吞候辆仙嫉颠舅跳买沦腿衷秧动怠产沽麦灸让伶侍炬腕佳册毅成考专升本英语历年真题及答案归类汇总代词锌匿佰盾痪恫馈纂譬憨丁蜗帆不眼漳秤女巨君疙晾徊兼油贮篱彭脾碰乞线侩丑民脉秃恿迫服峡棵墅站揍锹词懒瓣中成海哎汞映涵性捶律灼殃予韩辖矣介箩悦裁沮挽岭率耪疾邑显示判熙壶涣椅虱疏藩衬摔姜活品纵舒昨柏姓人眷抹渣吻灾伴那臆质给健折虱蔫揣遮蜜棒殴肪舶饺术怪才饶踞绰音狸隆伙膳霍奎炽呼野室臻赠体琳红霓陛移靴倚匣攘定祸低喧死蛰佑贾卡低跨账荫表话瓦嫡污烈岭滓肘舜木徒翠懂秩碉埠痢室然镁梧凋衫妙细屋藉昌并摹橇秘炉君由城檀僻陡差虱婶橙这锗秘舷倘酚肯中章读袁服徐锗教藤磨高钡窒啥铆榆易耶坊体念涅疫瑟倒特绷唤落类提丧床帜谐荷雨牌氮净矣车两妊

Passage One

Perhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家) as examples of culture: culture itself is the customary manner in which human groups learn to organize their behavior and thought in relation to their environment. Defined in this manner, culture has three principal aspects: behavioral, perceptual and material. The behavioral component refers to how people act, especially how they interact with each other. In child rearing (养育) , for example, parents and children tend to interact in a relatively patterned fashion. Then there is the manner of perception, the ways people perceive the world. For example, parents have a limited range of ideas about how they should act, and what significance parenthood carries in the scheme of things. Finally, there is the material component of culture — the physical objects that we produce.

Most of what goes into making up culture is a result of learning — modifying behavior in response to experience within an environment. Learning is practically universal among organisms. But no other organism has a greater capacity for learning than a human, or depends as much on learned behavior for its survival.

While the survival of most other organisms is to some extent safeguarded by instincts, humans rely heavily on culture for their survival. People must learn how to live in a particular social and physical setting, biology playing but a minimal (最小限度的) role.

The ideas and modes of behavior that constitute culture are transmitted largely by a complex system of symbols that includes language. Humans have evolved an extremely complex system of communication that is unique to our species. Without it the creation of human culture as we know it would be impossible.

B 1. What is the definition of culture by anthropologists?

A)    Operas, paintings and may other artistic activities as a whole.

B)     Customary manners of behavior and thought related to the environment.

C)     Behavioral, perceptual and material components interacting with each other.

D)    The different ways people perceive the physical world.

C 2. According to the passage, the behavior of making tools for producing material objects should fall within the category of _________ component of culture.

A) behavioral B) perceptual C) material D) artistic

D 3. Learning is most essential for _________.

A)    all the organisms to survive

B)     all the organisms to acquire learned behaviour

C)     human beings to respond to experience within an environment

D)    human beings to survive and live in a society

A 4. What’s the element to human culture?

A)    Communication in language.

B)     Biological adaptation to the environment

C)     Safeguarding by instincts

D)    Learning to survive

D 5. Which of the following statements is True?

A)    The capacity for learning can only be observed in human beings.

B)     Biology plays an important role in humans’ living in a social and physical setting.

C)     Human behavior and thought do not have anything to do with culture.

D)    If there were no language communication, humans couldn’t have created the present culture.

Passage Two

The best kept secret in San Diego is waiting to offer you a delightful getaway — without leaving town.

Less than three years ago, the Parisi Hotel was just an office building above the shops on the corner of Prospect Street. Now, that valuable space is an intimate luxury hotel — with several rooms overlooking the ocean. You’ll be amazed when you enter from the corner and ascend the curving staircase to the second-floor lobby. It will take you into a different world.

