
发布时间:2020-06-09 11:50:09   来源:文档文库   





1326 在一个完整的句子中,主语之外的部分称为谓语,共有5种类型的谓语。


He came

My wife cried


John likes me

His uncle wrote letters


They teach me English

I bought Mary sugar


He is a teacher

She looks sad


We made him king

She left the house dirty


1327 不过动词、宾语及补语的意义还应当广一些,上面例句中的及物动词、不及物动词或其他动词都是一个单词,但有时可以是一个起同样作用的短语或成语。例如及物动词+名词可以看作是一种不及物动词:

He lost heart.(他灰心了。)

This habit has struck root.(这种习惯已根深蒂固)


I looked for my lost dictionary.(我在找我弄失的字典。)

He paid attention to his lesson.(他很注意他的功课。)

He gave up drinking.(他戒酒了。)

He is afraid of blood.(他怕血。)

He can't get along with anyone.(他和谁都处不好。)


I waited for him to come.(我等他来。)

详见 1182—1206节。


1328 此外,也不只是名词或代词可用作宾语,共有9种东西可用作及物动词、双宾动词及宾补动词的宾语。由于它们是名词或起名词的作用,可以称作名词等同体(NounEquivalent),名词等同体,可用作动词的宾语:

I know John(名词).

She kept the floor dirty

I will teach John Chinese

I know him(代词).

She kept it clean

That depends upon them

He threw out an apple of discord(名词短语).

I have just visited the Board of Trade

I am not fond of wild goose chase

This matter interests the rich and the poorthe +形容词或分词).

The general visited the dying and the woundedI know the long andthe short of this case

He wants to go to college(不定式).

She refuses to marry me

I asked to see a friend in prison

He is fond of swimming in the morning(动名词).

He avoids meeting any of his friends

I postponed going to the doctor

I know that she loves methat引起的从句).

I am sure that you will succeed

Is he afraid that he will be defeated

I wonder what he wants(疑问词引起的从句).

I asked where he had been

I don't know which way I should go

I don't know what to do(疑问词引起的不定式).

I am doubtful how to settle this problem

I do not care where to eat dinner


1329 不只是名词和形容词可用作补语,上面所提的9种名词等同体以及下面例句中的6种形容词等同体(AdjectiveEquivalent)都可用作系动词或宾补动词的补语。


He is a king(名词).

We chose him chairman

It is me(代词).

He became a fish out of water(名词短语).

I find it a moot point

The victims are always the poorthe +形容词).

To respect others is to be respected(不定式).

Seeing is believing(动名词).

His purpose is that all children should be educatedthat引起的从句).

The problem is who is to blame(疑问词引起的从句).

My problem is how to learn(疑问词引起的不定式).


He seems happy(形容词).

You look young

He makes me angry

He is out(地点副词).

The show is over

Time is up

He is at home(介词短语).

We are on good terms

He leaves his desk out of order

It seems interesting(现在分词).

The situation grows encouraging

I saw Mary smoking

I am astonished(过去分词).

He looked frightened

I had my clothes washed

He is to blame(不定式).

It is to be thrown away

He wants his daughter to marry a rich man


1330 因此我们可以把许多词看成一个词,把许多不同形式看作同类东西,从而使句子的结构变得简单化。例如我们可以把I know that he does not like to live in this country.中的10个斜体词和I know John.中的一个斜体词看作是有同一语法作用的东西,因为两者都是及物动词的宾语。我们也可把He begged to see a friend in prison.中的 6个斜体词和He begged pardon.中的一个斜体词看作是作用相等,因为两者都是宾语。

同样,我们也可把He is to come to the office at eight.中的7个斜体词和He is punctual.中的一个斜体词看作相等的东西,因为两者都是补语。另外下面4个句子中的斜体词,形式不一,我们却可看作一类东西,都是及物动词或是起及物动词作用的词组:

He likes chocolate.(他喜欢巧克力。)

He is fond of teaching.(他爱教书。)

John pays attention to his business.(约翰关心他的买卖。)

I am sure that he will be a good husband.(我肯定他会是一个好丈夫。)




1331 我们一方面有不同形式的动词,另一方面有不同形式的宾语及补语。把它们结合起来,再加上一些其他因素,我们可以得出47种基本的谓语类型,这几乎代表了英语中的各种可能的谓语。我们可能读到的或写出的任何谓语,几乎都可以(而且应当)纳入这些类型。这47种类型可列举如下:

IV 3种类型

TVO 15种类型


LVC 13种类型

FVOC 11种类型

5类谓语 共有47种类型


1332 为了更好了解这些谓语类型,先看看下面句子:

aI know him to work hard

bWe want him to come

cShe let us to use her car

dThey suppose all of us to obey

eJohn saw Mary to walk with a boy


aI tried advising her

bI asked seeing the boss

cHe thinks going with you

dWe wish moving to another place

eThey refused helping us



1333 从下面句子中可以看出know可用在多少类型的谓语中:

I know John.(及物动词+名词)(正确)

I know John to come tomorrow.(宾补动词+名词+不定式)(错误)

I know that John comes tomorrow.(及物动词+that引起的从句)(正确)

I know to answer this question.(及物动词+不定式)(错误)

I know the work easy.(宾补动词+名词+形容词)(错误)

I know how to answer this question.(及物动词+疑问词引起的不定式)(正确)

I know the work to be easy.(宾补动词+名词+to be+形容词)(正确)

I know John coming(宾补动词+名词+现在分词).(错误)

I know organizing a political party(及物动词+动名词).(错误)



1334 有些类型中可以使用很多动词,另一些却只能使用少量动词。例如在系动词+that引起的从句这种类型中只能用be这一个动词。在不及物动词+介词+疑问词引起的从句这种类型中约可用20个动词,在及物动词+不定式或动名词这类类型中,约可用50个动词,而在及物动词+that引起的从句这种类型中,约可用150个动词。每种类型中能用的动词,在本单元中将几乎全部列出并加上例句,以便读者了解并掌握什么动词在何种类型中使用。不过某些谓语类型中可用的动词极多(可说是成百上千)。在这种情况下只能给出一小部分动词。


1335 关于上面提到的类型有几点值得注意:



John knows how to play football

He avoided meeting her at some party


He knows what you are doing

I asked where he got it


I have decided to go(一个句型)and he will go too(一个句型),but she decides to remain at home(一个句型).(共包含三个句型)


1336 句型指一个完整句子的骨架,它可包含任何数量的修饰语(即形容词、副词及起同样作用的其他词语)。这些修饰语可能在意思上很重要,但在语法上却是可以删除的,在我们考虑句型,也就是句子的基本结构时,可以对它们不加考虑。所有下面句子都属于同一句型,即主语+及物动词+名词,但却可包含不同类型的修饰语(斜体部分)。最后包含25个词的句子和第一个包含4个词的句子同属一个句型:

I saw a house

I saw a big house

I saw a big house on the opposite side

I saw a big house on the opposite sidewhich was said to be haunted by a ghost

Yesterday I saw a big house…

Yesterday when I sailed down the river I saw a big house…



That man is crazy

Ohthat man is crazy

Ohthat man is crazyI am sure

Ohthat man is crazyyou may be sureMary


1337 在下面讨论中,所列出能用于某句型的动词的数目只是大致估计。列出的目的只是说明某一句型使用范围大致有多广。一般说来,数目越小,越难使用,因为如果这个句型只限于用少数动词,则用错的机会更多。

1338 偶尔也会有些例外的句子无法归入这47种句型的任何一个。但如果把某些不规则的动词短语适当转换为规则的动词短语,则它们大部分仍可归入某些句型:

I have a good mind=intendto punish you.(have a good mind可能换为intend,则句型将是主语+及物动词+不定式。)

He will have it=insists that I have cheated him.(主语+及物动词+that引起的从句)

“Who has taken my pen”“Johnhas taken your pen).


It wasNo sooner said thanit was done

You Live and letotherslive

I wish youGood luck

1339 确定一个句子属于哪个句型是有好处的。下面的句子都是错的,因为它们不代表47种句型中的任何一个:

1I hear about that John has arrived.(主语+不及物动词+介词+that引起的从句)

2I paid attention what he was doing.(主语+及物动词+名词+疑问词引起的从句)

3He is afraid of that he will be assassinated.(主语+系动词+形容词+介词+that引起的从句)

4He is afraid being assassinated.(主语+系动词+形容词+动名词)

5I know that who has broken the window.(主语+及物动词+that+疑问词引起的从句)

6We want peaceful.(主语+及物动词+形容词)


正确句型 正确句子

1.主语+及物动词+that I hear that John has ar-

起的从句 rived

2.主语+及物动词+名词+ I paid attention to what

介词+疑问词引起的从句 he was doing

3.主语+系动词+形容词+ He is afraid that he will

that引起的从句 be assassinated

4.主语+系动词+形容词+ He is afraid of being as-

介词+动名词 sassinated

5.主语+及物动词+疑问词 I know who has broken

引起的从句 the window

6.主语+及物动词+名词 We want peace



1340 每种句型都可以用一个公式来代表,例如:“SIV”“STVN”“SLVAP”“S FVN + PaP”“SDVNthatCl”.下面列出了代表某些词的缩写形式:

S= Subject(主语) PaP Past Participle(过

O= Object(宾语) 去分词)

C= Complement(补语) N= Noun or Pronoun(名

IO= Indirect Object(间接 词或代词)

宾语) R= Reflexive Pronoun(反

DO= Direct Object(直接 身代词)

宾语) A= Adjective(形容词)

IV= Intransitive Verb(不 P= Preposition(介词)

及物动词) APAdverb of Placeor

TVTransitive Verb(及 Adverbial Particleas

物动词) inoutupaway

DV= Dative Verb(双宾动 (地点副词或副词性小

词) 品词)

LVLinking Verb(系动

词) WCl = Interrogative-

FV= Factitive Verb(宾补 Clause,(疑问词引起的动词)


I= Infinitive(不定式) whatwhichwho

G= Gerund(动名词) whomwhosewhere

PrP = Present Participle whenwhyhow

(现在分词) 起)

That-Cl= Noun-Clause inn.=innumreablehun-

that引起的名词从 dreds or thousands(无

句) 数,成百上千)


1341 一个“+”号表示这个句型包含2个基本成分,即主语及不及物动词,如:



S+TV+N S+IVP+ thatCl



S+LV+A S+LV+ that-Cl




S+DV+N+ that-Cl








1S+IVJohn laughed.)

1342 不及物动词不跟有宾语或补语,其数量不可胜数:

They smiledJohn diedMary walked slowlyFire burns

I dreamed last nightHe wept bitterlyYou must dress for dinnerThat dependsIt does not pay

1343 通常跟有宾语的及物动词,如果宾语可以猜出,着重点不是宾语,而是动词(动作)时,可以把宾语省略,用作不及物动词:

A tractor can cutpushpulldigliftpumpcarry and sprayThe blind do not seeWe must eatI will change my dress).The knife cuts wellI will considerIf time permitsHe can readDon't troubleyourself).The stain showsitself).They marriedeach other).

1344 有些动词用在表示数量的名词前,看起来像及物动词,实际上却是不及物动词:

The thermometer roseor felltwo degrees

He waited ten minutesThe wedding lasted three days

I walked five miles

1345 图解:

2S+IVAPJohn moved in.)

1346 无数的不及物动词可以跟有特定的地点副词,与之构成成语。但在多数情况下,这些副词并不表示地点,而有其他意思,因此可以称作副词性小品词(Adverbial Particle).

aDon't answer back=answer rudelywhen a superior speaks to youHe backs away=draws backfrom her because he has made her angryDon't worryI will never back out=fail to fulfil a promise).In order to survive we must band together=unite).He barged in(=inter rupted rudely while we were talkingThe storm will soon blow over=pass away without injurious effect).The dynamite placed beneath the bridge blew up=exploded).He blows up=loses his temperat every small incidentQuickThe soup is boiling over=overflowing the side of a pan).Brace up=take courageif you really want to get marriedMany prisoners broke away=suddenly escaped).Our car suddenly broke down=failed to functionon our way homeA fire broke out(=started suddenly and violentlyon Sixth StreetTears burst forth=suddenly appeared).

bShe colours up=blushesif we mention her loveAn accident like this comes about=happensevery dayMy wife and I come together(=are reconciledafter ten years of quarrelThe seeds have come up=shot up above the ground).When we were talkinga young man came up =approached).Three days after the quarrelI cooled down=became calm).She was shocked at the billbut she had to cough up=payperhaps unwillingly).Hardly a week had he learned computer science when he cracked up= suffered a mental breakdown).An error may creep in=steal in unnoticed).This old empire crumbled away =disintegrated graduallybecause of misruleI should not take much sugarbut I cannot cut down=lessen).

cAll members of my family dine out=eat away from homeevery SundayThey drink liquor every day and can not do without=dispense with it).We dressed up= put on formal clothesfor a banquetI will drop by=call casuallywhen I am freeThe production of rice dropped off=decreasedlast yearHe dropped out=left school before finishing his coursesat fifteenThe well has dried up(=become dry).The road is roughwe should ease down=lessen speed).Let us ease down(=work lessmake less effort).His reputation faded out=gradually disappearedafter his deathThe country fell apart= fell to piecesbecause of civil warI never fall back=retreatbefore difficultiesOur country falls behind= drops behindin science and technologyLet us fall to= begin to eat or to work.)

dWe were unable to get by=passbecause the road was blockedShe got down=dismountedfrom her horseThe train got inWe got off(=started a journey).How are you getting onI get up at six in the morningAt last I have to give in=yield).Rice is going down= becoming cheaper).A rumour went forth(=became public).The gun went off=explodedsuddenlyOur work went on=continued).The candle has gone out= ceased to burn).I won't hold back=keep behindif every one goes forwardSince I have startedI can't leave off=stop).Look in=Pay a short visitas you passWhile all are busydon't look on=be a mere spectator).Look out=Take precaution),here comes a truckI moved in=moved into a houseafter he moved outAll trouble will pass away=cease to exist).She passed away=dieda month ago

eThe clock ran down=stopped runningbecause the battery had exhausted itself).She ran on=talked incessantly).Supplies have run out=become exhausted).Bad weather set in=began).We set out=set offon February 16He settled down=established himself at a small village I don't want to listen any moreso shut up He stood asideor apartaloof while we were quarrellingSome stood back(=retreated),some stood out (=refused to yield).The proposal will stand over=be postponedtill next FridayAt the bad news I stepped back from surpriseThe tyrant should step down=re-sign).Many volunteers stepped forward=offered help).My brothers quarrelledbut my father never stepped in=interfered).He stowed away=hid in a ship or plane to get a free ride).The band struck up(=began to play).He summed up=summarizedafter a debateThe son tagged behindor along)(=followed closelywherever his mom wentBefore I think ahead=anticipate),I think back=recall).Our business is just ticking over= getting on in a routine way).We touched down=landed after a flightat 6 pmMany workers walked out=re- fused to work).

1347 图解:

3S+ IVpThis cloth wore well.)

1348 约有九十个不及物动词用于主动形式却有被动意义,它们通常和表示无生命东西的主语连用:

aThis play acts excellentlyThe figures will not add upThe bread bakes wellThe door blew openThe candle blew outThis bottle does not breakThe dust won't brush off the hatThe luggage carries easilyDavid's raincoat caught on the nailSome of the documents don't seem to check with the factsThis cannot compare favourablywith thatSome of the sentences won't construePotatoes will cook slowlyEvery minute countsThese people mostly count for nothingThe potatoes cropped well last yearbut I think will crop badly this yearThis light wood cuts like butterThe pineapple doesn't cut easilyThis piece of cloth will cut up into two suitsInstinct derives from ancestorsMilk digests easilyThie wine drinks wellThe tooth draws easilyThe frog eats like chicken

bThis dress fastens down the backThe toilet does not flushThe eggs hatch out easilyThis rice won't grind fineWater heats readilyThis cloth irons easilyThis house lets wellThe door will not lockThese books pack easilyMy watch pawns for two dollarsThese potatoes peel easilyShe photographstakes wellThe land ploughs hardThe film does not print wellThis story reads illor well).The photo reproduces well

cHis house rents at800 a monthThis poem does not rhymeA shame doesnot rub offThis plastic scratches easilyThe play screen badly=is unfit for filming).The book sells wellThis door won't shutThis cigarette smokes better than othersThis wood split straightThis material stains easilyThe ship steers with easeThe match will not strikeThis paper will not tearHis de scent traced back to a kingThis poem translates easilyThe TV set won't turn onThis board will never warpThis material washes easilySuch shoes wear badlyThe plan worked out wellThe photo washes out a little

dDrums are beating=are being beaten).The book is binding=is being bound).Some trouble is brewingYoung people are always brimming with new ideasThe house is buildingThe bridge is completing nowThe meal is digesting wellWhat is doing nowThe task is finishingGuns are firingFriendship is formingThe theatre is rapidly filling up with peopleThe fish is fryingThe house is leasingThe cows are milkingOne boy is missingor wanting).He paid what was owingMusic was playingSomething is preparingMy application is processingThe problem is settling this wayA new film is showingThe boy is shaping wellThe seeds of trouble are sowingThe fruits are spoiling quicklyMeasures are taking

1349 图解:


4S+TV+N S+TVNJohn learned Japanese.)

1350 无数的及物动词可以用名词或代词作宾语:

John has a planDo you like himWhat an interesting book

I am reading He speaks EnglishI love cats

1351 不及物动词有时和后面跟的名词构成成语。整个成语,如果被化作一个整体,可以看成是一个不及物动词:

He lost hope=despaired).He gave ground=retreated The accident took place=happenedthis morning

He made the grade=succeeded).We made our way= advancedto the jungle


aHe will bear witnessHer beauty beggars description= makes words poor).Don't borrow trouble=worry about trouble that won't come).We broke ground=plougheduntilled groundbegan an undertaking).Our boat cast anchorI often caught coldHe caught feveror infection).Her house caught fireHe changed colour=be came pale).His personality commands esteemor respect).He never did evilor illwrong).None of us care whether they do right or wronggood or harmWe did=producedRomeo and JulietJan did=acted JulietI did=preparedomeletteor breakfast).Tom did=wrote poetryHis brother did=translated French into EnglishI did=studied electricityThey cry wolf=give a false warningjust for arms aid

bOne must exercise patience and caution when one exercises authority and disciplineHe felt regretbut not satisfactionHe found timeor leisure to studyHe has finished collegeAfter he took the leadwe followed suitThey gained time by giving me ambiguous answersMy watch gained timeWe have gained ground=got an advantage).We will soon gain powerif we are patient enoughHe gave evidence in the lawcourtHe gave earor heedcreditto the rumourHe gave judgement or advicenoticewarningtrouble).I've had it= can't suffer any more).You hit it=said the right thing).This theory doesn't hold water=isn't valid).The criminal jumpedor skippedbail=gave up the bail money and ran away to avoid trial).

cMy mother kept house and kept booksBeing hospitable he kept open house= provided hospitability for any comer).He cannot keep body and soul together=keep away hunger).He kept bad company=associated with bad people).My watch does not keepgoodtimeso I am lateHe killed time by reading novels or doing another thing interesting

dHe left school last yearWe may lose ground but will never lose hopeI never lost courageor heartafter I failBe quickdon't lose timeHe lost self-contrclor himselfin moments of stress

eMother makes dinnerIt seemed latebut he made good time= travelled fast and arrived on time).He doesn't work hardbut he makes good salaryMake hasteor speed).He can make moneyor profit),but spend muchAfter so many years of war we must make peaceI made teaor hay).We made way(=stood aside for others to pass throughWe made wayor headway)(= advancedin the face of difficultyHe marked time= spent idle hourswhile waiting for his wife

fThe soldiers mountedor keptrelievedstood guardHe moved heaven and earth=did everythingto attack his opponentThey opened fire=started shootingand killed three of usThe children often play havoc=do great damage).He plays politics(=attains political aims by hook or by crook).He had broken the windowso he played possumkept quiet to avoid attentionHe played second fiddle=held a subordinate place).He failed be cause he had often played truant

gWe raised money for a great projectI can read character from handwritingHe can read musicI must say goodbye nowWe said grace(=said a prayer of thanks before or after a meal).We setor madestrucksail=began a voyagein February1969He refused to yieldhe showed fightHe showed courageor fear).He sowed discord among his enemiesHe struck oil=had good luck in some enterprise).He sufferedor sustained defeat

hDon't take alarm if I tell you some bad newsHe has to take breath after climbing upstairsHe took cold and could not workHe takes drink and drugsTake heartdon't be afraidThe law will soon take effect(=be effective).Take exercise every morning and keep healthyHe took flight after murdering a womanHe took medicineor poison).Don't take offence=be offended).Something strange took place=happenedin this old houseLet's take restWe take stock every weekThe evil has taken root=become established).My dream will take shape =materializenext yearHe took trouble to help me

iDon't tempt providence=take an unnecessary risk).He has touched bottom=is begining to prosper after his worst days).The boat turned turtle=turned upside down).


jHe often acted a double part =was deceitful).Since I criticized himhe has borne a grudge=nursed a grievance).The enemy beat a retreat=retreated in a hurry).Thomas Edison blazed a torch=started some thing newin various fieldsDon't breathe a word=say a word about this secretWhen angryhe calls names= call somebody by abusive names).I would like to cross swords=arguewith this boasterYou have done a good job=done something well).I drew a blank=failed to get any informationwhen I returned to the officeWe must draw a line=distinguishbetween right and wrongWe down tools=stop workat six

kMy sister fixed a date for the celebrationThis evening I have a dateor an engagement)(=have a social meeting with herI have a jobor a time)(=have troublewriting this first love letter.(但:I have myself a time [= have a good timewriting it.)As they didn't lift a finger or a hand)(=didn't give help),I lentor gave a hand=gave help to the old lady

1I made an appointment=had an engagement to meet some onefor 3 pmHe made a boastbut who believed himHe made a call over the phoneHe made a face= twisted his face),and then we were no more angryDon't make a fuss=get excited about a trifle).John made a hit=gave a good impressionat the exhibition of his worksShall we make a move=startright nowDick made a public appearance after nine years in prisonThomas makes a quick buck(=earns money quickly).We make a rowor a scene)(=started a violent quarrel from time to timeAs soon as we arrived we made reservations for hotel roomsI must make tracks=set offbefore it is lateWilliam made waves=created a sensation to impress othersat the party

mA big boss behind pulls strings=secretly exerts influence).Don't run a risk=put yourself in danger).The patient ran a temperature=had a fever).The criminal has served a sentenceor time)(=passed term of imprisonment).I smell a danger in this desolate areaWe struck a happy medium=found an answer between two extremes).As you committed mistakes for the first timewe might stretchor straina point=allow an exception to the rules).

