
发布时间:2014-02-18 11:51:42   来源:文档文库   



(课程代码 00602

Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences 10%

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the first sentence.

1. 中国在控制人口增长方面取得了巨大的成就,受到了联合国的高度赞赏。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

2. 我们坚决反对制造台湾独立两个中国一中一台的企图。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

3. 中国政府高度重视发展信息产业,正在大力推进国民经济与社会信息化。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

4. 石窟最早由印度传入中国,是一种佛教建筑形式。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

5. 开放的中国需要吸收人类一切优秀文化成果和有益经验,也需要得到各国的最大理解与支持。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

6. 我想借此机会向来自全国各地的各位来宾表示热烈的问候和美好的祝愿。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

7. 我们应该坚持教育适度超前发展,为国民经济和社会发展服务。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

8. 与周边国家积极发展睦邻友好关系是中国外交政策的一个重要组成部分。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

9. 深圳经济特区建立以来,创造了全国闻名的深圳速度深圳效益。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

10. 因特网的迅猛发展,对世界经济增长和各国人民加强交往具有重要作用。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

11. 旅游也已经成为非贸易外汇收入的一个重要来源。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

12. 1978年,党中央开始酝酿在全国建设深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门四个经济特区。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

13. 草原退化的原因是多方面的,是自然因素和人为因素综合作用的结果。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

14. 古代中国人民用12种动物来象征12生肖。他们是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

15. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

16. 据国家统计局的最新统计,2000年夏粮比1999年减产1,100万吨。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

17. 一个运动员如果不能战胜自己、战胜自己的心理障碍,就不可能战胜对手。。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

18. 中国是一个统一的多名族国家,除了汉族外,还有55个少数民族。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

19. 经济决定金融,金融又促进经济发展.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

20. 教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

21. 网络正改变着我们生活的方方面面。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

22. 作为世界上人口最多的国家,中国一直是国际关注的焦点.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

23. 实际上没有国外资本的流入,中国很难创造其经济奇迹。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

24. 近年来,中国的银行存款储蓄的增长比其国内生产总值快得多。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

25. 俗话说得好:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

26. 越来越多的中国人开始享受一种时尚的运动型生活方式。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

27. 经济发展必需与环境保护相协调(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

28. 多年来,外国对中国的人权状况了解很少,误解很多(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

29. 尽管国际市场的环境并不好,但是我国的旅游业仍然保持持续的增长(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

30. 中国实行计划生育政策,目的是促进社会、经济发展,提高人民生活水平和改善人口质量。(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

31. 中国的扶贫政策帮助了一大批人摆脱贫穷走向富裕(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

32. 初步统计,全年国内生产总值74 772亿元,比上年增长8.8%(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

33. 随着中国改革开放的深化,其对外贸易也取得显著进步(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

34. 深圳优越的投资环境吸引了众多的外商前来投资兴业(请翻译)(间隔20秒).

35. 加强联合国的作用符合历史潮流,符合时代发展需要,符合世界各国人民的共同愿望(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

36. 金融业的发展需要有良好的宏观经济环境(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

37. 实施科教兴国战略是中国实现经济振兴和国家现代化的根本大计(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

38. 中国是一个统一的多民族国家,除了人口占绝大多数的汉族外,还有55个少数民族(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

39. 在中国古代史上,黄河被称为中华民族的“母亲”,她 哺育了千千万万中华儿女(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

40. 中国政府高度重视发展信息产业,正在大力推进国民经济和社会信息化 (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

41. 瘦西湖位于扬州西郊,因湖面瘦长、风景秀丽而得名(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

42. 1997年,我国对外贸易持续快速发展,全年的进出口总额3 251亿美元,比上年增长12.1%(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

43. 我们应深刻认识信息技术的伟大力量,积极推进信息技术的发展。(请翻译)(间隔20)

44. 我们坚持国际空间合作应以和平开发和利用空间资源、为全人类谋取福利为宗旨(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

45. 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

46. 与周边国家积极发展睦邻友好关系是中国外交政策的一个重要组成部分(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

47. 在许多发达国家,信息产业已成为国民经济第一大产业(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

48. 我国一半的可耕地面临着水资源短缺的问题,大约43%的人口居住在干旱地区(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

49. 深圳拥有优越的投资环境和优惠的投资政策(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

50. 中国人民都非常渴望友谊,尤其渴望建立在平等基础上的中美友谊(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

Section B Passage (15%)

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in Chinese. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声). Now let’s begin.

