
发布时间:2019-11-18 01:00:25   来源:文档文库   




1. 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。4. 考试结束后,只上交答题卡。

(分数:120 时间:120分钟)


一) 听下面的五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳答案。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

1. What does Lisa's father want her to do?

A. To help wash the car. B. To have a walk with him. C. To take the dog for a walk.

2. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Work. B. Housework. C. Homework.

3. What is the boy going to do?

A. To have dinner with his family. B. To have lunch with friends.

C. To have dinner with friends.

4. Where are the speakers probably?

A. In the dining hall. B. In the classroom. C. In the cinema.

5. What does the girl think of doing chores?

A. Tiring. B. Boring. C. Interesting.




6. Why is Jack sad?

A. Because his brother was ill.

B. Because he did something wrong.

CBecause he didn’t pass the English exam.

7. What does the girl think Jack should do when he feels sad?

A. Work hard. B. Talk to someone. C. Do something interesting.


8. Why can’ t Tara go to the party?

A. Because she is too tired.

B. Because she has a bad cold.

C. Because she has to look after her mother.

9. What’s the relationship between Alex and Tara?

A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Cousins.


10. What does Lisa want to do this afternoon?

A. To visit the museum. B. To go to the mountains. C. To take after-school classes.

11. What is Jim going to learn to play tomorrow afternoon?

A. The guitar. B. The violin. C. The piano.

12. Why does Jim take the after-school classes?

A. Because he likes them very much.

B. Because his parents want him to take them.

C. Because his teacher asks him to take them.


13. What does Grace want to do tomorrow morning?

A. To go swimming. B. To go to the mountains. C. To see a film.

14. How long does Peter usually play computer games every day?

A. For about an hour. B. For about two hours. C. For about three hours.

15. What is NOT Graces advice for Peter?

A. Buy a new computer. B. Say sorry to his father.

C. Play computer games for fewer hours.



16. Where does Alice work?

A. At a TV station. B. At a radio station. C. At the police station.

17. What do people think of Alices programs?

A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Exciting.

18. How did the boy ask Alice for help?

A. By e-mail. B. By letter. C. By telephone.

19. What was the boy worried about?

A. His parents. B. His health. C. His study.

20. What did Alice advise the boy to do?

A. To trust himself and work hard.

B. To call her for help any time.

C. To tell his problem to his parents.



I looked at my watch. It was ten to six. There was just ten minutes left 21 we could leave for home. Suddenly the earth began to shake. In no time the shake became very 22 .

Earthquake(地震)!” someone shouted. I 23 the others to the door but we couldn’ t get out. I stayed 24 a desk, covering my head and neck with my arms. “Will someone 25 me if the building falls down? Is this the end for me?” I kept thinking about that.

Several minutes later the shake 26 . Two of my workmates tried to open the door again and they made it! We ran 27 to the street. It was such a(n) 28 that we couldnt believe our eyes — the street was full of degris(碎片)and broken wood. More and more people came out and many were 29 .Lots of them did nothing but look up into the sky 30 .

We walked a long way home not 31 much. Some were praying (祈祷)and some were crying. Communication in such a situation was 32 . Our phones didn’ t work because of the earthquake. So it was 33 to find out if our friends were okay. I had no way of letting my family in China 34 that I was still alive ().I just hoped that they wouldn’ t 35 the earthquake until tomorrow.

21. A. while B. until C. since D. before

22. A. close B. strange C. strong D. dangerous

23. A. helped B. followed C. allowed D. waited

24. A. with B. from C. across D. under

25. A. save B. push C. call D. believe

26. A. changed B. fell C. broke D. stopped

27. A. carefully B. quickly C. easily D. loudly

28. A. mess B. accident C. problem D. mistake

29. A. unlucky B. angry C. sad D. hurt

30. A. in shock B. in surprise C. in silence D. in danger

31. A. eating B. saying C. playing D. working

32. A. proper B. crazy C. difficult D. personal

33. A. normal B. impossible C. necessary D. important

34. A. feel B. remember C. imagine D. know

35. A. worry about B. think about C. hear about D. argue about


第一节 阅读理解(共12个小题;每小题2分,计24分)



Tuesday Jan. 6,9:50 p.m.