nI would willingly take a back seat=occupy an unimportant position).We take a coffee break=drink coffee and rest a short whileafter two hours of workHe tookor drewa long breath before he spokeThe situation took a turn=changed for the betterHe wouldn't turn an honest penny=make money by honest means).


oAct your age=Don't be childish).My warning merely beat the air= made useless efforts).I must bide my time =wait for a good chance).Someone blacked his eye= gave him a blow).He blew his own trumpet=praised himself).He has blown his mind=becomes wildly enthusiastic because of drugs).He bossed the show(=con- trolled everything).She boxed his ear(=smacked him on the ear).I have to breakor cancelchangepostpone the appointmentAfter half an hour of silenceI broke the ice(=overcome reserve).The news broke her heartHe broke his word=failed to keep his promise).I broke the news=announced the news to herThey broke the peace= quarrelled).He burned his fingers=suffered a loss through a rash action).We buried the hatchet= made peace).I am not buying it=am not to be deceived).

pHe calls the roll=calls the names to check who are absent).Dick carried the ballor the can)(=did the hardest part of the work).I carriedor gainedmy point= succeeded).We carriedor gainedthe day=won).I caught my breath=rest after hard breathingafter runningHe tried to catch the train but missed itThis advertisement catches my eyeHe changed his coat=became a turncoat).Don't change your mindHe changed his tune (=changed his policy).He cleared his reputation=free his name from reproach).He cracked the whip=suddenly became bossyto impress meWe crossed the Rubicon =took a decisive step forward).When nobody could settle the problemhe cut the Gordian knot=settle it in an unusual rapid way).

qI did the sightsor the travel)(=went sightseeing or took a trip).The little girl can do=make clean and tidy her hairher teethher nailseven the laundrythe bed- roomthe dishesShe does=learnsher lessons welland can do=solveany sumor problem).She does her bit(=does her share of dutysplendidlyHe dogged my footsteps=constantly followed mebecause he suspected I was a spy working for foreignersHe drags his feetor heels)(=hesitateswhen asked to workWe drew the swords=were ready to fight).He has to eat his words =take back his words).Although smallthis table fills the bill=is just right).I have to face the music(=face trouble).He is feeling his way=proceeding carefully but slowly).Although they were cripplesthey fought the way up the hillWe all follow the crowdDon't worryI'll foot the bill=pay all the expenses).This number of persons will not form the majority

rHe got the sack=was dismissed).He got the upper hand =gained control).He has the courage of his convictions =acts bravely according to his belief).This car has had its day=fallen into disuse).This small affair hits the headlines=becomes important newsin this small townThe music hits the public tasteHe hits his stride(=exhibits his best abilitywhen he tells a storyWe will hold the fort=defend the positionto the lastHold your temper=Don't get angry).I have to hold my tongueor my peace)(=keep silent).I must hold my own=keep what I have).We must holdor keepmaintainour ground=keep what we have).He has always husbanded his resources=been frugal against an emergency).

sI jogged his memory=reminded him).He jumped the gun=started to run before the starter's gun),and jumped the traces=didn't obey the rules).The train jumped the railsor the track)(=suddenlyleft the rails and many were killedDick slipped but kept his feet= kept standing).He knows his way aboutor around)(= understands the ways of the world).He knows the ropes or the score)(=knows the special rulesin the export businessHe will lead the way=be a guide to the old castleI left the beaten track(=did not follow the crowd).He lost his reason=became mad).

tHe made the grade(=succeededin businessThe doctor makesor goesthe rounds=goes from place to place to inspectevery morningWe made our way(=advanced through the forestHe mended his fences(=made peace with people who dislike him).You missed the boat(= missed the opportunity).The company opened its doors (=started doing businessin 1950 and closed its doors= stopped doing businessin 1983This exhibition opened our eyes=made us see the truth).I picked my way= proceededup a steep hillI must play the game=do what is right).You played your cards well=acted cleverly).Dick played the market=bought and sold stocks and lost lots of moneyJim pocketed his dignity=laid a- side his prideand even pocketed an insult(=accepted it).He has poisoned your earor mindso that you can't be fair

uEvery member should pull his weight(=does his part).Don't pull my leg=fool me).Once you succeednever push your luck=expect to continue to be lucky).He has to run the gauntlet=receive a series of ill treatment).He ruled the roost=lorded it over).We must save the situation=do something to improve the situation).Anew method will see the light=be disclosed).This serves my turnor purpose).I have served my apprenticeship for seven yearsShe set the table for ten personsHe shows his face after ten years of absenceI will show the wayEveryone sings his praises=praises him strongly).He sowed his wild oats=led a dissipated life when young).I will speak my mind=speak candidly).He stole the show=acted so well that the audience ignored the other performers).He stole the spotlight=made people watch him instead of what they should watch).You stole my thunder=said before me what I intended to say).Jim has strained every nerve=used every effort).He swallowed the bait=was offered a big promise and was caught).

vMary took it=endured it without complaintsthough she was illtreatedYou can take your easeor your own course)(=act your pleasure).The doctor took my pulse and temperature(=ascertain them).Where does this custom take its rise=originate)?Take your time=Don't rush).We must not tie our own hands=restrain our selves from action).We have to tighten our belts=eat less and spend less than usual).Just one vote tipped the balanceor the scale)(=turned the scaledecided some thing doubtful).I would try my hand=try).Should I turn the other cheek=be patient and not hit back when I am injured or insultedHis success has turned his head =made him act foolishly).The dead body turned her stomach=made her sick).The reinforcements turned the tide=change the situation favourably).He turned his thought to something much more importantHe just twiddled his thumbs=didn't do anything).

wShe walked the floor=walked back and forthall nightshe was so worriedHe walked the plank=was forced to resign).Watch it=Be careful).

人们似乎都不喜欢单独用一个不及物动词作谓语,特别是在简单句中。往往不说“ I cook”“ He laughed”“We chatted”“Tom repairs”“ we acted而说“I do the cooking”“He gave a laugh”“We had a chat”“Tom makes repairs” “We take action也就是把一个词换成了两个词,用一个do give这样色彩不重的动词加上一个大多由动词变来的名词。


xI DO the cleaningthe readingthe shoppingthe translatinga little sewinga napa trya brisk walk

He GAVE a crya groana jumpa shouta shruga long sigha satisfied smile

We HAD a batha dreama fightan interviewa quar- rela shavea showera smokea swima talka tastea trya walka washa chata goa resta sleep

She TOOK a bathbreatha napa looknotice objection recreationa resta solitary strolla long walk

Paul MADE an announcementan answeran applicationan appointmentan attackan attempta beginninga bida calla checkupa commenta comparisona copycriticisma decisiona declarationa demandexperimentsan explanationa guessinquiriesinvestigationsnotespaymentpreparationsprogressa proposala recoverya remarka requestrepairsre- searchesa sacrificea selectiona slipa formal statementanother starta long staya deep studya helpful suggestiona general surveyseveral visits

1352 图解:

5S+TV+R S+TVR S+TV+R)(John hid him- self behind it.)

1353 无数的及物动词可用反身代词作宾语( S+TV+R):She reproached herselfHe killed himselfHe praised himselfDon't deceive yourselfHe cut himselfThe dog choked itself

1354 有些动词和反身代词构成成语,相当于一个不及物动词(S +TVR):

He avowedor declaredhimself=showed his character openly);collected himself =regained selfcontrol);conceal himself=hid);enjoyed himself=had a good time);exerted himself=endeavoured);can't find himself=provide his own livingor find out his abilities and use them).I lost myself(=demeaned myselflost my wayor became absorbed in something);pulled myself together(=became composed);seatedor settledmyself=sat down); washed myself=bathed).


I overworked myselfoverslept myselfoverate myself

He disported(=amusedhimselfHe perjured himself

He busied himselfHe absented himself from school

Bestir yourselfI bethought myself of itYou must demean or bearcomportdeportconductacquitquityourself properlyHelp yourself=Serve yourself with food).He relieved himself=went to the bathroom).

1356 约有50个及物动词可跟有反身代词,也可以不跟( S+TV+R)):


The bubble burstsitself).The clouds dispersedthemselves).He dressedhimselffor a partyengagedhimselfin a contestor a quarrel).The horse feditselfon grassHe guardedhimselfagainst vicehidhimself behindnever intrudedhimselfon anybody's companyCan I qualifymyselffor the postI reformedmy- self).I restedmyselfon the couchHe sethimself up as a scholarHe shavedhimselffor a dinner strippedhimselffor a showerbathI could not submit or surrender)( myselfto the enemyor insult).I trainedmyselffor the raceI never troubledmyself to help anyoneHe turnedhimselfto me for adviceHe washedhimself).He worriedhimselfabout nothingHe wrappedhimselfbefore going out


No suspicion attaches to JohnA chicken develops in the eggThe road extends for milesHis heart fills with sorrowDon't hurryKeep quietMake sure that the journey is safeWe made merryDon't misbehaveI cannot refrain from laughingWe removed from place to placeJohn separated from MaryI withdraw from society


The child does not behavehimself)(=show good manners).

He behaved wellor gallantlyproperly).

He drew himself up=assumed an erect attitude).

He drew up=came near).

He gorged himself with meat

He gorged on meat

He indulged himself with wine

He indulgedhimselfin wine

We have to prepare ourselves

We have to prepareourselvesfor the worstor the exam).

dHe is recovering himself =becoming calm).

He is recovering from illnessor madnessfatigueshockfright).

He set himself to write lettersor to writing letters)(=began to write letters).

He set to work=began to work).

He set out to do itset about doing it=began to do it).

He settled himslef=became calm).He settled himself =sat downin a chair

He settledhimselfdown=became established in a new way of lifein London

ItThingwill settle

1357 图解:

6STVNJohn lives a happy life.)

1358 约有60个动词,通常用作不及物动词,却可以有同源宾语(Cognate Object),这种宾语几乎和动词的意思相同,通常都有一个形容词或形容词短语修饰它。同源宾语可以和动词同形:

She blushed an innocent blush bowed a little bowcoughed a terrible coughdanced a silly danceHe died a natural deathor a thousand deathsthe death of a martyrthe death he deserved); dreamed a sweet dreamlaughed a hearty laughlived a happy lifelook a look of wearinesscould not say his sayHe sighed a deep sighor a sigh of satisfaction);slept a sound sleepor the sleep of the just).It smelled a strange smellHe smiled a sad smiletalked football talkthought all good thought

1359 有些同源宾语可以和动词不同形:

It blew a brisk galeHe danced a phantom balletdid a great deedfought a brave waror fightbattleaction);went a long wayor a dangerous journey);harvested a good croplived a handtomouth existenceplayed a silly gameplayedor acted a great partplod a weary wayprayed an earnest prayersaw a strange sightran a long raceThe bell rang a merry pealHe sang a beautiful songstruck a deadly blow

1360 有些动词后的同源宾语常常省略,代之以一个表示情绪或态度等的名词:

He beamed satisfaction=beamed a beam of satisfactionshowed satisfaction by beaming); bowed his obedienceor his thanks)(=showed his obedience or thanks by bowing);danced his joy=danced his dance of joyshowed his joy by dancing);gesticulated his love giggled agreementlaughed dissentlook inquiryor his thanks);nodded his assentor welcome);roared approvalshouted applause sighed disappointmentsmiled his welcomeor his reliefhis approvalhis thanks); whistled his contemptwept tears of joy

1361 有些同源宾语在最高级形容词后常常省略:

The fire blazed its brightestblaze).He breathed his last breath did his bestdeed);fought his bravestwar);laughed his loudestlooked his bestran his fastestshouted his loudestsang his sweetesttried his hardest

1362 在口语中一个没有意义的it常可用在某些动词后作同源宾语,表现一定的情绪:

He bravedor brazenedit out(=faced trouble bravelyor shamelessly]).We'll face it out and fight it out As it was getting darkI had to hotelor innitShe queened it=domineerover themHe used to rough it =live an uncomfortable life).I'll go it alone=act independently).He's starring it in a filmAs there's no cabI've to trudgeor walkfootit

1363 图解:

7STVAPN or GJohn gave up his plan.)

1364 无数及物动词后面跟有一地点副词来构成成语,整个成语相当于一个及物动词。但这些地点副词(Advorb of Ploce)多不表示地点,而表示其他东西,因此这种副词也可称作副词性小品词(Adverbial Particle),可以用AP来代表:

He gave up his plan I have to think out new methods

She folded up his coatWe may pass over the details

The plague swept off many peopleHe has taken over a businessHe gave in the paperHe closed down the store

The bell bellowedor pealedforth the anniversaryor the victory of our army).


An ammunition dump blew up=exploded).(作不及物动词)

The enemy blew up=destroyed by explosionthe bridge.(作及物动词)

The noisy children cleared off when I came.(作不及物动词)

I have to clear off those noisy children.(作及物动词)

Our conversation broke off as a lady came in.(作不及物动词)

That fellow broke off our conversation.(作及物动词)

He showed off before girls.(作不及物动词)

He showed off his new car.(作及物动词)


Put the money by She called him backDon't break it offHe dreamed his hours awayslept the clock aroundcried his heart outlaughedor talkedthem downHe ate it upclosed it uppacked it uptied it upHe sent me awaysaw her offcalled me outdrew us aside

1365 其它例子:

aThey backed up=supportedJohnson and his policyThey bailed out their friendThey beat back our attackI must beat up=beat severely those mischievous childrenI blew out=extinguishedthe candlesWe bolstered up=supportedthis old systemI booked down =wrote downthe sumWe booked up=fixed an engagement withseveral singersThey boss us about=order us about).The news bowled over=overwhelmedmy familyWe broke up=dispersedthe meeting at 11∶00 pm..The mistake brought about=causeda lot of troubleCan you bring down the priceThe tax brought in ten million dollars a yearThe examples bring out=explain clearlythe meaning of this wordShe brushed off=jiltedher loverWe must build up our own armed forcesHe will buy off=pay money to get rid ofmy interest

bThis strong measure called forth=provokeda revoltWe called in a doctorWe have to call off=cancelthe picnicwhich we have prepared for so many daysCall =Wake me up at 6 am..I'll call you up=telephone to you).The music carried off=movedeveryoneHe carried off=wonall the prizesLet's carry on=continuethe workWe carried out=performedthe plan

cHe can dig up=discoversome important informationHe drew on=pulled on his socks after getting upI drew up=prepareda billor a list).The taxi dropped me off=let me get off at my hotelThe noise drowned out=made inaudibleour conversation

dThe mother fed up=gave extra food to her sickly sonWe filled inor outupthe formHe fenced off=built by means of a fencea gardenFigure out=countthe sumHe fired off many questionswhich nobody could answerThey fitted out their son with everything necessaryWe fitted up=installedthe machineWe fixed up=arrangeda tripHe flagged down=stopped by waving to it a passing carFollow up=Continueyour success with something more ambitious

eHe gambled away his last centeven all he had won be-foreHe will get over=finishhis jobHe gave away =gave free of charge his propertyHe gave away=betrayedhis friendsWe gave in=handed in the exercise booksThe food gave off=emitted a bad smellHe gulped down his coffeeHeat up=reheatthe leftoversHe helped me out=help me get over a difficulty).She held back=kept backher tearsCan we hold down =keep downcostsWe could not hold off=keep at a distancethe attackers

fThe enemy kept up=maintained the attack for three monthsI knocked off=ate up quicklyfive bowls of riceI laid asideor by)(=saved for future needs some dollarsI laid down=state clearly some rules for the officeOur company laid off=dismissedfive workersLeave off=stopfightingHe left out=didn't includeMary in the invitationDon't let down=disappointyour parentsThe driver let off=droppeda lady at the hotelThe judge let him off=did not punish him).I will look you up=visit you tomorrowThe manager looked the applicant up and down=examine him carefully).A girl will liven up=make lively our partyHe lived out his yearsor dayslife)(=lived all his lifein this small villageHe will make out=write out a chequeMy father can't make out=seethese small lettersfor he is farsighted

He makes up=inventsall kinds of liesThe boss marked down=reduced the price ofall articlesHe messed up=put in disordermy deskI nailed up=closed up with nailsthe window

gHe packed off=sent away hurriedlyall his children to the countryPartition off=Divide with partition your living roomPass on=Handthis notice to other peopleWe passed overor up)(=overlooked the chanceI've paid off=paid the wages of the workersI have to pay off=pay for safetythe blackmailersI will pick out =selectthe best necktie for youHe picked up=founda cab at the cross-roadsHe picked himself up=got up after a fall).He picked up=learned without teachersEnglish so quicklyI pinned him down=got him to commit himselfas to the question of socialism

hI played back the recordingso that what has been recorded about her speech could be heardHe played down=made less emphaticthe defects of his factory productsPlug in=Make connectionby means of a plugwith the radioHe can polish off=finish offall these grapesHe pulled on=put on his pants and then went outI pulled up=stoppedmy car at the post officeHis brother pushes him aboutor around)(=orders him about).I put asideor by)(=saved a few thousand poundsAfter five hours of workI put away=replacedthe toolsPut forward your viewpointI put in =spentfive hours repairing this radiosetHe put in =submittedan application months agoWe have to put off=postponethe trip until next monthInstead of losing weight I put on some weight latelyWe put on=presenteda show

iI'll ring you up=telephone to you).They roared out a 21gun saluteRoll up the sleeping bag before we leaveWe roped off=enclosed with a rope a space for dancingRound up or downthe price=Bring it to a whole number by raising or loweringit).

jWe save up some money for future needsI will see=accompanyyou backor home).She sent away=dismissedall her suitorsSend in=Submityour photos for the contestHe sent out invitations to his weddingHis departure was set back two weeksThis discontent set off=causeda revoltWe set out=arrangedthe goods for saleWe set up=establisha small store on the third floorCan he shake off=get rid of his bad habitShe showed off=displayed to impress peopleher handsHe shut himself away=confined himselfin his attic

kHe signed away=sold by signing legal papers all his housesHe signed his house over to meLet's size up=make a judgement of the situationThis small accident sparked off=touched off his temperHe sorted out =arranged in classesall the books he had collectedSwitch off=Turn off the tape recorderSum up=State brieflyyour opinion

lTake down=Write downmy speechpleaseI will take over the business he decides to give upI took up=got interested in painting last yearThis bed takes up=occupy too much spaceYou can take up=mention and discuss the matter with the bossI can talk round=persuadeanybody who refuses to cooperateI have to tear down=take to piecesthe broken machineHe will tear up=tear to piecesthe contract when it is no more useful to himHe told off=reproachedhis employeesHe can think up=deviseall kinds of liesHe threw on=put onhis gown

1366 在上面所有例句中,及物的动词成语都用名词或代词作宾语,但有些也可用动名词作宾语:

He kept on asking me He put off going to the doctor

He left off studying FrenchHe gave overor gave upsmoking

1367 注意不要把地点副词错误地看作是介词,把及物动词看作不及物动词,换言之,不要把这第七类谓语类型和下面第八类谓语类型混淆。

1368 图解:

这个符号表示,上方所有的词(动名词短语)应看作是一个词类(名词),尽管它们内部各有特定的作用。Asking作为动词,以 me作宾语,而 me kept on没有直接关系。

8SIVPN or GSIVPNJohn laughed at me.)

1369 无数的不及物动词可跟特定的介词构成成语,整个成语起及物动词的作用,可以用名词、代词或动名词作宾语:

aYou must abide by=keep your promisesThe river abounds with=has manyfishI agreed to his viewWe aim at success in the examinationThis answer amounts to refusalI must apologize for my faultI ask for=demandnothing luxuriousHe depended upon me for adviceHe dreamed of his grandfatherHe got into politicsDon't gamble on itHe imposed on=deceivedherHe laughed at=deridedmeShe looks after her childHe looked into=examinedthe matterHe sent for=summonedthemI thought of=consideredthis matterDon't trifle with=mockher

bHe abstained from drinkingHis reply amounts to refusing her demandWe began with learning A B CHappiness consists in being easily pleasedMy success depends on my friend helping meHe died from drinking too muchI felt like beating himHe got to drinkingHe goes about=is busyrepairing a carHe heard of his brother having succeededWe look to moving to a more peaceful countryHe objected to being treated like a doga slaveHe took to reading novelsThe paper tells of the enemy having captured th city=The paper says that the enemy has captured the city).He thought of going abroadHe wondered at being praised for doing nothing

1370 无数不及物动词不仅和介词,还可和名词构成成语。这种成语可以看作是不及物动词,因为它们后面既不跟宾语,也不跟补语。


They burst into laughter=suddenly laughed). A steamer came into sight=appeared).When did this world come into existence=come out)? The new law comes into force =functionsnext SeptemberMy son came of age last yearHe came to grief=suffered misfortune).Your letter has come to hand=arrived).He cried over spilt milkEverything ended in smokeHe fell into povertyThe law has fallen into abeyance=been no longer observed).Many slang words have fallen out of use (=been no longer used).They got into troubleWe got into hot water=became involved in difficultybecause of jealousyI went on sick leaveHe has gone through fire and water=undergone the greatest perilsThey go to law=appeal to court).The school went to great expense =spent very much).I will go to sea=be a sailor).He will go to rack and ruin=perish).Robbers lay in wait for usWe live from hand to mouth=can save nothing).The ship put to sea=began a voyage this morningDon't stand on ceremony=be formal).


She burst into tears=suddenly cried).The building burst into flames=suddenly burned).He fished in troubled waters=looked for personal advantage in times of national calamity).The fence fell into piecesThey fought against odds=fought with men much more than they).We should keep within bounds=act with propriety).They played at cross purposes=opposed each other).They played into the hands of another=acted so as to give some advantage to another).Don't play with edged tools=play with things dangerous).We took to the boats=used the lifeboats to escape).


We came to a conclusionHis plan came to a bad endor no good)(= failed).Business has come to a standstill=stopped).The two came to an understanding=began to understand each other).We will go for a drive=go in a car for relaxation).Your argument goesor fliesoff at a tangent=changed suddenly in its direction).His life hung by a thread=depended dangerously on something small).Provide against a rainy day=Prepare for any emergency that may arise).


These two plans come to the same thinggive the same result).He erred on the safe side=chose a course erroneous but safe).His works have fallen into the shade=ceased to attract attention).They fought to the bitter end or to the death).He goes by the name of Joo =is familiarly called Joo).He will go to the bad=sink into poverty and disgrace).The situation is going to the bad=is becoming worse).The weak will go to the wall=be pushed aside as helpless).He need not go to the trouble of employing a tutor=trouble himself to employ one).Don't harp on the same string=keep saying the same thing).Keep in the shadeHe rose to the occasion=showed that he was equal to it).


