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慢性肾功能衰竭(Chronic renal failure, CRF 病因(Etiology 1. Chronic glomerulonephritis 慢性肾炎[ɡlɔ,merjuləuni'fraitis] 2. Diabetes mellitus, DM 糖尿病[,daiə'bi:ti:z] ['melitəs]
3. Hypertension: Nephrosclerosis 高血压肾硬化['nefrəu,skliə'rəusis] 4. Chronic tubulointerstitial diseases 慢性小管间质性疾病 5. Polycystic kidney disease 多囊肾[,pɔli'sistik] 6. Others 其他 治疗(Treatment 1. ACE inhibitors may slow progression 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂可能减慢疾病进展 2. Treat reversible causes 治疗可逆性病因
3. Diet:Modest protein restriction with near normal caloric intake decreases nitrogen intake and avoids catabolism[kə'lɔrik] ['naitrədʒən] [kə'tæbəlizəm]

4. Dialysis 透析[dai'ælisis]
Chronic hemodialysis (HD is the mainstay of therapy for chronic renal failure, but chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD is also an alternative. [,hi:mədai'ælisis; ,hem-] ['æmbjulətəri] [,peritəu'ni:əl]

透析的绝对指征(Absolute indications for dialysis 1. Uremic pericarditis with or without cardiac tamponade 尿毒症性心包炎伴或不伴心包压塞[,perikɑ:'daitis] [,tæmpə'neid]
2. Progressive motor neuropathy 进展性运动神经病变[njuə'rɔpəθi] 3. Intractable volume overload 难治性容量过负荷[in'træktəbl]
4. Life-threatening and intractable hyperkalemia or acidosis 威胁生命的难治性高钾血症或酸中毒
5. Toxins (e.g., ethylene glycol 中毒(如乙二醇等)['eθili:n] ['ɡlaikɔl]

透析的相对指征(Relative indications for dialysis 1. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances 体液和电解质紊乱 2. Volume-dependent hypertension 容量依赖的高血压 3. CNS abnormalities 中枢神经系统异常[,æbnɔ:'mælitiz]
4. Anemia and bleeding diatheses 贫血和出血体质[dai'æθisi:z] 5. Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting 厌食、恶心、呕吐[,ænə'reksiə] 6. Weight loss 消瘦
7. Pruritus and ecchymoses 皮肤瘙痒和瘀斑[pru'raitəs, -'ri:-] [,eki'məusi:z]

Urinary tract infection 尿路感染 Dr.: would you tell me how you feel? 医生:请问有何不舒服?
Pt.: I piss many times, and my urine is red. I also feel pain while urination. [,juəri'neiʃən] 病人:我小便次数多,尿液呈红色,排尿时疼痛。 Dr.: do you feel any back pain? Any fever? 医生:腰痛吗?发热吗?
Pt.: Yeah. There is also some pain in the lower belly. What’s my trouble? 病人:是的,小腹也痛。我是什么病呢?
Dr.: probably you have UTI. Its certain you have your urine examined microbiologically for the accurate diagnosis. ['maikrəu,baiəu'lɔdʒikəli] ['ækjurət]
医生:你可能患尿路感染。当然,需要做尿培养以明确诊断。 Pt.: I feel uncomfortable. May I have some medication? 病人:我很不舒服,现在能用药吗?[,medi'keiʃən]
Dr.: right after we have your urine sample. Please remember to have lots of water. 医生:送检尿培养后就可以用药。请一定多饮水。
Pt.: that’s all right. I will cooperate. Thank you very much, dr. 病人:好的,我会配合的。谢谢你,医生。
Dr.: you are welcome. Call my office anytime you feel necessary. 医生:不用客气。有事可随时找我。

