comparision between Italy Renaissance and Northern Renaissance 文艺复兴不同时期比较

发布时间:2012-10-22 15:37:37   来源:文档文库   

Question 3, Chapter 8

The Renaissance started in northern Italy around 1350. From the late 15thcentury, it spread around Europe. And the Northern Renaissance is the term used to describe the Renaissance in the Europe outside Italy. So there must been imilarities between the Italy Renaissance and Northern Renaissance.

First, both the Italy humanists and Northern Renaissance thinkers drew their inspiration from the languages and literature of ancient times and both of them believed in the human potential for self-improvement.

Second, literature works in these two periods emphasized the revival of ancient and traditional literary forms, the exploration of the human creativity, and the use of native language. Take Dante and Chaucer for example, their works show both medieval and early Renaissance features. Both of them helped lay the foundation of their national features.

Third, both Italian and northern humanists shared an optimistic view of human nature and believed in the power of education. But the educational program of the humanists placed a low value on science because it seemed irrelevant to their aim of making people more moral. Since they advocated a return to the classical texts, they raised fundamental issues about the church and its teaching; as a result, they gave way to the Reformation.

Forth, neither Italian or northern humanists were anti-religious, nor they were hostile to church. For example, the father of humanism, once said, “Christ is my God; Cicero is the prince if the language I use.” Besides, both of them made great contribution to literature, thought and arts.

Though the Northern Renaissance was the development of Italy Renaissance, it can’t be seen as a mere copycat of the Italy Renaissance. In some areas, the Northern Renaissance was distinct from Italy Renaissance. Here are the differences.

First, apparently, their beginning of time is different. While Italy Renaissance started in about 1350, the Northern Renaissance began in the late 15th.

Second, compared with Italy Renaissance, who were more interested in secular subjects, the Northern Renaissance was more religious in nature. Because of this strong religious concern, humanism in the Northern Renaissance was more than a philosophy; it was a social and spiritual movement. This can be supported by the fact that Northern humanists tried to push forward social reforms and to make better Christians through better education by combining the best elements of classical and Christian cultures.

Third, while Italy Renaissance artists whose central concern was the representation of idealized human beauty, the goal of northern artists was to stimulate religious feeling in their viewers. For example, the father of Renaissance painting, Massaccio, put a new emphasis on nature and on individual human bodies. His great works The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden vividly portrays their profound remorse and anguish through their body language and facial expressions. As for the Northern Renaissance, Albrecht Durer combined intensive religious feelings and humanistic concerns.


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