Come to your senses=Stop behaving like a madman).He fell on his knees=knelt down).Poverty fell to his lot =became his destiny).He is going about his work=doing it).She lies at your mercy=is subject to your control).The old widow lives on her own=lives without help from others).Do not quarrel with your bread and butter=do anything harmful to your livelihood).It rises from its ashes like a phoenix=live again).He rose to his feet=stood up).The chance slipped through my fingers (=escaped).My work will speak for itself=be visible to all).He stood on his dignity=insisted on being treat-ed with proper respect).He stood to his guns=defended his rights).You tread on his toes=offend him).He worked on my fears=caused me to do something for himby taking advantage of my fears).

1371 不要错误地以为下面句子的谓语和上面句中的谓语属于同一类型:

He came on Sunday.(SIV

The children are playing by the tree

1372 图解:

9SIVAPPN or GJohn looked down on me.)

1373 无数不及物动词可与地点副词和介词构成成语。整个成语可以看作一个及物动词,因为它们可用名词、代词或动名词作宾语:

aThe loss added up to=amounted to a million dollarsHe bows down to=flattersnobodyHe broke away from=cut his ties withall his friendsCarry on with =continueyour work Lee cashed in on=made a profit fromteaWe don't really catch on to=understand this customI can't catch up with=overtakethe class this yearI checked out of the hotel two days after I checked in=signed the register on arriving).The police checked up on=investigatedthe suspectHe came around to=agreedafter disagreeingto my viewsThe teacher came down on=reprimand himI came down with=caughta fluI came near to death=almost died).No result came out of the testHe came out with a questionLast year no plays came up to= equalled the standardMy friend came up with a good ideaWe all cried out against=opposedfavoritismMost importantyou must cut down on=reduce consumption ofsugarHe cut in with=inserta terribly saucy remark while we were discussing

bThis custom dates=or goesback to the early eighteenth centuryWe should do away with=get rid of all social evilsEveryone does well with him=treats him well).He dropped in on=made an unplanned visit to my familyHe dropped off to sleep=fell asleep).He dropped out of=quithigh schoolHe ended up as=finally becamea managerHe ended up with not a cent in his pocketI have to face up to=bravely accept the situationWe have to fall back upon=depend upon his supportHe fell out with= quarrelled withall his friendsI feel up to=feel capable of undertakingthis jobHe will find out about=get facts about this matterHe didn't fit in with=live in harmony withthose foreignersHow can I get away from=avoidher naggingHow are you getting onor alongwith=living together withyour brideI cannot get out of=avoidthis troubleHave you got through with=finishthat jobDon't give in to=yield toyour impulseHe goes along with=agrees withour partyHe goes or playsaround with=fools around withall kinds of girlsHe went in for=got interested instamp collectingHe will go on to collegeThis store will soon go out of business=end a business).This sweater has gone out of fashion=is no more fashionable).He often goes out with that pretty Japanese girlShe held on to=kept grasping his arm

cShe keeps away from=avoidshimWe should keep in with=keep friendly withour neighborsI can not keep up with=overtakemy classmatesThis small event led up to=prepared the way forhis deathLive up to=Act according toyour promiseI often look back on=recollectthe old daysHe looked back over=reviewedhis recordDon't look down on=despisesmall peopleWe are looking forward to=anticipating with pleasureyour visitLook out for=Watch out forthe carHe cannot make up for=compensatethe loss I have sufferedHe made off with=stole and hurried away withall my moneyDoes his school work measure up to=come up to his hopesLast year I met up with=met by chanceJanewho I hadn't seen for ten yearsThe child messed about with=made a mess ofmy desk

dHe played up to=tried to pleaseherI had to put up with=bearthese terrible noises every dayI must settle up with=get even withthe man who has insulted meMany signed up for=joined in the contestThe guests sat down to dinner at eightI can't sit down with=suffer without complaintthat insultWe should speak up for =speak in a loud voice forjusticeThis policeman stood in with=was in secret league withthose gangstersWhy don't we stand out against=opposethis evil practice We should stand up for=supportthis good policyI always think back to=recallmy childhoodThink twice about it before you actTune in to another radio stationWe should wake up to=realizethe seriousness of our situationThey wait up for me=They stay awake until I come home).He walked away with=easily won the electionHe walked off with=took awaymy umbrellaWe walked out of the meeting as an expression of protestI want out of=want to be freed from her naggingI warmed up to=became friendly with my neighborsWe should wise up toAm.)(=finally understandwhat is going onI can't work together with him

eHe got out of=avoidedsmokingWe moved on to getting marriedWe stood up for prohibiting narcotics I never turn aside from=avoiddoing anything goodHe went near to=narrowly escaped being killed


10STVNPN or GJohn found fault with me.)

1375 无数及物动词和特定的名词和介词构成成语。整个成语可以看作及物动词,因为它们可用名词、代词或动名词作宾语:

aThey caught hold of=seized the thief caught sight of =spied a strange stardeclared war onor againsta foreign country found fault with=censuredmegained possession of=gota large estategot notice from the police gave warning to=warnedushad aninterest in=likedmusicleft word with the office boylost sight of=forgottheir purposelost touch with=could not communicate withall their friendsmade war on=foughta foreign countryput confidence in=trustedmeputor lostfaith in everyonetook care of their childrentook a pride in their work

bThey asked a favour of you did a good turn to=did a service tomedid an injury to their brotherdrewor formed a conclusion from=inferred fromthis factentertained a fear for=worried about this adventureextended an invitation to=invited all their friendsformed an estimate of=estimated his abilitiesgave an account of=relatedthe accident gave an order to=orderedus gave a trial to the candidatehad a lesson in =learnedEnglish

cThey asked the favour of an early supplycleared the way for the Queengotor hadthe start of=gained an adventage over their rivalsgot the betteror the bestof =overcametheir competitorslost the use of their legstook the consequences of=submitted to the results oftheir follytook the place of=replacedother members

dHe cleared his mind of prejudicedirected our attention to the vicedid his duty toor by his countryfound his way to my villagegave his love to his parentspaid his addresses to=courtedherraised his voice against=opposedthe managerset his mind on=attended to his business shook his head at the newsthrustor poked pushedhis nose into=meddled officiously in everythingtook his eyes off hertook his choice of the books he neededturned his attention to exportationturned his back onor to)(=forsookhis friends

eThey did much damage to the carhad little notion of this projecthad no objection to your proposalhad no patience for=couldn't stand those fools had some relations with the governmentmadeor lost a lot of money over coffeemade some reference to Shakespearesaw no harm in LSDtook no delight in=didn't like readingtook some interest in music took little notice of the crime

fHe had dealings with=did business withus will go shares with= divide profits or cost with his friendsmade friends with politiciansmade preparationsor arrangementsfor the journeyshook hands with ustook pains over the worktook photographs of us took precautions against theft took sides with=supporteda certain political party


gHe aimed his efforts at studying nuclear energybore the responsibility of paying the debt of his songave his mind to bringing up his children had no patience for waiting so longhad the pleasure of dancing with Marylaid claim to being respected as a manmade preparations for starting at 3 am.;didn't see his wayclearto=didn't find it possible or goodbecoming a money-lendersaw no harm in smokingtook no interest in learning any tradelaid claim to being the father of a famous actress who had been an orphan

1376无数及物动词可与特定的介词连用,但与作宾语的名词关系并不紧密。这种句型与其说是“TVNPN or G”这类,不如说是带状语的“TVN”类型:

I gave the money to JohnThank you for your kindnessCompare this with thatDon't throw stones at that dogHe prepared us for the examShe keeps her children from harmPlease translate this poem into ChineseIt reminds me of her pretty eyesHe askedor beggedimploredher for pardonor aid).They banishedor dismissedexpelled him from that placeThey chargedor presentedprovidedsuppliedfurnishedhim with somethingWhat prevents you from coming I warned him against doing evilI paid him for having done something for meI must keep my feet from getting wetI talked him into believing meThey excused me for making a mistakeThey forced us into fighting



11STVRPN or GJohn prided himself on his new car.)

1378 约有60个及物动词可和反身代词和特定的介词构成成语,整个成语可以看作及物动词:

aI availed myself of=make use of his offeror this chance).I prepared myself for a journey to Singapore and other countriesI occupied myself withor addressed myself toapplied myself toengaged myself inemployed myself in)(=was busy inliterary work or readingstudying a problem);threw myself into=took a vigorous part in the contestor teaching).He betook himself to=resorted to his old jobor his legshis heels);lost himself in studies

bHe allied himself toor with)(=was united witha rich familyassociated himself with the firmor the partythe movement);engaged himself to a businessmanor a woman);concerned himself withor about the examenrolled himself in the army

cHe helped himself to=stolemy watchserved himself with the cakepossessed himself of=obtaineda horsegorged himself on chicken

dHe prided himself on=was proud of his new carvalued himself on his birth plumed himself on his appearancepique himself on his dress

eHe indulged himself=gratify himselfwith wineor in wine);addictedor delivered upgave upabandonedhimself to pleasureor dissipationwinedrinkinggamblinggriefbad habits);lost himself to herdedicated himself to educationdevoted himself to musicsubmitted himself to disciplineor his wife);yielded himself to temptation

fHe familiarized himself with=made himself well acquainted with business accustomed himself to the weatheraccommodated or adaptedhimself to new circumstancesreconciled himself toor with)(=overcome his objections to his enemiesor his fatehis lotthe situationa life of poverty).

gHe troubled himself about such a small matterworried himself about the education of his children

He delightedor contentedhimself with his successor the result);enjoyedor amusedhimself with wine and womenrefreshed himself with coffee

He bethought himself of a plan

He has satisfied himself of the truth of the reportcan't assureor persuadehimself of my sincerity

hHe intruded himself on my company

He avengedor revengedhimself on his enemy

He defended himself against robberyguarded himself against viceset himself against everyone

He broke himself of a bad habitfreed himself of evil

iHe distinguished himself for bravery

He ingratiated himself with =flatteredhis boss

He absented himself from school

He excused himself from coming

jThe problem resolved itself into a question of moneyThis trifle developed itself into a serious problem

The snow melted itself into water It burned itself into ashesIt changedor transformeditself into a giant

The kingdom divided itself into three

I engaged myself in making dress He threw himself into teachingHe addicted himself to gamblingHe accustomed himself to living on the mountainHe amused himself by readingYou must resign or reconcileyourself to living a hard lifeI excused myself from attending the party

1379 图解:

12STVI S TVN IJohn wanted to swim.)

1380 约有90个及物动词用不定式(而不是动名词)作宾语:

aHe wishedor hopeddelightedto go wanted to know it schemedor arranged to kill his rival tended or desired to fight meant to help youaimed to become a doctorthought=intended)(现在用得较少) to goachedor yearnedlongedto be freetrusted=earnestly hopedto hear from you soonShe admired=intended)(美式) to learn RussianHe did not care to go

bHe volunteered to help meoffered to buy my houseor to strike me);choseor elected to remain hereHe hesitated to godidn't scruple to stealhastened to tell medecided or determinedresolvedconcludedto marry hervowedor swore to revenge himselfHe promised or agreedconsented to pay me soonThey have contracted to build a large theatreHe threatened not to pay me

cHe condescendedor deignedto help meor to offer me tea);vouchsafed to answerHe submitted to be punishedHe refusedor declinedto lend me the moneyscorned (书面语)to accept the bribedisdained(书面语) to speak with the hypocriteHe demandedor required to see my passportaskedor appliedbeggedto see the kingmoved to postpone the decision

dHe couldnotafford to waitor to be generousto be idle); managed to control his temperwill never manage to learncontrived to live a simple lifeor to make matter worse).They triedor soughtto kill their enemyendeavouredor strovestruggledto be independent

eThey won't troubleor botherto do such a thingdo not care to see itThey undertookor guaranteedengagedto pay me the debtThey helpedus)(to build the houseThey expect to be there at noonThey never thoughtor expectedto see me againThey pretended or affectedmade believeto be rich menclaimedor professed to know everything

fThey daredor ventured to do itwon't presume to criticise usMay I ventureor presume)(=take the libertyto ask you a few questions They learned to swimThey prepared to leave herestarted outor set out)(=beganto write a reportproceeded to play musicmoved to arrest the criminalThey deserved to enjoy this priviledgeThis child needs to be spanked

gHe grew to believe itHow did he come=begin to know it How came you to love her The extra job serves to increase my incomeThese sentences will suffice to explain the use of the verbHer looks contribute to show herjoyThat just goes to show your ignoranceEvery man tendsor inclines to believe in himselfThe boy bids fair to succeedor to be an engineer).

1381 有些动词在不定式前可加 for 引起的短语,表示意义上的主语:

We planned for him to comeWe arranged for something to be doneHe wantedforhis son to be happyThe ringing of the bell meant for them to come to dinnerWe have decided for the meeting to take place on the 3rd=decided that the meeting should take place on the 3rd).He doesn't deserve for you to help him

1382 在下面句子中及物动词和后面跟的名词构成成语,可以看作一个单一的及物动词,后面跟不定式作宾语:

He had a good mind=earnestly wishedto do it tried his best= endeavouredto find out a solution took the trouble to consult a dictionarytook good care not to trouble herhad not the heart to leave her made up his mind= decided to go abroad had to make shift to set up a hutsaw his wayclear to criticiseor praise them

1383 有些动词,看起来像是及物动词却不是及物动词,可以和to构成词组,起助动词的作用:

You ought to=shouldobey your parents

You want to=shouldbe more careful

I shall have to=must go

Ihave got to=must go now

I am to=must see him

He stands to=may winor lose the game

He is going to=will leave hereHe failed to=shouldbut did no answer herHe appearedor seemed to know it

He used to come at sevenand usedn't to come at eightHe chancedor happenedto meet me there

He turned outor proved to have discovered our secret


He is certainor sure to=will certainlysucceedHe is likely to=may come this evening

He is able to=can speak English

He is allowed to=may do what he likes

He is obliged to=must go at once

He is bound to=must go

He is in a positionor a situationto=can help his friends


I wanted going abroad.(错句)

He promised helping me.(错句)

1384 图解:


注:不定式意义上主语for him的图解办法。

13STV GJohn enjoyed swimming.)

1385 约有100个及物动词用动名词(而不是不定式)作宾语:

aYou cannot avoid making mistakesThey will evade answering my questionsHow can he escape being punished I will never shirk helping my good friendsI cannot help thinking soor laughing)(=I cannot but think so or laugh).She could not resist telling him everything

bThey commencedor set aboutfell to building a bridgeThey kept onwaiting thereand you kept ondrinkingHe resumed studying FrenchHe has finished or completeddone writing the lettersYou must stopor quit drinkingPerhaps you can't believehe has renounced smoking cigarsgiven upor given over playing the foolleft off being idleI have to delayor postponedeferput off meeting himor going to the doctor).

cI will consideror contemplate cooperating with himHe mentioned learning Japanesereported having done all his workdescribed their making liquor with riceThey suggestedyou making a trip to JapanHe advocatedor urged)(our using forceHe encouragedour spending less and earning moreHe advisedor counselled)(yourtrying once moreHe recommendedour increasing the salary

dHe enjoyed eating Vietnamese foodrelished watching women passing byfancied going to the moviesadored =liked very much口语体) being praisedHe appreciated your assisting himI detest or abominateloatheworking at nightresent being laughed atdislike accompanying herreject giving him any aidfavoured taking a decisive stepThey depreciated=expressed disapproval of building a big libraryofficially sanctioned floggingDo you mind opening the dooror his smokingbeing awakenedtaking this letter to the post office)? I don't mind opening the dooror his smokingbeing awakened).

eHe admittedor acknowledged having done something wrongowned or owned toconfessedconfessed tokilling herdenied stealing itdisclaimed having tempted anyone to do evilI doubt having any chance

fHe risked offending somebodyor losing all he hadgetting hurtbeing robbed).Should he chance being caughthe would be put to deathHe faced being isolated from societyHe missed eating a good dinneror seeing such a good play).I will await hearing from you

gI do not understand driving a carcan't understand his behaving like thatI practised playing the pianoShe aped being a highborn lady

hFancy doing everything for nothing or meeting you here).Could you fancy meeting her here I cannot fancy doing such a silly thing

I cannot imagine marrying such a manI did anticipate =look forward to having a good time at Christmas

iThey don't allow our talking loud in publicnever permitour screaming in the house tolerateour smoking and gamblingforbadeour speaking loud hinderedor prevented)(our committing the same mistakesbarred smoking and playing cards

I never forgiveor pardonexcuse spitting in public places

He grudged paying me= was unwilling to pay me)(or having to pay double the pricemy living a happy life);repented learning too late

She felt like swimmingor crying);burst out cryingor laughing).

jThis measure means changing the whole systemThe visit entailed buying gifts for childrenThe plan includes building a churchMoney justifies doing evilThis proposal involves increasing the school feeThis implied condemning him to deathThe new system facilitates pronouncing Chinese charactersThe birth of another baby necessitated earning moreThis provokesor excitesvomitingor crying).

1386 有些及物动词后动名词的前面须有意义上的主语,正像上面的某些句子所表现的:

I cannot approve hisor himbehaving like that.(用him 的时候比用his时更多一些。)

Mother welcomed theirthemvisiting her at her villa

I protest hisor himtreating me like a slave

I often picture myself living a beautiful life

I denounced anybody'sor anybodytelling lies

Dennis announced Greg'sor Greggetting married

We applaud Ada'sor Adamaking so wise a decision

1387在某些动词后可跟there being这种结构:

I doubt there being any mistake

He admitted there being some mistakes

He didn't mind there being any wild beasts there

1388 在上面所举动词之后不可用不定式:

I enjoy to eat bananas.(错句)

He avoided to meet her.(错句)



14STVI or GJohn liked to swim or swimming.)

1390 约有50个动词既可用不定式也可用动名词作宾语:

aI cannot endureor bearstandto beor beingcheated

We proposedor intendedplanneddesignedpurposedto abolishor abolishingthe outdated rules

He attempted to getor gettingrid of all the beggars

He forbore to sayor sayinganything against anybody

He neglectedor omittedto payor payingthe fee

bShe started to cryor cryingbefore getting hurt

He declined to speakor speakingat the party

He continuedor discontinuedto stayor staying there

I dreador fearto climbor climbingthe mountain

We need to learnor learningsomething

He scorned to cheator cheatinganyone

1391 有一些动词,在某些上下文中需用不定式作宾语,在另一些上下文中需用动名词作宾语:

aHe(表示人的主语)began to cryto eatto danceor cryingeatingdancing).It(表示物的主语)began to boilor to rainto move)(而不说boilingrainingmoving).He(人)ceased to writeor writing).It(物)ceased to harden(而不说hardening).(不过有些作家不承认这一差别)

bHe began to know itor to love itto see itto under- standto feel sadto be suspected).(而不说knowing itloving itetc.)(在表示一种被动的心理状态时,begin可用不定式作宾语,而不用动名词作宾语。)He gotor grewbecame)(=beganto knowor to believeto care forher


They got=beganquarrellingor talkinglaughingplaying).(美式英语)

cI prefer studying music to(介词)doing business

I prefer to study music rather thantodo(不定式) business

1392 另一些动词用不定式作宾语和用动名词作宾语意义不同:

aYou must stop thinking=not think any more);stop to think=stop doing something else and begin to think).

He forgot meetingor having metyou at a hotel=had met you but forgot it);forgot to meet you=ought to have met youbut did not do so);rememberedor re- calledrecollectedgoingor having goneto the pictures with her=remembered that he had gone);will remember to post the letterbut has not yet posted it).

bI regretted tellingor having toldyou the sad story=regretted that I had told itregret to tell you=regret that I have to tell youthat your son is very naughty

You must try eating=eat for the first timethe durianmust try=make effortsto finish this work before Sunday

She cannot help=cannot help othersto prepare the mealcannot help=cannot refrain fromlaughing

cHe went on teaching lesson five=didn't stop after teaching some part of lesson five);went on to teach lesson five=began teaching lesson five after finishing lesson four.)

I likeor dislikelovehateswimmingor studying the current events)(habit);shouldor wouldlikeor lovepreferto swim in this placeor to drink coffee).(one recent act

I began to understandor to seemy mistake(被动心理状态),started selling coffee years ago.(主动的活动)。

1393 注意避免连续使用2-ing形式或两个不定式:

He is beginning to work(而不是working).

He is trying to do it(而不是doing it).

He seems to like playing(而不是to playtennis

It's necessary to start organizing(不要说to organizea new party

1394 约有10个及物动词可用被动形式的不定式或主动形式的动名词作宾语:

Your work needs correctingor to be corrected).

This baby wants looking afteror to be looked after).

It requires washingor to be washed).

His language would not bear repeatingor to be repeated).

It won't bear thinking ofor to be thought of).

The colour will not stand washingor to be washed).

It defies explainingor to be explained).

The complicated situation forbade analysingor to be analysed).

He deserved punishingor to be punished).


The work is worth doingor worthy to be done).

This plan is worth carrying outor worthy to be carried out).

1395 图解:

15STVthat-CLSTVN=that-CL)(John said that she was lazy.)

1396 约有150个及物动词可用由that引起的从句作宾语。


aFrom this he gatheredor inferredthat his boss did not like himor that the plan was good).

He heardor understoodthat Wang was in love with Su or that the situation was growing worse).

He heard say that she was married

He foundor sawperceivedfeltsensednoticed that something was wrong or that people liked him very much).

He learnedor realizeddiscoveredthat the earth is roundor that this plant could be found in Africa).

I have ascertainedor found outthat he was murdered

He reads that the earth has existed billions of years

bHe does not doubt but that=thatI'll win.(But that 用在否定及疑问句中,这种用法业已陈旧。)

You can not deny but that=thatshe's a good player

Who can tell but that he is a swindler

Neither of us knows but that=thatwe can marry

He knows as=that)(不规范用法)you are honest

I can tell as=thathe is a swindler

cI thinkor supposeassumepresumebelieveexpectimaginefancythat he is a very honest fellow

Suppose we have some coffee=Let us have some coffee).

Suppose we try=Let us try).(that可以省略)

I dare say you are wrong

I guessor figurecalculatereckon)(Am.)he will be here by sevenI wageror bethe has done his best

dI suspected that he was a thiefYou didn't doubt that he was a thiefBut she doubted whether he was.(=I thought he was probably a thiefYou were sure he wasBut she was not sure whether he was.)

He judgedor concludeddecidedgatheredconsideredthat it was best to resignor that nobody could be trusted).

The law prescribes that a man below eighteen must not get married

The judge ruledor adjudgedthat David was innocent

eHe believesor maintainsholdsthat the plan is imperfector that all men are born equal).

