李阳疯狂英语 突破口语MP3下部终结版-

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第一部分 最常用的10个口语要素

1. Sure! 当然! 2. Really? 真的? 3. Great! 太棒了! 4. Sorry! 对不起!
5. That’s OK. 没关系。 6. All right. 好的;好吧。 7. Thank you! 谢谢! 8. No problem! 没问题!
9. Forget it! 算了吧;不用客气! 10. Good job! 太好了;做得好

第二部分 日常交际口语要素

第一节 问候

1. Hi! 你好!
2. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 3. How are things going? 近况如何? 4. Keeping busy? 近来忙吗? 5. How are you doing? 你好吗? 6. How’s everything? 最近怎么样?
7. How have you been? 近来怎样;有什么进展吗? 8. What’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 9. What’s up? 近来忙什么? 10. What’s happening? 怎么样?

第二节 致谢与回答

11. Thanks a million! 千恩万谢;实在非常感谢!
12. Thanks for your work. 谢谢你的劳动/工作/努力。 13. Thanks for everything. 谢谢你所做的一切。 14. Thanks for your concern. 谢谢你的关心。 15. Thanks for your cooperation. 多谢合作。 16. Thanks for coming. 谢谢您的到来/光临。 17. Thanks for your time. 谢谢你抽出时间来。 18. It’s very kind of you. 你真是太好了。

19. You’ve been very helpful. 你帮了大忙。 20. My pleasure. 别客气。
21. Forget it. 算了吧;别客气。 22. You’re welcome. 不用客气。 23. Anytime. 随时效劳。 24. It’s nothing. 没什么。

第三节 道歉用语

25. Sorry./I’m sorry. 对不起。
26. Sorry I’m late. 抱歉,我来晚了。
27. I’m sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你。
28. I’m sorry to interrupt you, but… 很抱歉打搅你„ 29. I’m sorry to bother you, but… 对不起,打扰你了„ 30. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 对不起,我刚才没听。

第四节 祝愿与祝贺

31. Good luck! 祝你好运!
32. Have a nice evening. 今晚过得愉快! 33. Take care of yourself! 多保重!
34. I’m happy for you. 我为你感到高兴。 35. Congratulations! 祝贺你! 36. Cheers! 干杯!
37. Give my regards to…. 代我向„ „问好。
38. I hope you like my little present. 希望你喜欢我送的小礼物。 39. I hope you like the food. 希望你爱吃这食物。

第五节 鼓励与安慰

40. Cheer up! 振作起来!
41. Hang in there! 别气馁;坚持下去! 42. Don’t give up. 不要放弃! 43. Keep trying. 继续努力。
44. Go for it. 努力争取;为此而努力吧! 45. Go ahead. 去吧;去做吧! 46. Relax! 放松点!
47. Be careful. 当心;小心。 48. Don’ t worry! 别着急!
49. Take it easy! 慢慢来;别着急;放松点!

第六节 情感的表达

50. I’m relieved. 那我就放心了。

51. I’m surprised. 我感到惊讶。 52. I was moved. 我很感动。 53. I’m so sorry. 我很难过。 54. It’s irritating. 真是气人。 55. That’s enough. 够了。
56. I’m speechless. 我无话可说。 57. I’m lost. 我糊涂/迷惑了。
58. I’m looking forward to it. 我等不及了。

第七节 解释与说明

59. No, it’s not that. 不,不是那样。 60. That’s not true. 那不是真的。
61. I didn’t mean that. 我不是那个意思。 62. It’s the other way around. 恰恰相反。
63. I have / had nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。 64. Let’s not talk about it any more. 别再说这个了。

第八节 诅咒与骂人

65. Damn it! 他妈的;该死的!
66. Shit! 他妈的;狗屁;扯蛋;要死;糟透了! 67. Shut up! 闭嘴! 68. Go to hell! 去死吧! 69. Beat it! 走开;滚开! 70. Get lost! 滚开!
71. You big jerk! 你这个大笨蛋! 72. ass 屁股;傻瓜;蠢货;讨厌鬼

第三部分 评论性口语要素

73. Great! 太棒了!
74. That’s interesting. 很有趣。 75. That’s funny. 真逗。
76. Sounds good. 听上去不错。 77. Great idea! 好主意! 78. You did great. 干得好! 79. Good job! 做得好! 80. Way to go! 好样的! 81. Not bad. 不错。
82. Not too bad. 不算坏。
83. That makes sense. 有道理。 84. Not good. 不怎么好。

85. Not too good. 不太好。
86. That’s too bad. 真是太糟糕了。

第四部分 应答口语要素

第一节 肯定答复

87. Right. 是这样。 88. Okay. 好的。
89. Sure. 当然;可以;不用客气。 90. Exactly! 就是;的确这样! 91. Absolutely! 当然可以! 92. That’s right. 没错。 93. I see. 我明白了。 94. So do I. 我也是。 95. So am I. 我也一样。
96. Yes, please. 好的,请便。 97. Yes, of course. 当然了!
98. Yes, I’d love to. 是的,非常愿意。 99. Sure, go ahead. 尽管去做。 100. Sure, no problem. 当然了,没问题。 101. Sure, why not! 当然了,为什么不呢! 102. Sure, feel free. 当然可以,别客气。 103. I think so too. 我也这么认为。 104. I guess so. 我想是这样的。 105. I hope so. 我希望如此。 106. I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。 107. I thought so. 我想也是。 108. I told you so. 我告诉过你。

第二节 否定答复

109. No, never. 从来没有过。 110. No way! 没门儿! 111. No, not at all. 一点儿也不。 112. Not yet. 还没有。 113. Not really. 不见得;不怎么样。 114. Not a chance! 不可能! 115. Of course not. 当然不。 116. I’d love to, but… 我很愿意„ „但是„ 117. I have no idea. 我不知道。 118. I don’t think so. 我认为不是。

119. Neither do I. 我也不。 120. Neither am I. 我也不。 121. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是。 122. I hope not. 我希望不是。 123. I can’t believe it! 我不相信;简直不敢相信! 124. Nonsense. 胡说。 125. That’s garbage. 胡说。 126. That’s stupid! 那是愚蠢的! 127. Impossible! 不可能!

