
发布时间:2015-04-15 09:59:13   来源:文档文库   


word/media/image2.gif题目:Some people believe that if the police force carries guns, it would encourage a higher level of violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




       如果要在40分钟之内写完一个不太熟悉的话题,我们应该尽量利用课上讲过的一些核心词汇。按照写作的惯例,可以从两方面来分析。一方面,警察带枪的好处是震慑潜在的犯罪分子(have a deterrent effect on those who intend to commit crimes),打击犯罪(crack down on crimes),保护人民也保护自己(protect civilians and defend themselves),这些词汇咱们上课都讲过。然后我举了个中国的例子,为了打击恐怖分子,咱们的大城市现在都派了武装警察巡逻(armed police patrols on the street),尤其是在人群密集的地方(in places with dense crowds)。好像现在还有一个词叫反恐大妈,大妈当志愿者,在小区里防范恐怖分子,当然这个和警察带枪没有什么联系了,大妈戴的都是红袖标。


       另一方面,警察带枪也会有一些负面影响。首先是枪支的滥用和管理的漏洞(the abuse of weapons and the loopholes of gun control)。警察容易玩枪走火的,所以我们国家对于警察拿枪也管理得非常严格。在国外,经常会有无辜群众被警察误伤的(innocent citizens are shot by the police by mistake)。有一次是在2005年,伦敦地铁爆炸案之后,伦敦草木皆兵,导致一名赶地铁的巴西工人被警察当成恐怖分子击毙了。还有,去了美国之后,如果警察让你站住,一定不要乱跑,否则他们真的会开枪的。回到题目,还有一个弊端写的是在某些允许持枪的国家(in some countries where people can possess guns according to the law),如果警察也带枪,罪犯也带枪,老百姓也带枪,那就热闹了,你说是不是?所以在警察带枪的城市,人们往往不是觉得更安全,反而会缺乏安全感的(people would lack the sense of security)。




题目:Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.







    虽然题目不难,但是要拿高分的话,还是要用一些less common words,这些都用蓝色高亮显示在了范文中。



题目:Many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. What are the reasons and how can we encourage them to study? 

又是教育类的话题,而且和今年1月18号的题目高度相似。年轻人为什么不爱学习?怎样鼓励他们好好学习?题目中的leave school有多种解释,可以理解为辍学,也可以理解成毕业,任何一种解释都可以。本文选择的意思是辍学drop out of school。


        不爱学习的原因是什么?有同学可能会想,不爱学习还需要理由?学习多么没劲啊。给你一个选择题:A. 在家写雅思作文 B. 出去旅游 C. 上网打游戏或者聊天 D. 睡觉。估计没有几个人会选A,即使有人选A,那也是被逼无奈,可能下礼拜就要考雅思了。所以说,不爱学习似乎是不需要理由的。但是在写作考试中,你至少要为这个题目想出两个很严肃的不爱学习的理由!我们来回顾一下今年1月18号那篇文章 “学生不能专注于学习的原因和解决办法”。那篇范文里面写了两个理由:1. 电子产品干扰学生学习(distract students from their study) 2. 物质生活丰富导致学生攀比(compete in material life)。


       今天这个题目继续沿用了1月18号的两个理由,把它们简化成了一段话,也就形成了本文的第三段。本文的第二段我写的是另外一个理由,也是教育话题里面经常写的“读书无用论”(the recognition that school learning is not useful for people’s success after graduation),具体表现在:教育的目的是为了考试和文凭(the purpose of learning is to pass examinations and obtain qualifications). 知识没有实际价值(no practical value) 毕业生失业率很高(the high unemployment rate among university graduates),所以大家对学习失去了兴趣(lose their interest in study)。


        最后一段是解决办法,都是一些常用素材,包括帮助学生意识到学习的重要性(realize the importance of study),学习能为将来的发展打好基础(lay a solid foundation for future development),并且家长和老师要保护孩子免受外界环境的干扰(protect the students from the adverse influence of the social environment)




