
发布时间:2018-09-20 13:33:13   来源:文档文库   


How to write a medical English abstract

第一章 概述






What is an abstract?

An abstract is a brief summary of the most important points in a scientific paper.


Purposes for Abstracts

Abstracts typically serve five main goals:

Help readers decide if they should read an entire article

Help readers and researchers remember key findings on a topic

Help readers understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key points

Index articles for quick recovery and cross-referencing

Allow supervisors to review technical work without becoming bogged down in details


1. Title

2. Name of the author

3. Unit of the author/address

4. Text of the abstract

5. Keywords




1. descriptive abstract —— 描述性摘要

2. informative abstract——资料性摘要

3. descriptive-informative abstract——描述-资料性摘要

1. Non-structured abstract (非结构式摘要)

2. Structured abstract (结构式摘要)



Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative Abstract

The descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, or methodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information.


Samples of descriptive abstracts:




Pleural Fibrosis After Practolol Therapy

We describe two patients who developed pleural fibrosis after treatment with practolol.




Primary Lymphomas of the Gastrointestinal Tract

An institutional experience with primary gastrointestinal lymphoma (PGL) is reviewed. The clinical, pathologic, and therapeutic aspects of PGL are discussed.

Informative Abstracts

The informative abstracts give the gist, or essence, of a piece of writing: they include the most significant material in the original writing. It is the original document in miniature. Important information on purpose, scope and method of the research are included in this type of abstracts. They also contain key results, conclusions, or recommendations. The advantage of an informative abstracts is that it provides much more information than does a descriptive abstract. But it is usually longer than the descriptive type.

概括论文的主要信息,一般阐明研究的问题和关键的研究成果, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。通常,阅读这种摘要可以部分取代阅读全文。

Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette Smoking

The smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with that of 92 consecutive patients with non- malignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed, the difference were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.

Informative-Indicative Abstracts

以报道性文摘的形式表述一次文献中信息价值较高的部分,而以指示性文摘的形式表述其余部分的文摘。字数 200词左右为宜

Traditional Abstract 传统式摘要


Introduction 引言

Materials and Methods 材料与方法

Results 结果

Discussion 讨论

全结构式摘要(Full-structured Abstract
 19744月,加拿大McMaster 大学医学中心的Dr R Brian Haynes首先提出建立临床研究论文的结构式摘要。

Dr Edward J Huth创导下,美国《内科学记事》(Annuals of Internal Medicine)在国际上率先采用了全结构式(full-structured)摘要。

4.对象(Patients, participants or subjects):说明参加并完成研究的病人或受试者的性质、数量及挑选方法
6.主要测定项目(Main outcome measures):说明为评定研究结果而进行的主要测定项目

8 .结论(Conclusion):说明主要结论,包括直接临床应用意义与非结构式摘要相比,。

全结构式摘要观点更明确(more explicitness),信息量更大(more information),差错更少(fewer errors.

但其缺点也是显而易见的,即繁琐、重复、篇幅过长, 而且不是所有研究都能按以上8个要素分类的。于是更多的杂志扬长避短,采用半结构式摘要(semi-structured

半结构式摘要(Semi-structured Abstract)







Does smoking predispose to peptic ulcer relapse after eradication of Helicobacter pylori?

Chan F.k.l. –Department of Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital,..

Objective: To investigate whether smoking would increase ulcer recurrence after

Methods: A total of 287 patients with gastric ulcers

Results: Of the 83 smokers,3 had ulcer recurrence,

Conclusions: Cigarette smoking did not increase the recurrence of peptic ulcers after eradication of H. Pylori.

About the tense




Length of Abstracts

Keep abstracts of most papers and portions of monographs to fewer than 250 words, abstracts of shorter papers to fewer than 100 words, and those of reports and longer theses to fewer than 500 words. Rarely does an abstract exceed one page. Write most abstracts in a single paragraph, except those for long documents.







第二章 标题(title



六、标题中常用介词的搭配 七、几种常用的标题句式

一、标题 Title




Laboratory diagnosis of SARS


Haemorrhagic cholecystitis


Alcohol use, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, and hypertension


Surgery for Infective Endocarditis


Left Ventricular Function Before and Following Surgical Treatment of Mitral Valve Disease




2)标题中每个词的首字母都大写,只有某些虚词才小写,句尾不用句号。某些需要小写的虚词,指的是冠词、3个字母以内的连词和介词,4个字母以上的,如with, from, during , after, against, during ,between 仍需要大写。

词组型标题词组型标题是由一个或数个单词或词组单独地、并列地或按偏正关系排列组成. 按其组成关系又可分为以下三类

①单一概念标题②多概念并列标题 ③多概念偏正标题

①单一概念标题,是由一个不可再细分的、具有完整概念的单词或词组构成. 由于这些单词或词组是文章所讨论的唯一对象,即文章标题的中心词.因此,英译标题时可以直接对译.

创伤性血胆症 Traumatic hemobilia[中华肝胆外科杂志, 2004, 10(7)];颅底软骨肉瘤

Chondrosarcoma of the skull base[中华神经外科杂志, 2003, 19(6).

②多概念并列标题,由两个或两个以上具有独立完整概念的词组并列组成. 由于词或词组之间没有说明或被说明、修饰或被修饰的关系,而是无主次的并列关系. 因此,英译标题时可按表达各个概念的词或词组的先后顺序译出.

例如:催乳素和免疫系统Prolactin and immune system[中华内分泌代谢杂志, 2004, 20(6)];

嗜铬细胞瘤病人的临床特点及围术期麻醉管理Clinical features of pheochromocytoma and anesthetic management during perioperative period[中华医学杂志, 2002, 82(8).

③多概念偏正标题,由多个具有独立、完整概念的词或词组构成. 而其中有一个受其它词或词组所修饰、限制或说明. 这个被修饰、限制或说明的词或词组就是文章标题的中心词,它位于标题末,与修饰、限制或说明它的词构成偏正关系.


并列偏正结构标题是以联合词组充当标题中心词的定语. 英译标题时,可按顺序译出各并列成分,并置于中心词之后.


Comparison of pantoprazole and omeprazole- based triple therapy regimens in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection[中华医学杂志, 2002, 82(18)

  递进偏正结构标题以偏正词组充当标题的中心词. 定语中的各组成部分总是前一个修饰后一个,层层相叠,最后作为一个整体来限定代表标题重心概念的中心词. 英译标题时,代表标题重心的中心词置于题首,定语中的各组成部分,在多数情况下,按由小到大,由近到远的次序排列.


The erythrocytes catechol O methyl transferase activity in patients with depression[中华精神科杂志, 2005, 38(3)];


医学论文标题一般都是名词性标题。有的医学杂志,如美国的 Journal of the National Cancer Institute 甚至规定标题不得写成完整的句子。但是,在其他英美医学杂志中,仍可以看到标题为完整句,只是句尾没有句号。如:

Dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer

胆固醇饮食--- 人类结肠癌的协同致癌因素

Cytochrome b is present in neutrophils from patients with chronic granulomatous disease



标题也可以是疑问句。疑问句标题尾一般有疑问号,如有疑问副词或疑问代词,也可不用疑问句。 如:Home or hospital births?


Genetic damage form diagnostic radiation ?


What to look for rib fractures and how


Is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad?


Are potassium supplements for the elderly necessary?


What does exercise mean for the menstrual cycle?






Abdominal pain in the emergency room: A study of 176 consecutive cases

腹痛急诊——176 连续收治的病例研究

Surgical treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts: Analysis of 119 cases

假性胰腺囊肿手术治疗 ——119例分析


Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in immunosuppressed patients: Prospective study of 80 cases

Heparin therapy: A randomized prospective study

Diabetes after infectious hepatitis: A follow-up study





Diabetes mellitus: New diagnostic criteria

Digitalis therapy in practice : Correlation between clinical evaluation and plasma digoxin concentration

Aorto-arteritis: Chest X-ray appearance and its clinical significance







Prazodine: A new vasodilator used for treatment of hypertension

Carcinoembryonic antigen in breast-cancer tissue: A useful prognostic indicator


Drug regulation: Evolution or revolution

Chronic abdominal pain: A surgical or psychiatric symptom?




Physical and chemical studies of human blood serum:

A study of normal subjects

Physical and chemical studies of human blood serum:

II . A study of 29cases of nephritis

人类血清的理化研究:I 正常人的研究

人类血清的理化研究:II. 29例肾炎患者的研究


A collaborative study of burn nursing in China: 2002~2006 A collaborative study of burn nursing in China: 2002~2006

Endoscopic varicose sclerosis: One year clinical experience

中国烧伤护理综合研究: 2002~2006



1. 将下列标题改为带有副标题的格式

1) A light and electron microscopic study of two cases of primary sarcoma of the heart

2) Experimental study of laser surgery of the liver

3) A report of60 cases of primary vaginal carcinoma

4) Clinical analysis of 55 cases of subacute thyroiditis

5) A study of 127 cases of deafness due to noise trauma

6) A review of 37 cases of diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura

7) Clinical, angiographic, and myocardial scintigraphic observations on unstable angina pectoris

8) Fifteen years’ experience with carcinoma of the pancreas

9) Experiences in the treatment of 50 cases of vascular injuries

10) Physiopathologic mechanisms for jaundice and cirrhosis


1) Angiodysplasia is a cause of colonic bleeding in the elderly

2) Thyroid cancer is a late consequence of head-neck irridation.

3) Coronary heart disease: Overweight and obesity are risk factors

4) Prostaglandins serve as mediators of inflammation.

5) Ferritin serves as an index of bone marrow stores.