I objected that=objected becausehe was unjust

I protested=affirmed stronglythat I had said nothing against anybody

He claimed that he was innocentor that he was a descendant of Confucius).

fHe denied that he had stolen anythingbut did not deny thator but thathe was on the spot.(=He said that he had not stolen anything

Wang agreedwith methat Lee was careless

He admittedor acknowledgedconfessedownedrecognizedthat he was not qualified for the job

We must allow that he is rightand grant that his re- mark is true

gHe asseredor claimedallegedstatedsaidre- markedthat the situation was getting better and better

He declaredor announcedthat he was planning a trip or that MrFu had been murdered on the street).

He proclaimed that the war would end after a week

He reiterated that he could do nothing for anyone

He mentioned that she would leave us soon

He certified that I was a member of a photo club

hHe revealedor let onthat Wang had four wives

He emphasizedor specifiedthat I was to blame

He writes that all men are born equal

I voted that we go for an excursion

He showedor signifiedthat he had nothing to say about the matteror that something had happened).

He hinted that he would like to go to the party and intimated he would accept if he was invited

He insinuated that I had played him a trick

His refusal does not mean that he is unkind to us

His accent betrayed that he came from the North

iHe demonstratedor provedthat the earth is roundor that justice would win).

All facts established that he was a traitor

He estimatedor calculatedfiguredthat it would take three days to get to the moon

He theorizes that the human beings could live 200 yearsif…

I submitted there was some mistake and john was to blame

I argued that everything was wrong with our system

He explained that he was too ill to come

jHe cannot guaranteeor warrantengageundertake that I shall make a profit

I will seeor checkthat everything is done

He promised that he would help you

He pretendedor let onmade believethat he was illor that the theft had nothing to do with him).He played that he was a bridegroom

He foretoldor foresawpredictedprophesieddi- vinedthat you would be very richor that the world war would break out ten years after).

He radioed that he was seriously ill

kHe sworeor vowedthat he was innocentor that he would never divulge the secret).

He forgot that he owed you a hundred dollarscould not recollect that he owed you so muchbut he remembered that he owed you ten dollars

He repliedor answeredthat he could not help meor that he had no money to lend me).

He addedor put inthrew inthat he must resign

She retorted that I was more selfish than she

I don't care that he should say so

He rejoiced that we had won the battlebut grievedor exclaimedthat many had been killed

He boasted that he was the richest man in the city

lHe murmuredor mumbledgrumbledthat he was so unluckyand complained to me that nobody had treated him well

He whispered to me that John had been taken by the po- lice

He charged that the radio of his neighbour disturbed his sleep

He wonderedor marvelledthat everything should change so quicklyI don't wonder that he was killed

Do you wonder that he was killed

mI appreciated that it was well done

He dreamed that he was on the battlefieldlittle dreamed that he should become so miserable

Pictureor Imagineto yourself that your wife is waiting for you at the door

He exclaimedor cried outinterjectedthat he had lost his gold watch

Bewareor Mindthat he does not deceive youor lest he deceives you).

I will look outor checkthat he does not cheat me

1397 下面由that引起的从句表示命令、请求、建议等,可以称作命令从句、请求从句等(注意谓语由should构成,参阅1294节):

aHe commandedor orderedenjoineddirectedthat we should start at four

The law prescribes that nobody should gamble

He promised you should be rewarded

He demandedor requiredrequestedaskedwanted that I should pay him next Monday

I insist that he studies music=I say it is true that he studies music).但:I insist that he studyor should studymusic=I advise him to study it

bI hador wouldratheror sooner)(thatshe leftor should leavethis dangerous place

I wishor prayedthat I should not fail again

He consented that his house should be searched

His illess would not permit that he should work hard

He contrived that his son should go to college

We must secure that every teacher should be qualified

cHe decidedor resolveddeterminedintendedthat ev- erybodyshouldbe ready by 8 AM..

He guaranteed that itshouldbe paid

He arranged with Mary that they should meet again

He recommendedor suggestedproposedthat I should flee

He moved that Johnshouldbe elected

He willed that his property should go to his daughter

The contract provided that the tenant should pay every month

dHe cannot bear that you should say no

God forbid that I should meet her again

He hated that the dentist should touch him

He dreaded thator lesthe should fail

He urged that somethingshouldbe done immediately

He preferred that nothingshouldbe said

1398 下面的that从句表示希望或愿望(谓语多由willmay构成):

He hopesthatyou willor mayhelp himwishesthat you would help himexpects that you will help himcan- not ensure that Mary will come todayguarantees that the debt will be paidfears that you will refuse to help him begsor requestsentreatsdesiresthat you will help himtrusts=hopesyou may help himor we shall meet again).God grant that he may succeedWe long that we may be free

I betor hopeshe arrives=will arrivebefore noon

1399 在这类句子中,否定词not放在主句中时比放在从句中时多:

I do not supposeor believeexpectimaginethinkthat he is right.(这样说比I suppose that he isnot right.要好)

但应说:I hope he does not fail again

1400 当一个及物动词不能跟有that从句时,它后面可放一个factcircumstanceidea这类名词,把that从句和它连接起来。这时that从句成为fact这类名词的同位语,也可以说它是由及物动词加名词构成的及物动词短语的宾语:

aHe accepted the factownedthat he couldn't rise again

He ignores the circumstance=doesn't carethat he has made the same mistake as his rival

He overlooked the fact=failed to noticethat nothing in the world is perfect

He had the beliefor an ideaa notionthe impression

=believedthat the king is always right

I had word=heardthat they would attack us

bWe have no doubt=do not doubt)(thathe knows it

I have all the feeling that everything is wrong

He had a dreador a fear)(=fearedthat the police would arrest him one day

I have a hunch=think it likelythat it will rain

I brought the charge that John had murdered my wife

cHe felt gratitude that they had helped him

He makes the point=points outthat some countries are overdeveloped

He gave judgement that the accused was innocent

Take care you don't fall

He made up his mind=concludedthat we were all wrong

You bet your boots=can be surethat he will fail

1401 在下面句子中that从句是it的同位语:

aI mustor willseeor see to itlook to itthat everyone is happy

He insistedupon itthat he knew better than anyone

He took it=supposedthat I had left for London

He took it for granted=was surethat I could help him

Rumour has it=saysthat the king is ill

He put it that a woman must keep the house

He will have it=insiststhat you have insulted him

He lays it down=states clearlythat the school should be kept clean and quiet

bYou may relyor dependupon it=be surethat he can help you any time

He owed it to me=was grateful to me for the factthat he was still alive

Lookto itthat everything is ready

I will answer for it=promisethat he will make no more mistake

He stood to it=insistedthat I was wrong

Take the word of scientists for it that an atom is like a u- niverse

1402 That从句可以放在it和某些不及物动词后面:

It appeared that he knew the secret.(=He appeared to know the secret.)

It seemed that he knew the secret.(=He seemed to know the secret.)

It happened that he knew the secret.(=He happened to know the secret.)

It turned out that he knew the secret.(=He turned out to know the secret.)

How does it come that you know the secret?(=How do you come to know the secretHow come you know the secret?)

1403 that前有些词有时省略:

Not that=It is not true thatI hate a womanbut that= but it is true thatI have no chance to consort with any

Not that I love Caesar lessbut that I love Rome more

1404 连词that有时可以省略,特别是在1believepresumesupposethinkhopewishexpectsayknowhear等动词后;2)在插入语中that必须省略;3)在一个that从句还包含另一that从句时,that也必须省略。下面例句中的表示省略的that

1I dare say ∧ he does not know it

I believe ∧ you are wrong

2The young manshe thinksor I knowit seemscould be her husband

The young man could be her husbandshe thinksor I knowit seems

There is a young man who(关系代词在从句中作主语)

she thinksor I knowit seemscould be her husband

3She said ∧ she wished ∧I could see her

I thought ∧ you knew ∧ something had happened

I understand ∧ he exclaimed ∧ he had not enough to spend

1405 在以下情况下连词that不可省略:1)需要表明副词或副词短语修饰哪一个词,2)在that从句中插有一个关系从句或状语从句:

1He said that yesterday he went to town

He said yesterday that he went to town

He denied that at the party he spoke ill of the major

He denied at the party that he spoke ill of the major

2I know that youwho are my friend(主语和主要动词间插入一个关系从句)will agree with me.(但:I know ∧ you will agree with me.)

I think thatif you can(在that和主语之间夹有一个状语从句)you will do it.(但:I think ∧ you will do it.)

1406 当一个及物动词后有几个并列的that从句作宾语时,后面的that必须重复(但有时这条规定会被忽略):

They know that(可省略)he studies musicand that(不可省略)his wife is a country womanbut that(不可省略)they love each other dearly

I told father that(可省略)I would work hardthat(不可省略)I would be a good studentthat(不可省略)he need not worryand that(不可省略)I would return home on New Year's Day

但:He said he knew it and(连接两个谓语而不是两个从句)had told it to othersI think she will start at nine but will not arrive until twelve

1407 在需重复一个that从句时,可以用sonotitas much等词代替它:

Is he a clever fellow

So I seeor noticebelievehear).(=I seenotice… that he is a clever fellow.)

So I saidor hopedsupposed).

So I have heardor have seenhave noticed).

I believe,(or sayprayexpectwishhopethinkimaginetrustguesssupposeassumepresumefancyunderstandsaidwas toldtold youso

It seemsor appearsso

I do not sayor thinksupposeexpectbelieveso

I believeor noticeexpectso(指前面句子总的意思)或it(较具体,指前面的词组。)或that。(较为强调)

但:I denyor meanswearit(不可说so).

He has turned hooliganhasn't he

I suspector fearso

If so=If he has turned hooligan),that is a pity

Why soHow so

I believeor expectsuspecthearthe same=so).

Did Mary commit suicide

I believeor trustsayexpecthopethinksupposeam afraidunderstandnot.(=I believe or trust…that Mary did not).

It appearsor seemsnot

The murderer has been arrestedhasn't he

I knowor hearam toldsayguessas much or so much

=it or so).

He has made great mistakes and confessedor ownedac- knowledgedas much(不要说so).

Father will marry Mary to John and has said as much

1408 图解:





16STVW-CL or W-IJohn asked when he will come or when to begin.)

1409 约有70个及物动词可以用疑问词引起的从句(或称从属问句)作宾语(可参阅1293节):

aWe discussedor deliberatedconsidereddebatedwhat might be done or whether we should go on strike).

He askedor inquiredwhether he could applyor not).

I will find outor checkascertainstudywho broke it

We doubtor questionwhether we would have peace

I must ascertainor studywhy he killed himself

I wonder whether he is happy.(=I want to know whether he is happy or notorI suppose he is not hap- py.)

I wonder whether he is not happy.(=I suppose he is happy.)

I wonder whetheror whenwherehowwe can meet again and spend a pleasant vacation together

但:I doubt whether(但不能用whenwherehowwe can meet again and spendetc

bWatch how you spill itLook what a mess you are making

Please mark which syllable is stressed

Beware when you must keep silence

Notice who is coming with Mary

cHe sawor perceivednoticedsensedobservedhow his friends were suffering from the epidemicor what important persons were present at the party.)

He could not see why you cooperated with this fool

He discoveredor found outwhere the thieves hid them- selvesor where the treasure was keptwhen the enemy would start an attack).

He learnedor realizedhow the earth turns round the sunor who were behind the scenes).

I hearor understandwhat has happenedor what they are plotting).

dI know what you wantor how we should handle this mat- ter of money).

I cannot conceiveor understandthinkimaginemake outtellguesshow he could say such a thing or how it could happenwhy they treat me so.)

Nobody here believes how difficult it is to cure a disease

The captain decidesor determineswho shall play in the football match

He could not judgeor decidesettlewhether the answer was rightor when we should act).

eI cannot recollect when he visited us

He forgot what she had said

I don't recall how he cheated me

I still remember how he kissed me

Can you suggest which is the best wayor when we shall start on our journey)?

David cannot express how grateful he is

We cannot agree who is to be our representative

I don't careor mindwhether I shall failor what may happen).

fPlease say what you want and which of these you like best

Please repeat what you have just said

Can you describe how he looks

Can he explain why he failed

History shows how we have struggledwhere we are goingand what we should do

He revealed where John had fallen in love with Helenor how their leaders quarrelled among themselves).

He reported how those people were starving

gHe has calculated how much it costsor when the building can be finished).

I'll count how many guests have come

He can proveor demonstratehow mankind have developed from lower animalsor whether it is true).

We will select who may be our representative

He could foretellor forecastwhen it would raincould predict whether there would be a good harvestprophesied how Christ would come again to the worldor which country would rise and which would decline);divined when you would fail and rise again

I read where=that)(口语体)there will be a storm

1410 在由疑问词引起的从句中,助动词有时可放在主语前面,句末甚至可用问号代替句号:

I asked how could we settle the matter.(?)

He inquired what should do.(?)

I wonder when does the war come to an end.(?)

I wondercan she(用来代替whether she canexcuse me.(?)

1411 有时疑问词引起的从句可以是一个惊叹句:

He said how pretty it was.(=He said“How pretty it is

He exclaimed what a poem he was reading.(=He exclaimedWhat a poem I am reading

He cried outor interjectedhow hard he had worked and what evil treatment he had received

1412 下面三个小段意思是一样的:

John met Mary at a bus stopJohn said“I am glad to see youWhere are you going(直接引语)

John met Mary at a bus stopJohn said he was glad to see her and asked where she was going.(间接引语)

John met Mary at a bus stopHe was glad to meet herWhere was she going?(这也是间接引语,但John said thathe asked却被省略。)


aWe debatedor deliberateddiscussedconsideredwhat step to take

I will askor inquirewhen to begin our lessons

I am learning how to swim

He wonders what to do when he grows up

I have discoveredor found outhow to make this cake

I cannot understand how to do it

I cannot tell where to meet this cheat again

bI cannot think how to stop this evil practice

I don't know whom to apply to

Have you decided where to study

Please say which course to take

I will explain how to use the word“as”

He won't revealed when to get married

I don't mindor carewhat to eat

Can you recollect how to do this

Don't forget how to please your parents

I cannot predict when to meet her again


I cannot understand how to=how I cando it

I wonder what to=what I shoulddo

I cannot tell where to=where we or you maybuy a curio

We shall consider what step to=what step we must or shouldtake

They told me when to=when they were toget married

1414 如果疑问词引起的从句的主语并非是主句的主语,同时又无法从上下文中推想出来,且从句中又不包含canmustmayshouldbe to这类助动词,则“STVW-CL”不可转换为“STVW-I”

I know what the government should do.(不可改为I know what to do,除非the government变为I.)

He asked where his children can study.(不可改为He asked where to study.除非读者知道是children这个词被省略。)

We were discussing how long a man can live

I know what I want.(不可改为I know what to want,因为从句中没有合适的助动词。)

I cannot repeat what I have heard.(不可改为I cannot re- peat what to have heard,因为从句中没有合适的助动词,have不是一个合适的助动词。)

1415 图解:



注:上面是疑问词+不定式结构的另一种图解法。这里不定式可以看作是疑问词从句的缩写形式,I can(主语+助动词)可以看作是被省略,how被看作有双重作用。

17SIVPW-CL or W-IJohn worried about what he would study or what to study.)

1416 约有20个不及物动词可以和介词(常可省略)构成及物动词短语,用疑问词从句作宾语:

aHe doubtedabout or as towhether he could succeed

They must decideuponwho is to represent their party

His success dependedor relied)(uponwhat people he made friends withor how he handled the matter).

Don't fuss about how it should be done

Don't worryaboutwhat school you are to go toor how much you can earn).

bThey already agreedabout or as towhen they were to start and what they were to take with them

I will attend to what the old man wants

I shall think over what I should say

He brooded onor overwhether he should commit sui- cide

I am thinkingof or abouthow I can study abroador which course I am to take).

cHe enlargedor speculatedon what mankind will be

He talked ofor aboutwhat we should do

He hesitatedabout or as towhat he should say

I reflectedonwhere I could live peacefully

Your happiness depends upon how little you want and how much you accomplish

We could not agree about whom we should depend upon for our supply

1417 上面所说跟有介词的不及物动词也可用疑问词+不定式结构作宾语:

We talked about what to do

He has decidedonwhere to go

That dependsonhow to handle the matter

He worriedabouthow to make his living

They cannot agreeaboutwhen to act

They have thought over where to study science

“SIPW-I”可以转换为“SIPW-CL”,而“SIP W-CL”有时可以,有时不可以转换为“SIP W-I”

We talked about what we could dowhat to do).

He has decidedonwhere he must gowhere to go).

He worried about how he could make his livinghow to make his living).

但:We talked about what our school could do

(不可改为We talked about what to do.)

We talked about what we ate.(不可改为We talked about what to eat.因为从句中没有合适的助动词。)可参阅1413-14节。

1418 图解:

18STVNPW-CL or W-IJohn gave an account of how he had fought or how to fight.)

1419 无数及物动词可和特定的名词和介词构成成语。这种成语起及物动词的作用,可跟有疑问词从句或疑问词+不定式结构作宾语:

aHe has no interest in=doesn't carewho rules the country

He gave an account of=relatedhow they fought

He had a lesson in=learnedhow paper is made

I took no notice of=didn't noticewhat he was

I got a look at how the robot worked

He set his mind on where he could make most money

He could only make guesses at who she was

They carried on a quarrel about which girl was the prettiest

He can't form a judgement as to whether this world is going to the bad

bHe has no interest in what to study

He gave an account of how to make paper

He directed his attention to how to do business

He set his mind on what job to do

He set up a standard of how to write

He gave examples of how not to speak ill of others

1420 有时介词可以省略(参阅1416节):

I have no ideaabout)(=don't knowwho she is

I cannot make up my mindas to)(=decidewhether I should marry her

I have a doubtas to)(=doubtwhether our love will last long

CfI have no doubt=believethat our love will last long.)

Can you give judgementas to)(=judgewhich is the better

He cannot make a decisionas to)(=decidewhat policy his government should adopt

Have a careaboutwhat you say to her

1421 图解:

注:上面是疑问词+不定式结构的另一种图解法。在这种图解中,how被看作有副词和连词的双重作用,不定式前he could两词省略。参阅1415节。


19SDV+(toNNJohn gave me a dog=John gave a dog to me.)

1422 约有90个双宾动词可有两个名词或代词作间接宾语及直接宾语。如果直接宾语紧跟在这些动词后面,间接宾语可变成由to引起的短语,这些动词则成了及物动词:

He lent me his knife=He lent his knife to me

He left her ten thousand dollars=He left ten thousand dollars to her


aHe gave John a cigarette or an English lesson),offered me teaor a positiona bribe),handed his brother the salt or the letter),delivered them the goodsor a letterthe message),passed me the butterbrought me my bookor a cup of tea),tookor carriedme an umbrellaleft me some cakesor a free choice),returned me the bookor an angry look),threw me a magazineor a word),tossedor castflungthe beggar a penny

bHe providedor furnishedsupplieduswithfood and everything necessarypresented mewitha good dictionary.(用with时较不用时为多)

It afforded me an opportunityor great pleasuresatisfaction).He rendered his boss a serviceor assistancethe account),tendered me his resignationor his services),administered me a blowcausedor occasionedme so much painor anxietyheavy lossinconveniencesome trouble),dealt me a scolding

cHe granted me an audienceor a credita holidaya re- quest),meted us out reward and punishmentallowed them more timeor a holidayten dollars),awarded me the prizeor full marks),accorded her the privilege or a warm welcomedue praise).

He refused me admittanceor the requestthis favourthe loan of a book),denied me nothingor justiceall comforthelp),(begrudged me my salaryor my honour),barred no friends his house

dHe assigned me a dutyor a small room),allotted me a gardenor a few exercises),prescribed me a milk diet or a duty),apportioned us different dutiesissued me a permitor a driving license).

The hardware store shipped me a big machineor some utensils).

He forwardedor sentdispatchedpostedmailed her a parcel

They paid me the salaryor the taxi farethe tuitionthe price),reimbursed me the costsadvanced me a month's salaryor 1000 dollars),remitted me a thousand dollarslent me some moneyowed me a debtor thanksobligations),sold rich customers good diamonds and sold others poor goodscharged me no tuitionor a dollar),loaned me their carrented me a house

eHe played me a tuneor a piece),sang me a Japanese song=sing a Japanese song to me or for me),extended us a warm welcomestood me champagneserved me a good dinnerfed his dog beef

He wishes me good luckor good eveningevery joya safe journeythe compliments of the seasona good night),bade me a welcomeor adieugood morning),waved me adieuor a greeting),nodded me a welcome or approval),bowed me his heartiest thankspaid them a visitor his respects).

fHe wrote me lettersor a few lines),answered me nothing or not a worda question),scrawled me a noteread me the letteror a poema lesson),told me a storyor everything),foretold me my futureshowed me his care or much kindness),pointed me out my mistakewhispered me a piece of newstelegraphedor wiredfaxedcabledme full details of the resulttelephoned or phoned me the detailsor the current price),transmitted me a messagetaught me Chineseor musica lessonsingingobedience),preached us a very good sermonpledged me his friendshipput me a questionquoted me an instance

gHe bequeathedor willedhis children a large fortuneor all his property),left me a large fortune

They yielded the enemy their positionceded him the landconceded him the privilegesor the favours he asked).

They guaranteed me satisfactionor regular employmentpunctual arrival),insuredor assured me success success to me or for me),promised me assistance

He recommended me a good bookor a good servant).

They did him harmor honourgoodjusticewrongcredita favoura good turnan injusticean injurya kindnessa service),caused us a lot of mischief

They made him a visitor an offera promiseno replysome answers).

1423 直接宾语亦称作事物宾语(Thing-Object),而间接宾语亦称作表人宾语(Person-Object)。不过间接宾语间或也指事物:

He never gives the matter a second thoughtdoes not give the plan a trialwished it a happy endingallowed his imagination a full play


Don't tell her thatHe told his brother thatWho asked you this

Who gave itto you We gave ittohimI will pay it to you all

1424 尽管上面句中的间接宾语可以变作to引起的短语,但这种短语少用为宜,但在下面这类句子中,却用以to引起的短语较好:

To youI give this.(间接宾语为了强调而提前)

To the PresidentI write this letter

To whom do you give it?(和一个疑问代词连用)

Who do you give it to

Which boy do you sing toMary

The man to whom you told the story is my uncle.(和关系代词连用)

I have given to him.(直接宾语省略)

I will write to him

Please deliver to John

I have given the book to Marythe best student in class.(间接宾语比直接宾语更长更重要)

I only teach English to students who are truly anxious to learn

The letterI have sent to him.(直接宾语放在句首)

All these valuable thingshe gave to me

Some dictionaries have been given to the library


A letter will be sent to him

1425 图解:

20S+DV+forN+NJohn bought me a dog=John

bought a dog for me.)