We were sitting in our warm living room. The TV was on, and everything was peaceful. Suddenly the light went on and off for a few times and then went out completely. Then the rain started, and everything went black. We found the flashlight and some candles and went to bed.

Wednesday, Jan, 7, 7:30 a.m.

My first thought after waking up was that it was pretty cold in my bedroom. Clearly, the power (电力供应didn’ t come back. After one look out of the window, I felt even sadder: it was still raining heavily. The room was becoming colder and colder. We had no idea when the power would come back, so my wife started a fire in the fireplace.

Thursday, Jan. 8, 12:30 p.m.

The snow started. The poor trees now had to carry the heavy snow. The storm seemed to last持续and we had nothing to do but stay at home.

Friday, Jan. 9, 6:00 p.m.

Still no power. Even though we lit (点燃a few candles, it was still difficult to do anything in their weak light. I was sitting near several candles, but I had trouble reading.

Saturday, Jan. 10, 1:00 p.m.

The storm stopped this morning, and I drove my car to look for an open store. The trees along the roads were broken. I only bought the most necessary things: bread, some fruit, more drinking water and batteries电池for the flashlight. On my way home, the power came back and people were very happy.

36. How did the writer feel when he found it was still raining heavily?

A. Angry. B. Sad. C. Scared. D. Shocked.

37. Why did the writer say it was hard to do anything during the storm?

A. It was too cold in the room. B. The flashlight had no batteries.

C. The light kept going on and off. D. The light of candles was too weak.

38. How long did the storm last?

A. Two days. B. Four days.

C. Less than two days. D. About three days.

39. The material is probably from a .

A. guidebook B. diary C. notice D. science magazine


You may already know that hurricanes (飓风)can be dangerous. They start on the warm sea and can bring strong winds and heavy rain. When a hurricane comes to land, it brings sea water onto the land. When it comes together with heavy rain, there can be dangerous floods (洪水). The center of a hurricane is called the eye. Most hurricanes bring dangerously strong winds, but the eye is quite different. The eye of a hurricane is a calm(无风的)place. When the eye of a hurricane passes, the weather might be fine, and people might think that the hurricane stops, but soon the winds and rain will come again.

The National Hurricane Center is in Miami, Florida. It issues watches and warnings(发布警戒和警告before hurricanes come close to land. Sometimes, if a hurricane is strong enough, people should leave their homes and travel to a safer place.

Do you know what it is like to fly a plane through a hurricane? If you’ re a hurricaner (颶风观测员)it’s your job! Hurricane hunters help the National Hurricane Center know more about hurricanes, and give them the information they need to issue useful warnings.

40. When the eye of a hurricane passes,________________.

A. the hurricane will stop soon B. the winds will be very strong

C. people might have good weather D. there may be very dangerous floods

41. Which of the following does the National Hurricane Center do according to the passage?

A. It tells people about everyday weather.

B. It issues hurricane watches and warnings.

C. It gives advice on how to watch hurricanes.

D. It helps people move when a hurricane comes.

42. We can learn from the passage that a hurricane hunter .

A. flies a plane around a hurricane B. issues useful warnings for pilots

C. teaches people how to hunt a hurricane D. gives useful information about hurricanes

43. The passage mainly tells us .

A. some facts about hurricanes B. different kinds of hurricanes

C. why hurricanes are dangerous D. how to stay away from hurricanes



You may have arguments with your friend, but do you know how to fix a friendship after an argument? Here is some advice.

(44)__________ Getting other friends into your argument or asking them to decide will only turn your argument into something bigger. So you should keep it between the two of you.

(45)__________ Sometimes it’s hard to know someone's feelings over the phone, so invite your friend to your house to talk things through. Talking in the bedroom where you usually play together will remind (使想起you both of the fun you have together.

(46)__________ Take it in turns to tell each other why you argued without interrupting (插嘴).It may be a misunderstanding. But if it isn’t, at least you both get everything out.

(47)_________ But dont leave it too long before speaking to your friend.