6) High uric acid serves as an indicator of cardiovascular disease

7) Pernicious anemia is a risk factor for cancer of the stomach

8) Inferior vena cava obstruction is a complication of prostate cancer


(一)Study of, Report of 等词的使用 (二)带 as 的句式 (三)带 and 的句式


(一)Study of, Report of 等词的使用

18世纪,科技论文中可以 some thoughts on a few observations on

现代科技论文Study of investigation of…、 a report of 也不多见


如:Ultrasound in the diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice


Cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients


Toxic effect of benzene on leucocytes


Clinical efficacy of disopyramide in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias


Studies on the diuretic effects of Etozolin in heart failure


An angiographic and clinical study of coronary collateral circulation


(二)带 as 的句式

在需要用表语(或同位语)的概念时,常用带as 的句式

Pernicious anemia as a risk factor for cancer of the stomach

Gastrocolic fistula as complication of benign gastric ulcer

(三)带 and 的句式


Viral hepatitis and medical professions

Malignant hypertension and cigarette smoking



1. 779例气道异物的治疗

2. 系统性红斑狼疮80例分析


3. 软骨肉瘤——26例报告


5. 55例亚急性甲状腺炎临床分析

The treatment of 779 cases of foreign bodies in the air passage

Analysis of 80 cases of SLE

Chondrosarcoma : Report of 26 cases

Posttransfusion hepatitis : A report of 60 cases

Subacute thyroiditis: Clinical analysis of 55 cases



Evaluation of classification of chronic gastritis


Experience in the treatment of infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm


1. “探讨”

Discussion , evaluation , approach, study, investigation






Discussion on experimental pulmonary insufficiency

An evaluation of treatment for hepatitis by combined traditional Chinese and western medicine

An approach to diagnosis of subclinical liver cancer

Sudden cardiac death: Clinicopathologic investigation of 51 cases

On clinical diagnosis of primary carcinoma of liver

Cerebral vascular disorders: Clinical analysis of 1000 cases

“体会” experience

1 818例糖尿病患者治疗体会



Experience in treating 818 patients with diabetes mellitus

Recent experience with bacillemia due to gramnegative organisms

The treatment of cancer of the esophago-gastric junction by total gastrectomy

3 “总结” experience 如:


Congenital heart disease: A twenty year clinical experience

4. “问题” problem , aspect

1) 完全肠道外营养临床实践中的几个问题

Certain problems of total parental nutrition in clinical practice


Some aspects on surgical treatment of portal hypertension

5. “初步体会”


A preliminary report on anesthesia for liver transplantation


Clinical experience of mitral valve replacement in ten patients




(the)Treatment of gram-negative shock

Shock caused by gram-negative microorganisms: (an)Analysis of 169


Carcinoma of the anal canal

Diabetes after infectious hepatitis: A follow-up study



Study on/ of/ in

Studies / study

如果Study 之前有表示研究对象的定语,后接疾病名称时,往往不用of, 而用in e.g.

Platelet function studies in heart disease


Report of /on

E.g. Thyroid carcinoma induced by irradiation for Hodgkin’s disease: Report of / on a case



Survey of/ on


Observation on/of/ in



Shunting operations for obesity

Surgery for portal hypertension

Blindness after treatment for malignant hypertension

Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism

治疗方法、检查方法还可后接介词 in


Surgery in active infective endocarditis

Parathyroidectomy in chronic renal failure



1 各种生理病理现象+in+ 生物名词

Epidemic mealses in young adults

Thyroid function in patients with breast cancer

2 in+ 动源性名词

Steroid in the treatment of clinical septic shock

Ultrasound in the diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice

3 治疗方法、检查方法、药物名称各种病理现象名称+in+疾病

Parathyroidectomy in chronic renal failure

An analysis of pancreatic sonography in suspected pancreatic disease

(二)due to

标题中表示原因,应用due to , 不可用because of , owing to , 可以用caused by代替

Bacteremia due to gram-negative bacillli

Infections due to group C streptococci in man

(三)after, following

Postoperative syndromes after / following liver surgery



1) Gram-negative infections of cancer

2) Circulatory failure of metastatic carcinoma of the lung

3)Hypercalcemia on malignant lymphoma

4)Acute renal infections of adults

5)Tiberculosis in the liver

6) Sonography in the common bile duct

7) The use of radioactive iodine at the evaluation of thyroid noduels

2. 填空

Jaundice _ a rare cause: Tuberculous lymphadenitis


Restrictive antibiotherapy_ renal transplantation


Hyperparathyroidism _ head and neck irradiation


Tumor emboli _ pulmonary hypertension


Portal vein thrombosis_ cirrhosis




药物名称+in /for + 病名

药物名称+in the treatment (management) of+ 病名

药物名称+treatment (therapy)of + 病名treatment of+病名+ with+药物名称

Use of+药物名称+in the treatment of + 病名

1. vasodilator drugs in peripheral vascular disease

2.Prednisone for chronic active liver disease

3. Penicillin in the treatment of severe respiratory infections.

Revised: Treatment of severe respiratory infections with penicillin

4. Vancomycin therapy of bacterial meningitis

5. Use of diuretics in the treatment of hypertension secondary to renal disease


治疗方法+for /in +病名

治疗方法+ in the treatment (management) of +病名

Treatment (management) of +病名+by +治疗方法


Hemodialysis for psoriasis

Hemodialysis in the treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis by hemodialysis


诊断方法+in+ 病名

诊断方法+ in the diagnosis of +病名

Assay (detection) of +某种成分+in +病名

Diagnosis of 病名+by /with +诊断方法

Detection of 病名+by +诊断方法

Application of +诊断方法+ to the diagnosis of +病名



1) splenectomy, myeloid metaplasia

2) splenic irradiation myelofibrosis

3) leukemia, marrow transplantation

4) computer tomography, acute pancreatitis

5)ultrasound, cholestatic jaundice

2. 英译下列标题






6) 高选择性迷走神经切断术(hyperselective vogotomy)治疗十二指肠溃疡的经验

7) 放射免疫测定(radioimmunoassay)诊断肠道及胰脏的内分泌(endocrine)肿瘤

8) SLE患者的胰腺炎: 一例报道及文献综述

第三章 作者姓名、学位和工作单位


欧美人的name既指名也指姓。如诺贝尔的全名是Alfred Bernhard NobelAlfred first name Bernhard second name Nobel last name.

First name second name 相当于我国的“名”。 last name 相当于“姓”。也有只有first name 而无second name

在论文署名时,一般将first name, last name用全文写出,而将 second name缩写 如: Afred B. Nobel, Wilhelm C. Roentgen

李时珍 雷锋 司马光 司徒汉城


1. M.B.(MB)= Bachelor of Medicine

2.M.C.(MC)=Magister Chirurgiae

3.M.S.(MS)= Master of Surgery

4.M.D.(MD)= Doctor of Medicine

5.Ph.D.(PhD) =Doctor of Philosophy




Department of Physiology, university of California, San Francisco, California 94143

Department of Anatomy, Ningxia Medical College



division , section, unit

Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine

Division section 除后接 of介词短语外还可前接名词或形容词定语

Gastroenterology Division, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Medical School, Huston, Texas

Unit 往往有名词限定语

Oncology Unit of the Department of Medicine


Pulmonary Branch, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute




Renal Division and Cardiovascular-pulmonary Research Laboratory, Department of Medicine


附属医院 省人民医院

药学院 县医院

中医医院 胸科医院

教学医院 综合医院



1 关键词

Key words, Key Words, Keywords 《中国学术期刊检索与评价数据规范》Key words

Key words: …… Key words ……...


关键词之间的标点 分号/逗号

选词 应参考MeSH( medical subjects headings) 词表,以使用规范的词语

2 缩略语




缩略语各个字母一般均大写,如 CNSCOPDSARS

3 致谢


1The author deeply thank of Prof B for his valuable suggestions and comments on this work.

2) We wish to express our thanks for the valuable suggestions made by Prof. B

3) The author is particularly grateful to Prof. B for his guidance and encouragement in this work.

4) I wish to express my deep gratitude to Dr. A, who read the manuscript and made many valuable suggestions and comments

5) We wish to acknowledge our sincere thanks to Dr. B for his kind help.

6) I am much obliged to Dr. B for his help in writing this paper.


1Thanks are due to for their invaluable suggestions and comments which have helped us greatly in the revision of this paper .

2) Appreciations goes to for his encouragement in carrying out this study.

3) Appreciation is extended to for their assistance in .

4) For her many suggestions and comments, special thanks go to Dr. A

第四章 摘要中动词时态与语态的应用

一、语态(voice) 二、时态(tense)

在医学论文摘要中 动词使用什么语态往往与人称代词有关。


如:We suggested that (我们建议)往往写成 It is suggested that

We concluded that (我们的结论是) It is concluded that

科技论文中,对人称代词的使用有两种 截然不同的主张。


I think, I feel, I believe

另一种主张 科技论文也应当写得亲切、自然、直截了当。如 It was decided that 应为I decided that



1、用复数第一人称 we。在报道性文章中,编者、著者第一人称,无论单复数多用 we.

1) We still consider, due to the above, that enterolithotomy alone is a sufficient primary procedure, and that only in cases of new biliary tract complaints can cholecystectomy and closure of an eventual fistula be considered.

由于上述原因,我们仍然认为最初单纯做肠结石切除手术就已经足够了。 只有出现了新的胆道症状 时才考虑切除胆囊已经可能产生的瘘管。


2) 我们报道了2例心脏血管肉瘤

Two cases of angiosarcoma of the heart are described.

3) 我们测量了61名患者的血清钙水平。

Levels of serum calcium were measured in 61 patients.

3、用 the author代表I the authors 代表 we。应注意,英语习惯不用 the writer 代表I

4) The author presents the experience with 264 patients with secondary renovascular hypertension.


5) The authors report their experience with more than 5o patients with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome


4、在科技论文中,也可用代替this study , this report, this paper, this article 第一人称代词.

This article describes the unique behaviour of the pulmonary circulation under condition of acute and chronic stress.


This study reports our first year’s experience of endoscopic sphincterotomy for common bile ducts stones.