第三节 中性答复(不能明确回答)

128. I’m not sure. 我不清楚;我不确定。 129. I don’t know. 我不知道。 130. I don’t understand. 我不明白。 131. Kind of. 有一点儿。 132. Either is fine. 两者都行。 133. Yes and no. 也是也不是。 134. Probably. 大概是吧。 135. It’s up to you. 由你决定。 136. I have mixed feelings. 我的思绪混乱。 137. Good question! 问得好! 138. That’s a big problem. 那是很严重的问题;那可是件麻烦事。 139. It’s difficult / hard to say. 很难说。 140. It depends. 依情况而定。 141. I’m thinking. 我正在考虑。 142. I’ll think about it. 我会考虑的。 143. I’ll sleep on it. 明天再说吧。 144. I don’t know much about it. 我对此知之甚少。 145. I don’t know what to say. 我不知该说些什么。 146. If it’s OK with you. 只要你不介意。 147. If it’s convenient for you. 如果你方便的话。 148. If it’s not too much trouble. 如果不太麻烦的话。 149. No wonder. 怪不得。 150. A little bit. 有点儿。 151. More or less. 或多或少。 152. All the time. 总是。 153. Most of the time. 大多数的时候。 154. From time to time. 有时;偶尔;时常。 155. For a long time. 很长一段时间。 156. For a short time. 时间不长。 157. For some time. 一段时间。 158. For the time being. 暂时。

第五部分 询问式口语要素

159. You all right? 你还好吧?
160.Are youfeeling okay? 你感觉还好吗? 161. Are you following me? 你有没有听清楚;你听懂了吗? 162. Really? 真的吗? 163. Are you sure? 你确定吗? 164. Are you kidding? 开玩笑吧? 165. Are you serious? 你是认真的吗? 166. Excuse me? 你刚才说什么? 167. What did you say? 你说什么? 168. What do you mean? 你什么意思? 169. You mean…? 你是说„ „吗? 170. What’s that? 你说什么? 171. What are you talking about? 你在说什么? 172. Are you talking about…? 你是在说„ „吗? 173. Do you understand me? 你能懂我吗? 174. Am I making sense? 你能听懂我说的吗? 175. You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗? 176. Am I right? 我没说错吧? 177. Anything else? 还要别的吗?/还有其他别的事吗? 178. Could I have some time? 给我一些时间好吗? 179. How can I say this? 我该怎么说? 180. Can I ask you a question? 我可以问你个问题吗? 181. Can I talk to you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗? 182. Don’t you think so? 你不觉得吗? 183. Is that okay? 这样可以吗? 184. What do you think? 你觉得怎么样? 185. How do you like…? 你认为„ „怎样? 186. What’s… like? „怎么样? 187. What for? 作什么用? 188. How come? 怎么回事? 189. Why not? 为什么不? 190. Can I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗?

第六部分 引出下文口语要素

191. Speaking of… 提起„ „,说起„ 192. That reminds me. 那倒提醒了我。 193. So… 那么„ 194. By the way. 顺便说一下。 195. You know what? 你知道吗?

196. I have an idea. 我有个主意。 197. I have something to tell you. 我有件事要告诉你。 198. (As far as I’m concerned… 依我看,„ ;就我而言,„ 199. In my opinion. 在我看来。 200. I’m not finished. 我还没有说完。 201. Wait a minute. 稍等。 202. Let’s see. 让我想想看。 203. Let me think. 让我想想看。

第八节 咀咒和骂人

在这一节中你将能学习到当代英语中一些较常见的诅骂和骂人话,不过,我们并非鼓励你多用这一类的话,而是因为它们在电影、电视和日常生活中出现得非常频繁 ,作为英语学习者,要想听得懂,首先要学会这些话!其实,只要是常使用的语言,无论是不雅的话抑或是优雅的话,一样值得我们重视!

65Damn it!
[ ]

【疯狂实战】 A: Damn it! (他妈的!
B: What’s wrong with you? (你怎么啦?)

A: Where have you been? (你死哪儿去了?)
B: Damn it! I told you I had to work late tonight. Get off my back! (他妈的!我跟你说了今晚我要工作到很晚。滚开!

A: I’m sorry sir, the tickets for Hong Kong have been sold out. (对不起先生,到香港的票已经卖完了。
B: Damn it! It just isn’t my day. I’m having rotten luck today. (该死的!今天实在是我倒霉的日子。我今天走了霉运了。



A: You just missed the last train to Shenzhen. (你刚好错过了去深圳的最后一趟火车。
B: Shit! I have an important meeting there tonight. (糟糕!我今晚在那儿有个重要的会议呢。

A: Oh, shit! I just spilled coffee all over my shirt. (要死!我把咖啡洒到衬衫上去了。
B: You need to calm down and take your time. No wonder you spilled your coffee. (你要冷静,慢慢来。难怪你把咖啡洒到身上去。

A: Shit! How dare you treat me like that? Who do you think you are? (他妈的!你怎么敢这样对我?你以为你是谁啊?) B: I’ll treat you any way I please! (我高兴怎么对你就怎么对你!

67Shut up!
[ ] 闭嘴!

A: Shut up! I’ve heard enough! (闭嘴!我听够了!
B: But I have a lot more to say! (但我还有更多要说的!

A: And another thing… (还有就是„„)
B: Oh, shut up, Bob. (噢,闭嘴,Bob

A: I know nobody wants to hear about this problem… (我知道没有人想听这个问题„„)
B: You’re right. We don’t, so just shut up. (你说对了。我们是不想听,所以闭嘴。

68Go to hell!
[  ] 去死吧!

A: I’m sick of your nagging all the time.
(我烦透了你整天唠叨不停! B: Go to hell! I’m sick of you! (去死吧!我还烦你呢!

A: Hey, could I borrow your car ? (嘿,借你的车给我可以吗?)
B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it! (去死吧!上次我把车借给你,你就把它给弄坏了!

A: Shut up and get out of my face! (闭上你的嘴巴,离我远点儿!
B: Go to hell! I never want to see you again anyway! (去死吧!反正我也不想再见到你!

69Beat it!
[ ] 走开!滚开!

A: Sorry. I broke your radio. (对不起,我把你的收音机弄坏了。
B: Get out of here! Beat it! Can’t you do anything right? (滚开!你还能干什么好事?)

A: Beat it, small change. (滚开,小子。
B: You’re always picking on me! (你总是对我有意见! 【特别注解】
这里的small change 可不是找数,找头小零花钱的意思,而是指小孩子。下面,我们还是来看看KIM老师是怎么解释的:
Kim’s Note: This is slang for a little kid. Most small children don’t like being called this name because it implies they aren’t worth much, just like small change from a dollar (a few pennies. small change是一个俚语,指的是小孩子。绝大部分的小孩都不喜欢被别人这样叫,因为这意味着他们是无足轻重的,成不了大气候,就像一美元中的小零头(一分,两分„„)那样。

六星级成语pick on意思是找茬,作弄。下面我们给出更多的例句: * Why pick on me?
* He gets picked on because he’s small.

