
发布时间:2016-02-03 11:21:14   来源:文档文库   


Elaine was a saleswomanwho drove all over the city five days a week. When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stopshe would drive quickly along the emergency lane. While driving she usually__1__on her cellphonedrinking a soda or eating a sandwich—her handslegs and mouth were always__2__while she was driving.

Last night she got__3__in Friday evening rush hour. She was going to be __4__for her date. She was already__5__when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped. Elaine drove__6__over to the emergency lane. Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to__7__her car. A good­looking officer walked up.

“Officermy boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant. I have constant morning sickness. I’m just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my__8__.” She looked at the officer with__9__eyes.

He looked at her pitifullythen said__10__“Okayma’am. Take the first exit. I hope you’ll be feeling better.”

The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that__11__had worked for her. She had one more thing to do before she got home. She had to mail a package. When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pmno parking was__12__except for the handicapped space. Elaine drove right into it. She would only be a minuteshe told__13__.All she had to do was __14__the post officeget the package__15__and pay the clerk.

Fortunatelythere was no__16__in the store. Everything was done so __17__that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car. Then she stopped__18__.There was an envelope on the windshield (挡风玻璃)She opened it slowly. She knew__19__it wasbut not how much it was. She screamed when she saw the__20__.A dog started barking.

1. A. depended  BCarried Ctalked  Dsold

2A. full    Bopen

Cfree   Dbusy

3 A. stuck   Bhurt

Cannoyed    Dpunished

4A. late    Bready

Cexcited   Dmad

5A. satisfied    Bangry

Cexhausted   Dcalm

6A. reluctantly    Bimmediately

Cguiltily   Dgratefully

7A. stop     Bstart

Cdiscard    Dspeed

8A.gas    Bticket

Cmedicine   Dpackage

9A.innocent   Baggressive

Caddicted   Dproud

10A. softly    Brudely

Cstrictly   Dskeptically

11A. officer    Bexcuse

Cdriver    Dmistake

12A. adoptable   Baccessible

Cacceptable   Davailable

13A. the clerk   Bthe guard

Cthe worker   Dherself

14A. take out   Bget out

Crun into    Dpush into

15A. weighed    Bprinted

Crepaired    Dpaid

16A. car    Bline

Cpolice    Dservice

17A. quickly   Bslowly

Cstrangely   Dquietly

18A .talking    Bdriving

Cthinking   Dwhistling

19A. how    Bwhy

Cwhat    Dthat

20A.letter    Border

Camount    Dinvitation

【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了在晚上回家的途中发生在女推销员Elaine身上的事情。

1.解析 她在开车时通常打电话、喝苏打汽水或吃三明治。talk(to sb.)on one’s cellphone意为用手机(和某人)通话答案 C

2.解析 在开车时她的手、腿和嘴巴总是闲不住。busy忙碌的,符合语境。答案 D

3.解析 昨晚她赶上了周五晚上的交通高峰期。get stuck in意为陷入……答案 A

4.解析 她的约会要迟到了。be late for迟到,符合语境。答案 A

5.解析 就在事情似乎变得更糟糕,所有的交通都停止的时候,她已经生气了。angry生气的,发怒的。答案 B

6.解析 Elaine立即(immediately)将车开上应急车道。此空与文章第一段第二句中的“quickly”相呼应。答案 B

7.解析 她不得不将车停(stop)下。答案 A

8.解析 她说她只是想到最近的商店买点儿药(medicine)答案 C

9.解析 她用无辜的(innocent)眼神望着那名警官。答案 A

10.解析 他满怀同情地看着她,温和地(softly)说:那行,女士。走第一个出口吧。我希望你会好起来。答案 A

11.解析 这是那个借口(excuse)第二次奏效了。答案 B

12.解析 当她晚上7点钟到达购物中心的时候除了残疾人专区外已没有可供使用的(available)泊车位。答案 D

13.解析 她告诉自己,只会停一分钟。反身代词herself在此作told的宾语。答案 D

14.解析 她要做的就是跑进(run into)邮局,将包裹称重(weighed),并付钱给工作人员。答案 C

15.解析 参见上题解析。答案 A

16.解析 幸运的是,不需要排队。line队伍,行列,符合语境。答案 B

17.解析 一切都做得很快(quickly)以至于她往回走向汽车时竟吹起了口哨。答案 A

18.解析 她停止吹口哨(whistling)答案 D

19.解析 她知道那是什么(what),但她不知道是多少。答案 C

20.解析 当她看到罚单上的金额(amount)时,她尖叫起来。答案 C


Passage 1

In a bakery I heard a lady say her foot was hurting and that she was going to call a cab. When walking back home I saw her outside the store, probably 21 for a cab.