1)We saw bone marrow necrosis in a case of acute myelomoncytic leukemia.

2) Over a two-year period, we studied prospectively 80 cases of diffuse pneumonia at Qilu Hospital.

3)This article describes severe involvement and proteinuria in a young black woman with Gaucher’s disease.

4) This paper discusses current concepts that involve the mechanism of endogenous pyrogen production.

5) The author reports a new series of 270 cases in support of this assertion.

6) The study presents the results of comparison of hepatic fat content with hepatic xenon retention in 45 patients.

7) These data suggested that dialysis and transplantation may allow previously acquired atherosclerosis to manifest itself clinically.

8) The author conclude that patients with anorexia nervosa and associated leukopenia do not have increased infection propensity.


1) Three new cases of gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease are presented.

2) Clinical and chemical findings in 6 patients with u-chain disease are reported.

3) A patient with duodenal plasmacytoma is described.

4) The diastolic blood pressure response to treadmill exercise testing was analyzed in 281 patients.

5) Gastric function and histology were investigated in 24 patients with untreated chronic renal failure.

. 6) The probable mode of evolution is discussed.

7) It is suggested that for such patients with myocardial disease in sinus rhythm, treatment should begin with diuretics.

8) It is concluded that levmepromzine is better tolerated than pethidine in acute myocardial infarction.

9) It is recommended that patients undergo a mammographic examination before having a breast biopsy.

10) The benefits over open biopsy are indicated





1. This study is to observe the blood dynamics in the brain tissues after intracerebral hemorrhage with MR perfusion technology.


To observe the blood dynamics in the brain tissues after intracerebral hemorrhage with MR perfusion technology.


284 percutaneous biopsies had been done for pulmonary lesions from October 2003 to September2005.

Complications are related to the lesion’s size and depth, puncture numbers, sizes of needles and patients’ ages .


Of the 6 patient with FAIREST images, there is an observable cerebral blood flow decreasing in relation to collateral symmetric area in patients.


A model of ischemia reperfusion with MRI can be set up by using this method. It laid a foundation for further study.






Thirty-seven consecutive renal transplant recipients were studied prospectively for joint disease.

The effect of imipramine hydrochloride on blood pressure was examined in a prospective and retrospective study.

The results of treatment of early gastric carcinoma were analyzed in 65 patients.



The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that may participate in the production of innocent ejection murmurs.

This prospective study was designed to determine the effect of positive end-expiratory pressure instituted early in the course of adult respiratory distress syndrome.


1. 在着手研究之前就已经进行过的工作或已存在的状态。


In a 22-year-old male, who had been irridated 16 years previously for Hodgkin’s disease, a radiation-induced thyroid carcinoma developed.

Among 877 patients with gastric cancer, pernicious anemia had previously been diagnosed in 9.



Of 47 segments with abnormal contractility, 16 were improved after the patients had been given nitroglycerin and 11 of 16 were improved after aorto-coronary bypass.

Two patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax died despite intensive treatment. In the first the pneumothorax had been present for 10 days

47例心收缩力异常的患者,有16例用硝酸甘油治疗后,症状有所改善还有16例在作了主动脉-冠状动脉 搭桥手术后,其中11例好转。




1) The significance of intraphepatic biliary distension in the nonjaundiced patient ___(study).

2) Gastric function and histology __(investigate) in 24 patients with untreated chronic renal failure.

3)Thirty-three patients presenting with dyspepsia__ (examine) with the Olympus Fiber-gastroscope.

4) Resection of the rectum__(perform) in 1395 patients.

5)The serum ferritin concentration __ (measure) in 1417 Indians aged 1 to 89 years.

6) The effect of optimal medical therapy on coronary arterial anatomy ___( evaluate) in 25 patients with unstable angina pectoris.

7) The smoking habits of 48 patients with malignant hypertension ___ (compare) with those of 92 consecutive patients with non-malignant hypertesion.

8)HbA_ (determine) in 20 children with juvenile-onset diabetes and in 15 healthy control children of a similar age group.


1. 写论文或论文发表时的当前情况。如:

About 50 cases of leptospirosis are diagnosed each year in the united kingdom, with an overall mortality of 5%. Renal failure , in association with jaundice, is commonly held responsible for this figure. Over a period of 18 years, 6 cases of leptospirosis complicated by renal failure were treated at the Royal Air Force Renal Unit; there were 4 survivors.

英国每年确诊为螺旋体病 50例,总死亡率为5% 造成这些死亡的原因一般认为时肾功能衰竭合并黄疸。18年来,有6例合并肾功能衰竭的患者在皇家空军肾病科进行治疗,有4例存活。

2. 介绍本文中的内容。

常用的动词有: report报告, describe描述, present提出、介绍, discuss讨论, review评述, emphasize强调, stress,

In this paper, we report the effect of plasma exchange in a patient with this syndrome.

A case of a 27—year old man who developed anemia after fracture of sella turcica is reported.

The authors present 7 cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

The role of colonoscope in the management of 100 cases of suspected large bowel tumour is described.

The problem of diagnose hyperthyroidism in the presence of thyroxine-binding globulin excess is discussed.

This report emphasizes current concepts and principles.


本文报道一例27 患者在蝶鞍骨折后发生贫血。






The authors conclude that labetalol when combined with a thiazide diuretics is an important therapeutic advance in the treatment of the difficult hypertensive subject.

It is concluded that the collateral vessels are functionally very important to the myocardium in the presence of coronary disease.

This study suggests the possibility of person-to person transmission in Legionnaires’ disease.

The authors are of the opinion that this method is suitable for use in outpatients.

The majority of the results demonstrate the effectiveness of Ticlopidine as an antiaggregant.





Describe here_ (be) a patient with severe watery diarrhea associated with common variable immunodeficiency.

The authors _(suspect) the existence of a certain cellular necrosis.

A hundred patient with gangrene of the lower extremity_ (treat) with lumber sympathectomy.

Severe secretory diarrhea resulting in dehydration and hypokalemia _ (observe) in a patient in whom primary cecal tuberculosis_ (diagnose) by colonoscopy.

In carefully monitored patients with acute myocardial infarction, bradycardic arrhythmias _(be) frequently_(observe).

Shock and ventricular failure after acute myocardial infarction generally _(relate) to the degree of loss of contractile muscle.

Twenty-two patients with acute pulmonary embolism _(undergo) hemodynamic examination.

The results _(give) support to the opinion that thrombolytic treatment _(be )valuable in cases with proximal thrombosis.

This study _(design) to compare the short and long-term effects of hydralazine when used as a vasodilator in the treatment of left ventricular failure.


1. 表示持续到撰写论文时的行为和状态

2. 表示在另一现在动作之前就已完成的动作。

3. 用以提供过去时间背景。

1. 表示持续到撰写论文时的行为和状态

The patients have been followed for 18 to 37 years since the beginning of their disease.

Three patients have been now free from recurrences for 5years, 13 patients for4 years,11 patients for 3 years, and 9 patients for 2 years.


迄今为止无复发者 5 3例,413例, 311例,29

2. 表示在另一现在时动作之前就已完成的动作。

Radionuclide examinations provide considerable information in evaluating patients who have received renal transplants.


3. 用以提供过去时间背景。在报道性文体中,往往 一开始用一个现在完成时做先导,接着用一连串的一般过去时。

The antihypertensive effects of Labetalol have been studied in 30 patients with severe hypertension. In seven of these patients acute administration was associated with falls in blood pressure which were maximal at two minutes for intravenous injection and one hour for oral administration. The bioavailability of acute oral administration was studied and varied between 11% and 76%.

我们对30例严重高血压患者作了拉贝洛尔降压作用的研究。其中7 在快速给药后出现血压下降(静脉注射后2分钟达到最低点,而口服则为1小时)。快速口服药物的生物利用度为11%76%


As greater clinical correlation is obtained, the usefulness of thyroglobulin determinations will increase.




1) Aplastic anemia is recognized complication of viral hepatitis, bu to our knowledge, no cases associated with typeB hepatitis_( describe).

2)The effect of successful therapy for thyrotoxicosis on left ventricular mass in human subjects_( not document).

3)to the author’s knowledge the occurrence of hyperuricemia, gout and renal medullary cystic disease_(not report) previously.

4)It _long_(consider) that the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems were exclusively responsible for the nervous control of the gout.

5)Mortality is high, especially where poverty_already _(impair) health.

6) Two patients with hematologic disease, one of whom_(receive) androgenic steroids, had liver damage associated with peliosis hepatitis.

7)coronary heart disease rates were higher among working women who_ever_(marry), especially among those who _(raise) three or more children.

8) During the past 15 years we have treated 175 patients with stomal or recurrent ulcers, approximately half of whom_(undergo)primary surgery elsewhere.


1 本文报道一例低血钾(不伴高血压)女性患儿。






第五章 摘要的常用句式



We report/describe; In this paper we report; is presented/reported/described.

is discussed.

The present situation of is reported.

is reviewed.

was investigated.

Experiments was done/ performed on/carried out


were reported.

has been recorded.

There is evidence that / It has been proved that


To study/determine/ evaluate/ testify

To find out the relationship between and

The purpose /aim of this study is to

The study was designed to


The results showed/suggested/ revealed that

It was found that

was closely related to



The author suggests that


Our conclusion is

From this we conclude that

Conclusion can be reached /drawn that

Show/ indicate

The results show

How to write an English abstract


一、有关study 的常见句型




名词study 的单、复数用法

study 与表示“研究方法”的前置定语连用时,往往用单数。如:

A retrospective study

A prospective study

A double-mind, crossover study

A clinical study

A follow-up study

A controlled study

A randomized study

An echographic study

An epedemiological study

A cytological study

A national cooperative study

study 与表示“研究对象”的前置定语连用时,往往用复数。如:

Lymphocyte studies

Radioisotope red-cell survival studies

Hemodynamic studies

Electrophysiological studies

Physical and chemical studies

Structural studies

Neuromuscular studies

Cytogenetic studies

有关study 的常见句型

1.(我们)对…患者进行了… 研究…

A study was done in patients

A study was made in patients

A study was carried out in patients

A study was performed in patients

A study was undertaken in patients

A study was conducted in patients

studies was done in patients

2 …患者受到… 研究;


patients underwent a study

patients underwent studies

patients entered a study

3 in a study 在一次…研究中

in a study of 在对… 的研究中

4was (were) studied inpatients


5. we studied patients to

patients were studied to

我们对… 患者进行研究,以期…

patients were studied for



A prospective study was done of serum calcitonin levels in 61 patients with bronchogenic cancer.