1. 世界人口正在以惊人的速度增长着,现在地球上人口已超过60亿。1将来人们会住在哪里呢?人们将不得不修建更多的房子,公寓楼和高层建筑。2或许人们将不得不在海底建造房屋,科学家正在研究这种可能性。3如果发现其他星球上有生命的话,或许许多人就可能到那里去居住。4这样,在地球和这些星球之间,就可能会有宇宙飞船定期来往飞行。5//

2. 最近,海洋生态旅游在地处沿海的广东省迅速发展起来。1// 预计这将成为新世纪初经济的新增长点。2// 数据表明,拥有2000万人口的珠江三角洲将成为这方面最大、最稳定的旅游市场。3// 例如,位于万山群岛中部的东澳岛旅游开发区仅占地仅4.62平方公里。4// 但是,在1998年的头9个月已经接待了5万游客,仅旅游业就创收2000万元。 5//

3. 去年开放的、位于顺德的生态公园是广东省的一个新旅游景点。1// 这个公园的建立,既符合生态规律,又展示了当地独特的生态农业。2// 耗资3亿元人民币建成的这个生态公园,占地面积200万平方米,是中国第一个以生态环境保护为中心的特色公园。3// 它把当地的自然生态环境与旅游度假、文化娱乐、生产以及环境保护相结合。4// 目前已经开放的是耗资900万元的第一期工程。5//

4. 今天,我们在这里欢聚一堂,共叙友谊。这次展览会是中英双方友好合作的结果。1) // 我们衷心希望通过这次活动,能推动中英文化教育交流合作关系的进一步发展2) // 为中英教育界人士的直接交流、互相切磋提供良好的机会,3// 也将对促进中英双方的教育交流和和合作关系向着高层次方向发展起到积极作用。4// 预祝98’英国教育展览会圆满成功!现在我提议:为各位嘉宾的身体健康干杯!5) //

5. 人类学家给文化一词下的定义是:人类后天学习所得而非遗传所得的行为。1// 文化无所谓高低之分,任何形式的文明、文明的各个阶段均有其具体的文化形式。2// 此外,一个特有的群体所具有的文化模式表现了该群体的特征。3// 文化使不同种群的人类各不相同。4// 文化无所不包,风俗习惯、思想观念与信仰属于文化范畴,人类所创造的一切均属于文化的范畴。5//

6. 冷战结束后,世界走向多极化,国际形势总体趋向缓和1// 维护和平、谋求稳定、促进发展成为各国人民的共同心愿和呼声。但是,严峻的事实表明,天下仍很不太平。2// 冷战思维依然存在,霸权主义和强权政治有了新的发展。3// 因民族、宗教和领土等问题引发的局部冲突和争端此起彼伏。4// 南北矛盾日益突出,贫富差距继续拉大。世界的和平问题远未解决,发展问题更加严重。5//

7. 为了保证人们的起码生活条件,使公民富裕起来,中国唯一正确的选择就是努力发展经济,1// 并调整人口增长,以适应国家的社会和经济发展。2// 中国在执行计划生育政策的时候,政府始终把宣传教育放在首位,3// 使人们意识到计划生育这一基本国策直接关系到国家的繁荣和人们的家庭幸福。4// 同时,政府也采取一些必要的经济和行政措施作为辅助手段。5//

