
发布时间:2018-07-01 10:23:22   来源:文档文库   

向花园里的一草一木告别Say goodbye to the objects in the garden

头脑清醒的all there

从不出洋相never make a fool of herself

咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声bit his fought back a laugh

看来你恐怕不行了it seems that im afraid you cant

幸存者都无比惊恐Survivals are very frightened

他们没有取笑他We didnt make fun of her

等到二月份一切定下来之后Wait until after all decided in February

所有准备工作正在进行中All the preparation is in underway

他就再也忍不住哭了起来he no longer could not help but cry

成年后as a adult

但还是没有用but still no use

他昨天确实来过这he had been here yesterday did


已经得到了广泛应用just as water flows through a pipe

限制了我们对公共设施的使用limit our use of public facilities

与计算机互动interact with the computer

产生了巨大的影响made a great impact

遵守我们原定的协议adhere to our original agreement

装得进信封里面去了put into the envelope

花点时间考虑这个问题spend some time to think about this question

毫无热情的等着他用完餐no passion waiting for he finished dinner

一边高喊欢笑,一边像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞as loud laughter,as like a butterfly dance

深深地被这个女孩打动了am touched by the deeply

不管你给不给小费whatever you give not to tip

我们迫切需要其他部门的帮助 we urgently need the help of other departments

贷款利率将上调loan interest rate will be increased

物价飞涨soaring prices

在他们需要的时候抛弃了他们when they need to abandon them

油价正在下滑oil prices are falling

要求继承爵位request inherit the title

他一次够买价值数千元衣服he once is enough to buy thousands of dollars worth of clothes

不管谁触犯了法律no matter who broke the law

又累又困,倒头就睡tired and sleepy,fall asleep

志同道合,酷爱科学研究like-minded,have a passion for scientific research

先不说那只猫和那只鸟了regardless of the cat and the bird

辨认出每个音调identify each tone

以免in order to avoid

说出我对他们的看法my opinion of them

回忆在部队时那些难忘的岁月look back on those unforgettable years in army

那位官员是否涉及本案if the official is involved in the case