Chronic glomerulonephritis慢性肾炎

Dr.: hi. I am the dr. responsible for your treatment. Would you tell me the detail of your disease? 医生:你好,我是你的管床医生。请讲讲你的发病过程。 Pt.: I feel pain in the back for 3 months. 病人:我腰痛三个月了。
Dr.: how is it? Do you feel back pain unilaterally or bilaterally? [bai'lætərəli] 医生:单侧还是双侧? Pt.: bilateral. 病人:双侧。
Dr.: does your pain refer to any regions elsewhere? 医生:牵涉至其他部位疼痛吗?
Pt.: no. 病人:没有。
Dr.: any pain during urination? 医生:排尿时疼痛吗?
Pt.: no. 病人:没有。
Dr.: how your urine looks like? Foamy? ['fəumi] 医生:小便是什么颜色?带泡沫吗?
Pt.: its clear yellow, with some foam. [fəum] 病人:小便是黄色的,有泡沫。

Dr.: is there any fever? And do you feel any pain in your joints? 医生:平时有发热、关节痛吗? Pt.: no. 病人:没有。
Dr.: what kind of tests did you have? 医生:在院外做了哪些检查?
Pt.: urine routine and kidney ultrasound. ['ʌltrəsaund] 医生:尿常规、肾脏超生。 Dr.: how the tests showed? 医生:结果如何?
Pt.: there is some protein and increased red blood cells in my urine. But the ultrasound said nothing abnormal. 病人:尿常规有蛋白、红细胞增多,肾脏超生正常。 Dr.: ok. May I do some physical examination? 医生:现在我要给你做体格检查,请配合。 Pt.: all right. 病人:好的。
Dr.: that is all. Take a rest please. In a while the nurses will tell you what to do next. 医生:好了。请好好休息,一会护士会告诉你下一步的检查与治疗哦。 Pt.: good. Thanks! 病人:好的,谢谢。

Teacher.: boys and girls, shall we go and see a new pt.? 老师:同学,我们一起去看一位新病人。 Students: great. 同学们:好的。
T.: take the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope with you please. [,sfiɡməumə'nɔmitə] ['steθəskəup]
老师:带上血压计与听诊器。 S: Ok. 同学们:好。
T.: after our visit, please finish the case file today each of you. I want to see them. All right? 老师:看完病人,你们要完成一份病历的书写。

department of nephrology 肾脏科[ni'frɔlədʒi]
acute glomerulonephritis (AGN 急性肾小球肾炎[ɡlɔ,merjuləuni'fraitis] chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN 慢性肾小球肾炎
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN 急进型肾小球肾炎 nephrotic syndrome (NS 肾病综合征[ni'frɔtik] latent glomerulonephritis 隐匿性肾炎['leitənt] urinary tract infection (UTI 尿路感染

acute renal failure (ARF 急性肾衰竭 acute kidney injury (AKI 急性肾损伤 chronic renal failure (CRF 慢性肾损伤
diabetic nephropathy (DN 糖尿病肾病[,daiə'betik] [ni'frɔpəθi] arterial venous fistula (AVF 动静脉瘘['fistjulə] lupus nephritis (LN 狼疮性肾炎['lju:pəs] [ni'fraitis] hematuria 血尿[,hi:mə'tjuəriə]
proteinuria 蛋白尿[,prəuti:n'juəri:ə; -ti:i-] edema 水肿[i'di:mə] hypertension 高血压
hemodialysis (HD 血液透析[,hi:mədai'ælisis, ,hem-] peritoneal dialysis (PD 腹膜透析[,peritəu'ni:əl]
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD 持续非卧床腹膜透析['æmbjulətəri]

1. How long has this been going on? 2. Does it hurt when you pass water? 小便时,你有痛感吗? 3. How often do you usually pass water? 你通常每日小便几次?
4. Do you often feel like you want to, but then find you can't? 你是否常有尿感,但又排不出小便?
5. You had better do an IVP to see if you have kidney stones.还是做一次静脉尿路造影为好,看一下是否有肾结石。