(48) __________ Remind yourself of all the fun you have together and forgive (原谅) your friend’s bad points. You have them too.

A. Meet face to face.

B. Think of the best things of your friendship.

C. Listen to both sides of the story.

D. Don't ask other people to join your argument.

E. Give each other space to calm down(平静).

第二节 任务型阅读 (共5个小题;每小题2分,计10分)(每空不超过4)


There was a poor shoemaker. He and his family lived in a small village. Each day they grew poorer and poorer. At last there was left in their house but leather (皮革) for one pair of shoes. I will make a pair of shoes with the leather tomorrow.” thought the shoemaker. He cut out the leather and left it on his chair.

The next morning, he saw a pair of shoes on the chair. They were nicely made and ready to be sold. With the money, he bought leather for two pairs of shoes. He cut out the leather for the shoes and left it on his chair again.

The next morning when the shoemaker went to make the shoes, he found the two pairs of shoes were already made. The shoes were very beautiful, but he was a little worried.Do you know?

49. 处填上一个合适的单词,使句意整,上下文通顺。___________

50. 请将划线句子翻译成汉语。________________________________________

51. ABC中为处选出恰当的选项,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。

A. He was so tired that he wanted to have a good rest.

B. He didn’ t know who made the shoes for him.

C. The shoemaker sold it at a good price.

3 _________________________ _____________

52. Where did the shoemaker put the leather? ________________________________________________________

53. How did the shoemaker feel when he saw the shoes again? _______________________________________



A: Hi, Megan. How are you today?

B: I’m fine. (54)

A: You’ re right. But it’s not just cold. Everything is frozen!

B: It snowed a lot last night.

A: (55)

B: Thats a good idea. We can ask our friends to come.

A: What activity do you think we should do?

B: (56) Skiing is a lot of fun!

A: OK. I can learn to ski from you. Where can we go skiing? (57)

B: That’ s true. What about Eagle Mountain?

A: Oh, yeah. Mark went skiing there last year.

B: Right. And he had a really good time.

A: (58) Do you think it’s OK for beginners?

B: I think so.

A: OK. Let’s meet at the store on our way to Eagle Mountain.

A. What hot weather it is!

B. I think we should go skiing.

C. I am good at skiing.

D. But the weather is really cold outside.

E. Eagle Mountain sounds pretty scary.

F. There aren’t too many hills around here.

G. Maybe we can plan an outside activity to enjoy the snow.



help, believe, keep, love, her, food , doctor, hour, late, shop

We all talk about good and bad habits, but do we really know whether they are good or bad habits? Everyone 59. brushing our teeth is a good habit, but there are times when it is not. Carl wanted to 60. his teeth healthy, so he brushed them for fifteen minutes after every meal. A few months 61. , he found his teeth were bad — he was brushing them too much.

The book The Habit Change Workbook will 62. you. Now let’s meet two people with “bad” habits.

Betty likes 63. . It helps her forget her worries. She also likes to shop for gifts. Betty does it to show her 64. . But when she shops for gifts for others, she often finds things for 65. . And when she finds a bargain(减价品)she often buys two, three, or more of the same thing.

Jeff is busy and he seldom cooks meals. He often has fast 66. on the way to and from work. He keeps snacks in his office. When he doesn’t have time for lunch, he will eat them. Jeff is fat. His 67. gave him some advice, but Jeff didn’t take it. Jeff also has difficulty sleeping. It always takes him 68. to fall asleep. Sometimes he reads in bed until early morning.

六.短文填空 (共5小个题,每小题1分,计5分)


Should students do their homework while listening to music? Some students think 69. __________. They think that doing homework while listening to music is a good way to stop them from 70. _________ other noises, like the noises of cars in the street. What’s more, music can make their study environment 71. (much) relaxing. But some students disagree. They think if they listen to music, they will make more 72.___________ in their homework. Also, doing homework while listening to music always makes them work slower. It’s 73.__________ waste of time.

As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides. If you put your heart into your homework, it doesn’t matter.