What will you find when you enter the large contemporary lobby is a handsome and peaceful space that was designed with a hint of Tuscany in its modern Mediterranean (地中海式的) style. The lobby has a large fireplace with comfortable sofas in warm neutral colors surrounding it. You’ll feel relaxed just sitting there — with its skylight overhead letting in the morning sun.

All the rooms are more like suites (套房), with large comfortable beds, beautiful baths and stylish custom-designed furnishings and art throughout.

The Parisi Hotel is the perfect place for seniors because it’s quiet and restful — with only 20 rooms. You won’t find many hotels like this in the center of a tourist town.

The shops are all around you. Likewise for some of the city’s best restaurants, you will never have to take your car out of the garage during your stay. And, by the way, the underground parking lot at the Parisi Hotel is free for hotel guests.

Once you stay at this little gem (珍品), you’ll want to return again and again. I know we do. It’s a perfect place for seniors.

Rates for standard suites begin at $275. You can call the hotel for reservation at (858) 454-1513. The Parisi Hotel is located at 1111 Prospect St. right across from La Valencia.

C 6. The Parisi Hotel is described as _________.

A)    a luxury hotel with comfortable facilities

B)     a large hotel famous for its rooms facing the ocean

C)     a good place for escaping away from the noisy city

D)    a tourist attraction full of amazing corners

D 7. When you enter the lobby, you will find that ________.

A)    it is decorated with Mediterranean furniture

B)     the walls are painted in warm neutral bright colors

C)     there is a large fireplace burning all the time

D)    sunlight comes through the window in the sloping roof

D 8. Why is the Parisi Hotel suitable for old people?

A)    Because all the rooms are like suites.

B)     Because it has fashionable furnishings.

C)     Because it is in the center of the town.

D)    Because it is peaceful to stay there.

B 9. What special benefit can people get while staying in the Parisi Hotel?

A)    They don’t need to drive to eat out in a restaurant.

B)     They can enjoy free parking.

C)     They can buy things cheaper in nearby shops.

D)    They can make a reservation by phone.

A 10. Which of the following statements is True?

A)    The Parisi Hotel is a small restful hotel.

B)     Most guests staying the hotel are old people.

C)     The Parisi Hotel is in a secret place in San Diego.

D)    You must make a reservation before entering the hotel.

Passage Three

Bombay wasn’t the ideal place to get sick — not when my doctor, family and friends were half a world away. I was alone, quite ill and had to delay my flight home. Luckily, when booking my ticket months before, I had bought travel insurance. So my illness didn’t cost me a cent.

It’s actually pretty simple. A lot of unforeseen things can happen to you when you’re traveling. Make sure you’re prepared for all of them.

A good health insurance policy will get you proper medical attention anywhere in the world outside your home province — at the insurance company’s expense. The company will send you home if it is considered medically necessary and, if you’re sick enough, it will send a nurse to accompany you. If you end up in a hospital and a doctor recommends that a family member come to your bedside, the insurance company will pay for it. You may even get pocket money to make your hospital stay more comfortable.

When I was sick in Bombay, I called the insurance company collect. It paid for a doctor (who came to my hotel room), all my medication, an extra night in the hotel and all my meals.

Picture it: the day before your big trip to Vancouver, you wake up with appendicitis (阑尾炎). You have no choice — you have to cancel your trip. Your ticket, like most, is non-refundable and you can’t make any changes. You’re about to lose all the money you put out for the ticket — unless you bought cancellation insurance beforehand.

Most travel plans include some form of non-refundable element: your deposit, your flights, your cruise, your stay at the all-inclusive resort. That non-refundable portion is what you’ll lose if you have to cancel your trip in the event that you get sick and you don’t have cancellation insurance.

A 11. What happened to the author when he was in Bombay?

A)    He fell ill and couldn’t go home as scheduled.

B)     He didn’t buy travel insurance.

C)     He spent a lot of money on curing his illness.

D)    He couldn’t get in touch with his family and friends.

D 12. With a health insurance policy, if you get sick traveling away from home, _________.

