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Step1: Listen to a song What will be will be and fill in the blanks I tell them tenderly. Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see. What will be will be 教师先以歌曲来引入语法教学,可以将枯燥无味的语法变成学生乐于接受的模式,这样可提高学生学习此语法的兴趣,而且又可以从音乐中找到要教授的语法句子。
Step2: Give students three proverbs and ask them to pay attention to the structure of these three sentences and translate them.
1. What is done by night appears by day. 2. Its a good lesson that diligence can make up for clumsiness. 3Its nothing when you are used to it. 无论中外谚语大部分都具有教育意义。此举一举三得:让学生识记了三句谚语;进一步认识了主语从句的结构;还给学生人生观和价值观的引导。同时将语法的形式和意义相结合,加深印象,为下一步的学习做好了铺垫。整个过程顺畅自然,学生情绪愉悦,达到了引入的目的,使学生自身处于一种主动认知的状态。
Step3: Discovering structures Subject clause What will be will be.
Subject of the sentence
What is done by night appears by day.

Subject of the sentence 将之前学到的两个句子列出,并直观地划出句子的主语并标明这就是主语从句,这给学生一个直观的印象,为下一步找主语从句打下铺垫。
Step4: Jigsaw reading
In groups read different paragraphs and find examples of subject clause in How Life Began on the Earth
在前面的一系列预热之后,让学生自己找主语从句,让学生通过已输入的语法规则来观察运用,可加深学生对主语从句的印象,也为后面的运用打下了基础。 前一单元刚学过宾语从句和表语从句,有些学生在找主语从句的过程中找出一些宾语从句和表语从句,如有些学生可能会找出 “The problem was that the earth become violent because it was not clear whether the „” 有些学生误将 “that the earth become vi
olent” 当成主语从句,此时教师可适时将宾语从句、表语从句和主语从句进行比较和归纳,让学生在 “错中学”避免下次犯同样的错误。 Step5: Practice Work in groups and send a message to a friend on a mobile. To save money, you must use as few words as possible. Both sentences must mean the same. Text messages Example: 1. My bedtime is fixed. Meanings Example: 1. What time I go to bed is fixed. 2. The extinction of dinosaur is 2. _______________________ a mystery. is a mystery. 此练习将发短信息与语法教学相联系,让学生认识到语法学习也可运用到实际生活中,激发学生学习的好奇心。通过合作学习来完成语法任务,它有助于降低学习的难度,集思广益,增强自信心。此练习其实涉及到了the variety of English expression英语同汉语一样,相同的意思也可用不同的表达法来阐述,可让学生更真切地感受到英语语言的多样性。
Step6: Competition Give students some uncompleted sentences and ask them to complete them with subject clause when necessary. For example: What interests most is who will win the match. 1. What amuses me most __________________________. 让学生从单纯的观察,发现到练习巩固。引入竞争机制可更大程度调动学生的积极性,在练习中进一步熟悉,巩固和掌握。为下面的用主语从句下一段话打下基础,由句入段,由简单到复杂。 Step7: Guessing who he/she is
Ask students to describe one of their classmates by using at least one subject clause and others guess who he/she is. T: Before you start, first I will give you an example. She is one of the interesting classmates. What amuse me most are the many jokes she tells us everyday. How she can keep all these jokes in minds is a mystery to me. Do you know who she is? Ss: Yes, Lily.