题目:Employers should give its staff at least four weeks of holidays a year to make employees do better in their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





       这个题目出得有点太技术性了,是否应该休4周的假期?这个是不算法定节日和周末的。这个长度应该不短了。其实就是问你,给员工多放点假好不好?如果从个人 角度来说,那当然是相当好了,包括放松身心、缓解压力、多陪家人、增强家庭凝聚力,还有参加培训班给自己充电等等。(have more time to travel,spend more time with their families,relieve pressure,enhance family cohesion,attend training courses)


       光这一个好处估计字数会不够,所以写到了对于公司的长远发展也有好处(long-term development)。文章第三段主要使用的是让步反驳的论证方法。有人认为多休假会增加用人成本(increase labor cost,spend more money on human resources)、影响正常运营(affect normal operation),反驳的理由是员工的福利改善之后(improve their welfare),他们的满意度提高了(enhance their satisfaction),他们会更加积极主动地为公司服务(have more motivation to serve the company better)。在雅思的作文里,我们总是把人想得非常善良和美好word/media/image7.gif




题目:It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    这个题目和上个月13号的题目有些类似,不过2月13号的那个题目是关于政府是否需要投资艺术项目,而这个题目是建设户外场所,两者的侧重点有些不同。城 市广场和公园的好处,大家首先能够想到的应该就是户外活动有益健康,可以联系到现代人的压力大、缺乏体育设施,所以可以去公园散步、去广场放风筝。另外, 公园还能够美化环境(beautify the urban landscape),这样就可以联系到空气污染问题(air pollution)。而广场是城市的标志建筑(landmark Building),能够吸引游客(attract tourist),提升城市的形象(enhance the city’s image)。




word/media/image2.gif题目:Some think that printed books are not necessary in the digital era, because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think printed books still play an important role. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


    关于电子书的好处,大家应该比较容易想到。很多人在地铁里都是捧着电子书在看,所以它最大的好处是方便。联系到之前考过的电子图书馆,有很多素材都可以使 用,包括节省空间、节约纸张和有利于环境保护。而且查阅电子期刊可以不用跑去图书馆,只需要在家里的电脑上就可以操作,这也带来了便利和高效。


    这个题目的另一方可能稍微难想到理由,就是纸质书的优势。喜欢读书的人可能都对印刷的书比较有感觉,泡一杯茶、放一段音乐、捧一本书。这是一种阅读的享受enjoyable experience。此外,看电脑屏幕还有损视力。在存储一些重要的文件资料的时候通常也会使用纸质的材料,这样显得更正式一些。所以说,电子书的作用会越来越大,但是纸质书也不会完全消失。


2013-11-21 海外留学有助于学习语言文化

With the increasing level of globalization, more and more students choose to study in other countries. Some people believe this is the best way to learn a foreign language and culture and should be encouraged among all students. In my opinion, this practice has great benefits, but it is unrealistic for all people to study abroad.      


There is no doubt that speaking a foreign language would give people an advantage in academic study and career development. English, for example, has dominated most international seminars, periodicals and the Internet. Most transnational companies use English as their working language. Studying and living in a foreign country is probably the most effective way of learning a foreign language, which provides learners with more exposure and more opportunities to use the language. Living experience also contributes to their better understanding of local customs and culture. Those with such an experience would have a broader view of life and the world, and more importantly, become more competitive in the job market.          


However, studying abroad may not be an ideal choice for all people when other factors are considered. First of all, some families cannot afford the high cost of overseas living. They should be more realistic when planning for their future. Another problem among many overseas students is that their language level is too low. Some of them fail to keep up with their classmates and some feel frustrated at the inconveniences caused by culture shocks and language barriers. They end up spending most of time with their compatriots and seeing no progress in their language proficiency.                    


To sum up, studying abroad is undoubtedly beneficial for people to master a foreign language and understand the local culture. Nevertheless, it is inadvisable to go abroad blindly and people need to get well prepared when they make such a decision. 


