
发布时间:2020-04-01 02:18:34   来源:文档文库   


Niagara Falls, one of the world’s greatest natural wonders, can only be described asbreath taking. No matter what time of year, whether it’s the beautiful rainbows glistening inthe mist, or the magnificent ice bridge created by the cold of winter, Niagara Falls alwaysseems to amaze it’s viewers. Schoolbooks called it one of the greatest wonders of theworld, bring to mind pictures of a far away, unattainable place. It seemed like alarger-than-life miracle of nature. As a child, I believed that Niagara Falls, like Mt.Rushmore and the Grand Canyon were all very real attractions of the world. I was giventhe facts and numbers, but never could I imagine the actual size and greatness of thefalls.




gush north to Lake Ontario. Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, butconstant erosion hascut them back totheir present site. The falls arecolorfullylit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds

are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice.

8."50;716/284-4233).FromGoatIsland,theCaveoftheWindstourleadsdowntothebaseofthefallsbyelevatortowithinalmost touching distance of the water (mid-May to late Oct; $

pass for these and other attractions costs $

thetollforacarisjust75,butpar**ontheothersideisupwardsof $


As you look on in awe, reflect that you're seeing only about half the volumeof water - the rest is diverted to hydroelectric power stations. The full story ofthisengineeringfeatisrelatedatthefreeNiagaraPowerProjectVisitorsCenterin nearby Lewiston (July & Aug daily 9am-6pm; Sept-June daily 10am-5pm;716/285-3211). With your own transportation it's also possible to trace theinhospitableNiagaraGorgetwomilesalongthedramaticRobertMosesParkwaytotheWhirlpool Rapids, a violent maelstrom swollen by broken trees and other flotsam.

Ten miles east of Niagara Falls, the town of LOCKPORT takes its name from theseriesoflocksthatraiseandlowerboatssome65ftatthewesternendoftheErieCanal. You can see the impressive flight of locks from the Pine Street Bridge, or

up close on canal boat tours