Redioistope red-cell survival studies were carried out in 20 patients with falciparum malaria.


Echocardiographic studies were performed on 190 consecutive patients with mitral valvular prolapse


Eleven patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy underwent extensive neuromusclular studies to if a skeletal myopathy is associated with uncomplicated primary cardiomyopathy.

Thirty patients with mild to severe essential hypertension satisfactorily controlled by twice-daily sotalol therapy entered a double-minded, cross-over study comparing the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of their usual twice-daily sotalol administration with the same dosage given once daily.


In a study

In a study of

was (were) studied in patients

In an uncontrolled study 38 patients with chronic asthma were treated up to4.5 years with depot injections of triamcinolone acetonide.



In a study of250 patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, seven were found to have polymyalgia rheumatica or giant cell arteritis.


The influence of contrast material on renal venous renin activity was evaluated in a prospective study of 20 hypertensive patients.


The characteristics of bone pain in metastatic cancer of the prostate were studied in 23 patients.


Thirty –three marrow transplant patiens with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were studied to determine the usefulness of antibody and antigen detection in the diagnosis of pneumocystis infection.

我们研究了11例充血性心力衰竭患者及10名正常人的体内血小板 凝集活性。

We studied 11 patients with congestive heart failure and 10 normal subjects for in vivo platelet aggregate formation activity.



1. effects of oral metoprolol and propranolol, patients with essential hypertension

2. the relationship between in vivo sensitivity and in vitro binding to adipocytes, obese and nonobese subjects

3. an outpatient regimen of oral high-dose methotrexate 14 patients with solid tumours over 12 years

4. two patients with dystrophia myotonica, electrophysiological studies

5. an echographic study, 30 patients with cystic fiberosis, evaluate left and right ventricular function

6. one hundred and seventy-six consecutive cases of abdominal pain, determine the cause of abdominal pain

7. the carriage rate of staphylococcus aureus, patients receiving long-term hemodialysis


1. 我们对一组正常人及10例甲亢患者进行了血浆C-AMPC-GMP水平的研究


3. 15例骨Paget 氏病患者在Calcitonin 治疗期间受到组织学和生化的检查。

4. 我们进行了一次前瞻性研究,对73例洋地黄维持治疗(on maintenance digitalis treatment)的患者作了临床检查。


检查或手术名称+was (were) done (performed) +in (on) patients

病人+ underwent +检查或手术名称


Pre-exploratory choledochoscopy was performed in 48 patients with a diagnostic accuracy of 94%.


Four hundred and twenty-five endoscopies were performed on 402 patients with persistent epigastric compliants following gastric surgery.a


Ultrasonography was performed in 37 cases with proven cancer of the pancreas.


Two cholecystograms were performed with 10-day intervals in each subject .


Over a two-year period, 100 venous angiograms were performed on 75 patients.


Thirty-three patients over a 21 year period underwent thoracotomy for resection of suspected pulmonary metastases from malignant melanoma.


Such patients should undergo coronary angiography for detection of the disease.


1. percutaneous transluminal renalangiplasty, a 43-year old woman.

2. cholecystostomy, 22 patients with acute cholecystitis after partial or complete removal of gallbladder stones.

3. a Hartmann procedure, 25patients with complications of acute diverticulitis

4. echocardiograms, 13 patients with angiographically documented coronary artery disease







measure, determine

1.各种化学与生化成分, antibody, potassium, zinc, lipid

2.表示“含量”的词, concentration, level, rate, output

3. 表示各种机能的名词,如function, activity, change, response, binding


Serum lipids were determined in patients with hepatoma, liver cirrhosis and healthy controls.


The phagocytic and metabolic functions of the reticuloendothelial system were determined.


Levels of serum calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium were measured in 61 patients admitted to a coronary unit.


1. 我们测定了1417名印第安人的血清铁蛋白(ferritin).

2. 我们对47名患者做了血鎘 (cadmium)及血浆锌(zinc)的测定。

3.作者测定了53名患者及25名健康志愿人员血浆中 propranolol 的结合能力(binding)

4.我们对32名正常人及11名十二指肠溃疡患者作了血清胰多肽(pancreatic polypeptide)水平的测定。



如“在※ ※例中有※ ※例”,可用以下的结构。

数字+of+数字 \ 数字+out of+数字



Three hundred and forty of 5086 patients undergoing operations on the extrahepatic biliary trees required reoperations on this system.


Of 190 previously untreated patients, 16 died of seminoma.


In ten of the 37 patients, no long-term palliation was accomplished.


Twenty out of 22 patients complained of pain in toes and fingers due to disturbances and microcirculation.


Out of four patients with small cell carcinoma, two showed an objective response to oral treatment.


Among 22 patients who underwent abdominal surgery during the first week of treatment, 2 died.


A total of 总数为…

A series of 连续数为…

A group of 一组…


A total of 149 patients was followed up from 1 to 4 years, the average follow-up period being 2.6 years.


A series of 21 patients treated surgically for primary melanoma of the skin of the breast has been studied.








“另有多少例 “其余多少例” 表达如下:

another + 数词+ 名词

the other + 数词+ 名词

数词+ others

an additional + 数词+ 名词

a further + 数词+ 名词

the remaining + 数词+ 名词

the remainder

Twelve patients with primary pleural tumors died of respiratory failure; three others with pericardial involvement died of congestive heart failure.


A total of 178 patients was available for follow-up. Of these 2 proved to have carcinoma on immediate follow up, and a further 2 patients developed cancers in the same breast, one 4 and the other 7 years after aspiration.



表达平均数可用average or mean.

表达中位数可用 median

1. average

2. average+名词

mean +

median +

3. an average +名词. +数词

a mean +名词. +of +数词

a median +名词. +of +数词

4. an average of +数词

a mean of +数词

a median of +数词

5. on (the) average
Survival following splenectomy averaged 25.5 months.


On the twenty-third day following injury , urine volume averaging from 50 to 100 ml per 24 hours were obtained.





This produced an average reduction of 1.2mg/100ml within 24 hours.


Of these patients 6 achieved a partial response with an average duration of more than 6 months.


Pruritus has recurred in 15 patients after a mean remission of 3 months.



Among 67 patients studied, 49 lost an average of 20kg.


They found that ventricular filling pressure was lowered from an average of 22 to 12 mm Hg.


Patients ranged in age from 10 to 82 years with a median of 53 years.


The patients were hypokalemic during 6.5 years on the average.


The onset of claudication had on average been 7.5 months previously.


It is 3 cm long on average


Total hospitalization for both stages _(平均23)


The 156 patients with established gout_(平均随访133个月)


Eleven patients developed knee effusions at _(平均间隔10) following transplantation.


Per cent or percent or %







血清碱性磷酸酶 serum alkaline phosphatase 升高者为15例,天冬氨酸转氨酶 aspartate aminotransferase升高者18例。


-times _fold


Commonly used structure

A is 3 times as long as B.

The length of A is 3 times the length of B

The length of A is 3 times that of B .

A is 3 times longer than B.

A increases 3 times.






ratio of A to B; A to B ratio

A:B ratio

A/B ratio

ratio of the two



as as + 数词 达…

up to +数词 直到…

at least + 数词 至少…






dose & dosage

Dose a quantity to be administered at one time

Dosage the determination and regulation of the size, frequency and number of doses

表示一次剂量时只能用dose,特别要用 a dose of 结构。


Propranolol was given orally in as dose of 80 mg 8-hourly.




In determining dosage regimens, it is also necessary to know the extent of drug accumulation.


a 50 year old patient

A patient aged 50 years

A patient aged 50

A patient 50 years of age

At the age of 50years; at the age of 50; at the age 50 years; at age 50

over (the) age (of) 50 (years)

over 50 years of age

under (the) age (of) 50 (years)

above (the) age (of) 50 (years)

below (the) age (of) 50 (years)

before (the) age (of) 50 (years)

after (the) age (of) 50 (years)

more than 50 years old

less than (the) age (of) 50 (years)

older than 50 years

younger than 50 years

aged 50 years and over

50 years of age and under

at 50 years of age or less

in women 50 years or older

between the ages of 30 and 50 years

from 6 to 12 months of age

aged 30 to 50 years

ranging in age from 50 to 80 years

表达年龄范围,可用ages or between




The patients ranged in age from 33 to 80 years.

Their ages ranged from 7o to86 years.

Duodenual ulcers most occur between the ages of 30 and 40 years.



during the past 10 years;

over the past years


during a 10 year period; over a period of 10 years; in a 10 year period


During the period 1998-2003

During the 1998-2003 period; in the period 1998-2003


In 1998-2003; in the years 1998-2003 for the years 1998-2003


From January 1998 through December2003;

From January 1998 until December2003


1自身对照 2 组间对照3 注意事项

1 自身对照


表示时间 previously, preoperative, after, during, with time over time

表示变化 become; reach; increase, elevate; decrease, decline, fall, diminish

E.g. These data suggest that the HEV could be more widespread than previously thought.


The combined use of the three markers increased sensitivity to 87%, which reached 100% in patients with positive preoperative levels.


However, after adjustment for observation time, the age at diagnosis decreased minimally, if at all, with each successive generation.