1426 约有35个双宾动词用两个名词或代词作间接宾语及直接宾语。这种动词可变成及物动词,这时间接宾语应改作由for引起的宾语:

He ordered me a book=He ordered a book for me

She made me a dress=She made a dress for me


aHe built himself a hut

The shoemaker turns me out 100 pairs of shoes

Hunan Province yield China a lot of rice

She wove me a garland

The carpenter made Uncle a beautiful desk

She cooked me eggs

She boiled me some water

Fix me a drink

Please spread me some bread with butter

I will cut you a slice of bread

Pour me out some teaor coffee).

Please fill me some wine

bPlease pull me a chair to the table

Please fetch me a dictionaryor a doctor).

He reached me a pencil

I'll put you a chair over there

He gathered me some stamps

He chose his wife a nice dress

Pick me out a dozen oranges

Can you match me this cloth

cCan you findor getsecureobtainme a job

They reserved us a hotel roomcalled us a taxibought us a lunch

The book won him a good nameearned him a lot of moneybut created him many enemies

This incident acquiredor gained him wealth

I've got me money enoughwill buy me some liquor.(口语体)

You have save him so much troubleor timemoney).

Can you spare me a few minutesor one dollar)?

Could you change me this five-pound noteor ten-dollar bill)?

Can you cash me this bill

1427 上面句子中的间接宾语可以变作由for引起的短语,在1424节中所说情况下,必须改成这种短语:

For you aloneI cook this fish

For my familyI must save some money

For whom do you build so big a house

Whom do you choose this cloth for

The person for whom you made a dress was my niece

I will cook for you

Please calla taxifor me

She poured out coffee for Johnthe man she loved most

I will get a job for Johnwho has been jobless for many months

This trouble you can save for me and many others

A good name will this good work gain for himbut not wealth

Three taxis were called for us

A magnificent palace was built for the king and queen

1428 图解:

21S+DV+N+NJohn envied me my dog.)

1429 约有70个双宾动词虽然可以变作及物动词,却不在表人的宾语前用介词tofor。这时有几种情况: a.有些动词后,表人宾语前用另一介词;b.有些动词后,事物宾语前有一介词;c-f.其他动词很少变作及物动词:

aThey playedor servedJohn a trickor a bad turn),bestowed him honouror a titlepraise),enjoinedor imposedme obedienceor a duty),(=They played a trick on Johnserved a trick on himbestowed honour on him

She flung him a winkflashed me a glanceshot John an angry lookcast me a glancedealtor hit him a blow.(=She flung a wink at himflashed a glance at me

They bore us malice or ill willhatred),waged us war.(=They bore malice against uswaged war against us

He bore me great affectionor good will).(=He bore great affection for me

He asked me some questionsor the timemy namemy addressthe waythe farethe pricethe reasonthe cause).(=He asked some questions of me

He asked you a favour or permissiona kindness).(=He asked a favour from you

bHe envied John his new car or his pretty wife),forgave us our sinsor our debtour negligenceour misconduct),pardoned me the questionor my offence),excused me my askingtook me out a walkor an airinga drive).(=He envied John for his new carforgave us for our sins

He banished me the realmdismissed me the clubor the service),expelled me the school.(=He banished me from the realmdismissed me from the club

cHe fined me ten dollars wageredor betme ten dollarsthat John would win),bid me half the pricequoted you the best priceor a proverb),tipped me one dollaror the wink).

It costs him twelve dollarsor much troublehis life),takes me six daysor all my life to do thatwill last me three years

The business lost me all my capitalprofited me a lot of moneynetted him a thousand dollars daily

dI struck him a heavy blowfetched him a slapor a box on the earcaught that man two kicks in the stomachhit his face a raphit him a hard blow.(所有斜体动词都是gave的意思)

She kissed him good nightor good-byea welcomea hearty kiss),swept him a lookor a bowa curtsy),blew him a kiss

She bore him witnessor company),kept him companyhas borne him three children

They made me a presentor some allowancea requestan apology).

eIt bodesor portendsus no goodor evil).He prophesied me success

He set us a taskor the examination papera good example).(CfHe set a task for us.)

The doctor ordered me a complete restor a special dietsilence).

He forbade his children tobaccoor the use of liquor or drugs).

He deigned me no reply

fShe dropped me a few linesor a notea postcarda curtsy).

I enclose you a list of new products

He led me aprettydanceor a dog's life).

He called me names

He let me blood

He meansor intendsyou no harm

1430 图解:

22S+DV+N+W-CL or W-IJohn showed me what I should do or what to do.)

1431 约有10个动词用名词或代词作间接宾语,却用一个由疑问词引起的从句或不定式作直接宾语:

English grammar shows us how we should make sentences =how to make sentences).

Please tell me which book we should choose=which book to choose).

Can you advise me what I must do=what to do)?

He asked me where he could get the entrance ticket= where to get the entrance ticket

He reminded me when I must go=when to go).

He notified me when John started for London

Please inform that man whether his wife has been here

You must teach your children when to actwhat to say and where to stop

She asked me where could she buy flowers?(注意主语前的助动词及句末的问号)

I ask him what must I study in this country

1432 在这类句子中不要使用上节所提动词以外的动词,如:

I criticized him how he was wrong.(错句)

I know him when he will succeed.(错句)

He scolded his servant why he was so lazy.(错句)

1433 图解:

23S+DV+N+that·CLJohn convinced me that I was wrong.)

1434 约有30个双宾动词可用名词或代词作间接宾语,而用that 引起的从句作直接宾语。That这个字有时可省略。整个从句在重复时可以用so代替:

aI told Johnthat he was mistaken Everybody had told him so

They informedor notifiedapprisedadvisedwrotewiredtelegraphedphonedmy brother that the ship arrived on February2 I had in formed him so

He whispered me that John had been arrested

I remind him that the meeting is on Fridayor that he should send the letter).

He assures me that everything is all rightor that I shall be a happy man).Nobody else has assured me so

He can't warrant me that it is genuineI'll warrant you that you shall be paid

bHe convincedor persuadedsatisfiedher that he would love her alwaysor that they could be happy).

This accident taught us that we were not careful enough or that driving could be very dangerous).

I entreated him that he must stop smoking

I beseech him that he will help my family

They admonished him that he should not drink liquor

They ordered their men that they should fire

He promised me that I should have a gold watch

They warned him that the place was dangerous

They threatened me that they would kill all my people

cHe promised me that he would come

We thanked Goodor our starsHeaventhat our trial was endedThank Heaven I am betterI thank you that you have done this for me

I flattered myself that I was not to do such a silly thing

I betor wagerhim five dollars that it will rain today.(Bet后跟两个直接宾语,这是英语中一个不寻常的现象。)

1435 上面提到的双宾动词有些可变作及物动词,这时可以用of引起的短语修饰:

They told him of my sicknessinformedor notifiedapprisedhim of your visitreminded me of my promiseassured me of his honestyconvincedor persuadedsatisfiedme of his innocenceadmonished me of the dangeror my faultmy duty),warned him of the danger

1436 在这类句子中不要使用上面所提动词以外的动词,如:

I criticized him that he was wrong.(错句)

I supposed him that he knew everything.(错句)

I know John that he will arrive late.(错句)

1437 图解:


24S+LV+A or PrP or PaPJohn was rich.)

1438 约有90个系动词可用形容词、现在分词或过去分词作补语。

1439 a.表示状态的系动词:

1 He was sador pleasedamazedvery interesting).

The house has been my uncle's(用名词所有格作补语).

The book is John's

He felt hungryor surebadbound to do itannoyed).

He seems illor happytiredsatisfiedpleased).

He appeared illor satisfied).It bulked largeIt loomed black

He is asleepor awakealonealiveafraid).(表语形容词)

2 He stood aloneor neutralfirst on the listcorrectedaccused of a crime).It stood wellor idle).

This line runs parallel with thatStill waters run deep

Everythingor SomethingNothingAllwent wellor rightillwrongamiss).How goes the worldHow things go with usEnglish goes=runspassescurrent in many countriesHe went=was usuallybarefootor bareheadednakedhungrywell dressed).

1440 b.表示状态开始的系动词:

1 He became fator poorwell-knowndiscouraged).This system became quickly spreadThis book became widely read by young peopleOur country is becoming richer and richerstronger and stronger Many of the newcomers became accustomed to this cold climate

He got sickor angryshyweaklazycarelesswetreadyredrichfreeshockedshotkilledfiredscoldedstungburriedconfusedlostwasheddressedengagedinterestedmarried).He got to be =becamerichor friendly).It got to be dearer nowThe gum gets soreIt got coldor darkworsebetterloose).(Become表示结果,get表示过程。)

2 He grew=gradually becamestrongor wildfaintmore and more foolishexcitedtiredintroxicated in a minuteaccustomed to it).It grew wildor thicktamesmall).It grew ripeor sweet).

He turned falseor palered).It turned bador yellowcolder).(比较:He was turnedof)[=was pastsixty.)

He went mador blinddeafbaldlamecrazywildredwhitesickpaledrywrongnativedistracteddrunklost).It went bador sourgreydarkstalerotten).The engineor The telephonehas gone dead

The plan goes unheard and unnoticed

3His dream came trueThe bill came dueThe door came unhingedHow came they acquaintedHow came youto beso rudeIt came cheapShe is coming sixteenThe seam came unstitchedor unsewn).The knot came untiedHe came awakeor square are with her).He came over=grewfeverish or sleepy).The weather came over cloudyHe cameor rankedfirst

He ran wildor mad).The river ran dryor highlowdeepthick).The prices ran highProvisions ran shortor low).The business does not run smoothThe beast ran loose

He fell asleepor deadilltiredfaintdumbsilentlame).It fell calmor darkflat),The note fell due to meThe rent fell due.(CfTen dollars is due to youMy salary is due tomorrow.)The night fe11 darkThe post fell vacantThe supply fell shortHe fell=beganhummingor thinking).

The room struck coldor nicewarmcomfortable when one entered

They madethemselvesmerryor sure that they would winbold to do it).

1441 c.表示状态结束或结果的系动词:

He proved usefulThe wound proved fatal

It turned outor provedcame out)(=was found out to befalseor correctimportantinteresting).

He came off victoriousor defeatedsecond best).

Everything went=provedwell with him

Your knowledge of French will come in=proveservice- able one day

1442 d.表示状态继续的系动词:

He remained quietor firmhonestpoorunmarriedunpunisheduncared-for).It remained dirtyor darkunsettleduntouched).

It stayed motionlessor fresh).H stayed silentor asleep).He stayed youngor rich all his life).The store stays open till midnightThe library will stay closedThe paper stayed blank

He continued firmor silentpoorlazyunknownun seen).It continued strongHis illness continued unchangedIt continued rainy

He kept coldor silentstillawakealoof).

He held firmor silentmutealoofstill).The rule held trueor goodfor three years

The grievances went=remainedunredressedHe went unpunishedor unrewarded).

You may rest assuredor satisfiedcontentconfidentse curecertaineasy).This disease rests mysterious

1443 e.带有被动意义的系动词:

1He looked proudor blackpainedpleasedsatisfied).

It looked funnyor interesting).

It smelt bador sweetfragrant).

It tastes sweetor bittersourgooddelicious).

It felt smoothor softhardcoldhot).How does it feel to be hungry

It sounded=seemedunripeor expensivestrangewiseeasyall rightreasonable).Pork sounds too heavy to me

2The cake eats crisp

The coin rang trueor false).His statement rang hollowor harsh).

The meat cuts tenderor tough).

Her dress wore thinor threadbare).It has worn smooth

Our friendship has worn thin

The street measures long

The landscape reproduces too darkThe sky washes out slightlyThe background records just right

It weighs heavyor much).

It costs dear.(CfIt is worth much.)

1444 f.近似于不及物动词的系动词:

1 He acted naturalor surprised).(=He acted + he was naturalor surprised= He was naturalor surprisedwhen he acted.)Don't act foolish

He arrived safe.(=He was safe when he arrived.)

Mary awoke tired.(=Mary was tired when she a- woke.)

He was born poor

My heart beat quick

The door blewor burstcrashed openbanged shut

She blushed scarlet

The prisoners broke looseor free).

2Stocks close irregular today

They departed unseen

The fire burned redor bright).

He came runningor singingsmilingaccompanied by his wife).He came home hungry and tired and sadMisfortune never comes singleor singly).

The day dawned clear and bright

He died happyor youngworth a millionaged 26).

He dresses young

The flame dwindled weak

3He entered dressed in white and wearing slippers

He fell down unconsciousor dead).The snow is falling thick

She flashedor flaredflushedflamedredor scarlet).

It freezes bone-hard in winter

The window flew open

The bird glided peaceful and its feathers gleamedor glowedwhite

He grows up unmanageableor innocent).

The moon hung lowTime hangs heavy on my hands

He jerked free from debt

4He lay deador stillvery sickprostrateasleepawakeidledyinggaspingshiveringstrugglingsleepinghiddenburiedstretched out).(=He lay and was deadlay and gaspedetc.)

Something lay looseor openwasteidle).The field lay fallowThe road lay levelSome books lay looseThe fallen leaves lay wetThe snow lay thick on the groundThey lay scatteredor concealed).The carpet lay smooth

He lives pooror fast).

5He married young

Many important things have passed unnoticed

He played fairor foul).The dog playedor shammed dead

Silence reigned supremeHe ruled supreme

He returned hungry and thirsty

She rides easy in the saddle

6The sun shines brightor dark).

He sat silentor idlecross-leggedthinkingwriting a lettersurrounded by friends).

Baby sleeps easy at night

It slidor sprangopen

He spoke hoarseor plainroughsensible).

He stood silentor firmmute with ragetaller than meconspicuousgazing at somethingsingingplaying on the guitarsix feet highsix feet in stocking).(=He stood and was silentstood and gazed at some- thingetc.)A glass of water stood by me halffull

The pagoda stood out clearThe room stood empty

The patient's leg swells big

The door swings shut

He talked bigor sillywildsensiblefunny).

He walks slow and lame

He wandered about naked and hungry

The screw works loose

注:这种句子有一个起不及物动词作用的系动词,可以说是S+IVS+LA+A的巧妙的结合。He talked clever.可以说是He talked.和 He was clever.的结合体。而且,它和 He talked cleverly.有些差别,clever 作为补语,说明主语he的情况,比cleverly语气更强,cleverly为副词,修饰动词talked

1445 图解:

25S+LV+NJohn was a boy.)

1446 约有40个系动词可用名词或代词作补语:

aHe was a teacherIt was his bookThat is heor him).

It was Ior me).I am my own man

He felt a foolor a kinga child againa millionairea free man again).

He became a doctorHe commencedarchaicwriteror carpenter).He turnedrather unexpectedlythiefor optimistsocialistauthortailor).They turned thief or thieves).It grew to be a big treeThe child has grown to be manShe grew up to be a pretty girl.(to be常省略,可参阅1440节)

He turned out a good doctoror a robber).It turned out a foolish ideaor an effective measure).It will turn out a dreamHe loomed up a horrible figureHe proved a thiefor a good father).It proved an effective measureIt proved a great successor a bad project).Cf1441

bHe remained a bachelorThey continued good friends

She will stay a widow for the rest of her lifeThe case rests a mysteryCf1442

He lookedsometimes looked to bea foolor daggerscompassionthe doctor that he was).My hut looks a wreckor a palace to me).He does not look himselfHe appeared a thiefHe seemed a good boyIt sounds a good planor nonsense).It loomed a fearful figure

He fell a prey to a tigeror a victim to his own follya sacrifice to your scheme).

cShe stood a peony and walked a lilyHe stood godfather to meor sentinelsponsor).He stood a giantor my friend).He posed the tallest of them allHe sat there a guestHe went an enemy and returned a friendWe parted the best friendsHe came out a different manHe came off a loseror a winnera gainer).He emerged a victorHe died a saintor a beggara bachelora prisoner).He lived a lonely manor a bachelor).He came home a millionaireHe returned a sadder and a wiser manHe left school a good scientistHe did cook and did hostHe played truantor the fool).He acted best man for meShe acted hostessHe went cabin boy to SingaporeHe went apprentice to a tradeHe will go bailor security for thator for John).(在很多句子中,动词和其后面的名词之间可以插入“as' Cf1444

dIt meant happinessor loss).Liquor means deathIt spelt ruinor deathdisaster).A equals BTwo and four make sixHe will make a good teacherThe place makes a heavenJohn made oneor the fifthof the companySeven days constitute a weekHe constitutes a burden on the family

Did he lookor seemremaina scholarHe lookedor seemedremainedso=a scholar).I am not a slave but I feel so=a slave).

He decided to be a scientistand he becomes so=a scientist).

1447 “much of(或 somewhat oflittle of…+名词可以用作补语:

He is much of a gentlemanor a lawyera rascal).(=He is quite a gentleman

He is somewhat of a politician.(=He is in some degree a politician.)

He looks more ofa gentleman thanarogue

He became less of a gentleman than a rogue

He is enough of a philosopher to keep cold

1448 一个抽象名词或具体名词用在具体主语后时,有时和一个由形容词表示的补语意思相近,若和all或一些其他特别词连用,则表示极大程度

aHe is all mirthall confusionall attentionall kindnessall anxietyall astonishmentall lifeall dignityall wisdomall politenessall gratituteall aches and painsall airs and gracesall talk and no deed.(=He is extremely merryextremely confused

She is all tearsall thumbsall smilesall eyesall earsall skin and bonesall legs and breasts=extremely sadextremely clumsyextremely cheerfulextremely attentive

He is all boyor all farmer)(=showing all characteristics of a boy

The chest is all=full of precious booksor diamonds).

He is the pictureor modelimagepatternepitomeparagonof wisdom

He is the spiritor soulessencecrystalizationof honouror meannessselfishness).

He became cruelty itselfor incarnateembodiedpersonifiedcrystalized).

bJohn is immense fun=full of fun).

My studio is chaos

Life is all glamour

Is he good pay=financially reliable)?

Whispering is bad mannersor good fun).

This sentence is bad grammar=grammatically wrong).

John is goodor poor company=friendly or unfriendly).

I could be more help

This is no matter=unimportant).

This truck is no use=useless).

Th novel is nineteenth century

Our party is Monday night

This car is a green colour=green),an American make

What year is your car

These two shirts are the same sizebut different shapes

What direction is the post office

My pen is two dollars

She doesn's look her age

We are the same agebut you don't look your thirty yearsCf1455


cHe is foolor rogue)(=foolish or roguish)(普通名词)enough to say that

He is gentleman enough to stand firm

He became fully master of=proficient inmathematics

He is right wing(集体名词)

His taste is middle-class

The clergyman is church of England

John is Cambridge University

This watch is gold(物质名词).

My dress is silk

The image is plaster of Paris

This poem is Shakespeare(专有名词).

1449 图解:

26S+LV+APJohn was in.)

1450 只有be可以用地点副词作补语,其他系动词很少这样用。在这里地点副词起形容词的作用,往往不表示地点而表示别的东西:

aSomebody was about=near).He will be about=activeagain after he leaves the hospitalHe is now upor outand aboutor around)(=active after an illness).Lots of books are about=available in this cityInfluenza is about=here and therein this areaHe is not about =very unwilling)(美语)to admit his fault

bHe has been around=is sophisticated).

cThe hammer is away=put away in the box

dNobody was by=near).None of his relatives are close or nearby

eHe is not yet down(= He has not yet dressed and come downstairs).The tide is down=out).He is down with (= ill in bed witha coldThe river is downThe sunor The moon is downThe tyre is down=flat).The rate or The priceHer temperatureis down=has become lower).He seems terribly down=depressedabout his defeatHe appears down and out=utterly defeatedin very bad circumstances).He is down in the mouth(= sad).He is down to two dollars=has only two dollars left).She is down for=on the program fora songHe will be down on=look down onme for this mistakeHe was down=failedin the examYour words are down (= writtenin the contract

fHe is home from schoolThey are back by six

gIs he in=at home or in the office)? Is the trainor the steamerin=arrived)? Oranges are now inin season).Summer is in(=come).He has been in(=in officein powerfor two yearsA short skirt is in=in fashion).The rice crop issafelyin(=has been reaped).Applications should be in=receivedby May 3I'm in for =will jointhe contestWe are in for=will suffer a punishment

hI must be off(= gonowThe train is off=has started).The church is miles off=away).Christmas is not far offThe electricityor The waterThe gasis off =not onno more available).This gift article was off (=no more available months agoThe meetingor The picnicThe engagementis off= cancelled).He is well or badlyilloff=in goodor badcircumstances).My watch is off=wrong).His hat and overcoat were off=had been taken off).This lamp is 30 percent off =off its regular price).The meat is off=no longer fresh).I'm off=free from regular work today

iThe wateror The electricityThe lightThe tapThe radiois on(= runningfunctioningin action).The battle or The rainThe showis on;(=going on).What is on =happeningin the streetWhat is on=on the pro- gramat PalaceHis hat is on=on his head).His case is on= being considered).Dinner is on=servedfrom six to tenAll passengers are on(= in the vehicle).

fMy brother is out=not innot at home).The manager is out(=not in the office).The secret is out=has become known).The latest number of the magazine is out(=publishedtodayThe results are out=have been pub- lished).The stars are out=visible).My daughter is al- ready out=has already been introduced into society).The tide is out=low).The flowers are all out=open).The wineor the cupis out=finished).My purse is out =empty).The term is out=finished).The lease is out =at the end of the term).School is out=over).I shall return before the week is out=finished).The candleor The fireis out=has been extinguished).The Republican Party is out=not in power).The road is out=impassabledue to snowSome prisoners are out=re- leased).This hairdo has been out=out of fashionfor 5 monthsThe labourers are out=on strikeout of a job).My hand is out=out of practice).Two players were out =had lost the right to play).You are out=wrong in your guessMy watch is ten minutes out=too fast or too slow).They are out=at oddswith each other

kThe stormor The rainThe showThe warwas over =has ended-opposite to on).It is all over= all finishedwith meThe tea party is nearly overSome friends were over= came hereyesterdaySome money is still over=remaining).He'll be over=there)(口语体) at six

lHe is not at all thereor here)(=crazy).(俚语)

mWhen will you be through with=finishmy novel I am through for the day=have finished today's work).I get through with my work at 6 pm..He is through in politics=His political life is finished).I am through with you=Our friendship is no more).You are through =Telephone connection has been made).

nThe moonor The sunis up=has risen).Pricesor Salesare up=have become higher).A question is up (= arises).He was up=did not sleepall nightHe is not up=has not left bed yetLet us be up and doing (=active and busy).The country is up=rising).My blood is up(= I am angry).The rebels were upParliament is up(=no longer in session).Your chance is up (=finished).Time is up=The alloted time has terminated).His timeor His termHis leaveis upWhat is up(=happeningwith youIt is all up=all finishedhopelesswith himHe seems well up in=well acquainted withthis subjector current events).He will be up(=go to a higher place or a large city).He will be up and around(=wellagain soonHe is up=on trialin court

oHe is aloneor awayaloofasleepagape).It is ashoreor aflameafloatabloom).(这些是作补语的形容词,前面带有前缀a-,有些并不是地点副词。)

Were is the Great WallWhen is her weddingHow are you?(这里用疑问词作补语)

1451 图解:

27S+LV+PN or PGJohn was in a bad temper.)