* There’s one girl at my school who everybody picks on because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears - they’re horrible to her. 我们学校有个女孩子,每个人都爱找她茬,因为她穿着另类--他们对她特 别恶劣。
A: I really want to give you a hand. (我真的想帮帮你。
B: I don’t need you, so beat it! (我不需要,滚开!

Go away!(滚开!
Get out (of here!(走开;滚开!

70. Get lost!
[ ] 滚开!

A: Get lost! I’m still really mad at you. (滚开!我还在生你的气呢。 B: Kim! Kim! I’m sorry about it. Kim! Kim!我很抱歉。

A: I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me? (我在想你愿不愿意和我一块儿去看电影?) B: Get lost! You know I have a boyfriend! (滚开!你知道我有男朋友了!

A: Do you think you could just lend me a few more dollars? (你看你能再借几块钱给我吗?)
B: Get lost! I’ve already lent you a lot of money and you never pay me back.

71You big jerk!
[  ] 你这个混蛋!
Lisa’s Note: This term is always used to describe a man, not a woman. 这句话几乎总是用在男人身上,而不会用在女人身上。 【疯狂实战】 A: You big jerk! (你这个混蛋!

B: What did I do? (我做什么了?)

A: I’m sorry I have to cancel our date tonight. Something’s come up. (抱歉我不得取消我们今晚的约会,有点事情要处理。
B: You big jerk! Something always comes up at the last minute. I’m sick of it! (你这个混蛋!你总是在紧要关头有事情要处理,我真烦透了。

A: I saw you in the park with another girl last nightyou big jerk! (你这个混蛋,我昨晚上在公园看到你和另一个女孩在一起!
B: Wait a minute! That was my sister! Why are you always jumping to conclusions? (搞清楚!那可是我妹妹!你怎么总是妄下结论啊?)

屁股;傻瓜;蠢货;讨厌鬼 【疯狂讲解】
―ass‖的本意是屁股(butt‖的意思,由此引申出来的傻瓜,蠢货,讨厌鬼jerk在美国口语中被广泛地运用。如果只知道―ass‖的字面意思,而对其引申意一无所知,当美国人吹胡子瞪眼地冲着你说了句―Kiss my ass!‖时,你望文生义地照着自己理解的字面意思去做,那你闹的笑话可就大了!搞不好美国人还会告你对他进行性骚扰(sexual harassment!请大家务必要认真学习和体会以下对话中的―ass‖的意思。
Kim’s Note: I really don’t know why expressions using the word ―ass‖ are so popular in American English. I just know you hear them every day.

A: Damn! She has a big ass (=butt. (见鬼,她的屁股真肥!
B: Shut up! Yours is bigger. (闭嘴,你的屁股更肥。

A: Don’t be such an ass. (别那么讨人厌了!
B: Who are you calling an ass? (你说谁是讨人厌?)

A: He’s such an ass =jerk.
B: I know. He’s the stupidest guy I know. (我知道。他是我认识的人中最愚蠢的一个。

A: Move your ass.=Move your butt. (把你的屁股挪开/滚开。 B: Don’t talk to me like that! (不要这样和我说话!

A: Look at that hot girl / good looking girl. (瞧那个性感/靓妞。
B: Damn! She’s a fine piece of ass. (见鬼,她真有味。

A: Heydude, can you scratch my back? (嘿,哥们,帮我挠挠背好吗?)
B: Kiss my ass. Scratch it yourself. (滚,你自己挠吧)

A: Don’t mess with him, he’s bad ass. (不要跟他乱来,那家伙有两下子。 B: I’ ll be fine. (没事儿。

A: Hey man, nice car. (喂,伙计,你的车挺漂亮的嘛! B: Yeah, isn’t it bad ass? (是啊,不错吧?

―bad ass‖ really great, good, cool, awesome, impressive, really tough, really bad

学习英语目的不是为了考试,而是为了说,为了与人交流,考试只是顺便的。在日常生活中,生气骂人是常有的事,Damn it / Shit / Shut up / Go to hell / You big jerk / Get lost!都是英美人士骂人时的常用语。为了方便记忆,我们已将它们融入了下面这一组对话中,请大家务必要反复模仿磁带,至脱口而出!
A: Damn it, I’m sick of you always taking me for granted. B: Shit! I don’t want to hear this garbage! I mean it. A: I don’t care. You never listen to me. You never tell me you love me…

B: Shut up! No wonder, you’re such a nagging bitch! A: How dare you call me that? You big jerk! Go to hell! B: Ha! Get lost, I don’t care what you say!

A:他妈的,你总是对我想当然,真烦人。 B:扯蛋!我不想听这些垃圾!我说真的。
A:我不管。你从不听我的,你从不对我说你爱我„„ B:闭嘴!难怪你是那么一个唠唠叨叨的贱人! A:你怎么可以这样叫我?你这个混蛋!去死吧你! B: 哈!滚开,你说什么我都不在乎!

第三部分 评论性口语要素

Kim’s Note: These are all very useful ways to keep a conversation going. 以下这些都是使谈话继续下去的非常有用的说法。

73Great! [] 太棒了!

A: I can cook some dessert for the kids. (我会为孩子们做一些甜点。 B: Great! (太棒了!

A: The report will be ready soon. (那份报告马上就准备好了。 B: Great! (太好了!

A: We’re getting a raise this month. (我们这个月加工资了。 B: Great! (太棒了!

Amazing!(太棒了! Beautiful!(太好了! Cool!(太酷了! Terrific!(太棒了!

Excellent!(好极了! Wonderful!(妙极了!

74That’s interesting.
[ ] 很有趣。

A: My baby cries when she hears her father’s voice. (我的孩子一听到她爸爸的声音就哭。 B: That’s interesting. (那真有趣。

A: We can see the Great Wall clearly from here in winter. (冬天的时候,我们能在这里清楚地看到长城。 B: That’s interesting. (有意思。

A: My dream is to live in Australia. (我的梦想是在澳大利亚生活。 B: That’s interesting. (那很有趣。

That’s fascinating.(太棒了! That’s exciting.(够刺激!