In addition, levels of plasma cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and P-selectin decreased during the NCEP-1 and Mediterranean diets.


The effect of H/RZ on tuberculosis diminished over time (P = 0.011)


The excess risk for malignant disease diminished with time.


After excision of the gene encoding SV40Tag with Cre-recombinase, cells stopped growing, DNA synthesis fell by 90%, and production of liver-specific mRNAs was either increased or became newly detectable. In addition, the morphology and epithelial cell polarity of the cells became more characteristic of differentiated hepatocytes.

2 组间对照


Standardized incidence ratios were calculated to compare the incidence of malignant disease in patients with inflammatory myopathy and the general population.


2.1 结果无统计学差异

be similar

did not differ

be not different

had no difference

In sicker hospitalized patients, performance on seven Piagetian tasks of judgment was similar to that among children younger than 10 years of age.


Patients with Karnofsky scores greater than 50 did not perform differently than controls.


The level of chimerism did not differ between patients and controls either in blood or in liver.


There was no significant difference between the tuberculosis rates in the H and RZ groups at any time.


The nonprecipitated amylase levels (pancreatic and salivary amylase fractions) were not different from those of the controls.


2.2 结果有差异,但不直接说明孰高孰低,而是客观地交待数值,句子中常含有表示转折或比较的词,如buthoweverversus等。

Male cells were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from one healthy control at a level of 1 male cell per 10(6) female cells, but were not detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of women with primary biliary cirrhosis.


In all, 86.5% of these polyps were precisely diagnosed by EUS. However, only 51.7% were diagnosed by US.


The median number of operations was one for women who had stereotactic biopsy versus two for women who had diagnostic surgical biopsy.



Persons in the highest quintile of fruit and vegetable intake had a relative risk for coronary heart disease of 0.80 (95% CI, 0.69 to 0.93) compared with those in the lowest quintile of intake.

与最低摄入量者相比,摄入水果蔬菜量在五分之一高限部份者冠心病相对危险度为0.80 (95% CI, 0.69 - 0.93)

2.3 ()组指标高()于另一()组,常含有morehigher, greaterearlier等副词或形容词,或elevated increased等分词。

Whole-body MR imaging has a higher sensitivity than skeletal scintigraphy for the detection of bone marrow metastases but a lower sensitivity than FDG PET.

对于诊断骨和骨髓转移,全体部MR敏感性高于核素扫描,但是低于FDG PET

Females who became overweight or obese between 6 and 11 year of age were 7 times more likely to develop new asthma symptoms at age 11 or 13 (p = 0.0002).

6-11y超重或肥胖的女性在11y13y出现新的哮喘症状的可能性增加7(p = 0.0002)

In subjects with COPD R5 rose from 0.68 ± 0.06 to 0.74 ± 0.07 kPa/L/s after the cold dry air challenge (p < 0.01) and in the control subjects R5 rose from 0.34 ± 0.03 to 0.39 ± 0.03 kPa/L/s (p < 0.01).

COPD患者激发后R50.68 ± 0.06 增加到 0.74 ± 0.07 kPa/L/s (p < 0.01),对照组从0.34 ± 0.03 增加到 0.39 ± 0.03 kPa/L/s (p < 0.01).


Nucleotide sequence analysis identified 2 strains with 93.4% identity, phylogenetically most closely related to the Greece1 isolate.


Morbid obesity is the biggest independent risk factor for early mortality.


2. ()组指标低于另一()组,常用含lowerdecreasedecline等词的句子表达。

The cumulative risk of tuberculosis in the first 2.5 years was significantly lower in the H/RZ group than the placebo group (rate ratio 0.55; 95% confidence interval 0.32-0.93; P = 0.028).


Notes to Pharmaceuticals

第一节 药品名称 第二节      第三节 药理作用

第四节    第五节    第六节 用法用量

第七节 不良反应 第八节 注意事项 第九节     

第十节      第十一节 其它项目

第一节 药品名称Name

     “药品说明书”的英文表达方式有InstructionsDirectionsDescription 现在多用Package Insert,或简称 Insert,也有用LeafletData SheetsInsert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的一份用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。
较简单的悦明书仅介绍成分composition、适应症indications、禁忌症contraindications、用法与用量dosage and administration等内容;较详尽的说明书中除上述内容外还包括:药品性状descriptions、药理作用pharmacological actions、临床药理clinical pharmacology、临床前动物试验pre-Clinical tests on Animals、临床经验clinical experience、药代动力学pharmacokinetics、注意事项precautions、不良反应或副作用adverse reactions or side-effects、用药过量overdosage、药物的相互作用drug interactions、警告warnings、有效期expiry date、包装package、贮存条件storage 、患者须知patients information及参考文献 bibliography 、出厂日期manufacturing Date等诸多项目。


①药品名称(Drug Name),


③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),



⑥用量与用法(Dosage and Administration).

⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。



     英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名( Trade Name Proprietary Name),通用名( GenericName,or Formal name)和化学(Chemical Name),其中最常见的是商品名。例如,日本田边有限公司生产的熊去氧胆酸片,其商品名为 UrsosanTablets):通用名为 Ursodesoxycholic Acid(熊去氧胆酸);化学名为3a,7p dihydroxy-5p-Cholanoic acid3a7p二羟基5p胆烷酸。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。
     药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(R)标记,例如ADRIBLASTNA(R)(阿霉素),TEGRETOL(痛痉宁)。“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,(R)表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准.取得了此项专用的注册商标(Registered Trade Mark)。有时在商品名之下(或后)又列有通用名或化学名.例如: Rulide(罗力得)之下列有(Roxithromycin,罗红霉素): Minipress(脉宁平)之后列有(Praxosin HCI,盐酸哌唑嗪); Nitro-Dur(护心贴片〕之下又列有( Nitroglycerin,硝酸甘油)。
     1、音译:按英文药品名歌的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。如:Tamoxitn它莫西芬,Ritalin利他林,Penicilin 盘尼西林。音译较为方便,但不能表意。

     2、意译:按药品名称所表达的含意译成相应的汉语。例如:Cholic Acid 胆酸,Tetracyline四环素。
     3、音意合译:药品名称中的一部分采用音译,另一部分采用意译.例如:Neo-Octin新握克丁(neo-新);Medemycin麦迪霉素(-mycin 霉素),Cathinone卡西酮(-one酮)。



音译 安神补心丸 小青龙汤


意译为主 胃舒平 Gastropin tablets
     药品的化学名称反映出该药品的化学结构组成成分,可借助英汉化学化工词典进行翻译。如果名称很长,可以分解开来,分别查出各个组成部分的名称,组合而成。例如:Catalin(卡他林)的化学名称是1Hvdroxy- 5oxo-5Hpyrido32a)-Phenoxazine3-carboxylic acid,译成汉语是1-羟基-5-氧-5H-吡啶开(32a) 嗪-3-羧酸。如能掌握一些常用的酸、碱、盐、基因、化合物的英文名称,以及常用的前缀、后缀等,翻译时会顺利得多。例如:chloride氯化物,sulfatesulphate)硫酸盐,acetyl一乙酰基,amino氨基,di-二,dihydro-二氢。nitro-硝基,-ester酯,-lactone内酯,-one酮、-oxide氧化物,-urea脲等等.

第二节 性状(Description)

    Chemical Structure 化学结构
    Composition 成分
    Physical and Chemical Properties 理化性质



    be derived from 由……衍生
    consist of 由……组成
    be obtained 制得
    contain 含有
    be prepared from 由……制备
    have (possess) 有(具有)
    colo(u)r 颜色  stable 稳定的
    taste 味道     molecular formula分子式
    odo(u)rless 无臭的

molecular weight 分子量
    crystalline 结晶的 structure 结构
    solubility 溶解度

injection 注射剂 insoluble 不溶的
    solution 溶液    odo(u)r 气味
    tablets 片剂    colo(u)rless 无色的
    derivative 衍生物    tasteless 无味的
    liquid 液体    sterile 无菌的
    powder 粉沫    soluble 可溶的
    solid 固体

Pure flavour with sweet taste and fragrant aroma.


This drug is an angiotension converting enzyme inhibitor.

氟康唑(Fluconazole) 为白色或米白色结晶粉末,微溶于水,及盐水溶液。分子量是306.3。本品有两种剂型:每粒含氟康唑50mg的胶囊;每毫升含2mg的静脉注射液。

Fluconazole is white to off-white crystalline powder which is sparingly soluble in water and saline. It has a molecular weight of 306.3. the product is available as a gelatin capsule containing 50mf and intravenous infusion containing fluconazole 2mg/ml in a saline solution.


1Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless.
    2Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 % W/V of purified soybean oil.
    3Ursosan Tablet is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.

4Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.
     5It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.
    6Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methylbromide, has the empirical formula C18H24NO4Br and the molecular weight 398.3.
    7Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.
    8This product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitis associated (Australia) antigen.


[Composition]Each tablet contains cholroquine phospate 0.25gm (equivalent to 0.15gm of cholroquine base).



[性状]高特灵是一种选择a- 肾上腺受体阻滞剂,是喹唑啉的衍生物。盐酸四喃唑嗪为白色结晶,易溶于水和等渗盐水。分子量为459.93。本品为口服片剂,有含药1mg,2mg,5mg 等规格


[Composition ]HYTRIN(terazosin hydrochloride), an alpha-selective adrenoceptor blocking agent, is a quinazoline derivative .

The product is white crystalline substance,freely soluble in water and isotonic saline and has a molecular weight of 459.93. HYTRIN tablets for oral ingestion are supplied in three dosage strengths containing terazosin hydrochloride equivalent to 1mg,2mgor 5mg.



This product is a tonic produced recently according to a recipe extensively used in the Chinese medical profession through years of clinical experience. The medicine is scientifically made from valuable Chinese herbs such as Danshen,Zhusha,Wuweizi,etc.