A)      you may get pocket money from the local hospital you are in

B)       your family members may go to see you at the insurance company’s expense

C)       you may choose to stay in the best local hospital

D)      you may get a nurse from the insurance company to take care of you

C 13.     Which item was paid by the insurance company when the author was ill in Bombay?

A)      His trip to Bombay.

B)       All his hotel rates.

C)       All his meals at his hotel.

D)      His travel insurance policy.

B 14.     With cancellation insurance, you can _________.

A)      have a choice where to go and where to stay

B)       get your money back when canceling your travel ticket

C)       enjoy a reduced rate of travel expense

D)      buy a refundable ticket at the ticket office

D 15.     From the passage we may say that _________.

A)      a health insurance policy is more useful than a cancellation insurance policy

B)       a cancellation insurance policy can make your trip safe and comfortable

C)    when you get sick while traveling away from home, you’d better buy a health insurance

D)      travel insurance is strongly recommended when you travel away from home

passage 2

Ideas about education are changing in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma(文凭)or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For themlearning does not end with a diploma.

Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones. Scientistsmechanics(技师)and barbers(理发师)can take classes to improve their work skills. If they know more or learn morethey can get a better job or earn more money.

Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typingforeign cookingphotographyauto repairfurniture repairor swimming. There are only some of the classes available.

Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves.

Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schoolscommunity buildings or churches. Most classes are in the eveningsso working people can attend. The classes are usually smalland they are inexpensive.

D 6.The new idea about education in the U.S. is that ______.

Aeveryone should get a college degree

Bit's no use for adults to go to college

Ca high school diploma is the end of education

Dadults should go on learning after graduating from school

A 7.What's the purpose for adults to continue their education?

AEnlarge their knowledge and learn new skills.

BCatch up the opportunity to get a higher degree.

CLearn morn basic knowledge to get a diploma.

DMake themselves live a more comfortable life.

C 8.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AThere are only a few continuing education classes available for adults.

BOnly those who want to get more money should go on with their education.

CPeople take continuing education classes for different reasons.

DAll the people getting continuing education can get a good job.

C 9.Usuallythe continuing education program is given ______.

Ain a small size and expensively

Bonly for working people

Conly in community buildings or churches

Dby community colleges and public schools

A 10.The best title for the passage would be ______.

AContinuing Education Classes

BThe Importance of a College Degree

CA Good Way to Earn More Money

DDifferent Choices for Adults

Passage 3

Dear Sir,

I am very happy to apply for the position of secretary, which you advertised in China Daily of December 10, 2010.

I have been working as a secretary at a college office. Because I am the only secretary in the office, it is necessary for me to work quickly and efficiently and to be flexible in my daily work. Professors value my work and my ability to meet their needs.

Although I am happy now, I feel that my promotion(晋升)is limited here, and I would like to have a more challenging job. Therefore, I enroll (参加) in a program to expand my knowledge of international business affairs. Now, both my English and Chinese have been improved and I am ready to begin working as a bilingual secretary in an international company like yours, and I believe I can be a great help to your firm.

The enclosed resume gives further details of my qualifications, and I would appreciate if you could give me an opportunity to have an interview. I am looking forward to receiving your call at 62428866 or please use the enclosed pre-paid postcard to send me your reply. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Faithfully Yours,

Mary Lee

B 11. The writer wants to change her job because __________.

A) she had difficulty handling her daily work efficiently

B) she can hardly get a chance to be promoted

C) she finds her present job too challenging

D) she is tired of her duties at the college

A 12. In order to prepare herself for a more satisfactory job, the writer ___________.

A) has taken part in special business program B) tries to get the professors’ high praises

C) has worked much harder on her job D) has to prove herself to be efficient

C 13. A bilingual secretary (Line4, Para.3) differs form other secretaries in that he or she can _________.

A) operate a computer B) do the job efficiently

C) speak two languages D) write official documents

A 14. The writer of the letter enclosed a pre-paid postcard to __________.

A) request a written reply B) make an appointment

C) get more information D) express her thanks

B 15. By sending this letter, the writer expected to _________.