75That’s funny.
[ ] 真逗。

A: Kitty is always getting the words people and person mixed up. Kitty总是把peopleperson这两个字弄混。 B: That’s funny. (真好玩。

A: My husband often apologizes to me while he sleeps. (我老公经常在睡梦中向我道歉。 B: That’s funny. (那真有趣。

A: Do you know our boss already went home? (你知道我们老板已经回家了吗?)
B: That’s funny. He said he wanted to talk to me. (开玩笑。他说过要找我谈话的。

76Sounds good.
[ ] 听上去不错。

A: Would you like Chinese food tonight? (今晚吃中国菜怎么样?) B: Sounds good. (不错。

A: How about taking a walk in the park? (到公园去走走怎么样?) B: Sounds good. (好主意。

A: What do you say to taking a vacation? (去度假怎么样?) B: Sounds good. (听起来不错。

Sounds great.(挺好。 Sounds fantastic.(不错。 Sounds perfect.(非常好。

77Great idea!
[ ] 好主意!

A: Should we rent a car and drive there ourselves? (我们要租辆车自己开过去吗?) B: Great idea! (好主意!

A: Why don’t you ask your father to go with you? (你为什么不叫你爸爸一块去呢?)

B: Great idea! (好主意!

A: Maybe you should search the Internet. (也许你应该到互联网上查一下。 B: Great idea! (好办法!

Good idea!(好主意! Excellent idea!(好主意!

78You did great.
[  ] 干得好!

A: I’m starting the advanced class. (我开始学高级课程了。 B: You did great. (好样的!

A: I should have practiced more. (我本该多练习的。
B: Don’t worry. You did great. (不用担心。你做得不错。

A: I collected so many donations in one week. (我在一周内把这些捐赠物资都拿到了。 B: You did great. (你干得不错。

You did well.(你做得不错。 You did / were fine.(做得好!
You did / were terrific.(你做得太棒了! You were wonderful.(你做得太棒了!

79Good job! [ ] 做得好!

A: I got an A on the essay. (我的论文得了个A B: Good job! (好样的!

A: I double-checked everything and found nothing was wrong. (我把所有的东西都检查了两遍,结果没有发现任何错误。 B: Good job! (做得好!

A: I sorted out all the stuff in the closet. (我把衣柜里的东西都整理了一下。 B: Good job! (做得好!

Good for you!(好样的! Well done!(干得好! That’s great!(太好了!

80Way to go!
[  ] 好样的!

【疯狂实战】 A: I got a job! (我找到工作了! B: Way to go! (你真有两下子!

A: I was promoted to be a manager. (我被升为经理了。 B: Way to go! (你真有两下子!

A: I got first prize! (我得了第一名! B: Way to go! (好样的!

81Not bad.

[ ] 不错。

A: How are you feeling? (你感觉怎么样?)
B: Not bad. I’m just a little tired. (不错。我只是有点儿累。

A: How did the power lunch go? (那个商务宴会结果怎样?)
B: Not bad. I think we’ll get the contract. (不错。我想我们会签合同的。

A: How did your interview go? (你的面试怎么样?) B: Not bad.(不错。

Not so bad.(不错。 Pretty good.(不错。 Great.(很棒。 Fine.(很好。

82Not too bad.
[  ] 不算坏。

A: How was the concert? (音乐会怎么样?) B: Not too bad. (还行。

A: How was the weather there? (那儿天气怎样?)
B: Not too bad. It was sunny and warm most of the time. (不太坏。大多时候都是阳光充足,而且暖和。

A: How is he doing these days? (他最近过得怎样?)
B: Not too bad. He just got a new job. (不算坏。他刚找到一份新工作。

【疯狂替换】 Okay.(还好。 So-so.(凑合。
Can’t complain.(还行。

83That makes sense.
[  ] 有道理。

A: I bought this more expensive one because it’s better quality than the cheaper ones. (我买了这个贵一点的,因为它的质量比那些便宜的好。 B: That makes sense. (有道理。

A: Improving the environment will increase tourism in China. (在中国,改善环境有利于发展旅游业。 B: That makes sense. (说得对。

A: We need to improve our office procedures to reduce expenses. (我们需要改善我们的办公程序,减少费用。 B: That makes sense. (有道理。

84Not good.
[ ] 不怎么好。

A: How is your grandfather? (你爷爷怎么样?)
B: Not good. He has been in the hospital for a month. (不怎么好。他住院已经一个月了。

A: How is the preparation going? (准备得怎么样了?)
B: Not good. We’re really behind schedule. (不怎么好。我们实在跟不上计划。

A: How did your finals go? (你期末考试考得怎么样?) B: Not good. (不怎么好。

Not so good. / not well.(不是太好。 Pretty bad. / Shitty.(相当糟糕。 Terrible.(不好。 Awful.(很糟糕。

85. Not too good.
[  ] 不太好。

A: How are you doing? (你过得好吗?) B: Not too good. (就那么回事儿。

A: How was the meeting? (会议进行得怎么样?) B: Not too good. (不是很好。

A: How was the movie? (那部电影怎么样?)
B: Not too good. I didn’t like the ending. (不是很好。我不太喜欢结局。

Not great. / Not too well.(不怎么样。 Not perfect.(不怎么样。 Could be better.(还能更好。

86.That’s too bad. [  ] 真是太糟糕了。

A: I have a terrible headache.
(我头疼得厉害。 B: That’s too bad. (真是太糟糕了。

A: I’m allergic to eggs. (我对鸡蛋过敏。 B: That’s too bad. (那可不好。

A: I have hay fever. (我得了花粉热。 B: That’s too bad. (真不幸。
第四部分 应答口语要素

第一节 肯定答复

我们大部分的中国人都知道英语的肯定答复是“Yes‖, 可是这个“Yes‖果说多了的话,就会让人觉得你的英语水平“不过如此”!其实,英语的肯定答复花样多得很,仅这一节我们就给你提供了22种。同样的一句话能够用不同的方式来表达,肯定会让人觉得你的英文水平确实了不得,让人对你的英文水平刮目相看,既然可以带给别人一个惊讶,又可以为自己带来一份成就感,何乐而不为!
87. Right.
[] 是这样。

A: They will understand you someday. (总有一天他们会理解你的。 B: Right. (说得对。

A: I didn’t have time to call you. (我没有时间给你打电话。 B: Right. (那好。

A: Smoking isn’t good for you. (吸烟对你不好。 B: Right. (对。

You’re coming, right?(你会来的,对吧?) You have a car, right?(你有部车,对吧?)

88Okay. [] 好的。

A: This is the biggest vase I have. (我最大的花瓶就这个。 B: Okay. / Alright. (好的。

A: We’d better go now. It’s getting late. (我们走吧。天晚了。 B: Okay. / Alright. (好。

A: Okay, who’s next? (好,下一个是谁?) B: I think it’s me. (我想是我。


A: Can you give me a hand? (你能帮我个忙吗?) B: Sure. (可以。

A: Can I use your phone? (我可以用你的电话吗?) B: Sure. (可以。

A: Thanks for your help. (多谢帮忙。
B: Sure.