    第三节 药理作用

有些说明书较详细地介绍药品的药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)。其内容主要包括药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Parmacology)、体外试验(in vitro experiments)、药物代谢(Metabolism)、药效(Potency)及毒性(Toxicity)等。这一项常用的标题是:
     Pharmacological Action 药理作用
     Pharmacological Properties 药理性质
     Pharmacology 药理学
     Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理
     Actions 作用
    Actions and Properties 作用与性质
     Clinical Effect (Use) 临床效果(用途)
     Mechanism of Action 作用机理
     Mode of Action 作用方式
     如果药品的一种抗生素,可能出现: Biological Action 生物活性
      Microbiology 微生物学





    ability 能力 activity 活性
    distribution 分布 excretion 排泄
    action 作用clearance 廓清率
    effect on 对…的作用

function 功能,作用 half life 半衰期
    in vitro 体外 kidney  mechanism 机理
    serum concentration 血清浓度
    tolerance 耐受性  infection 感染
    in vivo 体内  level 水平,浓度
    plasma level 血浆浓度(水平)
    toxicity 毒性
    absorb 吸收
    act 作用
    cause (be cause by) 引起(由……引起)
    demonstrate 显示
    exert (action on) 起……作用
    exhibit 显示 inhibit 抑制
    accumulate 积蓄    administrate 投药
    excrete 排泄

    result in 导致 indicate 表明
    maintain 维持    produce 产生
    protect (from) 保护(不变)
    reach 达到show 显示,表明
    treat 治疗metabolize 代谢
    promote 促进    prevent 阻止,预防
    tolerate 耐受
    (be) active (effective) against 对…有效的
    (be) related to 与……有关的
    (be) sensitive to 对……敏感的
    resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的
    minimum 最低(小)的
    maximum 最高(大)的
    normal 正常的

Suphathaizole (磺胺噻唑) is an effective bacteriostatic agent.

This product has also been shown to be active in animal models of endemic mycoses, including infection with Blastomyces dermatitis.

Mometasone furoate (糠酸莫他米松),a synthetic cortiosteroid, exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive properties.

About 80% of Suphathaizole taken is readily absorbed from the grastoentric tract and an effective concentration in the blood is found in 3-6hours.

Though the concentration in the urine is fairly high, it can be rapidly and completely excreted in the urine in 24hours.

It owns merits of being stable in quality, small in dose and high in efficacy.

Plasma concentrations are proportional to dose

Propofol is extensively distributed and rapidly cleared from the body (total clearance 1.5-2liters/minute)

This prevents the onset of angina pectoris attacks.

All the symptoms of parkinsonism regress markedly after sufficiently prolonged treatment with MADOPAR.

Chronic inflammatory conditions of the airways can be improved and cleared up with long –term treatment.


胃舒平是疗效可靠的胃药,具有缓冲作用,能校正胃酸,保持胃内酸碱度适当。药性和善,服后不产生二氧化碳气体,不致增加胃压而促使胃溃疡穿孔;并具有吸附作用,能保护溃疡面,有助于溃疡痊愈。本药不会引起碱中毒、腹泻、便秘、消化不良或其他副作用。Gatropin is an effective and reliable medicine for stomach, capable of adjusting the gastric contents with a suitable PHvalue owing to its buffer function. It has mild action and does not produce carbon dioxide which distends the stomach and accelerates the perforation of the ulcer. Its adsorptive properties create local effect on the ulcerated area providing a favourable environment for the healing of the ulcer. It does not produce alkalosis, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and other effects.

     1. Mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.
     2. Nembutal Sodium exerts a depressant action on the CNS and shares the sedative-hypnotic actions typical of the barbiturates.
3. In clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alterated cerebral circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs.
   4. Orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route.
    5. Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.
     6. Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.
     7. Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.
     8. Therapeutically, ATP injection exhibits effects, especially such as activation of the function and metabolism of the nerve, and also coronary and peripheral vasodilation to increase the blood stream.

第四节 适应症

    Indications and Usage 适应症与用途
    Major(Principal)Indications 主要适应症
    Action and Use作用与用途  




  angina pectoris 心绞痛
  hypertension 高血压
  gram-positive microorganisms(bacteria)革兰氏阳性菌
  virus 病毒
  gramnegative mcroorganismsbacteria)革兰氏阴性菌
  E.coli 大肠杆菌

    1Angina pectoris, Prinzmetal's angina,hypertension
     2 The following diseases caused by bacteria including grampositive and gramnegative bacteria such as StaphylococcusStreptcoccus, Escherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumoniae……
    2 For(或In等)引出的短语,例如:
    3 For prevention of the advance of cataract.
     4 In the treatment of all forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in association with other antitubercular drugs.
     5 To prevent the formation of urinary calculiespecially in cases where they tend to recur.
    6 To protect the liver cell during administration of drugs hazardous to the liver
     7 Amikacin is useful in the treatment of infections from Gramnegative sensitive speciesthere included the Pseudomonas speciesit may also be useful to treat infections caused by sensitive staphylococci,
     8 Nebcin is indicated for the treatment of the following infections caused by susceptible microorganisms
     9 Octinum D has proved effective in the prophylaxis and therapy of disorders arising from spasm of the smooth musculature.
    10 Fungizone intravenous is especially intended to treat cryptococcosis……
    11 Kanamycin is active both in vitro and vivo against Grampossitive and Gramnegative bacteria as well as acid-fast bacteria
    12 Benemid is recommended for the treatmemt of gout and gouty arthritis, and to increase and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins and cephalosporins during anti-infective therapy.
         13 Information available at present suggests that Oncovin may be useful either alone or in conjunction with other oncolytic drugs for the treatment of acute leukaemias ……
    14 Adriamycin is frequenly used in combination chemotherapy regiments with other cytotoxic drugs.
     15 Concomitant therapy with other calcium antagonists, antihypertensives and alcohol may potentiate the hypotensive action of the drug.
    be active against对……有效
    be intended to…适用于……
    be administered in …适用于…
    be of value of 适用于……
    be effective in foragainst)…对…有效
    be recommended for 推荐用于……
    be employed to …用于……
    be used toforas)…用于……
    be helpful in 用于……
    be useful in 用于……
    be indicated infor)…适用于…
    forin the treatmentmanagementof 用于治疗(控制)
    be associated with
    in association with
    be combined with
    in combination with
    be compatible with
    in conjunction with
    concomitant with
    together with

第五节 禁忌症

    本项中最常用的英语表示法是Contraindications,也有用Restrictions on Use(用药限制)的。


The use of Kirin Sterile Powder is contraindicated in patients previously found hypersensitive to it.


    pregnant women 孕妇
    lactation 哺乳期
    in pregnancy 妊娠期
    children under years of age …岁以下儿童
    the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy 妊娠期的最初三个月
    allergic (hypersensitive) to 对…过敏的
    allergic (anaphylactic) reaction 过敏反应
    allegy (hypersensitivity) to 对…过敏
    patients with (who) 患有…的患者
    cardiac failure 心力衰竭
    hypertension 高血压
    cardiac (renal) insufficiency 心(肾)功能不全
    severe hypotension 严重低血压
    impairment of kidney (renal function) 肾功能损伤
    diabetes 糖尿病
    liver (hepatic) damage 肝损伤
    severe anemia 严重贫血
    1) 省略句型,只列出禁忌对象或疾病名称等。
    1. Pregnancy, allergy to methotrexate, functional disorders of liver and kidneys, diseases of the haematopoietic system (bone marrow hypoplasia, leucopenia, thrombocy - to penia, anaemia), intectious diseases, ulcers of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, recent operation wounds.
    2. Hypersensitivity to quinoiones, severe renal insufficiency.
   Not to be used in cases of known hypersensitivity to Ginkgo biloba extracts.


must not be administered /given to

It is advisable to avoid the use of

should be used with caution

.. be forbidden to

This medicine is forbidden to the pregnant.

 2) 完整的句子或段落。其中常用的结构有:
    contraindications are 禁忌症是…
    be contraindicated in (for) 对…禁忌
    should not be used (employed) in 不得用于…
   It is advisable to avoid the use of 建议不用于…
  must not be administered (given) to 对…不得用药
    should be used with caution 慎用
    be not recommended for 最好不用于…
    none reported 未见报道
    not known 不清楚
    3. Cetazolin sodium is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to cephalosporin group of antibiotics.
    4. It is advisable to avoid the use of Aramine with cyclo-propane or halothane anesthesia, unless clinical circumstances demand such use.

    Do not take Benemid if prior administration resulted in hypersensitivity . Benemid is not recommended for persons with known disorders of the blood or uric acid kidney stones. Do not give Benemid to children under two years of

Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulsive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.
7. 暴发性肝炎及胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。    

Ursosan should not be given to patients suffering from fulminant hepatitis and bile duct obstruction.

This product is contraindicated in those patients who have shown hypersensitivity to it unless, in the opinion of the physician, the condition requiring treatment is life threatening and amenable only to amphotencin B therapy.