8. 我国是统一的多民族国家。加强民族团结,维护祖国统一,是全国各民族人民的根本利益所在。1// 改革开放以来,民族地区经济快速增长,社会全面进步,为全国的发展做出了贡献。3// 坚持对少数民族和民族地区的优惠政策,增加对民族地区的投资,2// 加强对口支援工作,促进民族地区经济、社会发展。4// 巩固和发展平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系,促进各民族共同繁荣与进步。5//

9. 从国情出发,中国把环境保护作为一项基本国策,把实现可持续发展作为一个重大战略1// 中国现代化建设是在人口基数大、人均资源少、经济发展和科技水平都比较落后的条件下进行的。2// 中国政府十分重视因人口增长和经济发展而出现的环境问题,3// 把环境保护作为提高人民生活水平和生活质量的一个重要方面。4// 为促进经济、社会与环境的协调发展,中国制定并实施了一系列保护环境的方针、政策、法律和措施。 5//

10. 女士们,先生们,国际人权研讨会是中国人民与世界各国人民互相学习、增进了解与友谊的难得机会1// 中国政府完全支持这一十分有意义的活动。2// 我首先代表国务院新闻办公室对这次大会的召开表示祝贺,对远道而来的各国贵宾表示热烈欢迎。3// 20世纪是世界人权取得重大发展的世纪,也是中国人民深刻改变自己命运的世纪。4// 一个世纪以来,中国的人权状况发生了翻天覆地的变化。5//

Part Two English-Chinese Interpretation (25%)

Section A Sentences10%

Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in English. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal (叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the fisrt sentence.

1. The role of the UN is indispensable to the achievement of genuine peace and development and to the establishment of a just and reasonable new international order.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

2. China holds that all countries are equal members of the international community whether they are big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

3. The insurance sector undertakes a transferred risk from others and the sector itself has to deal with risk prevention.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

4. The United States is now the largest developed country in the world, with broad markets and abundant capital.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

5. To raise the education level of those who fail to enter colleges and universities, the State will develop vocational and adult education programs. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

6. Information resources are becoming as important as tangible material resources, and its important function is increasing all the time. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

7. Chinese ancestors began to settle in Yellow River valley more than 5 thousand years ago.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

8. Accession to the WTO will bring challenges to the Chinese government and domestic companies.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

9. Over the past two decades or so, the Chinese sport circles have raised the inspiring slogan: rush out of Asia and march into the world.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

10. A sound development of finance calls for a healthy macroeconomic environment.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

11. The growth of China’s foreign trade in the 1990s was mainly based on the huge demand in domestic and international markets. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

12. To seek peace and cooperation and to promote development are the common aspiration of the people of the world.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

13. The WTO is a permanent international organization independent from the UN. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

14. A share, oriented towards domestic investors, was first listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 1990 and 1991, respectively. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

15. Chinese wushu also has aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

16. Shenzhen has best environment for investment and offers most favorable policies for investors.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

17. The exchange rate of RMB to US dollar has remained stable from 1994 to 1998.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

18. Tea making and drinking has over 5000 years of history in China.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

19. Economic globalization is the product of economic development and scientific and technological advancement of the world today. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

20. China takes an active part in multilateral diplomatic activities. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

21. Another impediment to finding funding for and developing hi-tech products is a lack of copyright protection. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

22. China’s high-tech industry zones have witnessed a rapid growth over the past years, with their annual technological , industrial and trade revenue rising by more than 30 percent.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

23. Half of the country’s arable land is afflicted by a water shortage. Some 43 percent of China’s population lives in arid regions.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

24. China’s population is unevenly distributed, becoming denser as one moves from west to east.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

25. In the past 20 years, over two million professionals and laborers with various skills come to work in Shenzhen from other parts of China.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

26. Contradiction between economic development and an aging society will pose greater difficulties to China. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)


27. Lower tariffs and more intense foreign competition may be a good chance to help reshuffle State-owned enterprises.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