[] 就是;的确这样!

A: It’s expensive to travel in America. (在美国旅游是很贵的。 B: Exactly! (确实是!

A: Children should spend more time outdoors and less time watching TV. (孩子们应该多进行一些室外运动,少看些电视。 B: Exactly! (就是!

A: I heard commuting in Guangzhou is hell. (我听说在广州上下班很麻烦。 B: Exactly! (可不是!

Precisely.(的确。 Definitely.(确实是。 Exactly so.(确实如此。
You can say that again.(你说得对。

91. Absolutely!
[] 当然!

A: Could you give me a ride? (我能搭你的便车吗?)
B: Absolutely! I’d be glad to. (当然可以!我很乐意。

A: Can I ask you a favor?
(你能帮我个忙吗?) B: Absolutely! (当然!

A: I think they should control guns in America. (我认为在美国应该控制枪支。 B: Absolutely! (绝对应该这样。

Absolutely not! 当然不是!/绝对没有!
A: Did you cheat in the exam?(你在考试中作弊了?) B: Absolutely not!(绝对没有!

92. That’s right.
[ ] 没错。

A: You mean our daughter is in love? (你是说我们的女儿恋爱了?) B: That’s right. (没错。

A: So you didn’t take the test? (那就是说你没有参加考试?) B: That’s right. (对。

A: You said you forgot to videotape it. (你说你忘了把它录像?) B: Oh, that’s right. (是,是这样。

That’s correct.(对了。 Is that right?(对吗?) Is that correct?(是吗?)

93I see.
[ ] 我明白了。

A: You have to return the books by Monday. (你得在周一前归还图书。 B: I see. (我知道了。

A: You must leave right now. (你现在必须离开。 B: I see. (我知道。

A: Tom doesn’t like that. Tom不喜欢那个。 B: I see. (我知道。

I understand.(我明白。 I got it.(我明白了。

94So do I.
[  ] 我也是。

A: I really like Chinese food. (我真的很爱吃中国菜。 B: So do I. (我也是。

A: I think he’s very talented. (我觉得他很有天分。
B: So do I. (我也这么认为。

A: I watched that movie on TV. (我是在电视上看的那部电影。
B: So did I. (我也是在电视上看的。

95So am I.

[  ] 我也一样。

A: I’m really tired. (我实在太累了。 B: So am I. (我也是。

A: I’m so concerned about him. (我特别担心他。 B: So am I. (我也一样。

A: I was so excited about the news. (得知那个消息我真是激动。 B: So was I. (我当时也是。

96Yes, please. [ ] 好的,请便。

A: Would you like more wine? (再喝些酒吧?) B: Yes, please. (好的。

A: Do you want to hear some music? (你想来点音乐吗?) B: Yes, please. (好吧。

A: Would you like something to eat? (你想吃点什么吗?) B: Yes, please. (好吧。

97Yes, of course.
[  ] 当然了!

A: Are you attending the conference? (你去开会吗?)
B: Yes, of course. I signed up weeks ago. (当然了。我几个星期前就签字了。

A: Could you give me a ride? (你能载我一程吗?)
B: Yes, of course. You don’t even have to ask! (当然了!你问都不用问!

A: You know so much about Beijing. (你对北京知道的不少。
B: Yes, of course. I was born there. (当然了!我在那儿出生的。

98. Yes, I’d love to.
[] 是的,非常乐意。

A: Would you like to join us? (你想加入我们吗?) B: Yes, I’d love to. (是的,非常乐意。

A: Would you like to come to the party? (你来参加聚会吗?)
B: Yes, I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me. (当然,非常乐意。谢谢邀请。

A: Would you like to go to the movies with me? (你跟我去看电影吗?) B: Yes, I’d love to. (去。我要去。

Yes, I’d be happy to.(是的,我很乐意。 Yes, I’d be glad to.(是的,我很乐意。 Yes, I’d be pleased to.(是的,我很乐意。 Yes, with pleasure.(是的,我很乐意。

99. Sure, go ahead.
[  ] 尽管去做。

A: May I use your phone? (我可以用你的电话吗?) B: Sure, go ahead. (可以,用吧。

A: Can I ask you a question? (我能问你个问题吗?) B: Sure, go ahead. (当然,你问吧。

A: Can I watch TV? (我可以看电视吗?)
B: Sure, go ahead. Here’s the remote control. (当然,看吧,这是摇控器。

100. Sure, no problem.
[  ] 当然了,没问题。

A: Can you do the dishes? (你洗碗好吗?)
B: Sure, no problem. (好的,没问题。

A: Could you take the trash out? (你能把垃圾带出去吗?) B: Sure, no problem. (行,没问题。

A: Could you speak more slowly? (讲慢点好吗?)
B: Sure, no problem. (好,没问题。

101. Sure, why not!

[  ] 当然了,为什么不呢!
A: Would you like to come along? (你愿意一起去吗?)
B: Sure, why not! (当然了,为什么不呢!

A: Would you like to help them? (你愿意帮助他们吗?)
B: Sure, why not! That’s what friends are for. (当然了,为什么不呢!这就是朋友的作用啊。

A: Can you tell me the recipe? (你能告诉那个配方吗?) B: Sure, why not!

102. Sure, feel free. [  ]

A: Can I ask you one more question? (我能再问你一个问题吗?) B: Sure, feel free. (当然可以,尽管问。

A: Can I have another piece of cake? (我能再要一块蛋糕吗?)
B: Sure, feel free. Help yourself. (可以呀,别客气。尽管吃吧。

A: Could I make a suggestion? (我可以提个建议吗?) B: Sure, feel free. (尽管说。

Go ahead.(尽管去做。 Be my guest.(别客气。 Don’t be shy.(别害羞。

Kim’s Note: These are all very important sentences to make someone feel at home. When people of different cultures get together they sometimes feel shy or awkward. These sentences can make a world of difference. 这些都是使人感到自在的重要句子。来自不同文化的人聚在一起时,有时会感到害羞或拘束,这些句子能够使气氛变得完全不一样。

103I think so too.
[   ] 我也这么认为。
A: We should save more money. (我们应该多攒些钱。 B: I think so too. (我也是这样想的。

A: Maybe he’d like to be alone now. (或许他现在想一个人静一下。 B: I think so too. (我也这么认为。

A: You’d better get up a little earlier. (你应该早点起床。
B: I think so too. I’ve been late for work twice this month. (我也这么想。这个月我已经迟到两次了。

I agree.(我赞成。
I think you’re right.(你说得对。 I suppose so too.(我也这么想。

104I guess so.
[  ] 我想是这样的。
A: Are your parents proud of you? (你的父母为你感到骄傲吗?) B: I guess so. (我想是的。

A: Was your teacher shocked? (你的老师大吃了一惊吧?)