 10.  哺乳期妇女最好不用爱力生。

Children under 5 years of age should not be treated with Antistine

The use of Alexan in nursing mothers is notrecommended.
 11.     妊娠期禁用:香豆定禁用于孕妇,或可能已怀孕的妇女,因为本品可能穿过胎盘屏障,引起子宫内胚胎致命的出血

Pregnancy: Coumadin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant because the drug passes through the placental barrier and may cause fatal hemorrhage to the fetus in uterus.
第六节 用量与用法

    Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法
    Route of Administration 给药途径(用法)
    Administration 用法
    Direction for Use 用法
    Method of (for) Administration 用法
    Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量
    Mode of Application 用法
    Dosage 用(剂)量
    How to Use 用法
    Posology 剂量学


    average dose 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) dose 最小有效量
    daily dose 日剂量(一日量) multiple dose 多剂量
    divided dose 分次剂量 overdose (overdose) 过量
    fatal (lethal) dose 致死量 single dose 一次剂量
    indicated dose 有效剂量 standard dose 标准(合适)剂量
    initial (beginning, starting) dose 首次量 suggested (recommended) dose 推荐剂量
   maintenance dose 维持量 therapeutic dose 治疗剂量
   maximum dose 最大剂量(极量) usual (normal) dose 常用剂量

    g=gram l=liter (litre)
    mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升

kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升
mcg=microgram 微克

I.U.=international unit 国际单位

  ug 微克 body weight 体重

 per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积
  daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日
  every hours 每隔…小时
  intervals of 每隔…
  once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次
  every other day 每隔一日
  three times a day (daily) 每日三次
  three times a week 每周三次
  once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次
  Divided into doses 分…次
  in two or three divided doses 分为二或三次(个剂量)
    After meals

Before meals

30minutes before and /or after meals

At (two-week) intervals

A day/daily/every /per day

Every other day/every second day

(Once/twice/three times /x times) a day /daily






Divided into two twelve-hourly doses

In two or three equally divided doses

3g per day in 6 equally divided doses

Divided into doses every four hours



50-100mg (10000-20000I.u.)per/kg of body weight daily.




Daily dose of at least 20mg per pound body weight


0.5mg per square meter of body surface daily
    adolescents 青少年 intant(s) 幼儿
    adult(s) 成年人 male 男性
    baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿
    children (child) 儿童 patient(s) 患者,病人
    debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的
    elderly patient(s) 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇
    female 女性 senile patient(s) 老年患者(病人)
nursing mother

Senile patients

The allergic /hypersensitive to     
patients with

School-age children      
1 for dose is

For adults: initial dose is 1-2mg (2-4tab.) followed by1-1.5mg(2-3tab.)every four hours.


2 The suggested dose is 10 to 15 mg per kg body weight daily in 3-4 divided doses orally, taken with meets.

3 The initial dosage recommended is 1/2 tablet of Madopa 250 three times daily.

4 Children: The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg/day total, given in four equally divided and spaced doses.

 5 The recommended starting dose is 20mg given as a single daily dose.

  intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服
  intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液
    intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射
    intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射
    intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药
    intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药
    intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药
    locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药
    parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药
    subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注
    subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药
    submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药
    by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药
    by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药
    by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药
    by lumbar 腰椎给药 per recto 直肠给药
    administer (be administeredgivebe givenindicatebe indicated) 给药、投药

    use (be used employbe employed) 用药

recommend (be recommendedsuggestbe suggested) 推荐给药
    take 服用 inhale 吸入 apply to 用于、涂于、敷于
    spray 喷雾 inject 注射 swallow 吞服
    6 the recommended single dose is 1 ampoule, given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously.
    7 I.M injections should be administered in the amount of 25-50mg daily per kilo of body weight, subdivided into injections every 6-8-12 hours.
    8 For adults give intramuscular injection of 400 to 600 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. For infants give intramuscular injection of 10-20mg/kg per day in two divided doses.
    9 The tablets (or the syrup) are to be taken during or after a meal with a little liquid.
    10 Apply the Nitro-Dur system firmly to the skin surface. The Nitro-Dur system may be applied to any convenient skin area, a recommended side of application is the arm or chest.
    11 In general 1 to 3 metered doses should should be inhaled or sprayed onto or under the tongue at the every oneset of anginal pain.

    according to 根据 be adjusted 调整 depend on 依据 adapt to 适合,修改
    on the basis of 在…基础上 vary fromto 变化范围由…至…,因…而异
    range from to 变化范围由…至…
    it is advisable to (it is recommended toit is suggested to ) 建议…
    12 Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.
    13 It si advisable to initiate therapy with massive doses: 3x2 tablets daily after meals over 2-4 days.
     14 In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.
    15 The number of injections required may vary from from patient to patient.
    16 The dosage of Glutril must be adjusted by the doctor according to the individual metabolic state.
    17 In such instance, it is recommended that the dose be reduced.
    18 The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.



依病人体重不同,常用剂量为1.6-3.2g特美汀,每6-8小时给药一次,最大剂量为每4小时3.2g 特美汀。










Adults (including elderly patients):

The usual dosage is 1.6~3.2g Timentin 6-8 hourly according to body weight. The maximum recommended dosage is 3.2 every 4 hours.

Dosage in renal impairment:

Mild impairment (creatinine clearance >30ml/min):3.2g every 8 hours

Moderate impairment (creatinine clearance 10~30ml/min):1.6g every 8 hours

Severe impairment (creatinine clearance <10ml/min): 1.6g every 12 hours


The usual dosage of Timentin for children is 80mg/kg bodyweight given every 6-8hours

For premature infants and full term infants during the perinatal period, the dosage is 80mg/kg bodyweight every 12hours, increasing to every 8hours thereafter.

Children with renal impairment:

As with the adult dosage, similar reduction should be made for children.

第七节 不良反应

    Adverse Reactions)不良反应 UnwantedUntoward Reactions)不良反应
    Side-effect(s) 副作用 UnwantedUndesirable Effects 副作用
    Side Reaction(s) 副作用 By-effects 副作用

Accompanying symptoms

Untoward symptoms

Unwanted effects

Undesirable effects

    allergic (hypersensitiveanaphylacticreaction(s) 过敏反应
    allergy(hypersensitivity) 过敏 dizzziness 眩晕
    gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 fever 发热
    local reaction(s) 局部反应 flush 潮红
    skin reactions)皮肤反应 headache 头痛
    symptoms)症状 nausea 恶心
    systematic 全身的 pruritus 瘙痒
    anorexia 厌食 rash 皮疹
    blood count 白细胞计数 spasm 痉挛
    blood pressure 血压 thirst 口渴
    coma 昏迷 tiredness 疲倦
    diarrhea 腹泻 vomiting 呕吐
    toxicity 毒性
    tolerancetolerability) 耐受力,耐药性
    toleratetoleration 耐受

    abandon 停药
    discontinuediscontinuance,discontinuation) 停药,中断(治疗)
    don't use 勿使用(停药)
    suspend 停药
    terminate 停止,结束
    withdrawbe withdrawnwithdrawalfrom treatment 停药

    acute 急性的 controlbe controlled)控制
    chronic 慢性的 diminishreducereduction)减少
    common 常见的 disappear 消失
    irreversible 不可逆的 encounter 遇到,见到
    mild 轻微的 give rise to 产生
    normal 正常的 include 包括
    rarely)罕见的(地) lead to 导致
    reverside 可逆的 manifest 表明,显示
    severe 严重的 observebe observed)(被)观察到
    temporary 暂时的 produce 产生
    transient 一过性的,短暂的 react to 对……反应
    result from 由……引起 be reported (被)报道
    result in 导致 cause (be caused by) (由……)引起
    treattreatment 治疗
    special carecautionshould be exercised 特别小心(注意)

The side effects are/include

The side effects occur in patients

happen to cases

is well tolerated

have been reported /observe /noted in patients

patients may develop

  1 Ciprofloxactin is generally well tolerated. The most frequently reported adverse reactions are: nausea, diarrhaea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, headache, restlessness, rash, dizziness and pruritus.
    2 Side-effects are rare with slow-K, as any excess potassium is rapidly excreted in the urine.
    3 At the recommended dosage side-effects e.g. venous irritation or hypersensitivity reactions (cutaneous and mucous reactions) are only observed in isolated cases.
    4 When adverse reactions occur, they are usually reversible and disappear when the hormone is discontinued.

 5 The most serious side-effect is damage to the bone marrow. Because of this, the white blood cell count should be controlled often enough during the treatment.

6 These unwanted effects usually disappear spontaneously after 7-14 days or following a temporary reduction in the dosage.

 7 With high dosage continuous infusion (more than 200mg/m2/day) over 5 to 7 days, the gastrointestinal complications are more pronounced and can on occasion lead to ileus. All side effects are reversible after cessation of therapy.
    大剂量连续输注超过 57日(超过 200mgm2/日),胃肠道并发症更为明显,偶尔可导致肠梗阻。停药后副作用皆可逆转。
  8 In some patients nausea dizzinessand vomiting may occur in the first days of treatment but the treatment need not be discontinued for that. In rare cases a decrease of blood pressure may appear for which a blood pressure check-up is recommended in out-patients before the treatment is initiated. If side-effects persist, lower doses should be administered.
   9 Major adverse reactions (much less common than the minor adverse reactions) include inhibition of myelopoiesis, drug fever and hepatitis.
   10 Side-effects: Loss of appetite and nausea occur in most cases, sometimes with vomiting. These symptoms are usually confined to the first few days of treatment and then tend to disappear.

第八节 注意事项


. 本项常用的英语表示法:
    Precautions 注意事项 Special notecaution, precaution)特别注意
    Caution(s) 注意事项 N.B. 注意
    Noto 注意 Warning(s) 警告
    Important 重要事项 Important for the patients 患者须知
    2. 本项中常见的检查项目:
    blood count 血细胞汁数 Kidney (renal) function 肾功能
    blood picturehemogram 血象 Liverhepaticfunction 肝功
    blood level 血浓度 serum concentration 血清浓度
    blood pressure 血压 serum creatinine test 血清肌酸酐检验
    clotting time 凝血时间 urine routineexamination 尿常规
    creatinine clearance 肌酸酐清除率
    3. 本项的特点是内容长短不一,有难有易;词汇量大,涉及面广,既有普通词汇,也有大量的专业词汇及编写词。许多词汇、结构和句型可在药理作用、适应症、禁忌症、剂量和用法、副作用,贮藏等项中见到。从英语结构上分析,句型变化较多,长句、难句也屡屡出现,是比较难读的一个项目。



谓语中常用”should should not not to be used







Fro external use only

Stop taking the pills for1-3days if necessary.

Avoid contact with eyes

Monitor hemogram twice a week, during the course of taking the medicine

This drug should be used with care in patients with evidence of severe hepatic dysfunction.