1452 约有15个系动词可用介词短语作补语:

He is in Room SixThey have been at the wedding party

The book seems about some form of revolutionMy house is without waterAre they for or against the proposalI am from Tibet


aHe was at handor at work).

He was in debtor in powerin pain).

He was on duty,(or on edgeon the phone).

He was out of officeor out of work).

He was under oxygen

He was beyond himself with grief

It was below sea levelor below the average).

It was beneath contemptor beneath criticism).

It was beyond repairor beyond belief).

It was in blossomor in fashion).

It was on saleor on ice).

It was out of context

It was all over the placeof It is simply over my head).

It was within one's graspor within sight).

bI feel at homeor out of sortsup to itat ease).

It has become of no useThey grew at varianceor out of temper).

He seemed at his wit's endsThe news seemed out of doubtYour remark appeared out of placeHe appeared out of his mindHe appeared just out of school

He looks in good healthShe does not look at easeIt looked out of placeIt smells fishIt tastes of onionThey kept in touch with meOur world remains out of orderThe situation continued out of tune

He went off his heador out of his mindinto ecstasies).He stood in terroror in awein dread of itin meed of it).I lay at his mercyThe city lies in ruins

1454 介词的宾语可以是一个动名词:

That is like throwing pearls before swine

She is near crying

It is worth doing

She is above marrying such a man

He is against declaring war

He is for fighting to the last man

He is past relenting


It is of no use=useless).It is of educational interest=interesting in education).It is of some consequenceIt is of little value

OfWhat age is heHe isof your ageThey areof the same agethe same sexthe same tasteThey are society peoplebut not our typeWe are not that sort

OfWhat sizeor shapelengthheightis ItThe animal is the size of an oxor the shape of a bird).These two buildings are the same heightThe street is the right widthThe bed is just the length he likesHe is a long figureThe room is a hundred feet squareIt's good quality and a good design

What colour is the tableThe table is a dark yellowor the colour of your chairs).

What price is the car?(CfHow much is the car?)The car is twenty thousand dollars

What weight is the porkThe pork is two kilograms

What use is this stickThe stick is no useThe dog is much service to menWhat good is this catIt's no good

What part of speech is the word“go”

1456 约有10个系动词可和名词连用,表示数目或尺寸。这些名词前可说省略了某些介词。不过多数字典都认为这些动词是不及物动词(若真是不及物动词,它应可以独用,在它后面不需加上日期,尺寸或重量的词。):

The journey costs ten daysor five thousand dollars).

The work costs a lot of care

The sugar weighs five kilograms

The table measures two feet in width and four feet in length

The thermometer readsor registersindicates30℃

He looks only twenty years of age

He stood five feet

The rainfall averages 52 inches a year

The workers average eight hours a day

The students total two thousand

The troops numbered twenty thousand

1457 图解:


28SLVIJohn was to come at six.)

1458 约有10个系动词可以用不定式作补语。

1459 这些系动词中最重要的是be

1460 a.不定式可以用作名词型的补语,表示某个动作和抽象主语所指是同样东西:

My aim(抽象主语)is to assist youor for him to lead a happy lifefor Mary to go to college).

His advice is for you to admit your mistakesor to fight to the last man).

Our difficulty was to master English in a yearor to have to smile in the presence of our boss all the time).

To teach is to learnTo boast is to cheatTo live is to suffer and to struggle until our death

1461 b.不定式也可以用作形容词型的补语,表示主语的动作或品质。主语可以是抽象的东西,也可以是具体的东西:

This book(事物)is to be read(=readableby childrenThis herb is not to be eaten=edible).The house is to protect us from rainsunshine and theftMoney is to be spent

We(人)are to get married next SundayMary is to go to college next yearI am to teach English grammarJohn is to die at 90

Music(抽象名词)is to entertain and raise our spiritGrammar is to assist us in writing good sentencesThe worst is to come

He is to blame(=to be blamed).The house is to let=to be let).(有被动意义。)

1462 在下面句子中有be以外的系动词,后面可跟不定式:

The report provesor turns outto be trueHe proved to know it all

The situation appears to be improvingIt looks to be easy

The letter seemed to have been tempered with

He can't seem to see=He seems unable to see).

He grew to know the worldHe grew to believe itHe came to hate heror to know herto hear itto believe it).This place has come to be used as a schoolHe is getting to be =is becominga nice fellowKim got to be=becamewell-known

This theory remains to be testedHe continues to be faithful

He stands to=is sure towinor gainlose).

1463 如果主语是不定式,或是补语很长,那么用不定式作补语比用动名词作补语更好一些:

His purpose is to discover(而不用discoveringwho is the most faithful of his friendsHis habit has been to eat break- fast after brushing his teeth

To respect others is to be respected(而不用being respected).(=If you respect othersyou will be respected.)To keep silent is to save plenty of trouble.(=If you keep silentyou will save plenty of trouble.)

1464 图解:


注意不定式to admit意义上的主语for you的图解办法。

29SLVGJohn's problem was having to do it at once.)

1465 只有系动词be可以用动名词作补语:

His problem was having to get over all these obstacles

That is telling a lieThat would be going too far

My objective is finishing the work as soon as possibleMy problem was having to get everything ready by sixHis distress was having too much money and too many wivesHis bad habit has been getting up lateMy mistake is studying literature

Leaving a large fortune to children is encouraging them to be good-for-things.(如果主语是动名词,则用动名词作补语,比用不定式作补语时多。)

Saving is having

Seeing is believing

注:在这类句子中,主语必须是抽象名词或动名词,be表示主语和补语是指同样东西。但在John is studyingThe wind is blowingThe story is interestingThis child is charming.这类句子中,动词的-ing形式表示主语的动作或特点,因此是谓语动词或是分词,而不是动名词。外形相似,但意义不同。

1466 图解:

30SLVThat-ClJohn's problem was that he had to do it at once.)

1467 在所有系动词中只有be能用that引起的从句作补语:

His problem was that he had to get over these obstacles

The chances are that he will failHis order is that every- body should come at seven

Not that she loves Bobbut that she loves society.(=It is not that…but it is that…

It's not so much that I lover her as that she loves me


It seemed=or appearedthat he was right.(=The ap- pearance was that he was right.)

1468 图解:


31SLVW-Cl or W-IJohn's problem was what he should study or what to study.)

1469 在所有系动词中只有be能用一个由疑问词引起的从句或不定式作补语:

Thator Thisis why I have comeor why I worry).

The problem is who is to pay and when we can start

Our problem is what to dowhere to gohow to begin

Our question is how can we stop this bloodshed and when shall we live a peaceful life?(注意主语前的助动词和句末的问号)

My question is what to do after I am graduated

1470 图解:



32SLVAP.+N or G


SLVPaPPN or GJohn was afraid of dogs.)

1471 约有30个系动词跟有一个形容词(或分词)及一个合适的介词,在语法上等于一个及物动词。有时甚至可以找出意思与这种动词短语意思相近的单一及物动词。


aHe is conscious of[or is alive to](=knows)(LVAPhis situationor being suspected).He is short of(=lacksmoneyJohn is desirous of(=desiresfameor going abroad).This is similar to(=resemblesthatShe is void of(=has nocommon senseThey are fearful of =fearratsor being searched).She is fond of(=likesflowersHe is averse to=dislikestobaccoor helping anyone).His face is suggestive of=suggestscontemptHe is famous for hospitalityHe is attentive to the lectureThese books are readable by young men onlyHis writings are unintelligible by common peopleHer singing was audible by the farthest seatsThe movie is enjoyable by anybodyHe is equal to meeting any crisisThey were bent on doing evilAll things are subject to decayI am sorry for himShe is sore at meShe's cuckoo on dress

bThis story is interesting to=interests)(LVPrPPevery childThe movie was amusing to=amusedthe audienceHis expression was pleasing to=pleasedhis friendsThe result is shocking to=shocksour team

cWater is composed of=comprises)(LVPaPPoxygen and hydrogenHe is pleased with(=likesmy giftor playing with children).John was accustomedor usedto comfortable lifeor living in a warm climate).He is reduced to povertyor begging).John is given to imtemperanceor lying).He was starved to deathThis is made of ironHe is qualified for the jobor teaching).He is interested in chickensor keeping ducks).He is tied up in a crime

1472 一些其他系动词也可用于这种结构:

aHe felt tired of lifeseemedor appearedastonished at the newsThings seem hard on me

He became conscious of the dangergot married to hergrew intoxicated with lovewent distracted with grieffellor cameshort of his dutyran short of provisionsor handsgoods).His income fell short of the expenditureHis work fell short of the standardor our expectationthe required amount).His speech fell flat on the audienceThe tax fell heavy on the tenantsIt came rightor easynaturalwrongillto meThe ship got or ranfellfoul of the rocksor a junk).The sewing machine provedor turned outuseful to our family

bHe remained ignorant of the serious situationThe pack- age remains untouched by anyoneThe library stays open to the publicHe kept aloof from othersShe stays keen on Davida teacher she met five years agoYou may rest certain of his supportor obtaining what you want).

It smellsor tasteslooksbad to himbut good to meThe statement sounds funny to us

He stood mute with rageThe burden sat lightor easyon meThe custom passes current among mountaineersThe remarks passed unnoticed by all presentShe fought shy of himor canned food).

He made merry over another's mishapI must make sure of his addressHe makes free with my moneyThey made ready for the fight


He is an enemy=averseto falsehoodHe is a friend to =fond ofliteratureHe may be master of=proficient inthis subject

1473 图解:

33SLVPNPN or GJohn was in fear of death.)

1474 约有5个系动词(特别是be)可以和介词、名词和介词构成成语。这种成语在语法上相当于一个单一的及物动词,可以用名词、代词或动名词作宾语:

aWe were at war with=foughtthemHe was at the head of(=headedthe processionHe is at home in (=knowsEnglishGambling is at the bottom of=causesall evilsHe seems at a loss for words

They grew at variance with usThey are at peace with usHe remains at the zenith of his fame

This subject is beyond the reach of=exceedsmy knowledge

He appeared beside himself with joyor praising him- self).

bThe adventurer is in the danger of(=riskslosing his lifeHe is in a fair way to(=approachessuccessor being promoted).Mary is in the mood for musicor listening to music).He is in the service of=servesDrJohnsonHe is in command of=commands5000 menShe is in the first blush of youthHe is in partner- ship with some friendsIt is accordance with the rulesThe documents are in the hands of a jewellerHe is in charge of this libraryThe book is in process of publication

cHe is on a visit to=is visitingJapanThey were on an expedition to the North PoleThey are on the track of (=are pursuinga criminalI am on the lookout for(=am findinga jobHe was on the brink of=was nearingdeathHe is on the high road to being promotedHe is on the point of moving to another place

It is out of keeping with=violateshis wordsHe became out of favour with herHe grows out of touch with the timesThis subject goes out of the sphere of science

This is within the reach of ordinary menHe is within an inch of destruction

1475 图解:


SLVPaPIJohn was anxious to study.)

1476 一个系动词加上一个表示意愿的形容词(或过去分词)可构成动词短语,如果后面跟一个不定式(作宾语),这个短语在语法上也相当于一个及物动词。约有10个系动词可以这样用:

He is anxiousor concerned)(=longsto go abroad

They are impatientor eagerkeen)(=eagerly wishto get married

He is disposedor desirousinclined)(=likesto fight

After living abroad for thirty yearsshe is dying to see her fatherland

He seems determinedor decidedresolvedto divorce her

He is readyor promptto help the poor

He grows interested to get rich

He appears willingor contentreadypreparedto work hard

We are aptor liableto criticize others

After three months of illnesshe remains ambitious to stand first in the class

He felt afraid to disturb his boss

At the age of tenhe became curious to know about sex

David is going=intendsto study electronics

We are agreed=have agreedto wait and see

He is all wildor crazydyingburning)(=fervently wishesto own a motorcycle

He is unwillingor averseloathreluctant)(=refusesto help anyone


He is anxious for Mary to study hard=He is anxious that Mary studyor shall study or should studyhard

He is eager for his students to pass the examination=He is eager that his students passor shall pass or should passthe examination

He is willing for his daughter to marry a poor scholar

I am in no hurry for you to get married

He is pleased for you to come over

副词too可以放在上面提到的形容词前,意思和very相同。但He is too=veryanxious to speak.和He is too angry to speak.不同,后者的意思是He is so angry that he cannot speak.此外,all toobut tooonly too可用来代替too,表示very,但意思更强一些。

1477 图解:



SLVPN.+that-ClJohn was afraid that his mother would scold him.)

1478 一个系动词和一个表示精神作用的形容词(或过去分词)可构成动词短语,在语法上相当于一个及物动词,后面可跟一个由that引起的从句作宾语。约有10个系动词能用在这种短语中:

aI am sure(=believethat he is at homeHe was afraid =fearedthat he would failI am not doubtful=don't doubtthat he will succeedHe is aware(=knowsthat I cannot help himI am glad=rejoicethat the war is overHe became angry that you made the same mistakeI made certainor surethe door was closedHe remains or keepsconfident that he will winHe is ignorantor conscioussensiblehappythankfulthat every- thing is OK

bHe is deeply interested that I'll study in FranceHe appearedor seemedsurprised that I said“no”He felt or grewworried that you didn't write

cI'm amazedor shockedannoyedirritateddisappointeddisturbedupsetthat you should reject her like that.(在这类由that引起的从句中可用should表示感情,有时有like thatso这类词和它一起用。)

I'm glador pleasedgratefulsatisfiedthat you should return the money so fast


He is afraid lest she shouldor mightreveal the secret

I felt uneasy lest she should have an accident

He was impatient lest he should be late

1479 在和虚拟语气的动词一起用时,that可有if的意思:

He would be happy that=ifyou should follow his advice

I should be astonished that(=ifyou could win the game1480由于介词+名词有时相当于一个形容词,所以SLVPNthat-Cl可以相当于SLVAthat-Cl。和SLVPNPN一样,这种句型本可构成另一句型,但由于例句较少,为了处理上的方便,在这里一道处理:

He is under the apprehension=is apprehensivethat a great war will break out

He is in hopes(=is hopefulthat you will recover very soon

I am in dread=am afraidthat he will fail

He was in fear(=was afraidlest she should be killed

I am of opinion that every man is a good man

He is under the impression that your family is very happy

1481 That常可省略,特别是在一些常用形容词后的that从句中:

I am glad you have come

Are you afraid he will be angry

I'm sorry you are hurt

She is sure he will come

1482 在形容词(或分词)和that从句之间不要插入介词:

He is afraid of that his mother will scold him.(错句)

I am sorry for that I have made the same mistake.(错句)

1483 图解:

36SLVA.(P)+W-Cl or W-I

SLVPaP.(P)+W-Cl or W-I

SLVPN.(P)+W-Cl or W-IJohn was doubtful whether he would succeed or what to do next.)

1484 由系动词加表示精神作用的形容词(或副词)和介词构成的短语,如果用一个由疑问词引起的从句或不定式作宾语,它在语法上也相当于一个及物动词。约有10个系动词可用在这种短语中。介词常常省略掉(可参阅14781482节)

aHe is not sureofwhether you will succeedI am forgetfulofwhat I have doneHe appearedor seemedafraidofwhat you would doI grow doubtfulofwhether she likes meHe became awareofhow you treated himHe seems ignorantofwho is his fatherHe felt surprisedatwhy Wang was killedBe careful ofhow you write to herHe seemed recklessofwhat would happenHe remains curiousaboutwhy she neglects himI am amazedathow he has succeededHe is indifferenttowhat you saidI am not certainofwhen this ought to be doneHe grows fussyabouthow his meals are cooked

bHe is not sureabouthow to do itHe is carefulofwhat to sayHe is not sureofwhether to resign or not =whether he should resign or not).I am forgetfulofwhat to do=what I must do).I grow doubtfulofwhere to find a job=where I can find a job).He seems ignorantofwhen to go back to school after the vacationHe is indifferenttowhat food to eat and what work to doHe grows fussyaboutwhat to drinkJohn seems puzzledaboutwhat to sayHe remained doubtfulofwhere to find a wifeHe grew curiousabouthow to make a toy

1485 由于介词+名词有时在语法上相当于一个形容词,在本节中将LVPNLVA合并处理可能是适当的(参阅1480):

aHe is in doubt=is doubtful)(as towhat we could doI am in a puzzle=am puzzled)(aboutwhat step I must takeI am at sea=am puzzled)(abouthow he did itI am at my wit's endor in perplexity)(aboutwhich way to takewhether to get married or not

bHe is in doubt what to doI am in a puzzleaboutwhat step to takeHe is all at seaabouthow to beginI am at my wit's endor in perplexityin two mindsin several minds)(aboutwhich way to takewhether to get married or to continue my study

1486 图解:


Things are exactly as=in the same state asthey were before

This country is almost as I left it ten years ago

Our policy is still as we declared it in Geneva

2:句型3233343536都在SLVC类句子中处理,因为它们中间都有系动词。不过放在STVO 那一类中处理也许更好,因为系动词和某些词可构成及物动词。这样安排虽然比较合乎逻辑,但容易使某些读者感到糊涂。


1487 SDVOO句型的直接宾语一样,SFVOC句型中的宾语通常为名词或代词(而补语可以是形容词、名词、地点副词、介词短语、分词或不定式):

I find John talking with his child

I want him to dress like a nice boy


I find it hard to persuade a woman.(不可说I find to persuade a woman hard.)

He considers it necessary that a man should know at least one foreign language.(不可说He considers that…language necessary.)

37SFVNAJohn made the house dirty.)

1488 约有200个宾补动词可用形容词作补语。


1They found the book easyfelt it coldfelt themselves guiltysaw him so sadlearned her gonediscovered the house empty

2They thought him honestfancied themselves rightimagined it easysupposed it truepresumed it genuineesteemed themselves happyconsidered it easyfiguredor countedit goodaccounted themselves innocentbelieved it truejudged it goodconcluded him deadheld it cheapheld me dearconceived themselves safeknew him honesttook it easyor illamiss);remembered him still young

3They calledor termedhim generousdeclared him deadavowed themselves wrongpronounced it genuineprofessed themselves mistakenconfessed them- selves guiltywere reputed very generous

4They proved it falseshowed themselves honestcertified him insaneor healthy);guaranteedor warrantedit purepassed him honestrated it goodgranted it possiblegraded his handwritting illegible

5They feigned themselves illpretended themselves innocentcounterfeited themselves crazyboasted it precious

6They wished him deador illhappy);wanted the house clean and tidyliked their tea very strongpreferred the soup fresh and warm

1489 b.约有30个宾补动词既不表示精神活动也不表示具体动作:

1They made him responsiblegot the floor dirtyhad the tickets readyhad their pockets emptyrendered the work difficultturned the situation favourabledroveor setmadehim mador wild);sent me crazystruck him deador dumbspeechlessdeafblind);left everything topsy-turvy

2They putor setbroughtthings rightkept the room cleanplaced him first in mathsbled their parents whiteranked him honourablecut me deadmarked six of the students absentHe is aged twenty- sixHe's born blindIt is dated May 1

1490 c.至少有50个宾补动词表示具体动作:

1He pushedor flungthrewburstbrokeforcedkickedheldthe door openslammed the door shutcut the string shortshot her deadboiled the eggs hardopened it widebeator hammeredit flatwashedor brushedwipedlickedsweptit cleanslit the envelope openbeator pinchedher black and blueburned himself deadknocked himself senselessshook me awake

2He baked the cake brownpulled it longground it sharpchopped it shortturned the light lowwrapped it up tightraised the portrait highcopied it fairdyed it redstained it bluepumpedor squeezedshookwrungdrankit dryrubbed it smoothstripped it baresliced it thinstuffedor filledhis pockets fullburned the bread black

1491 d.约有20个宾补动词(多由不及物动词变成)表示人的动作,后面常跟自身代词:

They talkedor sangthemselves illor hoarse);drank themselves drunkate themselves sickslept themselves soberread themselves asleepcriedor weptthemselves blindlaughed themselves red in the faceor hoarse);shouted themselves hoarsewalked themselves lamestripped themselves nakeddanced themselves wearywept themselves soberstudied themselves silly

1492 当宾补动词和形容词都是单音节词,尤其当宾语较长,或包含有疑问词或关系代(副)词时,形容词常紧跟在动词后面:

They made good(单音节词)the lossor their promise);made clearor plaintheir opinionlet loose their caged birdslaid bareor openthe enemy's designlaid waste the enemy's country

He set free all the prisoners of the city(较长宾语),threw open the private garden which they had closed many yearsbroke open the door which they could not open with the keycut short the sentence that seemed too long

Whose(疑问词)letter are you copying fairWhich string are you going to cut shortWhat people do you consider great

He has a grey beard which(关系代词)he shaves close every five daysHe spoke to a woman whose husband he was going to set freeHe spoke kindly to Johnwhom he secretly wished ill

1493 在上述句子中,宾语的补语表示宾补动词所指动作的结果。但在下面句子中,宾语的补语常是when所引起的从句的紧缩形式。例如alive意思是when he was aliveyoung意思是when it was young,约有20个动词常可这样用:

They trapped the animal alivetrained it young

They took or caughtsavedburiedburnedhim alive

They usually ate the herb rawdrank their tea very weakserved the food hotroasted an ox whole

The snake swallows its prey whole

They carried him half-dead to the hospitalreturned the purse intact to the ownerbought it ready-madeor second- hand);brought the child safe to landsent me healthy and happy back to my parents

1494 So可以用来代替任何形容词补语:

“Is it correct”“I find it so”“But I don't think it so

“He is cunning”“But I don't call him so

Your future will be fine if you decide to make it so

1495 至少有30个及物动词(大多表示精神活动),可以成为宾补动词,但要求形容词前加as

aThey abandoned it as uselessacknowledged themselves as carelessacceptedor announcedthe story as truecensured this chapter as unnecessarycertified the statementascorrectconstrued his reply as unfavourablecounted themselves asor fordeador lost);criticized him as heartlessdeclared themselves as cleverdenied it as stupiddenounced him as traitorousdecided him as sillydescribed the case as seriousdesignated him as dishonestcouldn't ensure the business as profitablefeigned themselves as ignorant of the robberygave me up asor fordeador hopeless).

bThey held it as valuablelabelled him as dishonestlooked upon the stone as genuinelooked up to him as holyranked Shakespeare as the firstreckoned the child as cleverrecognized it as importantregard the plan as difficultrepresent the situation as hopelesssee him as trust worthyset down the advice as valuablestigmatized him as cruelwarrant the liquor as genuine

1496 图解:

as unnecessary在这里作为一个整体来图解,很难在图解中给as一个真正合适的位置。

38SFVNAPJohn laughed it away.)