I asked her where she was going. She told me a place which was actually on the 22 to the craft store I’d be 23 to. So I asked her to 24 the cab and I’d give her a ride. To my __25 , she said okay without 26 . I wonder if I’d have been so 27 if a stranger made me the same offer!

Where she was going was 28 on the way to where I was going. It was such a 29__ interaction. But there was more!

When I had 30 what I went for and was waiting at the checkout, the woman behind me said she had a coupon(优惠券)for 50% off any 31 in the store. She gave it to me because she had aan 32 one! I thanked and gave her a 33 card.

They say “What goes around comes around”, but sometimes it is hard to see how that 34__ as there is often a “manifestation(显现)delay”. Each action 35 a ripple (涟漪)that eventually 36 back to us, but sometimes it is much 37 so we forget their connection.

Today the causes and effects have appeared in a linkable manner where in 38 I’m also opening myself to receiving gifts, now or in the future. I can learn so much from others as to how __39 they are to receive in a way I might not have been if 40 the same gift.

21. A. caring B. waiting C. applying D. ordering

22. A. left B. right C. carriage D. way

23. A. driving B. leading C. walking D. pulling

24. A. take B. postpone C. cancel D. charge

25. A. sadness B. amazement C. respect D. disappointment

26. A. hesitationB. aim C. doubt D. delay

27. A. enthusiastic B. inviting C. trusting D. puzzled

28. A. very B. universallyC. surely D. right

29. A. shameful B. beautiful C. careful D. frightful

30. A. picked up B. put up C. gave up D. went up

31. A. load B. demand C. limit D. item

32. A. familiar B. devoted C. extra D. important

33. A. post B. smile C. note D. paper

34. A. shares B. compromises C. recognizes D. works

35. A. creates B. freezes C. ships D. affects

36. A. puts B. holds C. comes D. keeps

37. A. easier B. funnier C. later D. swifter

38. A. giving B. appreciating C. persuading D. demanding

39. A. close B. open C. confident D. anxious

40. A. brought B. learned C. booked D. offered

Passage 121-25BDACB 26-30:ACDBA 31-35 DCBDA 36-40 CCABD

Passage 2

I have always lived in India, and was recently traveling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work. Arriving at the airport __41__, I was asked to hang out in the waiting area __42__, without much else to do, I decided to check out the gift shop. As I walked around the store, I saw two American __43__ having a nap on a recliner(躺椅) outside. It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours, and I felt I had to do something to help ease their __44__.

I looked around the store for a few moments, and __45__purchasing a medium-sized stuffed by toy which looked like the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants (though it was orange instead of the normal yellow). I asked the owner of the shop for a __46__ and a pen and wrote, “When you get up __47__ this makes you smile, it would __48__ the world to me. Have a good trip and an awesome experience. ”

I walked __49__ towards the two women and placed the toy and the note next to them. Not wanting to shock on __50__ them, I tried to be as slow as possible, but in my __51__ to flee the scene, one of them woke up and __52__me in the act. At first when she looked at me, I __53__: maybe she thinks I’m a thief? __54__when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she brightened up, as if this was the __55__thing anyone had ever done for her. “Is this for me?” she asked. I gave her a huge __56__ and nodded.

She was so excited! For a minute, it didn’t feel like we were __57__ anymore. I shook hands with her, and her smile __58__my day. I walked away with nothing but __59__ for her, and came to feel that, even though we were from __60__ places, she was just like me.

41. A. directly B. early C. hurriedly D. late

42. A. which B. what C. that D. where

43. A. men B. boys C. girls D. women

44. A. wait B. sadness C. time D. thought

45. A. came about B. ended up C. focused on D. stuck to

46. A. book B. paper C. note D. pencil

47. A. when B. if C. although D. as

48. A. give B. pass C. take D. mean

49. A. quietly B. anxiously C. happily D. unbelievably

50. A. wake B. trouble C. disturb D. encourage

51. A. dream B. try C. attempt D. track

52. A. saw B. reminded C. caught D. greeted

53. A. desired B. worried C. screamed D. feared

54. A. But B. So C. Because D. However

55. A. fittest B. last C. best D. first

56. A. handshake B. present C. laugh D. smile

57. A. strangers B. passengers C. passers-by D. tourists

58. A. cheered B. found C. made D. took

59. A. love B. appreciation C. kindness D. satisfaction

60. A. same B. faraway C. strange D. different

Passage 241-45 BDDAB 46-50 CBDAA 51-55 CCBAC 56-60 DACBD

Passage 3

A few years ago, on a flight I fortunately met with a psychologist, Dan Gilbert. He was very humorous, and we talked a lot. I was completely 21 . He was interested in the questions that we 22 but never have the opportunity to 23 .Now Gilbert has written a book Stumbling on Happiness. Reading it 24 me of that plane ride long ago. It is a 25 to read his book. Gilbert is charming and 26 . He has a rare 27 for making very complicated ideas come 28 .