74. 那家游泳馆全年开放。 That swimming pool is open _____________. round

75. 我爷爷在城里住了将近五年了。My grandfather has lived in the city for ________ five years. (close)

76. 布朗先生对我们很友好,一直把我们看作是他自己的孩子。 Mr. Brown is kind to us and always __________his own children. regard

77.你为什么打算开始学游泳呢? Why are you going to ________swimming?take

78. 那个男孩反复问我同一个问题。 The boy asked me the same question____________. (over)

79. 你打算的假期期间旅行吗?Are you going to _____________ during the vacation? (take)

八.书面表达 (共1个小题,计15分)


求:1. 时态正确,说事明了,内容健康。 2. 字数80左右。




一) 听下面的五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳答案。每个句子听两遍。

1. M: Could you help me walk the dog, Lisa?

W: Sorry Dad. I am tired.

2. M: I think as students, we should help with the housework.

W: I think so. Doing housework can help to develop our indq>endence.

3. M: Could I go out for dinner with my friends?

W: Sure. But you should come back before half past nine. ' -

4. M: Could you please pass me the salt?

W: Sure, here you are.

5. M: What do you think of doing chores?

W: I hate doing chores. It's boring.

M: But I think it s interesting.




W: Hi, Jack! How are you?

M: I'm feeling really sad because I didn’ t pass the English exam.

W: That’s too bad! Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad?

M: I want to, but I don’t know how to ask others to talk with me.

W: Don't worry. I will help you. Everything will be OK.


M: Why don’ t you join the party, Tara?

W: I’ d love to. But I have to care for my mother. She has a bad cold.

M: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your mother will get better soon.

W: Thank you, Alex. Please remember to tell me our homework.

M: No problem.


W: I m going to visit the museum with my friends this afternoon. Would you like to join us, Jim?

M: Sorry, Lisa. I have no time because I have to take after-school classes.

W: What are you going to learn?

M: I' m going to learn to play the piano this afternoon. And I ’ll have the violin lesson tomorrow afternoon.

W: Poor Jim. You are so busy. Do you like these after-school classes?

M: No, I don’t. But I have to, because my parents want me to learn them.


M: Hello, this is Peter speaking.

W: Hi, Peter. This is Grace. Tomorrow is Saturday. Could you go to the cinema with me tomorrow morning?

M: Sorry, Grace. I dont want to do anything. I argued with my father yesterday. He didn’t allow me to

play computer games for long.

W: How long do you usually play them every day?

M: About two hours.

W: Oh, it is really a little long. Playing computer games too much is bad for your studies.

M: As you say, am I wrong? Should I say sorry to my father?

W: Of course. You should say sorry to him and play computer games for fewer hours.

M: I see. Thanks a lot, Grace.

W: You're welcome.



My friend Alice works at a radio station. She works very hard and carefully. She really loves her job. People think Alice’ s programs are interesting and many people like her.

When people have problems, they always talk to Alice. And Alice often gives people some useful advice. Last month, a boy called Alice. He was worried about his study. Alice told the boy to trust himself and work hard. Her words made the boy smile again. Now the boy and Alice are good friends.



6—10 CBCAA 11—15 BBCBA

16—20 B ACC A 21—25 DCBDA 26—30 DBADA 31—35 BCBDC

36—40 BDDBC 41—43 BDA 44—48 DACEB

49. nothing 50. 我明天再用皮来做一双鞋。 51. CB 52. On the chair. 53. Worried.

54—58 DGBFE

59. believes 60. keep 61. later 62. help 63. shopping 64. love 65. herself 66. food 67. doctor 68. hours 69. so 70. hearing 71. more 72. mistakes 73. a 74. all year round 75. close to 76. regards us as 77. take up 78. over and over again 79. take a trip


Hi, everybody! I have something great to share with you! I successfully made a chicken hamburger last weekend. Here I want to tell you how I made it.

First, I put some tomato sauce on a piece of bread. Next, I cut up some lettuce and put the lettuce onto the bread. Then, I put some pieces of chicken on the bread. Finally, I put another piece of bread on the top. Well, a chicken hamburger was ready. It tasted very delicious.


