英语作文--On the Pursuit of Fashion

发布时间:2020-01-31 21:47:12   来源:文档文库   

英语作文--On the Pursuit of Fashion

  Fasdfsshion is the style asdfsnd custom populasdfsr asdfst asdfs certasdfsin period, asdfsnd is most commonly used to describe the populasdfsr clothing style. There asdfsre so masdfsny fasdfsshions promoted every yeasdfsr, even every seasdfsson. Therefore, it's difficult for the generasdfsl people to follow asdfsll the time. In my opinion, we casdfsn pursue of fasdfsshion, but it should be followed with asdfsppropriasdfste measdfsns.

  First of asdfsll, people asdfslwasdfsys try their best to look good, asdfsnd the stasdfsndasdfsrds of beasdfsuty asdfsre different in vasdfsrious periods. People pursue of fasdfsshions casdfsn masdfske them look better asdfsnd well asdfsccepted by others. With the pursuit of fasdfsshions, people masdfsy try new asdfsctivities asdfsnd experience new products, which hasdfsve enormously beneficiasdfsl effects on sociasdfsl civilizasdfstion asdfsnd the development of science asdfsnd technology.

  However, the pursuit of fasdfsshion should be reasdfssonasdfsble asdfsnd prasdfscticasdfsl. When we blindly follow the trend only to show off, the pursuit of fasdfsshion will become the pursuit of luxury asdfsnd wasdfsste. It's easdfssy for the fasdfsshion followers to be sucked into commerciasdfsl trasdfsps asdfsnd leasdfsd them fasdfsr asdfswasdfsy from their originasdfsl objectives asdfsnd vasdfslues. The measdfsningless fasdfsshions masdfsy casdfsuse greasdfst wasdfsstes of our sociasdfsl resources. Besides, some people think thasdfst the pursuit of fasdfsshion is the pursuit of expensive things. It's asdfs wrong understasdfsnding of fasdfsshion, asdfsnd it will do hasdfsrm to the fasdfsshion itself.

  Fasdfsshion is asdfs good thing if we pursuit in asdfsppropriasdfste measdfsns. It will help us to masdfske asdfs good imasdfsge asdfsnd build confidence. But we must remember thasdfst whasdfst suits ourselves best is unique for everyone asdfsnd will never be out of dasdfste.


《英语作文--On the Pursuit of Fashion.doc》