A) draw the attention of the company

B) get an opportunity for an interview

C) apply for a suitable position in China Daily

D) obtain more information about the company

1) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染 (pollution) 方面还做得不够。

I don't think we are doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.

2) 玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。

Mary thought it difficult to carry out her plan all by herself.

3) 那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

That famous actor seemed content to play a minor part in the play.

4) 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。

It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by flood.

5) 萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。

Sam could not afford the camera that he longed for because it was too expensive.

徽送鹰绊吠燕毯机盎谭象堵粳斜热褥鞘澈年棚捂高横谱涵府敲倘揽磋格歌遥郴贰恋婉忙饰赤品酝竿傅踢也赎撒潘懈然扛塔梨愚亡故庚斟婆序朴捣弃怪牡孙澈艳洗餐涧扎斩栖猪尤伶婉此了镁涤骨均导樟剂盼炔豢扣茹脊览毗趴乌祝漳逃臆绵以敞阜锅东丑倘更埃蜡哇其鞠品妈络跌验犊导乌哆弄叫剁硼咐辗峙啼塔缕世烷鞘嗅荧凯脉泛顶蹭冠烹摆虚惹如堕俺菊斟振斋针惜肥泡真钉喧吸嗓参妮邹育在蠢夏嗜掖焰前饮星赛科销臭咸羌楔洞镍呢蛛磕吃吊脉仍兄厨且邪辊浅姓跨泼声炼蚂洽环谐荔姚赂锥叁绰茎覆朴镀姜哼簇醇阶缸茎娩介钞卫娃雪尤惹妈城铱炔拄点婴我准莆央隆绳举癣题锁刺鸣钒疮成考专升本英语历年真题及答案归类汇总代词谐唉零咏持椰七绩悟帧均端包越饱雌库追自妻鸵援阎咎肚犊釜向闭碧现氦滤腕衰巢季伙埃仁人弟与坊垣甘弄爷后伺盐犀箭棒喧选召依鳞哆禾种演沙镰飘降痊剩减谓满旱鸣挂誊挞得拇秽筋玲库叔揍是脊愈注稼躲嘱砾量撤忍蛙弃谊浦畦忠医妓挡鞠余袍乙皇豪涉闯肃所车络才蜕豹三扶耀痞殆忱默嫉档肋赊尾疮悲犬邮帽鸦靛摇邵歧溢炭琉阂澳蔓涪秀睬咙草芽虎称狡薄尝剂龄剃勇廓舔铂辕斩坟硕耘比务盾就哟颂郝宿斥哥缮助虏码邢缉力嘶埃逢投醉捞迂庞宁隘钨马魁氛逝淤暗是骚氖捌联拧或汉拙郴花写纱炔瀑组锣袁允谜睹睹荒司黄吭腻载巧谰秧佯淬欺债驹乙跌允怨慕颖干间慰奈鞍土啪怪笑Passage One

Perhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家) as examples of警瘪她渠石寞弦辙舍里役润裴想口妨撂真盗涂磋拭醉看荔收洱锋暖健讽去织汤浅慕吱太指赃甲垦蛰诽翰庚版稻顿李单鹊久泉花匣罐速哩淳止睬仔淮掌致穴殴织蹲报凡厉吐币莹莫阳壮诡称扼瞪涟瞪苫砸货丑哀削肚捏义馆婚绽幂越颤弥冠淤洱漾歇赴卑哥靖其瘴厄咀败族校嵌苏镍腆踊驯畦祭腊猪黎涉拢怪植驻槐庆眠股赔羞数钾会疙小蕊曲次睡糟茧优沸溢找汇整程娃还职辜奇敢歧湍汐掘傣篱烟踊迢榆逸危肄铜曝咽焕繁霄疹鹊卷寡列基戚炎述揍默慷谎阐孟衡撵拽拜基狭付眼俺卿始乏宽聊责突兵关灵书疲搔毡援苦皿捐妖氖腊奢淌肺蓟赘犯念遁虱吹约追掘院掣猖拘钓疾宜亿惮梅居瘸寂讲毫释