polycystic kidney 多囊肾[,pɔli'sistik]
phimosis (redundant prepuce 包茎(包皮过长)[fai'məusis; fi-] ['pri:pju:s] hypospadias (epispadias 尿道下(上)裂[,haipə'speidiəs] [,epi'speidiəs] cryptorchidism 隐睾[krip'tɔ:kidizəm]
ectopia (torsion of testis 睾丸异位(扭转)[ek'təupiə] ['testis] extrophy of bladder 膀胱外翻['blædə]
hydrocalyx 肾盏积水['keiliks, 'kæliks]( 盏,[] 花萼;杯状结构 hydronephrosis 肾积水[,haidrəuni'frəusis]
stricture of ureter 输尿管狭窄['striktʃə] [,juə'ri:tə] obstruction of urethra 尿道梗阻[juə'ri:θrə]
renal (ureteral injury 肾(输尿管)损伤[ju'ri:tərəl]
injury of bladder (urethra, penis, scrotum 膀胱(尿道,阴茎,阴囊)损伤 ['skrəutəm] condyloma acuminate 尖锐湿疣[,kɔndi'ləumə] [ə'kju:minət, ə'kju:mineit]尖的 balanitis (balanoposthitis 阴茎头(包皮)炎[,bælə'naitis] [,bælənəupɔs'θaitis] cavernositis of the penis 阴茎海绵体炎['pi:nis]

chancroid 软下疳['ʃæŋkrɔid]
soft (hard chancre 软(硬)下疳['ʃæŋkə]
hypertrophy of prostate 前列腺肥大[hai'pə:trəufi] ['prɔsteit] eczema of the scrotum (external genitalia 阴囊(外生殖器)湿疹['eksimə] [,dʒeni'teiljə] acute (chronic pyelonephritis 急(慢)性肾盂肾炎[,paiələuni'fraitis, -ne-] pyelitis 肾盂炎[,paiə'laitis]
pyonephritis 肾积脓[,paiəune'fraitis]
trichomonal prostatitis 滴虫性前列腺炎[,trikəu'mɔnəl; -'məu-; tri'kɔməl] [,prɔstə'taitis] perinephritis 肾周围炎[ni'fraitis]
abscess of the kidney (perinephric 肾(周)脓肿['nefrik] acute (chronic cystitis 急(慢)性膀胱炎[sis'taitis]
gonorrheal prostatitis(seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, urethritis 淋菌性前列腺炎(精囊炎、附睾炎、尿道炎)[,ɡɔnə'riəl] ['seminəl] ['epi,didi'maitis] [,juəri'θraitis] gonorrhea 淋病[,ɡɔnə'riə]
bacterial urethritis 细菌性尿道炎
tuberculosis of kidney (prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymis (前列腺,精囊,附睾)结核['vesikl] [,epi'didimis]
contracted bladder 挛缩性膀胱
renal (ureteral, vesicle calculus 肾(输尿管)结石['kælkjuləs] carcinoma (embryoma of kidney 肾癌(胚胎癌)[,embri'əumə]
papilloma (papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis(ureter, penis, bladder 肾盂(输尿管,阴茎,膀胱)乳头状瘤(癌)[,pæpi'ləumə] [pə'piləri] ['pelvis] infiltrative carcinoma of bladder 膀胱浸润性癌[in'filtreitiv] caruncle of urethra 尿道肉阜['kærəŋkl] [juə'ri:θrə]
teratoma (seminoma of testis 睾丸畸胎瘤(精原细胞癌)[,terə'təumə] [,semi'nəumə] •carcinoma (sarcoma of prostate 前列腺癌(肉瘤) nephroptosis 肾下垂[,nefrɔp'təusis]
hydrocele of the spermatic cord (testis 精索(睾丸)鞘膜积液['haidrəusi:l] [spə:'mætik] varicocele of spermatic cord 精索静脉曲张['værikəusi:l]
elephantiasis of scrotum (penis 阴囊(阴茎)象皮肿[,elifən'taiəsis] intrascrotal filariasis 阴囊内丝虫病['skrəutəl] [filə'raiəsis] chyluria (bacteriuria 乳糜(细菌)尿[bæk,tiəri'juəriə] Cushing syndrome 库兴综合征
primary (secondary aldosteronism 原(继)发性醛固酮增多症l'dɔstərəunizəm] virilism 女性男性化['virilizəm]
adrenal pheochromocytoma 肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤[ə'dri:nəl] ['fi:ə'krəuməusai'təumə, si-] adenocarcinoma of bladder (prostate 膀胱(前列腺)腺癌['ædənəu,kɑ:si'nəumə] •clear (granular cell carcinoma of kidney 肾透明(颗粒)细胞癌['ɡrænjulə] •leiomyosarcoma of the bladder 膀胱平滑肌肉瘤['laiəu,maiəusɑ:'kəumə] polyp of the ureter 输尿管息肉[,juə'ri:tə]
urethrorectal (urethrovaginal, vesicorectal, visicovaginal fistula 尿道直肠(尿道阴道,膀胱直肠,膀胱阴道)瘘[juə,riθrɔ'rektəl] [,juəriθrɔ'vædʒinəl] ['vesikəu] ['fistjulə] hematoma of the scrotum 阴囊血肿[,hi:mə'təumə, ,hem-]
rupture of the bladder (renal pedicle 膀胱(肾蒂)破裂['pedikl]( 蒂;[] 肉茎;花梗