B: I guess so. He didn’t know I could speak English. (我想是的。他不知道我会说英语。

A: Did Jim win a scholarship? Jim拿到奖学金了吗?) B: I guess so. (我猜他拿到了。

105. I hope so.
[  ] 我希望如此。

A: Will you be home by eleven? (你十一点会到家吗?) B: I hope so. (但愿如此。

A: Is she feeling better? (她感觉好点了吗?)
B: I hope so. I’m worried about her. (我希望是。我担心她。

A: Are you going to be a pilot? (你就要当上飞行员了吗?)
B: I hope so. I have always dreamed of flying my own plane. (但愿是。我总是梦想开我自己的飞机。

106. I’m afraid so.
[  ] 恐怕是这样。

A: Is the party over? (晚会结束了吗?) B: I’m afraid so. (我想是。

A: Did you miss the bus? (你没赶上车吗?) B: I’m afraid so. (恐怕是。

A: Did you burn the chicken? (你把鸡烧糊了吧?)
B: I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry! (恐怕是。很抱歉!

Unfortunately, yes.(不幸的是,你说对了。 Regrettably, yes.(真不幸,这是事实。

107. I thought so.
[  ] 我想也是。

A: All the tickets were sold out. (所有的票都卖完了。 B: I thought so. (我想也是。

A: We should have made a reservation. We have to wait for a table. (我们要是预定了座位就好了。现在我们得等座位了。 B: I thought so. (我也这么想。

A: Bob said he was too busy to help us. (鲍勃说他太忙了,帮不上我们。 B: I thought so. (我想也是。

108. I told you so.
[   ] 我告诉过你。

A: I should have bought that camera when I had the chance. (有机会那会儿,我应该买下那架相机。 B: I told you so. (我跟你说过。

A: Gee, I’ve got a parking ticket. (糟糕!我停车被罚了!

B: I told you so. (我提醒过你。

A: They wouldn’t let me on the plane without an ID card. (没有身份证,他们不会让我上飞机的。 B: I told you so. (我告诉过你吧。

I told you.(我告诉过你。 Told you so.(我告诉过你。 Told you.(我告诉过你。
Kim’s Note: Be careful with these sentences! No one likes to hear ―I told you so‖ too often!
谨慎使用这些句子!没有人喜欢总是听到“I told you so”这句话!

第二节 否定答复

109. No, never.
[ ] 从来没有过。

A: Have you ever been to America? (你去过美国吗?) B: No, never. (从来没有。

A: Have you seen the Great Wall? (你看过长城吗?) B: No, never. (从来没有。

A: Did you think you’d pass the test? (你想过你会通过考试吗?)
B: No, never. I don’t know anything about grammar. (从来没有。我对语法一窍不通。

110. No way!
[ ] 没门儿!

A: Can you tell him the truth for me? (你能替我告诉他真相吗?)
B: No way! You have to tell him yourself! (休想!你得亲自告诉他!

A: Do you want to try skydiving? (你想试试跳伞吗?)
B: No way! It’s too dangerous! (绝对不行!太危险了!

A: Why don’t you go apologize to her? (你为什么不向她道歉呢?)
B: No way! I didn’t do anything wrong. (没门儿!我没做错什么。

111. No, not at all.
[   ] 一点儿也不。

A: Are you good at English? (你英语学得好吗?) B: No, not at all. (一点儿都不好。

A: Did I hurt your feelings? (我伤害了你的感情吗?)
B: No, not at all. I appreciate your honesty. (不,一点儿也没有。我很欣赏你的诚实。

A: Is the chicken too spicy? (这鸡肉会不会太辣?)
B: No, not at all. I love spicy food. (一点儿也不辣。我喜欢吃辣食。

No, not a bit.(一点儿也不。
No, not in the least. (一点儿也不。

112. Not yet.
[ ] 还没有。

A: Did you buy a new VCR? (你买了个新的录像机吗?) B: Not yet. (还没有。

A: Have you finished your work? (你的工作完成了吗?) B: Not yet. (还没有。

A: Did you pick a date? (你选好日子了吗?) B: Not yet. (还没有。

113. Not really.
[ ] 不见得;不怎么样。

A: Is the food good there? (那儿的饭好吃吗?)
B: Not really. But the waitresses are pretty. (不是特别好。不过那儿的服务小姐很漂亮。

A: Were the people friendly to you? (那些人对你好吗?) B: Not really. (不怎么样。

A: Are you happy with your life? (你生活幸福吗?)
B: Not really. I’m dying for a change. (一般般。我极想改变一下。


Not exactly.(不尽然。 Not completely.(不完全是。 Not quite.(不完全是。
Not 100 percent.(不完全是。

114. Not a chance!
[ ] 不可能!

chance‖在这个这里不是指“机会” ,而是“可能性” 。我们可以说:a chance of ……‖表示“有可能…..‖

A: Maybe she’ll change her mind. (也许她会改变主意。 B: Not a chance! (不可能!

A: I might be getting a big raise this month. (或许这个月我会大幅度加薪。 B: Not a chance! (没戏!

A: Do you think our boss will say yes? (你认为老板会同意吗?)
B: Not a chance! He’s so hard to please. He’s not going to approve our plan. (没戏!他这人很难取悦。他不会同意我们的计划的。

No chance!(没戏!
That’s not likely.(不可能! That’s impossible.(不可能!

115. Of course not.
[  ] 当然不。

A: Did you read my journal?
B: Of course not. I’d never do a thing like that. (当然没有了。我从不会做这样的事。

A: Are you hiding anything from me? (你瞒着我什么事吗?)
B: Of course not. What makes you think that? (当然没有了,你怎么这样想啊?)

A: Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend? (我把女朋友带来,你不会介意吧?) B: Of course not. (当然不会。

在此,我们又给大家提供了一组含No never / No way / No, not at all / Not yet / Not a chance.的对话:

A: Do you ever eat at McDonalds’. B: No, never.
A: You’re kidding right? Everyone loves McDonalds’. B: No way, I don’t. I think that food is garbage. A: But don’t you get tired of Chinese food? B: No, not at all.
A: Wow, so you’ve never had a hamburger in your life? B: Not yet. I have no interest.
A: What if I buy you lunch at McDonalds’ today? B: Not a chance.

