
发布时间:2014-09-27 10:24:29   来源:文档文库   

It can be difficult to be in the same room with people you don't like, let alone live with them. However, there are many circumstances where we really have no choice in the matter, so we have to do our best get along with them or at least to avoid conflict.

Here are five tips to help you live in harmony with people you don't like:

Stay away from topics where you have strongly different views and refuse to argue. If you take the view that you are entitled to your own opinion and do not need to defend it, and equally that the other person is entitled to their opinion, arguments can be avoided. There's a lot to be said for avoiding discussions on sex, religion and politics.

Find areas of agreement or similarity and focus on them. Chances are, if you get to know someone a bit better, you will find areas of commonality. Look for common ground and be willing to notice positive things about another person. Everyone has good aspects to their personality. If you are willing to acknowledge the positive behaviors and attitudes of another person, they will be more likely to open up to you and respond positively.

Stay out of their way. Sometimes it is just not possible to be positive and keep trying to improve a relationship. Where this is the case the only answer is to be polite and respectful but live as separately as possible. This is particularly the case if the other person is abusive in any way or engaged in activities you don't want to be associated with. The best way to live in harmony with these people is at a distance, smiling politely as you pass by.

Make clear agreements. If you are sharing living space with someone you don't like, it is important to have a clear agreement about expected behaviors and responsibilities. Once the agreement is made and everyone clearly understands their own individual commitments, they need to abide by the agreement made. Doing this will help you to live in harmony with people even if you don't like them.

Establish boundaries. Decide what treatment you are willing to accept from others and what you are not prepared to accept and put your boundaries clearly in place. While everyone needs to be flexible in this life, you need to clearly define the behaviors that you consider to be deal breakers and you must make sure that other people understand them. For example, someone stealing from you might be a deal breaker as might a person taking drugs in your home. In turn, you need to understand and respect the boundaries of others. The only proviso to this point is that people aren't mind readers. It is unfair to blame others for violating boundaries they didn't know anything about. We teach people how to treat us. So the first step is to respect yourself. Clearly defined boundaries can assist people who do not like one another to live together in harmony.

If you apply some or all of these keys to living in harmony with people you don't like, you will avoid the stress of ongoing conflicts. You may even find yourself liking them after all.

Live With Harmony

参赛教师:王丹丹 (求知教育培训学校)

Along with the growth of the age, the sense of needing a harmonious environment is more and more urgent for me. I need a harmonious family; I need a harmonious company; I need a harmonious society; I need a harmonious country; even, I need a harmonious nature…… So, to have a harmonious relationship with all things comes to be my lifetime goal.

But how to achieve it ? I’m going to realize it in two aspects. The former is people, the latter is the nature.

For people, the most important is communication. Language is a special treasure for human beings. We should make full use of it to establish a good relationship. When a couple have a quarrel with each other, there will be no response. They are afraid that if they continue to talk to each other, a battle will happen. And they will keep silent until one starts to open his mouth. I don’t think it’s a good thing to keep a good relationship. Nothing can not be spoken between the wife and the husband . If you communicate with each other slowly, I’m sure that the most difficult thing could be solved.

The second most important is tolerance. The members of a family often have different opinions. Then, there will be conflicts, especially between you and your mother-in-law or father-in-law. In order to avoid conflicts, everyone must forgive others. We should also need love to establish a harmonious atmosphere. As a wife, you should love your husband. As a daughter-in-law, you should love your mother-in-law and father-in-law. As a mother, you should love your children. As a worker, you should love your company. As a Chinese, you should love China.

But as a life on the earth or a member of the nature, have you ever thought what you should love? The earth is also a individuality, so you should keep a good relationship with her. You should love the grass, flowers, rivers , woods, air, energy, and so on.

However, there are still a lot of serious problems in our daily life. We usually come across a factory with the smoke moving up. It is not difficult to find evidence of wasting water, cutting trees, throwing litters. Walking on the street, you can find many kinds of cars, which are releasing waste gas. All of these things show that most people lack the sense of environmental awareness. In my point of view, people should be aware of the importance of the environment. And we can do some small things, for example, turning off the lights in time.

Only when the earth is fresh and clean , can we feel frisky. Then, the earth can pass its inwardness to us . And our body can be harmonious , so you will be healthy.

I know that my goal is very hard to achieve .Difficult as it is, I will try my best to realize it. When you have a harmonious family ,a harmonious company, a harmonious society ,a harmonious nature ,you will be very happy. So , to have a harmonious environment is important indeed.

Can People Live in Harmony with Nature(人与自然和谐相处)

作者: 来源: 日期:9/23/2009 12:05:48 PM 人气:627 标签:人与自然 和谐相处

  Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and harvested. Man respected nature and was one part of nature.

  It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into pieces. While we are disrupting(破坏) the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge(报复). Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and given back too little.

  Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, when citizens of the world work persistently to protect nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new technology.

Live in harmony

Forgiveness breeds peace and harmony.


Happiness leads us to harmony.


universal harmony in the world


Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security.


You may ask how we achieve such harmony.


93.On Aristotelian "The Harmony between Individual and System"


Nature is harmony; resistance is anarchy. Nature makes favorable conditions; excess makes trouble.


Learning to Live in Harmony

Harmony is the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord. People that live together with mutual goals to blend with one another make a beautiful chord. Basic chords have equal intervals of space between each other. Notes that are very close can produce a dissonant chord that sounds richer but is also more complex.

The chord sounds best when notes are played with similar volumes. If one note is accentuated more than the others, the chord becomes less blended and less supportive of a lead melody. It is to no advantage for one note to be heard louder than others. The most pleasant blends are difficult to distinguish between the notes.

People are very similar to the notes in this description. When people are very close, there is opportunity for richer experiences, however, much care must go in to the handling of this closeness. The following are steps to make beautiful music together:


Moderately Easy


things you'll need:



Appreciation for music


o 1

Recognize each of the persons within the relationship is unique and important to the harmony and production.

o 2

Seek to blend with the other person(s) even if that means adjusting your attitude or softening the tone of your communication.

o 3

Resist criticizing others or putting others down for being different from you. Harmony is different than unison. A distorted guitar can harmonize with a beautiful violin as long as the notes are within the chord structure.

o 4

Celebrate one another for who you are and there is less emphasis on the differences and a greater appreciation for the common likes.

o 5

Play the same song. It is so crucial to communicate with clarity as to make sure that each is on the same page playing the same song.

o 6

Give each other enough space to grow into a fully developed and rich chord.

o 7

Allow for close intimate episodes that feel rich and appear special but are only expected to last for short periods rather than extended periods of time.

o 8

Finish together. Invite your partner to help when you need it, and offer to help your partner when you observe or hear the need. Both lose if the other is too tired to harmonize with you.

May my family and my friends live in peace and harmony throughout the New Year.

That's true. Chinese art stresses the harmony between M an and Nature, which is an important part of China's traditional culture.


Take time to listen to other people. If there are too many discords & not enough harmony in their lives, encourage them to have a brighter outlook.


bbs.24en.com The long standing and well established Chinese culture of harmony provides us with valuable cultural resources for the construction of a harmonious society.


The thought of harmony of Emperor Yan's time has profound influence on Chinese culture, especially Chinese politics and ethics, and on the world culture as well.


You wondered what it'd be like if people could live more like those trees... ...completely connected with each other, in harmony.
As one.