28. China has a huge population, but a weak economic foundation with relatively inadequate pre-capita resources. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

29. Economic globalization is the product of economic development and scientific and technological advancement of the world today.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


30. The insurance sector undertakes a transferred risk from others and the sector itself has to deal with risk prevention.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)


31. New York was founded in 1642 and is now an urban area with 8 million people.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

32. Martial arts has been practiced for several thousand years by the working people in China for physical training and self-defense.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

33. Anyone can drink a cup of tea, but not just anyone can truly drink a cup of good tea. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

34. A project aimed at helping school dropouts and improving school conditions was initiated and named Project Hope. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

35. China’s national economy has developed at a fast pace, with the overall national strength notably increased and the people’s living standards greatly improved.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

36. The traditional examination-driven education system has bridled young people’s thinking and has made them mere passive learners.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

37. An important feature of the Longmen Grottoes is that many of the grottoes were ordered built by royal families.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

38. The quick growth of township enterprises has started a new rural modernization road with Chinese characteristics. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

39. China holds that all countries are equal members of the international community whether they are big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

40. It established the historical convention of conferring honorific titles on the two Living Buddhas Dalai and Panchen lamas by the Central Government. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

41. China actively promotes the establishment of a just and rational new international political and economic order. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

42. While western art focuses on representation, eastern art stresses the power of the spirit.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

43. The growth of China’s foreign trade in the 1990s was mainly based on the huge demand in domestic and international markets. (请翻译)(间隔20)

44. The grotto was originally a Buddhist architectural form that was brought to China from India.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

45. Over the past two decades or so, the Chinese sport circles have raised the inspiring slogan: rush out of Asia and march into the world.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

46. In regard to economic and trade matters, lingering “cold war” concepts have obstructed their smooth development. (请翻译)(间隔20秒)

47. The latest statistics from the State Statistics Bureau shows that summer grain output of 2000 will decrease by 11 million tons form that of 1999.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

48. China opposes hegemonism and safeguards world peace. (请翻译)(间隔20)

49. Tibet has been a part of China ever since it was merged into that country in 1239when the Mongols began creating the Yuan Dynasty.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

50. As a result of the sport reform and opening to the outside world, Chinese athletes have had more opportunities to tap their talents and improve their performance.(请翻译)(间隔20秒)

Section B Passage15%

Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage in English. The passage will be read to you TWICE. During the first reading, you may take notes while you are listening. The second reading will be read segment by segment, with intervals of 40 seconds. After you have heard each segment, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal(请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声). Now let’s begin.

1. The people of all the nations in the world have always loved their history and the land they have lived on for generations. 1// It is one of feelings common to all human beings to be sentimentally attached to the past and to expect a better future. 2// Looking back, we remember our forebears; looking forward, we hope that our children will have a better life than ours. 3// In a world with rapid industrialization and accelerating changes, it is indeed a challenge to maintain a felicitous balance between the two. 4// We cannot live in the past, at the same time but we cannot live without our past. 5//

2. “White agriculture” refers to an industrialized agriculture that uses microbes. 1) // The production is carried out in factories without environmental pollution, where the workers wear white clothes, hence the name. 2// Compared with traditional green agriculture, “white agriculture” adopts an entirely different production process. 3// It relies on artificial energies and is not limited by weather or season. 4// As an industry based on microbes, fermentation engineering, production can be carried out on a mass scale all the year round in factories, thus saving land, water and other resources with no damage to the environment. 5//

3. While the WTO is still young, the multilateral trading system that was originally set up under GATT is already 50 years old. 1// The past 50 years have seen an exceptional growth in world trade. GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth. 2// The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions, 3// but later negotiations included other areas such as anti-dumping and non-tariff measures. The latest round—the 1986-1994 Uruguay Round—led to the WTO’s creation. 4// China was an original member of GATT but for historical and political reasons it was withdrawn from GATT by the government in Taipei in 1950. But over the last several years, China has been seeking to resume its contracting party status. 5//