A:你吃过麦当劳吗? B:没有,从未吃过。
B:不可能,我可不爱吃。我觉得那是垃圾食品。 A:可是,你没吃厌中国菜吗? B:没有,一点也不厌。
A:啊,那你不是从来都没有吃过汉堡包? B:还没吃过。我不感兴趣。
A:我今中午去麦当劳给你买午餐怎么样? B:不用。

116I’d love to, but …
[   ]

我很乐意„„但是„„ 【疯狂讲解】

A: Would you like to join us? (你跟我们一起吗?)
B: I’d love to, but I can’t. (我想,但是不行。

A: Would you like to help us? (你愿意帮助我们吗?)
B: I’d love to, but I’m busy. (我愿意,但是我很忙。

A: Aren’t you attending the meeting? (你难道不去开会吗?)
B: I’d love to, but I have plans. (我想去,但我已经另有安排了。

117I have no idea.
[   ] 我不知道。

A: Do you know where my bag is? (你知道我的包在哪儿吗?) B: I have no idea. (不知道。

A: Is she coming back soon? (她会很快回来吗?) B: I have no idea. (我不清楚。

A: Why is this cartoon so popular? (这种卡通画为什么这么流行?) B: I have no idea. (我不知道。

I don’t know.(我不知道。 I have no clue.(我不知道。

Beats me.(我不知道。

118I don’t think so.
[   ] 我认为不是。

A: I think this is the perfect solution. (我认为这是最好的解决方案。 B: I don’t think so. (我认为不是。

A: Would you like to go out tonight? (你今晚出去吗?)
B: I don’t think so. I have too much work to do. (我想我不会。我有太多事要做了。

A: Drinking is a bad habit. (喝酒是一种恶习。
B: I don’t think so. It’s only a problem if you drink too much. (我认为不是。渴酒太多才会成问题。

I disagree.(我反对。 I doubt it.(我表示怀疑。 I think not.(我认为不是。 I suppose not.(我认为不是。

119Neither do I.
[  ] 我也不。

A: I don’t think he’s telling the truth. (我不信他讲的是真话。 B: Neither do I. (我也不信。

A: I don’t like working overtime. (我不喜欢加班。 B: Neither do I. (我也不喜欢。

A: Mom doesn’t agree with me. (妈妈不赞成我。 B: Neither do I. (我也不赞成。

120Neither am I.
[  ] 我也不。
Kim’s Note: Neither and either give Chinese English learners a lot of headaches. Don’t worry about memorizing the rules for using them correctly. Just practice blurting out correct sentences until their use becomes automatic. neither”和“either”很是让中国的英语学习者们头痛。其实,大可不必急着去背它们的使用规则,你只需练习脱口而出正确的句子,它们的用法自然而然就掌握了。

A: I’m not confident at all. (我一点信心都没有。 B: Neither am I. (我也没有。

A: I’m not good at tennis. (我不太会打网球。 B: Neither am I. (我也一样。

A: We’re not going. (我们不去。 B: Neither am I. (我也不去。

121I’m afraid not.
[  ]
恐怕不是。 【疯狂实战】
A: Do you have a smoking section? (你们这儿有吸烟区吗?) B: I’m afraid not. (恐怕没有。

A: Is the VCR fixed? (录像机修好了吗?) B: I’m afraid not. (恐怕没有。

A: Can you still catch the last bus? (你还能赶上末班车吗?)
B: I’m afraid not. It left ten minutes ago. (恐怕赶不上了。它十分钟前就走了。

Unfortunately, no.(可惜不是。 Regrettably, no. (可惜不是。

122I hope not.
[  ] 我希望不是。

A: Is it going to rain tomorrow? (明天会下雨吗?)
B: I hope not. I want to go to the beach. (但愿不会。我想去海滩玩。

A: Do you think we’ll have a test today? (你认为我们今天会有测验吗?) B: I hope not. I didn’t study. (但愿没有。我没有学习呢。

A: Are all those people waiting for a taxi? (那些人都在等出租车吗?) B: I hope not. (但愿不是。

123I can’t believe it!
[    ] 我不相信;简直不敢相信!

A: I forgot all about it. (我把它彻底给忘了。 B: I can’t believe it!


A: I’m sorry I read your diary. I know I was wrong. (对不起,我看了你的日记。我知道错了。 B: I can’t believe it! (我简直不敢相信!

A: Congratulations! You won the first prize! (祝贺你!你得了一等奖!
B: I can’t believe it! I never win anything. (真是难以置信!我从来都没有得过奖。

含“believe”的口语要素: Unbelievable.(难以置信。 I don’t believe it.(我不相信。 I don’t believe you.(我不相信你。 Would you believe it?(你会相信吗?)

[] 胡说。

A: All my classmates hate me. (所有的同学都讨厌我。 B: Nonsense. (胡说八道。

A: I’m going to do my work after the party. (晚会之后,我打算去干活。
B: Nonsense. You’ll be too tired. (简直是荒唐。你会很累的。

A: One person wouldn’t make a difference. (多一个人少一个人无所谓。
B: Nonsense. Every person can make a big difference! (胡说。每个人都是不可或缺的。

That’s silly.(真蠢。 That’s stupid.(真蠢。 That’s ridiculous.(荒唐。

That’s absurd.(荒唐。

125That’s garbage.
Kim’s Note: This is a one-hundred percent American sentence! Use it to show strong disagreement and you will definitely sound like a native speaker. 这百分之百是一句地道的美国话!用它来表示强烈的反对,你听起来绝对像一个美国人。

A: I never eat fast food. (我从不吃快餐。
B: That’s garbage! I see you in McDonald’s all the time. (胡说!我经常在麦当劳看到你。

A: He promised. He even crossed his heart. (他发誓了,而且是对天发誓。 B: That’s garbage. (别信他。

A: I swear, I didn’t know that. (我发誓我不知道那件事。
B: That’s garbage. You did know! (胡扯。你知道的!

That’s horse shit.(胡说。 Bullshit.(废话。

126That’s stupid.
[ ] 那是愚蠢的。

A: I think I’m going to give up studying English for a while. I’m too busy. (我想暂停一段时间不学英语,我太忙了。 B: That’s stupid. (那是愚蠢的做法。

A: I don’t worry about saving money. I just live for today. (我不急着存钱,我只为今天而活。
B: That’s stupid. Don’t you care about the future? (那是愚蠢的。你难道不在乎未来吗?)

A: I always walk home by myself. (我总是自己走路回家。
B: That’s stupid. It’s dangerous to walk alone after dark. (那是愚蠢的。天黑时一个人走路危险。

[] 不可能!