Stumbling on Happiness is a book about a very simple 29 powerful idea. What distinguishes us from other animals is our ability to predict the future, 30 , our interest in predicting the future. We spend much time 31 what it would be like. Why? It is what allows us to 32 our life. It is by trying to apply some control over our futures 33 we attempt to be 34 . But by any objective measure, we are really 35 at that predictive function. We’ re terrible at knowing how we will feel tomorrow, and even worse at36 what will bring us happiness. Gilbert 37 to explain why we are so terrible. In making his case, Gilbert walks us 38 a series of attracting facts about the way our minds work.I suppose I really should go on at this point. But I think that might ruin the 39 of reading Stumbling on Happiness. This is a story about the mysteries of our lives. If you have even the slightest 40 about the human condition, you ought to read it. Trust me.

21. A. attracted B. shocked C. excited D. interested

22. A. talked about B. thought about C. cared about D. worried about

23. A. find B. explore C. understand D. answer

24. A. reminds B. informs C. suggests D. thinks

25. A. step B. way C. hobby D. pleasure

26. A. intelligent B. firm C. funny D. active

27. A. interest B. gift C. ability D. power

28. A. magic B. serious C. alive D. good

29. A. and B. besides C. or D. but

30. A. or rather B. in all C. in addition D. or else

31. A. telling B. developing C. imagining D. guessing

32. A. make B. protect C. thank D. shape

33. A. when B. that C. where D. what

34. A. relaxed B. peaceful C. happy D. perfect

35. A. bad B. angry C. slow D. disappointed

36. A. predicting B. knowing C. realizing D. feeling

37. A. sets about B. sets off C. sets out D. sets up

38. A. over B. to C. on D. through

39. A. love B. experience C. scene D. idea

40. A. curiosity B. hope C. patience D. knowledge

Passage 321-25 ACBAD 26-20 CBCDA 31-35 CDBCA 36-40 BCDBA

Passage 4

I am a mom of two young children who are my students in my home. This 41 that they are usually with me.Whenever possible I will 42 some acts of kindness, 43 things like showing ways to strangers, holding doors, etc. So, they are very 44 with such kind acts and are, of course, 45 to also do “nice” things for others.Just a few days ago we stopped 46 our local grocery store to pick up a few things which quickly turned into a load of goods in the cart(超市手推车). We got into one of the two open checkout channels and waited our 47 . While waiting, a young man came up behind us with only a few 48 in his basket. I told him to go ahead of us as we were in no 49 .He seemed very pleasantly surprised and politely 50 . As he began putting his items on the belt ,the clerk began to 51 her till tape (出纳机纸带) so we had a fairly long wait in line.My kids were very 52 behaved but they were still children; they asked questions, they talked 53 , they moved around and they were generally very pleased.

I could see the young man watching and listening with a smile on his face.We were putting our items on the 54 when the clerk finished with 55 order. What I didn`t know was that he had heard my kids 56 bubble gum(泡泡糖). I had agreed they could have some. 57 , he picked up a pack of bubble gum and asked the clerk to ring it through twice before putting it back.He then told my kids that he bought their gum 58 their mom was 59 enough to let him go ahead in the queue.

The experience really showed the 60 that good causes good for my lovely little kids.

41. A.tells B.leaves C.means D.ensures

42.A.entertain B.serve C.leave D.perform

43.A.important B.impressive C.suitable D.simple  

44.A.satisfied B.occupied C.familiar D.pleased

45.A.supported B.taught C.encouraged D.supposed

46.A.near B.by C.with D.against

47.A.opportunity B.return C.turn D.time

48.A.fruit B.vegetable C.items D.sales

49.A.time B.hurry C.case D.sense

50.A.accepted B.collect C.carried D.agreed

51.A.change B.remove C.continue D.stop

52.A.badly B.poorly C.well D.ill

53.A.constantly B.immediately C.impolitely D.rudely

54.A.belt B.bench C.basket D.cart

55.A.her B.his C.their D.our

56.A.complain about B.allow for C.ask for D.concern about

57.A. Therefore B.However C.Otherwise D. Meanwhile

58.A.when B.unless C.because D.until

59.A.happy B.helpful C.serious D.nice

60.A.idea B.reward C.chance D.instruction

Passage 441—45 CDDCC 46—50 BCCBA 51—55 ACAAB 56—60 CACDA