1497 无数的宾补动词可用地点副词(或称副词型小品词)作宾语补语。

这个句型38可以看作是句型7 STVAPN的变体。句型7包含3个部分(参阅1341)。TVAP放在一起,作为一个整体;N可能由3个或更多个重要的词构成。而句型38包含4个部分。句型7TV变为FVAP变为补语,起独立作用,并受强调;N包含一个(多为代词)或两个较不重要的词(参阅1364)。

aHe pulled me asideThey set the decision aside=did not carry it out).Put it aside=reserve it).

He kept the child away from the dogscolded his maid awaywished me awaybothered the guests awaysnatched her letter awayHe talked the hours away (=talked so that the hours flitted away);wept the night awaydreamed his hours away=passed his hours in dreaming);drank his property away=drank so much that he became poor);laughed my fears away =dismissed them by laughing);explained my doubts away

He called me backhit me backanswered me backpaid the money backfrowned me back

bHe helped her downgotor hadit down=had it written);took my letter down=wrote it in short-hand while I dictated it).The applause brought the house down so loud was the applause).He laughed this idea down =so that it failed);talkedor laughedme down= talked or laughed so that I couldn't speak or act);has lived the scandal down(=lived until it is forgotten by people).They voted the measure downPut meor my namedown for ten dollarsgiven to a charity).

cSend the child homesee her homeHe drove the argument home=made the listeners understand its full force).

He let us inrang the guests inWe danced the New Year inbowed the guests incount him inplug the kettle inShe has her pupils in by 8 am

He saw her offhelped her off with her coatcould bite his tongue off=regretted having said something wrong).He turned the lightsor the radiooffslept the headacheor fatiqueoff=slept until he got rid of his headache or fatigue);walked his meal offlaughed the idea off =down);paid his debt offlet me off at the station

dHe putor hadhis white shirt onpulled her socks onhelped her on with her coatleft the light onturned or switchedthe TV on

He let the dog outbowed his guests outfound his way outpushed the window outhad an evening outHe blew the candle outbrought the meaning out(=made the meaning clear);cried his heart outswore his tongue outHe told the secret straightor rightouthad it out with his enemy=came to a settlement with him by frank discussion).She had her cryor sleepout=cried or slept until she felt satisfied);sat the show out(=sat until the show was over).The wind raged itself out=raged until it was exhausted).

eHe knocked the glass overhelped her overhanded the business over to measked me over(=asked me to call on him);turned the page overWe talked the matter over(=discussed it carefully);thought the matter overlooked the letter overHe counted the the apples over=again).he declared the war over=at an end).He had his grandson over in Berlin

fHe slept the clock round=slept 24 hours).

He called his men togethertied all the prisoners together

He read it through=till the end);saw the event throughsat the night throughsaw your trick through=was not deceived by it);waved me through

He pulled his socks upHe kept his reputation upbrought his children uplooked the word up in the dictionarylockedor chainednailedpackedtorebrokeit up=thoroughlycompletely).

They cannot keep the revolt under

1498 图解:

39SFVNNJohn called me Lee.)

1499 至少有110个宾补动词用名词作补语。

1500 约有70个宾补动词后面不必跟as.这类动词有些后面可以加as,但也可不加:

aThey madeor crownedanointedhim Kingappointedor nominatedhimasMinister of Financeconsecrated him archbishopconstitutedor inauguratedhim presidentchoseor electedhimastheir leaderpromoted him generalcommissioned him generalThe King created him countdubbed him a knightHe was named assistantordained priestincorporated a member

bThey callor namenicknamedubhim Fattychristenor baptizeher“Mary”termor stylethemselves “Doctors”labelor brandhimasa foolentitled the book“Words”phrase the failure a “success”abbreviate New York“NY”write Peking“Beijing”mark the bottle“Poison”pronounce ski[Mi:]

cThey countor reckonesteemitasan honourconsideror deemit their dutysupposeor thinkac- counther a good girl

dThey acclaimedor hailedhimasa herovoted him a good teacherdeclared himasthe saviour of their countrypronounced himasa great philanthropistpro- claimed himasa great poet

eThey admitor acknowledgeconfessfeelthemselves asinferiorsshowprofessthemselves artistsreveal himasa murderera monster

They warrant himasa very honest personcertify him as one of the members of their associationprove him a criminaljudge him a silly fellowknow himasa rascal

fThey made the plan an object of ridiculemade the distance seven milesor the total a thousand dollars);found the city a prosperous placeleft the city a ruinleft me an orphanor me their son's guardian);kept nothing a secretsaw their son a beggarhad a son a great sportsmanHe was born a poetor a rich man).

They ledor tookmadehim captivetook him prisoner

They enteredor enrolledhimasa member

gJohn is a nice gentleman and everyone thinks him so=a nice gentleman).“Is she his wife”“We consider her so (=his wife).”The rose still smells sweet although you don't call it so(=the rose).They say John is a funny fellowand I find him so=a funny fellow).

1501 有许多动词(多数表示精神活动)由于使用as,变成宾补动词,这和上面的例句不同,as不能省略:

aThey describedor depictedrepresentedthe place as a paradiseThey qualified him as a hypocritedefined me as a rogue

They fanciedor imaginedtheir leader as a god

They accepted his words as the real truth of the matterrecognized the country as an independent state

bThey criticized the plan as a failuredenounced him as a public enemyblamed the policy as a great mistakecursed me as a madmanlooked down upon him as a foolmocked me as a clown

They valued it as a precious giftadmired her as an intelligent girllooked up to him as an authorityextolled him as a heroheld him up as an examplethought much of me as a good writer

cThey set him down as a foolput it down as a pretextregarded her as a tigresstook me as his best friendlooked to me as their benefactorrelied upon me as their adviserheld my gift as something valuablecontemplated my advice as nothingtreated me as a childlooked upon me as their enemyremembered Smith as a cheatintroduced me as a musicianspokeor thoughtof her as a nice girlsaw me as nothing

They rank him as a great poetrate him as a pedant

dThey designated Williams as the successorinaugurated him as principal of the schoolinstalled him as chair- manengaged me as a clerk

They ownedor claimedthe child as their ownThey cited many cases as evidencegave the number as 72

His speech stamped him as a gentlemancharacterized him as a snob

They designed the room as a kitchenused a table as a bed

He is bred up as a scholaris known as Johnis naturalized as an Americanis regarded as a philanthropistis established as president of the company


They branded John for a hypocriteknew him for a villainput him down for a foolgave John up for a dead manchose her for their servantnominatedor electedhim for presidenttookor mistookthe stone for a diamondin- tended the house for a hospital

1502 下面4句话意思相同:

He chose her a wifeHe chose her as a wifeHe chose her for a wifeHe chose her to be a wife


They elected him presidentHe elected him as president

They elected him for presidentHe elected him to be presi- dent

1503 在这类句子中可用一个由what引起的从句作补语:

Call it what you will

I found the city what it had been

Consider her as what you think the best

1504 注意把SFVNNSDVNN分开,试比较:

We called him ShortieWe called him a taxi

We found John a good manWe found John a job

1505 图解:

As a paradise作为一个整体来图解,也许可以当作介词短语来图解。(参阅1511图解)

40S+FV+N+PNJohn put everything in order.)

1506 至少有70个宾补动词用介词短语作补语。

1507 这类介词短语多数都可用在系动词后(参阅1453),作为形容词型的补语。它们对宾语加以说明,对句子的完整性至关重要。它们和用作状语修饰动词的介词短语不同,后者可以省略,例如:I thank him for the giftHe paid the rent to the landlord.中的斜体部分便是。

aThey PUT everything in order=They made everything orderlyCfEverything was in order).They put her in charge of a class=They caused her to take charge of a class CfShe was in charge of a class).They put the police on the track of the thiefa thief on trialhim out of humourme out of countenanceme to shameThey put the piano in tuneall things in shapethe machine in actionthe law in forcetheir doctrine in practicea new currency in circulationeverything out of orderor gearjoint),the loss out of accountor consideration).

bThey SET the prisoners at liberty=They made the prisoners freeCfThe prisoners were at liberty).They set those people at oddsor at variance)(=They made those people quarrel).They set a person over the departmenthim on the right wayJohn against herthe machine in orderthe table in a roara project on foota house on fire

cThey PLACED it at my services=made it serve me),a sum at my disposalthe government in their powerme in command of an armythe department under a ministeran orphan in my handsthe boy under the careor the protectionof his uncleme under their order

dThey HELD the property in trustor in pledge)(=kept the property as security),learning in esteemthe lesson in remembrancethe money in their hands=at their disposal),themselves in readinesshim in respector venerationdisdaincontempt),the enemy in checkor in playat bay).

eThey KEPT their children in good health=kept their children healthy),him in prisonor custodychainsconfinement),him in countenanceme in the darkme in suspensethe house in good repairsthe school in orderthe articles in stocktheir own mindor nerveon the stretchtheir own children out of harm's waysome of the mad men under restraintthe prisoners under guard or control).

fThey LEFT it out of accountor considerationcalculation)(=ignored it),me in the darkthe servant in charge of the houseit on deposit in the bank

gHe TOOK them at a disadvantageher at her wordhis little children in towevery small thing into accountor considerationcalculation),his enemy off his guardeverything she said on trustthe child under his wing

hHe HAD four servants in his employ=Four servants were in his employ).He had her in his mercysomething in viewor mind),a matter in hand

iThey BROUGHT the custom into being=They caused the custom to existCfThe custom came into being).They brought the law into force=They made the law effectiveCfThe law came into force).They brought his genius into playthe machine into usethe war to an endthe country to a crisis

jThe doctor got me on the dietthe pest under control

kThey laughed themselves into fits=They made them- selves convulsed with laughterCfThey burst into fits of laughter).They criedor weptthemselves into a fit overworkedor worriedthemselves into consumption =worked or worried so much that they became ill of consumption肺痨的古老字).They drank themselves in- to their gravessmoked themselves into calmnessthought themselves into a paradiseworked themselves into a temperThey waved me into their house=made me enter their house by waving to me);dined him into a good humourtalked black into whitekissed a full sense into empty words

lHe talked me to death=He killed me by talking so much).He swore me to secrecycriedor sanghimself to sleepdrankor laughedhimself to death

mThey laughedor lookedher out of countenance= made her abashed by laughing or looking at her);

laughedor shamedme out of a bad habitbought me out of my housereasoned me out of my plantalked money out of my pocketHe drank himself out of his jobate himself out of house and homeran himself out of breathsinned himself out of salvation

1508 下面的介词短语表示宾补动词所表示精神活动的结果。这些短语前有时可插入to be,例如:They imagined themselves to beout of dangerThey thought itto beof great importance.但在C类句子中不可插入 to be

aI held the matter of no account=thought the matter to be unimportant),my fortune and life at nothinghim in esteemor respect),nobody in contemptor disdain).

They found their family in tearsme at workyou out of humoureverything in order

I felt myself in the mood for singingor at homeup to swimming).I felt everything in order

bThey wished the war at an endsupposedor thoughtfanciedconsideredjudgedit of little importanceesteemedor countedaccountedthemselves on the right scentor the right way);declaredor pronouncedthe report beyond beliefavowedor confessedprofessed themselves out of contact with the timesshowedor provedguaranteedit of great valueshowed them- selves of noble spirit.(还有一些其他动词在 1512节中列出)

cThey referred to it as of no valuelooked upon him as past cureregarded the flowers as out of placethought or spokeof the news as beyond belief

1509 就像系动词后的介词短语一样,宾补动词后的介词短语中有些介词(特别是of)有时可以省略(参阅1455):

He found them the same shapewished it a red coloursaw it no usepainted the door a green colourmade the desk a large size

1510 上面提到的介词短语是形容词型的补语,因此是句子不可缺少的部分。下面的介词短语是修饰动词的状语,因此在语法上是可以省掉的:

He studied music on Sunday

He passed his youth in Paris

He pronounced every word with care

He loved her out of pity

1511 图解:

41S+FV+N+to be or to haveJohn believed you to be honest.)

1512 约有90个表示判断的动词用“to be +补语“to have +过去分词作补语。这个句型一般表示主语认为或宣布某人或某物是什么(样)或做过某事:

aThey believedor thoughtfiguredmaintainedhim to be honestthe book to be usefulhim to have been unrulythe book to have been useful

They supposedor presumedassumedallowed [dated]conceivedhim to be an expertor an honest man),the instrument to be uselessgranted this to be true

They tookor guessedconjecturedme to be a French- man

I estimated the size of this room to be 400 sqft

He made the cost to be a hundred dollars

bThey suspected him to be a thiefto have stolen their thingsThey doubted him to be an honest man

They consideredor heldesteemedcountedaccount- edreckonedmade outlooked onthemselves to be luckythe plan to be a foolish idea

He is reputed to be a good doctor.(They repute him[to be]a good husband.陈旧用法)He is recorded to have made this canal

They judgedor concludeddeterminedhim to be a foolthe plan to be of little use

cThey construed his reply to be unfavourable

They foundor perceivedfeltsawdiscoveredthe trouble to be unavoidabletheir new teacher to have studied many subjectsThey noted David to be too clever

They knewor understoodrealizedthe situation to be against themtheir friend to be a snake in the grass

They fanciedor imaginedthemselves to be the best men in the townthe circumstance to be favourablethemselves to have been cheated

dThey provedor arguedbespokehim to be worthy of promotionit to be wrong

They denied the rumour to be truethe accusation to be justyou to have given them any assistance

They declaredor proclaimedaffirmedpronouncedannouncedstatedassertedreportedthemselves to be members of a secret societythe rumour to be unfoundedthe diamond to have been stolenThe diamond is alleged to have been stolen

They showedor indicateddenotedthemselves to be trustworthyHis conduct shows him to be a great man

eTheir accent revealedor betrayedthem to be foreigners

They disclosed this matter to be a conspiracy

They professedor claimedthemselves to be engineers gave themselves out to be scientistsbragged of them- selves to be the richest men in the city

They recognizedor ownedhim to be their bosom friend

They confessedor ownedprofessedthemselves to be guiltyor mistaken),to have made a great mistake

They acknowledgedor admittedthemselves to be sillytheir idea to be a dreamthe accusation to be just

He warrantedor guaranteedvouchedavouchedat- testedensuredit to be pure

He certified the statement to be correct

fHe boasted himself to be a great scientistor to have done great things);feigned himself to be ill

They nominatedor namedher to be secretaryappointed John to be the supervisorpromoted him to be a generalchoseor electedhim to be the presidentvoted him to be a good boy

They described me to be a mysterious person

They apprehended their son to be in danger

They discerned himor made him outto be a hypocrite

They implied him to be honest

They idealized her to be a perfect angel

1513 在上面句子中,to be后面的形容词或名词表示某种特点,而在下面句子中,to be和后面的现在分词表示现在正在进行或在主要动词所表示时间当中正在进行的动作,而“to have +过去分词表示主要动词所表示时间之前已完成的动作:

They suspected him to be playing a trick on thembelieved him to be telling the truthimagined themselves to be making great progress

They supposed him to have seen much about the world judged him to have stolen the watchThe wrinkles on his face represented him to have suffered much

1514 在上述动词后只能用不定式 to be to have,其他动词的不定式一般不能用,但表示状态(而不是动作)的动词不定式可以用:

They knew him to go to school.(错句)

I believed John to make poems.(错句)

I considered him to read English very easily.(错句)

They knew the box to contain 20 cigarettes.(正确)

I believed the sentence to mean something ill.(正确)

I consider it to belong to another category.(正确)

I find it to have several advantages.(正确)

1515 在不少情况下,不定式 to be可以省略,这时句型变为 S+FV+N+N A PN.但“to have been”“to be +现在分词却不能省略(参阅1488 a1500 a15081509):

They supposed himto bewrongfound itto bea good policyreported himto bethe best man for the jobbe- lieved himto bea thiefthink itto beof little value

但:They believed it to have been stolenI should guess him to be playing a trick on me

1516 此外,上面的简单句(都是书面语或正式文体)可以变为包含一个that从句的复合句,这时句子则变为非正式文体,不过有少数宾补动词不允许作这样的改变:

They believed him to be honest=They believed that he was honest

I considered this trouble to be unnecessary=I considered that this trouble was unnecessary

He declared himself to have done his best=He declared that he had done his best


He named her to be secretary=He named that she was sec- retary.(错句)

I count myself to be lucky=I count that I am lucky.(错句)

1517 图解:

42S+FV+N+IJohn wanted me to do it.)

1518 约有140个宾补动词(表示愿望命令)可以用任何不定式(包括to be)作补语。这种句型通常表示主语+希望或请求+名词+作某事或成为什么

aThey wantedor wishedhim to teach their sonevery- body to be a saintThey intendor meandesirehim to study abroadThis story is calculated=designedto mislead the publicThey expected him to work hardHe designed the furniture to fit his roomI recommend her to learn music

bHe askedor toldher topleaseopen the door

She notified us to move out

He requiredor requestedneededme to help him

He reminded me to shut the window when I went to bed

We urged the public to take precautions

They causedor gothadoccasionedeverybody to kneel downtheir men to destroy the bridgeprovisions to be readythe rule to be observed

They gave me to understand all the intrigue

The module programs the flash to provide the right light

cI cannot bring myself to acknowledge the faultto scold herto believe the newsto leave my children hungryI wish I could bring=leadyou to understand itThose gangsters compelledor forcedconstrainedcoercedme to accept the proposalPoverty forced him to work hardHunger droveor goadedhim to steal

He condemned them to be imprisoned

The judge sentenced him to die

He likesor hatesloveshis wife to dress wellsummer to come

I should prefer my daughter to study artthem to talk less

dHe charged me to send the letterme to keep the diamond

He commissioned me to buy a car for him

He set his servant to go to the markether to cook

He trusts me to arrange everything

He sent me to pick grapes

He enjoined us to obey

I phonedor calledwiredwrotehim to come

He orderedor directedcommandedhis men to get ready

They delegated him to speak at the meeting

He instructed the agent to sell it

I was assignedor scheduledto sing

He summoned them to appear

eI should not oblige you to spend your money

I am obliged to help him

He pressedor urgedme to drink more

They invitedor askedme to spend the vacation at their country-househim to speakto singto dance

He welcomes you to enjoy his hospitality

fThey begged him to accompany themme to help them

They entreatedor besoughtthe mayor to pardon themme to do something for them

They conjured him not to criticize them

They implored him to spare their sonthe king to be mer- ciful

I adjured him to tell me the truth

They prayed the god to save themthe enemy to set them free

gHe advisedor counselledrecommendedhis friend to work hardhis friends to try this pill

He persuaded his friend to work hardme to help her

They warnedor cautionedme not to go out that nightme to be careful

I pledge myself not to be unjust

I have committed myself to support his son

I bound myselfor himto pay the debt

hHe suffered nobody to touch his flowershimself to be caught

He allowedor permittedthe students to play in the classroombut other teachers forbade them to do so

He cannot bear any man to speak with his wife

He left the students to find it outthe readers to judgethem to sink or swim

iThe ticket entitled the bearer to see the movieHis ability entitled him to command an army

I empowered him to supervise the city

The law authorized the judge to sentence him to death

They promoted him to direct this department

They licensed me to practise medicine

jHis success decided me to try

The circumstance determined him to work hard

We programed her to sing

We enrolled him to be a freshman

The weather influenced him to change his mind

The high salary disposedor inclinedhim to take the job

God has chosen us to take land

I selectedor pickedfounda man to teach English

kI induced him to accompany meNothing could induce him to believe it

This matter led me to thinkor him to make a discovery).

Nothing can move him to change his mind

He bribed them to keep silent about his crime

Poverty might promptor enticemoveme to commit a crime

They tempted him to be a playboy

He coaxed her to give her apple to him

He badgered his father to buy a bicycle for him

lHe helped metodo everythingustocook riceaid- ed us to do itor in doing it).

He assisted me to prepare coffeeless common than in preparing coffee).

His wealth enabled him to buy a big building

Their assistance enabled me to succeed

They prepared their students to take the examI have to prepare her to receive the bad news

mYou provokedor exasperatedhim to speak rudely

They challengedor dareddefiedus to fight again

This success inspiredor promptedencouragedme to study harder

They excitedor incitedstimulatedthe people to rebel

nThey trainedor disciplinedhim to be patient

They educateor teachbring upDavid to be nice

He conditioned them to watch each other

I must accustom myself to get up earlier

I will troubleor botherthankyou to do something

I understoodor misunderstoodhim to say so

I haveneverknown him to cursehim to help the poor

oHe usedor employedutilizedthe coconut shell to take water

He beckoned them to approachthem to draw nearer

They whispered us to be quiet

He signedor signalled)(toforthem to wait

He nudged her to speak

He has paidor hiredyou to do the dirty workbribed the police to excuse his offenceengagedor employed me to type

1519 这种句型有一些变体:

aHe causedor orderedenabledmusic to be played.(在没有必要说明谁演奏时,可用不定式的被动形式)

He allowedor permittedhis good name to be soiled

bI do not want there to be another war=another war to come).(another was为宾语,to be there为补语。)

He likesor wishesthere to be a picnic=a picnic to take place).

He held there to be no god=that there is no god).

He meant there to be no trouble

He hates there to be any quarrel

I should prefer there to be a meeting

I hate there to be some misunderstanding between us

I expect there to be some kind of agreement


I promised him to work harder=that I would work harder;不是指 that he would work harder).

1520 图解:

43S+IVP+N+IJohn cried to me to stop.)