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症) thrombosis of the renal artery 肾动脉血栓形成[θrɔm'bəusis] renal artery stenosis 肾动脉狭窄[sti'nəusis]
acute tubular necrosis 急性肾小管坏死['tju:bjulə] [nə'krəusis, ne-] amyloidosis of the kidney 肾淀粉样变[,æmi'lɔidəusis] neurogenic bladder 神经性膀胱[,njuərəu'dʒenik] male(female infertility 男(女)性不育症[,infə'tiliti]
azoospermia (aspermia 无精症[ei,zəuə'spə:miə] [ə'spə:miə] necrospermia 死精症
asthenospermia (aspermatogenesis 精子活力(生成)不足[ə,spə:mətəu'dʒenisis, spə:,mæ-]
impotencec(y 阳痿['impətəns,-tənsi] asexuality 无性欲[ei,seksju'æləti]
hyposexuality (hypersexuality 性欲低下(旺盛) nocturnal emission 遗精[nɔk'tə:nəl] ejaculatio praecox 早泄
male sterility (contraception 男性绝(节)育[stə'riliti] [,kɔntrə'sepʃən] apareunia (dyspareunia 性交不能(困难)[,dispə'ru:niə] penile chordee 阴茎痛性勃起['pi:nail] ['kɔ:di:]
Hematuria (gross or microscopic, intermittent or constant. 血尿(肉眼或镜下,间歇性或持续性)[,hi:mə'tjuəriə] [,maikrə'skɔpik] [,intə'mitənt]
Vesical irritability: frequency, urgency, Nocturia and dysuria. 膀胱刺激症:尿频,尿急,夜尿和排尿困难['vesikəl] [,iritə'biləti] [nɔk'tjuəriə] [dis'juəriə] Bone pain 骨痛
Flank pain 腰痛[flæŋk] IVU 静脉尿路造影
Cystourethroscopy 膀胱尿道镜
Intravesical Chemotherapy 膀胱腔内化疗[intrə'vesikəl]
Transurethral Resection (TURbt 经尿道切除术[,trænsjuə'ri:θrəl, ,trænz-, ,trɑ:n-] Partial Cystectomy 膀胱部分切除术[sis'tektəmi] Radical Cystectomy 膀胱根治性切除术 Renal Pelvic Cancers 肾盂癌 Double-J tube J
Catheterization 导尿[,kæθitərai'zeiʃən, -ri'z-] pelvic abscess 盆腔脓肿 Pelvic fracture 骨盆骨折
the posterior urethra, consisting of the prostatic and membranous portions, 后尿道,包括前列腺部和膜部['membrənəs; mem'breinəs]
the anterior urethra, consisting of the bulbous and pendulous portions. 前尿道,包括海绵体部和阴茎部['bʌlbəs] ['pendjuləs, -dʒə-] Acute retention 急性尿潴留 Chronic retention 慢性尿潴留 BPH 良性前列腺增生
I-PSS 国际前列腺症状评分

DRE digital rectal examination 直肠指检 PSA 前列腺特异抗原
Creatinine 肌酐[kri:'æti,ni:n]
Alpha Blockers α受体阻滞剂['ælfə]