A: I think I can learn to speak good English in a month. (我想我能在一个月内学会讲英语。 B: Impossible. (不可能。

A: Our flight is at five o’clock. Do you think we can make it on time? (我们搭的是五点钟的飞机。你想我们能按时赶到吗?) B: Impossible! (不可能!

A: Do you think I can get my money back? (你想我能把钱要回来吗?) B: Impossible! (不可能!

第三节 中性答复(不能明确回答)

128I’m not sure.
[  ] 我不清楚;我不确定。

A: Do you know what time the speech is supposed to start? (你知道演讲几时开始吗?) B: I’m not sure. (我不清楚。

A: Is that girl over there from the United States or Canada?
(那边那个女孩子来自美国还是加拿大?) B: I’m not sure. (我不清楚。

A: Do you think you can help me with my English tonight? (你觉得今晚你能指点一下我学习英语吗?)
B: I’m not sure. I’ll call you and let you know. (我不确定。我到时给你打电话吧。

129I don’t know.
[  ] 我不知道。

A: Would you like to go for a drink? (你想出去喝点什么吗?) B: I don’t know. (我不知道。

A: What do you think of this proposal? (你觉得这项提议怎么样?)
B: I don’t know. I didn’t have much time to read it. (我不知道。我没有太多的时间去看它。

A: Do you think I should try? (你认为我该试试吗?) B: I don’t know. (我不知道。

I have no idea.(我不知道。
I don’t have the slightest idea.(我一点也不知道。 I’m not really sure.(我真的不清楚。

130. I don’t understand.
[  ] 我不明白。

A: Are you sure that is legal? (你肯定那是合法的吗?) B: I don’t understand.


A: I strongly doubt he was sober. (我才不信他没醉呢!
B: Uh, I don’t understand. (哦,我不知道。

A: The impact of the Olympic bid is huge. (申奥的影响是巨大的。 B: I don’t understand. (我不懂。

I don’t follow you.(我不明白你说什么。
I don’t understand what you mean.(我不懂你说什么。
I don’t know what you are talking about.(我不知道你在说什么。

131. Kind of.
[ ] 有一点儿。

A: Do you understand me? (你了解我吗?) B: Kind of. (一点点。

A: Did he ask you out? (他约你出去了?) B: Kind of. (可以这么说。

A: Is she a pain in the neck? (她很烦人吗?) B: Kind of. (有一点儿。

132. Either is fine.
[  ] 两者都行。


A: Would you like tea or coffee? (你喝茶还是咖啡?) B: Either is fine. (都行。

A: Do you want to talk to me or my boss? (你要跟我谈还是跟老板谈?) B: Either is fine. (和谁都行。

A: Would you like to have a break or shall we continue? (我们是休息一下还是继续?) B: Either is fine. I’m not tired. (两者都行。我不累。

133. Yes and no.
[  ] 也是也不是。

A: Do you like your new job? (你喜欢你的新工作吗?) B: Yes and no. (还凑合。

A: Do you think he’s right for the job? (你觉得他适合做这份工作吗?)
B: Yes and no. (可能适合,也可能不适合。

A: Do you agree with me? (你赞成我吗?) B: Yes and no. (一半一半吧。

Maybe yes.(也许是吧。 Maybe no.(也许不。
Maybe yes, maybe no.(可能是,可能不。

134. Probably.


A: Do you think Stone is coming? (你认为Stone会来吗?) B: Probably. (有可能。

A: Are you coming home late tonight? (你今晚会晚回家吗?)
B: Probably. I have a lot of work to do. (也许吧。我有许多工作要做。

A: Is it going to rain soon? (快下雨了吗?)
B: Probably. The sky is so dark. (大概是。天空黑沉沉的。

Maybe.(也许;大概。 Perhaps.(可能。 Possibly.(可能。 Could be.(也许。

135. It’s up to you.
[   ] 由你决定。

A: Would you like to see a movie or go to a disco? (你想去看电影还是去的士高?) B: It’s up to you. (你决定吧。

A: Do you want to eat here or go somewhere else? (你想在这儿吃还是到其他别的地方吃?)
B: It’s up to you. It makes no difference to me. (你说了算。我怎么样都无所谓。

A: Do you think we should invite them? (你觉得我们应该邀请他们吗?) B: It’s up to you. (你决定。

136. I have mixed feelings.
[   ] 我的思绪混乱。

A: How are you feeling now? (你现在觉得怎么样?) B: I have mixed feelings. (我思绪很乱。

A: Are you happy about getting out of here? (离开这儿你高兴吗?)
B: I have mixed feelings. I think I’ll miss my life here, but I’m excited about going home. (我真是百感交集。我想我会怀念这儿的生活,但要回家了,我感到很兴奋。

A: You must be excited about your new job. (你一定觉得新工作很刺激吧?)
B: I have mixed feelings. I am a little sad about leaving my old job. (我有一种说不出的感觉。对于辞去我的前一份工作我有点伤感。

137. Good question!
[ ] 问得好!

这个口语要素不像它表面上那么简单,它实了际上是个反语,意为I was wondering that myself.‖或“Maybe there is no answer to this question.‖ 【疯狂实战】
A: What do you think happiness is? (你认为幸福是什么?)
B: Good question! No one can answer that for sure. (问得好!没有人能很肯定地回答这个问题。

A: Do you think you can learn to speak English? (你觉得你能学会英语吗?) B: Good question! (问得好!

A: Do you believe in yourself? (你相信自己吗?)

B: Good question! (问得好!

138. That’s a big problem.
[  ]

A: Do you know how fast the world’s population is increasing? (你知道世界人口增长有多快吗?) B: That’s a big problem. (那可是个严重的问题。

A: Do you know how difficult it is to get into a good university? (你知道进一所好的大学有多困难吗?) B: That’s a big problem. (那可是件麻烦事。

A: There are lots of polluted cities in China. (中国有许多被污染的城市。 B: That’s a big problem. (这可是个严重的问题。

139. It’s difficult / hard to say.
[ /  ] 很难说。

A: Why did you quit college? (你为什么退学?)
B: It’s difficult / hard to say. (很难说。

A: What do you like about Beijing? (你认为北京怎么样?)
B: It’s difficult / hard to say. There are so many wonderful things about Beijing. (不太好说。北京有那么多好的东西。

A: Why did you forgive him? (你为什么要原谅他?)
B: It’s difficult / hard to say. I guess because I love him.


《李阳疯狂英语 突破口语MP3下部终结版-.doc》