4. It has been widely acknowledged that the outstanding economic growth in China has achieved in the past two decades is among the world’s most significant changes. 1// If the 6.1 percent average growth rate from 1952 to 1978 is taken into account when evaluating China’s economic progress, the result is even more impressive. 2// In contrast to the high economic growth rate, China’s population has been growing slowly. This has resulted in part from China’s successful implementation of population control programs. 3// Under this program, China’s population structure has witnessed a big change. After many years strenuous effort by the government, China’s economic structure is moving toward a more rational one. 4// Secondary and tertiary industries gain momentum while the primary sector grows comparatively slowly. Other remarkable achievements have taken place in the agriculture sector. 5//

5. W We have entered the Age of the Internet. The dynamics of global growth are changing at least as profoundly as they did with the advent of railroads or electricity. 1// The evolution of the Internet means that the traditional factors of production like capital and skilled labor are no longer the main determinants of the power of an economy. 2// Now, economic potential is increasingly linked to the ability to control and manipulate information. 3// But with the internet, it becomes much easier to provide services of all types, such as banking, education, consulting, retailing, through a website that is globally accessible. 4// Beyond that, as more and more countries become tied into the global Net, there may well be an acceleration of the rate of innovation. There are lots of reasons to think the Internet will lead to much more rapid diffusion of knowledge. 5//

6. The region above earth is, in a way, becoming a dump. Scientists estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 large pieces of junk are orbiting our planet. 1// The space junk includes burned-out rocket engines, old fuel tanks, satellites that have stopped working, and parts of exploded rockets. 2// Space trash has already fallen to earth. Most of it has landed in the oceans or on open land, away from cities. 3// Scientists are working on various was to clean up the litter while it is still orbiting in space. One suggestion: a satellite would function as a trash “truck”. 4// Cleaning up space trash would make space travel safer for satellites and for astronauts. 5//

7. The World Trade Organization (WTO), established on January 1, 1995, is an open and non-discriminatory trading system. 1// As a successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), established in the wake of the Second World War, it is to help world trade flow freely, fairly and predictably. 2// While the WTO is still young, the multilateral trading system that was originally set up under GATT is already 50 years old. 3// GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth. 4// The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The 1986-1994 Uruguay Round led to the WTO’s creation. 5//

8. APEC, as the most important international economic organization, must adapt to the new situation, 1// persist in narrowing the gap and realizing the objective of common prosperity through economic cooperation, 2// and make timely readjustment of the priority areas for cooperation so as to better meet the needs of the developing members. 3// At present, it is more important than ever to stick to the APEC approach characterized mainly by respect for diversity, voluntarism and consensus-building. 4// APEC should make its own contribution to increased regional stability and prosperity by adhering to this approach. 5//

9. As time goes by, the cloning technology that brought Dolly the sheep into the world has shown that it isn’t a one-hit wonder. 1) // Researchers are producing clones from fetal cells with relative ease. Dolly might look like other lambs, but she was the most remarkable animal ever born. 2) // She was not the result of mating between a ewe and a ram but was cloned form a single cell taken from the udder of a six-year old ewe. 3) // Recently other researchers have shown they can combine cloning and genetic engineering to produce cows and sheep that produce therapeutic proteins. 4) // There seems to be no doubt that our future is a future filled with clones. In fact, nearly every month there is news of how cloning technology is poised to change our lives. 5) //

10. In an age when television is a vital entertainment medium, more and more people are using it as a study aid. 1// In Britain, the Open University, founded in 1969, encourages home-based students to study for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees using a combination of television, radio programs and correspondence work. 2// The Open University has no formal entrance requirements for its students, 3// and is designed particularly for people who have missed out on a formal tertiary education because of lack of money or opportunity in the past. 4// The system works very well in Britain; similar programs operate in many other countries. 5//


