
发布时间:2021-02-12   来源:文档文库   

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文件编号: F7-A5-07-0E-D8

整理人 尼克
文件编号: F7-A5-07-0E-D8


Three questions:
1. What is Phonics
It’s an approach of teaching children to read.

2. Why teach Phonics
English has 84% phonetically regular words.
Read words kids know and look up words they do not know.

3. What’s the difference between Phonics and I.P.A (International Phonetic Alphabet

-二、Contents of phonics teaching:
Sounds of the 26 letters: Short vowels: a e i o u

Consonants: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z

2. Sounds of the letter clusters:
For example: ch sh sb ar sc sp th bl fl pl cl gl cr gr pr ph wh ir
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a_e i_e o_e u_e

三、Teaching steps: 1. 2. 3.
Greeting(问候) Roll call(点名) Warming-up(热身)
形式丰富多样,能有效的活跃课堂气氛,内容最好与语音课程相关 Chants and songs(歌曲歌谣) Games (游戏)

快速再现已学知识,复习巩固,并为新知识的学习做好铺垫 内容:字母音、字母组合音或因素发音 形式:闪卡练音,以词练音,以句练音

Lead in & Presentation(导入与呈现) 引入新知识,快速简洁 1 方法一:形在前,音在后 2 方法二:音在前,形在后

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1. 2.
发音练习:以多层次重复基本音为核心,需要丰富多样的活动 发音规则练习:用字母和字母音拆分、组合单词

3. Production(效果检测)
充分应用Chants, Songs Tongue Twisters, 巩固并体现教学成果。 1.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock; Hickory, Dickory, Dock; The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Hickory, Dickory, Dock 2.
Chant: Poor Peter! Peter had a paper cup, Paper cup, paper cup, Peter had a paper cup, Clap for Peter.

Song: * Two little black birds sitting on the hill,
one name Jack, and one name Jill. Fly away Jack, fly away Jill,
come back Jack, and come back Jill.

*A Big Pig A big pig digging, A big pig digging,
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A big pig dinging in mud. A big pig digging, A big pig digging, A big pig digging in mud.

*Ride My Bike
Ride my bike Up the side of a hill, Ride my bike Up the side of a hill. Ride my bike All over the place. Please ride with me.

* A a, alligator; b b, bird. c c, cat; d d, dog.
e e, elephant and f f, fish;

g g, gorilla; h h, hamster.

* A bat. A bat sat. A rat. A rat sat. A fat cat. A fat cat sat. Fat cat!

* Today is a big day. We will go to a lake. The lake is far away. We will take a train to the lake. We will play games on the train. We can swim in 5 9

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the lake. We can sail in the lake. Oh, I cannot wait. It is going to be a great day!

* Where is the white knight? Did he ride out of sight?
Will he come out tonight? Where is the white knight?

Where is the white bride? Did she come outside? Where did she hide? Where is the white bride?

Where is the white rice? Did you serve it up twice? Did you eat it with spice? Where is the white rice

Where us the white bike? Did it go on a hike? Did you give it to Mike? Where is the white bike? 5.
Tongue Twister:
She sells seashells on the seashore.
How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans.

6Tic-tac-toe: tic tac toe
b u g f o x y e s b o x
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s i x a n t
8. Some games:
1 画两个房子,把易混的音如pb写在里面,老师读词,学生拍相应房子;
画房子,把易混的字母组合音写在里面,老师读词,学生拍房子,ch, sh, wh;

2 用学生自制字母卡片,分成两或几组,每组组员坐在一起,老师读词,学生举首字母音相应的字母,只有队员动作反应都快的加组分;

3 Call no. __an │ __an 上来听词写首字母;

4 Bingo,老师读词,大家一起写自己的,如果和老师的词在同一个格中位置,得分;

5 Call no. Listen and erase the words.

6 分组,站成两对,面向黑板,老师板书字母,要求每个组员都要写出含有这些字母音的单词来,一个接一个,先完成的获胜。有几个组员就画几条线,但要在孩子已知词汇和能力之内。

j x y j x y ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

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7 Within one breath! ( once, twice, three times
sheep meet sleep deep bee free

8 Review some consonants: give the cards to the SS, pass the cards,
T:stop SS: say the sound of the letters from A to …

9 Making words: Can you give me a word with the sound”a”?

10 Passing: 传一个口型

11 Read my lips: (as quickly / slowly as me
I am going to just move my lips. Now you are my voice.

Who is the spy? 34个人到前面一起读句子或段子,其中有一人不发音,


13Monster or Serena: show字母卡,学生说字母音,T: I’m the monster. SS:shoot
T: I’m SerenaSS: KISS的动作。
14 找朋友:学生拿字母卡,根据老师的发音站队组词,之后全体认读拼写(组合)

15 Write it in turn: 分组列队,根据听到的声音拼写单词,按顺序一人写一字母
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16 Big wind blows: 大家站成圈拿着字母卡片,边走边对话 T: Big wind blows, big wind blows. SS: Blows what? T: Blows the letter”A”.
(The student with A stands in the center and say”a, a, a…apple, apple… and the other students squat on their heels…Passing, passing, passing the letters…学生互换字母卡

1. Closure(总结)


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