
发布时间:2015-03-16 10:54:29   来源:文档文库   





Many people are celebrate birthday all over the world . Because birthday is one of the most important days in their lives. And in China, people also celebrate birthday. The first, is the usual way, people get together in family, they eat the birthday cake, sing song and dancing. They are all very happy. The second way, some students get together in one of the students' home, it looks like a big party, and very enliven, they give the birthday's present to each other and also give the birthday's blessing. But in my opinion, the most meaningful way is the first, because in the birthday, we should thanks to our parents at first, if we haven't them, then also haven't ourselves. So I think we should celebrate birthday with our family

English: the nature of the party's hot (open) young children have a christening. Another British people always respect with restraint, polite, known as reflected in the traditional, accepting gifts and is both sides should avoid emotional exposed. Usually send modera prezo but meaningful day.hongkong gifts, because it is cheap gifts will be mistaken for a bribe. Appropriate gift timing in evening, please be in fine restaurant dinner or theater after watching it. And they are to open their presents.Chinese: burn a cake and eat desks. Go out to play Chinese usually shy, people go to open their presents.

American social relations is very simple, their children invite friends and relatives not birthday, but it must please the child's classmates. Generally speaking, if a class has a dozen children, then the parents of these children must attend a monthly basically birthday Party. Parents are normally not at home to their children organize birthday Party, but in the park, children's gym, museums and so on the local packet two hours, renting their venues. Such children are headed person, but also dedicated local play, more importantly, their parents will not be too hard, because these places will be ready games, food and birthday cake. But the general needs of the parents of the children ready for simple gifts for distribution to attend the Party of children. 美国人的社会关系其实非常简单,他们的孩子过生日不请亲戚朋友,但却一定要请孩子的同学。一般来说,如果一个班里有十几个孩子,那么这些孩子的父母基本上每个月都要出席一次生日Party 家长们一般都不会在家里给自己的孩子举办生日Party,而是在公园、儿童健身房、博物馆等等地方包两个小时,租用它们的场地。这样孩子们既有专人带队,而且还有专门的地方玩耍,更重要的是家长自己不会太累,因为这些地方会准备游戏、食物和生日蛋糕。但孩子的家长一般需要准备好简单的礼物,分发给前来参加Party的孩子们。



  ()唱生日快乐歌【 美国人过生日】


  A...Happy birthdaydear Linda. Happy birthday to you!

  BMomId sure like to see whats in that big box.

  AYoull have to be patient just a little while longer.






  美国人每次过生日时,不仅要庆祝年龄又大了一岁,还要庆祝又一年过去了,因此,蜡烛既是生命和死亡的象征,也是希望和恐惧的象征。当过生日的人对着蜡烛许愿时,他 / 她是在祈求神的庇护以便能够交好运。当过生日的人吹熄蜡烛时,他 / 她则是在希望自己能够掌握即将降临到自己身上的任何事情。

  AHappy birthday!Now close your eyesmake a wishand blow out the candles.

  B(The birthday girl blows out all of the candles at once.)OK!

  AHooray for you!You blew them all out in one breath. That means youll get your wish for sure.

罗念国 Alex 132011-03-03 14:34


More info

中英文化区别 - Some things you notice:

Birthday Card - 英国人过生日呢, 朋友必须送卡, 你会发现英国到处都有 Birthday Card . 不相信, 你可以看看 . 朋友可以不送礼物, 但是应该送 Birthday Card.

House Party - 有些英国人喜欢 house party, 如果 英国人请你到他们家玩呢, 要心里准备可能没有正餐吃吃. 许多 party 只包括 来人的家 一起看电视, 聊天, Board Games 等等. .

请客 - 过生日的人在英国不会请客, 如果他说 "It;s my birthday tomorrow, lets go out to eat" 记得你也要付款. (大家 AA)

Themed Birthday - 许多英国人过生日比较优质, 喜欢说个主题. 例如 大家dress up as pirates, dress up as a movie star 等等. 如果你有机会参加一个 Themed birthday , 你会发现英国人特别优质而Crazy .

生日蛋糕 - 英国人从来不会乱扔蛋糕, 但是 乱喝酒是可以的. 还有呢, 切蛋糕的人 应该是过生日的人, 过生日的人也是最后吃蛋糕的.

烟酒 - 除非你知道你的朋友喜欢喝酒或者抽烟, 通常 英国人不送的.

It's my birthday or is it???- 大部分英国人呢, 过生日的日子就跟 父母. 跟同学一起过呢, 可能会在周末. 英国人不一定在 actual birthday 过的.

OK if you have any comments, feel free to leave a message. All constructive comments welcome!