Not to be used in patients with anuria, hyperkalemia.

1 Warnings and precautions: Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in epileptics and patients with a history of CNS disorders and only if the benefits of treatment are considered to outweight the risk of possible CNS side-effects.
    2 Ciprofloxacin could result in impairment of the patients ability to drive or operate machinery, particularly in conjunction with alcohol.
    3 Warnings: Vepeside should be administered under the supervision of a qualified physicain experienced in the use of cancer chemotherapeutic agents.

4 The most serious risk associated with anticoagulant therapy with sodium warfarin are hemorrhage in any tissue or organ and less frequently, necrosis and/ or gangrene of skin and other tissues. The risk of hermorrhage is related to level of intensity and the duration of anticoagulant therapy.
        5 The occurrence of a platelet count below 50,000/mm3 or an absolute neutrophil count below 500/mm3 is an indication to withhold further therapy until the blood counts have sufficiently recovered.
    血小板数低于s0000mm3 或绝对中性白细胞数低于500mm3 ,表明不能继续使用本品治疗,待白细胞计教充分恢复后才能继续用药。
    6 Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.
    7 Dosage should be controlled by periodic determinations of prothrombin time(PT) or other suitable coagulation tests.
    8 Please note Cerebral convulsive disease is regarded as a relative contraindication for examinations in the subarachnoid space. If after careful consideration, these examinations are nevertheless performed, all equipment and medicines necessary to counter any convulsions may occur must be prepared ready for use beforehand.
    9 Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.
    10 Caution Alcohol intake may enhance nitrate effects and occasionally induce hypotension with subsequent impairment of reactivity. During the first three months of pregnancy drugs should only be used on the express direction of the attendant physician. Isket spray should not be stored at temperatures above 25C! Temperatures above 40 are to be avoided, even for bried periods! Do not force canister open, even when empty!
    11 As with all new drugs patients should be followed carefully so that any side-effects or unusual manifestations of drug idiosyncrasy may be detected. If any allergic reaction to Keflex occurs, the drug should be discontinued and the patient treated with the usual agents.
    12 In patients with normal renal function, chronic hypercalcemia may be associated with an increase in serum creatinine. While this is usually reversible, It is important in such patients to pay careful attention to those factors which may lead to hypercalcemia.
    13 Precautions Avoid the concomitant use, in the absence of special monitoring laboratory of parameters, of anticoagulants or aspirin. Inform the attending physician in the event of bleeding or of the occurence of a hematoma.
    14 Periodical examination of hepatic or renal function and blood picture is desirable since Kedacillin may increase SGOT. SGPT and BUN, and decrease erythrocyte and leucocyte.
    15 N.B.Transference from insuline to Glutril may be attempted in case of maturity-onset diabetes with obesity;dosage is based upon the result of the necessarily frequent metablic tests.

第九节 包装

 Pack(s) Packings)) 包装 Supplys(Supplied) 包装
 Package(s) 包装 How Supplied 包装方式
 Packing for Hospital 医院用包装 Method of Supply 包装方式
 Package Quantitiess Quantity)包装量
  Presentation 包装 Hospital (Size) Packs 医院用包装
  Availability 包装 Trade PacksPackings 商品包装
    ModeFormof Issue 包装
    2 常见的包装单位(工具)的英语表示法:
    ampoule(s) 安瓿 carton 纸盒
    blister packpackage 铝塑包装(水泡眼包装)
    blister strip 铝塑条状包装(水泡眼条包装)
    sheet 张、 bottle     strip 条、 box
    tube     canist     vial 玻璃小瓶
     3 药物的常见剂型的英语表示法:
    aerosol (spray, inhaler) 气雾剂 ampoule 针剂
    capsules 胶囊 oral solution 口服液
    coated-tablets 包衣片 pill 丸剂
    cream 乳膏 powder 粉剂    derm TTS 皮肤贴膏

retard capsules tablets 缓释胶囊(片)
    dregees 糖衣丸 scored-tablets 刻(划)痕片
    drops 滴剂 solution 溶液剂
    emulsion 乳剂栓剂 sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片
    film-coated tablets 薄膜片。膜衣片
    suppositories 栓剂
    granule 颗粒 suspension 悬浮剂,混悬剂
    injection 注射剂,针剂
    sustained release tablets 恒(缓)释片
    liniment 搽剂 syrup 糖浆
    liquid 液剂 tablets 片剂
    ointment 软膏
4 本项的结构特点






Each (container) contains

contains with
    1 Presentation 30 capsules.
    2 PackagesBox containing one 100 mg bottle
    包装:盒装,每盒1瓶,每瓶100 mg
    3 Packing Bottle of 12 capsules 250 mg and 500 mgBxo of 12 capsules 250 mg in blister.
    Bottle for pediatri use (granulated): 20 gm granulated contain 1 gm ampicillin, The content of the spoon included in the packing corresponds to 100 mg ampicillin.
    包装瓶装12粒胶囊,每粒含量250500mg。盒装12粒胶囊(水泡眼包装),每粒含量250mg。瓶装儿童用颗粒剂:20颗粒剂每瓶含有 1 g 氨苄青霉素。附在包装内的一匙的量,相当于1O0 mg 氨苄青霉素。
   4 Mode of issue Ceopran Is issued in vials containing 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 gram of cephaloridine.
    包装方式本品小瓶包装,内装 250mg500mg 1 g 头抱菌素II
    5 Trade packs Trade packs containing 50 and 100 sugar coated tablets.
    商品包装 50 100 糖衣片包装。
    6 PacksMadopar250: Cross-scrored tablets each containing 200mg levodopa+50 mg benserazide.
    包装 美多巴”250刻痕片,每片含200mg左族多巴50mg羟苄丝肼。
       7 Method of supply Tablets in tubes, each containing 30 tablets. Paint in glass bottles of 24 ml.Meladinine is supplied only on prescription.
    包装方式 管装片剂.每管30片。玻璃瓶装搽剂,每瓶24ml。敏白灵只按处方供药。
    8 Availability Syrup: Orbenin syrup is available in bottles containing reconstitutable powder for preparing an aqueous solution. When dispensed each 5 ml teaspoonful contains 125mg cloxacillin as the sodium salt.

包装 糖浆:全霉林糖浆为瓶装,内含可供再配制水溶液的粉末。配制后的每茶匙5ml药液中含125ml 邻氯青霉素钠盐,
    9 How supplied Tablets: Coumadin (crystalline Wartarin Sodium USP), For oral use, single scored imprinted numericallyand Packaged in bottles with potencies and colors as follows:
    包装 片剂:香豆定(结晶华法林钢一美国药典标准)。供口服。药片上有一条划痕,印有数字。瓶装,效价及颜色如下:
    10 Also available in Hospital Unit-Dose blister package of 100.
    11 Temaril 250white, film-coated tablets marked on one side with 250, each tablet containing 291.5mg ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate (equivalent 50 250mg ciprofoxacin).
    替马利尔25U:白色有刻痕标记的薄膜片,一面刻有“250mg”字样、每片含 291.5mg 盐酸环丙沙星-水合物(相当于250mg环丙沙星)。
    12 Packs Standard packs of 20 dregees Hospital packs of 100,500 and 1000 dregees.
    包装 标准包装为20粒糖衣九。医院用包装为1005001000粒糖衣丸。
     13 Package ouantities Beconase Nasal Spray is a metered-dose aerosolsol with a specially designed nasal applicator. Each canister provides 200 sprays.
    包装 喷雾剂是一种气雾剂.配有专门设计可供鼻用的喷雾器,每罐可喷雾 200次。

第十节 贮存


Keep /store in..

Keep out of

be protected from

be prevented from

Do not exceed

     store (keep) in a cool and dry place 存于于阴凉干燥处
    away from light 避光
    away from children 勿让儿童接触
    protect from light (heat) 避光(热)
    out of (the) reach of children 勿让儿童触及
    prevent moisture 防潮

    1 store medicines carefully. Keep away from children.
    2 Stroe below 25 protecting from freezing and light.
    3 Validity and storage. The solution will keep for five years if stored at a emperature below +20.

 4 Storage instructions: Protect from heat and light.
    5 To be stored in a dry place at a temperature not above 25.
    6 Do not store the suppositories over 25.
    7 store at below 25 and protect from moisture
    8 The solution should be prepared immediately prior to use, but can be stored at 4 or up to one week.

    9 Ampoules and unopened nasal spray bottles should should be stored in a refrigerator (2—8). Onceopened the nasal spray bottle must be kept at room temperature; it should be kept in the upright position and used for a maximum of 4 weeks. Like all drugsMiacalcic should be kept out of reach of children.
     10 Protect from light. Store in carton until contents have been used. Store at controlled room temperature5986F 1530. Dispense in al tight, light-resistant container as defined in the U.S.P
    11 Fungizone intravenous in powder form should be stored in the refrigerator, protected against exposure to light. The concentrate may be stored in the dark, at room temperature for 24 hours, or at refrigeratortemperatures for one week with minimal loss of potency and clarity. Any unused material should then be discarded.
    两性霉素B粉剂应避光存于冰箱中。浓缩液可存于暗处,室温下可保存Z4小时,或可在冰箱 温度下保存一周,其效价及澄明度变化极小。那以后一切尚未用的药物就应弃之。

第十一节 其他项目
     validity 有效期 storage life 贮存期
     Expiry(Exp.) date 失效(日)期 Shelf life 贮存期(贮藏期限)
     Expiring 失效期 Stability 稳定性
     Expiration date 失效(日)期
     15 Expiry: 18 months (Expiry date is printed on the vial label.)
     16 Validity and storage: The solution will keep for five years if stored at a temperature below +20






Made by/in by;Manufactured by; Manufacturer; Produced by

Batch NoBatch Lot No

Med-drug Permit No.; Approval Number; Wei Yao Zhun Zi

Import Permit Number