1521 约有40个不及物动词后面跟特定的介词,可用作宾补动词,用不定式作补语:

aI prayedtoGod to save me

I telephonedor wrotewiredto her to come immedi- ately

He criedout)(or shoutedto her to stop

The bugle called to the troops to assemble

I motionedor signalled)(tothem to go away

He beckonedtome to follow

He signedtome to take a seat

I nodded to him to do so

I proposedor suggestedto John to accompany me

We appealed toor called uponhim to do something

We applied to the government to assist us

We looked to him to supply us with rice

bThey asked for us to settle the matter

They gestured and shouted for him to come back

Most of us longedor hopedfor the war to be overbut some dreaded for a peace to come

I wishedor pressedfor it to be done at once

I agree for him to pay me next week

The plan provided for the rich to assist the poor

I have arrangedor plannedfor her to go to college

We have fixed for the wedding to take place on Sunday

We waited for them to tell us the news

They sent for him to build the houseor the doctor to come at once).

He didn't care for me to do anything for him

They looked for someone to assist themThey did not look for a stranger to come at night

The company advertised for boys to do the job

cWe called upon him to act

We dependedor reliedcountedupon him to help us

Everything depends upon him not to interfereWe count on him not to know it=count on the chance that he does not know it).

He prevailed upon her to marry him

They fixed on him to speak on their behalf

dI pleaded with him to do something for me

They demand of me to keep a secret

We beg of him to save our lives

He trusts in me to help him

He yelled at her to stop


I made signs for=signedhim to comemade an appeal to =requestedthem to help the victims

I am anxiousor willingimpatientin a hurryfor= entreatJohn to come

1522 图解:

44S+FV+N+IJohn let me do it.)

1523 约有20个宾补动词用不带to的不定式作补语:

I made him study(不要用 to studyhardI will make him stay

He let me go(不要用 to go).Let him come here at seven

Let it be destroyed

He had some accident happen to him=Some accident happened to him).I had many friends call on me

I watchedor looked atbeheldperceivedsawobservednoticedhim comeWe watched the plane flyHe found or witnessedher speak with someoneHe heardor overheardlistened toher singI felt the pressure in- creaseHe felt himself grow interested in music

I haveneverknown him tell lies

1524 He let slip the opportunity=let the opportunity slip),let fall a hint=let a hint fall),let go my handlet drop the unessential partslet pass my mistake

1525 在某些结构中,一些宾语可省略:

She helpedmemake my clothes.(Am.)

He has to make do=managewith a table for a bed

He made believe=pretendednot to see me

I hearpeoplesay that John has diedhearpeopletellor speaktalkof the accident

1526 在某些宾补动词后to可用可不用:

I will have himtocome at onceWould you have meto believe it

He'll helpme)(tocarry itCatherine helpsme)(to cook the dinner.(Am.)

He bade metowait

I have never knownor never knewhimtobehave so bad- ly

1527 不要说:

I make him studies hard.(错句)

I make him to study hard.(错句)

1528 图解:

45S+FV+N+Prp S+IVP+N+PrpJohn kept me waiting.)

1529 至少有60个宾补动词可用现在分词作补语。


1They kept me waitingkept the machine running

He left me standing outsideThe news left me wondering

I cannot have=cannot suffer)(or won't havethem wasting their timeI will have=insist onyou finishing it by JanuaryWe shall have the rain coming =The rain will come).I had many friends waiting for me=Many friends waited for me).

He got his son learning=made his son learnEnglishthe water boilingHe got=hadsome friends wait- ing for him=Some friends waited for him).

2I took heroutshoppinghunting

The bell brought people gathering on the square

He sent his child trampingbeggingsent the price soaringthem packinghis enemy sprawling backwards

He set the house burningThe story set them laughingroaringgaspingtremblingthinkingHe started or setthe engine runningthe ball flyingthe clock goingthe music playingHe started=set me laughing.(CfLet us set the period as beginning on June 1.)

3I caught himwhile he wasstealing itHe caught you doing thatI met herwhile she waswalking with JohnHe surprised her bathing in the river

I sensed him doing something very mysteriouslyI felt the house shakingmy heart beatingmy end approachingfelt myself trembling in his arms

I sawor beheldlooked atobservedwatchedglimpsedperceiveddescriedscanneda rat running pastnoticedor feltfoundhim stealing somethingI sawor heardhim talking with her =I happened to observe part of the action).I saw or heardhim talk with her=I observed the whole action.)但:I should like to hear him talk(不用 talkingwith her

4I heard him giving orders

His imagination depictsor picturespaintshimself hovering in the skyI imaginedor fancyhim wandering about the city like a beggar.(CfImagine yourself as being respected by your friends.)

He thought himself doing the best thingNever suppose yourself knowing everything

I anticipated something happening

I recollectedor recalledrememberedher glancing at me more than once

5Newspapers reported him missing

I cannot understandor conceivehim doing such a foolish act

I don't likeor hatedislikedetestmy wife going out oftendon't want anyone cheating me

I saw lying on the street a dead man who seemed to have been killed several days earlier.(如果宾语太长,分词应放在宾语前面。)

He set running the engine which we had thought use- less

1530 b.至少有20个不及物动词要求分词前加 as才能变成宾补动词:

He fancied her clothes as being made of goldrecognized me as speaking on behalf of allaccepted me as having seen much of the worlddescribed the city as expressing a modern idea of speedtreated money as having little valuedismissed the fault as being the result of carelessnessvisualized her as having pretty eyessaw life as being a dreamstruck me as being a fool

It is regardedor looked uponasbeinguselessaccepted asbeingthe largestrecorded asbeingthe bestportrayed as belonging to a new eraHe is quoted as saying that education is all importantwell-known as being upright

1531 c.有些不及物动词加介词可以用作宾补动词,后面用分词作补语。由于这类句子很少,或许可以把 S+IVP+N+ PrP这种句型看作是和S+FV+N+PrP一样:

They heard of him living a comfortable lifetold of my brother having succeededlistened to her singing thought of their boss planning to fire them

I think of him as representing modern writersThey spoke of the factory asbeingthe bestThey looked upon him asbeingtheir teacherreferred to the book as teaching everythingBad novels are sometimes referred to as poisoning the mind of young people

1532 图解:

46S+FV+N+PaPJohn had it done.)

1533 约有30个宾补动词可用过去分词作补语:

aShe had a red dress madea picture takenher teeth pulled outme put in prisonHe had his watch stolenKing Charles had his head cut offI had no breath leftno rice leftmy car repaired

She made a red dress=She made it herselfShe had a red dress made=Someone made it for herHe had his watch stolen=Someone stole it.不是 He caused someone to steal ithave表示状态。)

The house has its windows broken

bYou must get your hair cutthe rules obeyedyour house cleanedHe got his watch dislocatedIf you do soyou will get yourself disliked=become unpopular).

You must get your hair cut=You must cause somebody to cut your hairget表示动作。)

cHe could not make his voice heardHis power made him respectedHe made his influence felt and recognizedthe secret knownthe proposal listened toit understood that he was an honest man

He will keep me well informedthe bitter lesson rememberedevery child well fedhis mouth shut

He left the matter undecidedit unsaidhis work half doneno means untriedno stone unturned

dI heard my name calledHave you ever heard Italian spokenI've never heard this song sung

He felt himself lifted upinsultedhypnotized

I mustor willsee=ensurethe work doneher revengedI've never seen a man hangedHe saw the village burned

He found the work already donehis country attacked by the enemythe house desertedhis eyes dazzled by lighthimself elected president

He watchedor perceivednoticedthe situation changedhis country occupied by foreigners

eHe imagined himself insultedfancied himself defeatedlostburied

He thought himself neglectedor honouredby his friends

I considered matters settledmyself discarded by men

I wantor wishdesirethe package insuredeverything finished by twelvelike it done at oncesuch things discussedpreferred grammar studied first

I ownedor confessedprofessedacknowledgedmyself beatenmyself mistaken

fHe brought me acquainted with her

He reported seven planes shot downtwenty persons killed

He ordered them banished from the city

I cannot bear this matter mentioned again

1534 间或过去分词前有一个being表示动作正在(被)进行:

I saw the village burned.(=The village was burned when I saw it.)

I saw the village being burned.(=The village was being burnt when I saw it.)(更形象)

He first discovered potatoes being used as food

I found the work being done

I heard the song being sung

1535 如果宾语过长,过去分词可以放在宾语前面:

He left untouched all the things to be done immediately

He heard played again the music he had played when young

1536 图解:

47S+FV+it+C+I or G or CIJohn made it a rule to get up early or that everyone should obey him.)

1537 约有40个宾补动词可用不定式、动名词、that从句或疑问词引起的从句作宾语,但它们都由it代表,而它们本身则移到补语后面。补语可以是形容词、名词、介词短语或分词:

1538 a.不定式作宾语:

1He acknowledged it difficultor troublesome)(形容词作补语)to begin any businessHe consideredor esteemedheldit convenient to come at onceHe imaginedor fanciedit easy to learn a languageHe supposed it wrong to tell a lieThey believedor calledit silly to do soI think it fitor wellto wait hereThey declaredor affirmedit illegal to criticize the government

2He made it a ruleor a pointhis entire business)(名词作补语)not to eat between mealsThe situation rendered it a matter of difficulty to tell the truthShe judged it a useless attempt to advise himThey don't hold it a sin to stealThey pronounced it a crime to say anything against themHe accounted it fun to go to seaHe thought it no harm to smoke

3He tookor hadit upon himself(介词短语作补语) to settle the problemHe took it into his head to invent a translating machineHe had it in his mindor his headhis thoughtto talk with her seriouslyhad it in mindor in viewin contemplationto advise herHe had it in charge to take care of an orphanHe has it in his power to do good or evilHe wished it in his power to do goodHe considered it beyond his power to help meHe put it in his head to go to seaHe has left it to me to decideHe owed it=was under an obligation to his boss to tell the secretor to work hard).He couldn't find it in his heartor mindconscienceto abandon her

4He sawitfitor goodto take a restthoughtit fitor rightwellproperto wait and seeit有时省略。)He madeitplain that we would fight on for democracy

5He regarded it as of great importance for you to be humblelooked upon it as useless for us to learn art

1539 b.动名词作宾语:

1He considered it useless(形容词作补语)discussing the matter with themI found it tiresome doing the same thing every day

2He thought it a pity(名词作补语)having to let slip the chanceI don't call it living being a blind manI think it dangerous your doing so

1540 cThat从句作宾语:

1I thought it likely(形容词作补语)that he would failHe considered it important that everything should be finished by sevenHe madeitclearor plainthat he could not help anybodyHe took it amiss or illunfriendlyunkindlythat I kept reticent

2He wished it to be understood(不定式作补语)that she is not his wife

3He had heard it said(过去分词作补语)that somebody would murder himHe won't have it concluded that his son is a fool

4The trial put it beyond a doubt(介词短语作补语)that he was the murdererHe castor flungthrewit in my teeth that I was a toadyHe took it to heart that I called him a foolI owe it to him that I am still aliveI have it on good authorityor by all accountsthat she will marry JohnThey took it for granted that a girl must marry before twenty

5He laid it down(地点副词作补语)that we should be more frugalHe set it about that she was to marry him

6He gave it as his opinion(补语前加 asthat all men are alikeYou may take it as a rule that I am ready to help any friend

1541 d.疑问句引起的从句作宾语:

1He declared it mysterious(形容词作补语)why she should be killed

2He found it astonishing(现在分词作补语)how they could accomplish it

3I heard it debated(过去分词作补语)whether country life is goodThey left it undecided who was to be the chiefHe wanted it answered how the picture was drawn.(CfS+FV+N+PaP

1542 试比较下面句子:


It is very easy to talk nonsense

It seems necessary that we should know many people

1543 图解:

[=]这个符号表示里面的字句 to begin any business与符号前的it是指同一东西,也可说是它的同位语。


1544 在讨论完各种类型的谓语后,研究语态的变化是良好时机,因为这种变化在47种句型中表现得最为清楚。




1Mary walked slowly×

I dreamt last night×

It weighs five pounds×

2The prisoners broke away×

3This story reads well×



24He looks happy×

25He became a doctor×

26The storm is over×

27It was below notice×

28My aim is to help you×

29Seeing is believing×

30The problem is that the peasants are very poor×

31The question iswho can do it× My question is how to do it×

32He is familiar with the street×

33He is in dread of death×

34He is anxious to study×

35I feel sure that he will fail×

36He seems ignorant why he failed×

1547 及物动词及宾补动词,除了少数例外情况,都可变为被动语态,双宾动词还可变成两个或更多的被动结构。一般来说,跟有宾语的动词都可由主动语态变为被动语态,但在一些特定组合中却不能变。


1548 4They speak English—English is spoken

We must observe the rules—The rules must be observed


He lost heart× We gained ground× The criminal took flight×


They clapped their hands× She did her work×

John made his escape×The tree lost its life×


He hasor ownspossesses a big house× We lackor wantgood teachers× A sentence must contain a verb× She makes a good nurse× Seven days constitute a week× Words failed him× This job suits me× The food will last us two days× It costs me a hundred pounds× Two meals a day will suffice me×


It doesn't becomeor behovebefitbeseem a gentleman to curse× An accident befell him× His dress be- speaks his character× She bemoansor beweepsbe-wails the loss of her son×


John outlived his wife× John outstayed the other guest× His expenditure outruns his income×


He flewor fledroamedrangedrovedthe country× They walked the plankor the streetsthe hospitalsthe boards).× They stood an assaultor their groundill treatment).× He sat a horse well× They talked businessor shop).× They went a journey×I shall stay dinner× He waited supper×She wept hot tearsor blood).× She shedor cried hot tears×His eyes flashed fire and shone sparks× He sweatedblood× It rained dust×


5He killed himself× She has never praised herself in all her life ×


6They are living a very hard life—A very hard life is being lived

They fought a fierce waror battle).—A fierce waror battlewas fought

They sang some fine songs—Some fine songs were sung


He smiled a welcome× He nodded assent× He breathed his last× He tried his best× We fought it out to the end× We have to foot it×

7They gave up the plan—The plan was given up

The plague swept off many people—Many people were swept off by the plague


He put off going to the doctor× John gave up performing the plan×

8She laughed at every boy that fell in love with her—Every boy that fell in love with her was laughed at

We all agreed to his view—His view was agreed to

Some one trod on his toes—His toes were trodden on

Nobody had slept in the bed—The bed has never been slept in

People can climb over this wall—This wall can be climbed over


The river abounds in fish× The house abounds with rats× The bridge abuts on the road× This does not accord with the rules×This fault admits of no excuse×This piece of land belongs to John×


I abstained from drinking liquor× His reply amounts to refusing your request×


She burst into tears× My son came of age× We went to law×


9He ran away with a million dollars—A million dollars was run away with

They looked back on the old days—The old days were looked back on


I look forward to meeting you again×

10The school furnished John with books—John is furnished with books

We translated this poem into another language—This poem is translated into another language

They made fun of our children—Our children were made fun of

They took compassion on the old woman—The old woman was taken compassion on


find fault withgive effect toset fire topay heed tobear testimony togive chase totake pity onmake fun or gamesportoftake heed ofcatch or getlayseizetake hold oflose sight ofmake a fool or a showa victiman examplean end ofmake much or littleslightnothingof

They attachsomelittlenomuchsmallimportance to educationSomeLittleetc.)importance is attached to education

They raised objection against the measure—Objection was raised against the measure


lay siege togive an order to take possession ofmake mention oflay stress onset value onleave word ofsend word ofmake allowance formake allusion to take offence at

They payattention to education—Education is paid attention toorAttention is paid to education.(在主语attention前有muchnolittle或其他形容词修饰时,用后一种被动结构就比前一种更好一些。)

They have never taken notice of this matter—This matter has never been taken notice oforNotice has never been taken of this matter,(当主语前若有muchno或另一形容词修饰时,用后一种被动结构可能更好。)


make short work oftake advantage oftake care oftake exception tohave recourse toset store by.)


He shook hands with us× He rubbed shoulders with workers× He took refuge in another country×


give ear tobear witness topay court tokeep company withjoin hands withtake example byset eyes onset foot ontake leave ofgive[or pledge] faith tobreak [or violate]faith to

11He reconciled himself to his fate—He was reconciled to his fate

He engaged himself in business—He was engaged in business

He allied himself to a rich family—He was allied to a rich family

He devoted himself to music—He was devoted to music


I availed myself of his offer× He helped himself to the cake× He applied himself to literature× He prided himself on his new car× He valued himself on his birth×

12They planned to go—It was planned to go

Someone offered to buy my house—It was offered to buy my house

They decide to reconstruct the park—It is decided to reconstruct the park

They meant to reconstruct the park—The park was meant to be reconstructed.(两个被动式放在一起不算错误,但不是很好。)

13You can't avoid making mistakes× You must stop crying× I dislike accompanying any woman×


15They believe that the rumour is true—It is believed that the rumour is true.或 The romour is believed to be true

People saidor reported that many had died—It was saidor reported that many had died.或 Many were saidor reported to have died

16I cannot understand howthey can get married so easily—It cannot be understood how they can get married so easily

One wonders when war will vanish from the earth—It is wondered when war will vanish from the earth

We cannot tell what to to—It cannot be told what to do

17We must decide upon who is to do the job—It must be decided upon who is to do the job

They have agreedabout when to start the offensive—It has been agreedabout when to start the offensive

18They gave an account of how they had fought—An ac-count was given of how they had fought

We should take notice of what to buy—Notice should be taken of what to buy


He set his mind on how he could maintain his large family×

He has no interest in which country defeats which×



1549 19They teach me Japanese—Japanese is taughtto me.或I am taught(=learnJapanese(保留宾语)。

They gave John everything—Everything was given toJohn.或 John was given(=receivedeverything


advanceaffordbequeathcarryconcededeliverdoensurehandmakemete outpasspledgepoint outprescribeputreadreimburseremitreturnsellsingtaketelegraphtenderthrowwirewriteyield

This incident causes us much trouble× He nodded me a welcome×(其他很少用于被动结构的双宾动词有:grudgesmilestand.)

20She cooked me eggs—Eggs were cooked for me.或I was cooked eggs

He called me a taxi—A taxi was called for me.或 I was called a taxi


21He promised me a new coat—A new coat was promised me.或 I was promised a new coat

They set us a good example—A good example is set us.或We are set a good example

They served me a trick—A trick was servedon me.或 I was served a trick



She cast him a glance—A glance was castathim

(但不可说He was cast a glance.)

It means me no harm—No harm is meant me

He quoted me a proverb—A proverb was quoted me



They banished me the realm—I was banishedfrom

the realm,(但不可说 The realm was banished me.)

He called me names—I was called names



They answered me nothing× They envy him his wealth×



22He told John what I did—John was told=learnedwhat I did

They asked me where I bought it—I was asked where I bought it

He reminded me what to do—I was reminded what to do

23He convinced me that I was wrong—I was convinced that I was wrong

They told her that her sister had come—She was told that her sister had come




1550 37They found the book easy—The book was found easy

They drove him mad—He was driven mad

They certified it as correct—It was certified as correct


He shouted himself hoarse×

38He laughed the idea away—The idea was laughed away

We declared the war over—The war was declared over

39They called him John—He was called John

They left me an orphan—I was left an orphan

David chose her as a wife—She was chosen as a wife


Alex acknowledges himself my inferior×

40He put everything out of order—Everything was put out of order

They set him on me right way—He was set on the right way


Andy cried himself to sleep×

41They supposed him to be teaching Englishto have taught English—He was supposed to be teaching Englishto have taught English

They deny the rumour to be silly—The rumour is denied to be silly

He is said to be ill.(这个句子不能反改为主动结构)

42He wants everyone to observe the rules—Everyone is wanted to observe the rules

He intends his son to study abroad—His son is intended to study abroad

He ordered us to spend(及物性不定式)our money more wisely—We were ordered to spend our money more wisely.或 He ordered our money to be spent more wisely

He caused his students to hand in their exercises—His students were caused to hand in their exercises.或 He caused their exercises to be handed in

He allowed them to arrest him—They were allowed to arrest him.或 He allowed himself to be arrested

43He called upon them to act—They were called upon to act

He prevailed upon me to get married—I was prevailed upon to get married

We applied to them to offer(及物性不定式)us a job

—We applied for a job to be offered

I waited for him to remit somemoney—I waited for some money to be remitted


I cried to her to stop—She was cried to to stop(应避免).

44I make him study(没有tohard—He is made to study(有tohard

They help me carry it—I am helped to carry it

They let me do anything—I was let do anything(不错,但少用)

45They kept me waiting—I was kept waiting

They heard John singing Korean songs—John was heard singing Korean songs

46They have a picture taken× You must get your hair cut× They will keep me well informed×

47They make it a rule to eat one meal a day—It is made a rule to eat one meal a day

They think it fit to wait here—It is thought fit to wait here

I thought it likely that he would fail—It was thought likely that he would fail




1551 47种谓语类型不仅出现在简单句中,也可出现在分句中,还可出现在从句(名词从句、定语从句及状语从句)中。举少数例子即可说明问题。


I know that he cameIV).

····knows itTVN

····dreams of flying to the moonTVPG).

····looks for a jobTVPN).

····is fond of garlic LVAPN).

····makes friends with homosTVNPN).

····devotes himself to musicTVRPN).

····is a good-for-nothing LVN).

····holds me dearFVNA).


He is the man who cameIV).

····knows itTVN).

····dreams of flying to the moonIVPG).

····looks for a job IVP+N).


The party was over when he cameIV).

He cannot use this method although he knows itTVN).

He gets tired of the earthso that he dreams of flying to the moonIVPG).


1552 和谓语动词一样,非谓语动词(动名词、分词或不定式)可以和各类宾语及补语结合构成47种类型。举少数例子即可说明问题。


He likes talkingIV

···playing cardsTVN).

···praising himselfTVR

···teaching people how to behaveDVNW-I). 

···being in fluentialLVA).

···being a high officialLVN).

···seeing people sufferingFVNPrP).

···causing his wife to cry FVNI).


I saw him comingIV).

···looking onIVAP).

···listening to the radioIVPN).

···paying attention to his businessTVNPN).

···handing her a letterDVNN).

···leaving his children smokingFVNPrP).


I advised her to try to comeTVI).

····to avoid seeing himTV+G).

····to be carefulLVA).

····to be a nurseLVN).

····to be on her guardLVPN).

····to look upon this mistake as nothingIVPN N).

1553 47种类型的非谓语动词都可用作谓语动词的主语、宾语、补语或修饰语:


Reading papersTVN is interesting

Attending to patientsIVPN ····

To take care of childrenTVNP.+N ····

To teach children mannersDVNN ····

作宾语:I like reading papers

··attending to patients

··to take care of children

··to teach children manners


His only interest is reading papers

My greatest joy is to take care of children

I found him attending to patients

I like him to teach children manners


The woman reading papers is my sister

···attending to patients ····

···to take care of children ····

···telling them stories ····

···asking you to wait ····

···getting angry ····


