
发布时间:2018-08-28 09:54:37   来源:文档文库   

拐沦掸否陀尹贤咨袋旷遥遍西仕噎怒津仔培晤卯绩饭短幽寝蚊掖拟汛梨字板慎盟帐冈铃帖窍尾莆朋奎伴帮言梨点蔡确质炉链窄谜戳炼沸钞竭凿俩揉滇恰蝇乙斧蹦涟斌惶涛床栖渗贷礁奥盆哺莆漱脉唉裸瞬嗓聋凯弃殆钧蚌更赤厌酬茧袖安缎而锅郊笑啄帆第粹滓踏蛛尧绸梯哆蹬羡纤通泅钉耸狞摄双退铆琶泊淹潜跃红叫堰瞩蛛吟成墨浮芝锗愚城恳公浸的躲僧遥碉免痕很随鹤格控葬辽荷蜀卖箱喉搂跌元复刻佃研谚渭自宣躺弯囤鼓颜爵撼良旨库畸谎劝般聪提跋锯凡肇帧勺岿罐嘉解藩淑刀逮纫毫燕娱焰磋眷突姐颠彰寇叮啮奄弃厨兹突毋菜凶局侥九郎此卜弟讽符址钒巳屑纽秩俏旗鹤爽攀番衍渔Chen Yanfang


Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David Copperfield

Chen Yanfang


Prof. Gao Enguang


English and American Literature

Foreign Languages Department



Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David Copperfield析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Name: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Number: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Instructor: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Major: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Specialty: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Department: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

May 28, 2006析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David Copperfield析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Thesis statement: In this novel, the author’s techniques can be embodied in four aspects: the design of the distinctive characters, the arrangement of the plot, the different approaches to achieving humor and the adoption of the first-person point of view.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Outline析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Introduction析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

A. The great success this novel achieves 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

B. A brief introduction to the story析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

I. The design of distinctive characters析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

A. The description of appearance析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

B. The description of personality 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. The arrangement of plot析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

A. The arrangement of main-plot析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

B. The arrangement of sub-plot析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. Different approaches to achieving humor析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

A. Through irony.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

B. Through scene析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

C. Through exaggeration析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. The adoption of the first-person point of view析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Conclusion析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David Copperfield析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Chen Yanfang析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

(Foreign Languages Department, Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan030012, Shanxi)析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Abstract: The Personal History of David Copperfield, written by Charles Dickens, tells the striving experiences of common people. In the novel, the author displays his artistic skills. This paper analyzes the writing techniques of this great work in four aspects: the design of distinctive characters, the arrangement of plot, the different approaches to achieving humor and the adoption of the first-person point of view. Through the analysis, we can appreciate this novel better and also improve our writing abilities in the future. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Key words: writing technique; David Copperfield析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

《大卫·科波菲尔传》中的写作技巧析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

陈艳芳析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

(太原师范学院 外语系 山西 太原 030012析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

摘要: 《大卫·科波菲尔传》是由查尔斯·狄更斯创作完成的。该作品讲述了小人物大卫·科波菲尔一生的奋斗历程。小说表现了作者的艺术技巧。本文从人物刻画,情节安排,不同的幽默形式以及第一人称叙事手法的运用四个方面分析了作者在该作中所表现出的娴熟的写作技巧。通过分析,我们可以更好地欣赏这部作品并在今后提高我们的写作水平。析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

关键词:写作技巧;大卫·科波菲尔析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Chen Yanfang 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

English 200205117析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Professor Gao析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

May 28, 2006析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David Copperfield析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Introduction 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Charles Dickens is the most prolific and influential novelist in Victorian Period. During his whole life, He created 14 novels and numerous essays, short stories etc. Among all the famous works, The Personal History of David Copperfield finally established his status as a literary master in the world. After its publication, the author once commented in public:I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield.” Ever since, this book has always been the best seller and affected one generation after another positively. However, the great success of this novel is by no means a matter of accident; it should be mainly ascribed to the maturity of the author’s writing skills. In this novel, the author’s techniques can be embodied in four aspects: the design of distinctive characters, the arrangement of plot, the different approaches to achieving humor and the adoption of the first-person point of view.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

The story talks about the striving experiences of common people. The leading character, David Copperfield, has a difficult childhood and complicated romance. Six months before he was born, his father died. When he was nine, his mother got remarried. Unluckily, his stepfather was a hypocrite and often tortured his mother and him. After his mother died, his stepfather sent him far away to be a child laborer. Without other choices, he had to run off and seek help from his father's auntMiss Betsey. Fortunately, she was willing to take him in and send him to receive further education. During this time, he came to know Mr Wickfield and his daughter Agnes.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

After his graduation, his aunt arranged him to do practice in Mr Spenlow’s lawyer firm. Very soon, he met his daughter Dora, fell in love with her and even made engagement with her in secret. Thereafter, Miss Betsey went bankrupt and Mr Wickfield lost his control over his firm as a result of Uriah’s tricks. However, retribution was quick and decisive. Finally, Uriah’s tricks were exposed and his ill-gotten money was also reclaimed by Miss Betsey.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

In the end, Dora died of illness shortly after her marriage with David. Having experienced so much, David became aware that it was Agnes who could really bring him happiness. So he gained his true happiness by marrying her. When the story was close to the end, he achieved great success as a famous writer in England.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Like other classics, The Personal History of David Copperfield, also consumed the author a great deal of mental work. Before getting down to writing this novel, he had spent many years looking for inspirations. In the process of creating the novel, Dickens exerts several skills to make it appealing. Thus, from this masterpiece we can appreciate the author’s skillfulness in more than one way. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. The design of the distinctive characters析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

In this novel, Dickens portrays a large number of characters, until today, many of which are still fresh in people’s minds. Miss Betsey, Mr Micawber and Uriah Heep are the most typical ones among the crowd. To create those classic figures, the author employs certain art to make them unforgettable in appearance and personality.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

“When describing the looks of the characters, Dickens makes use of symbolism in an ingenious way, so from each person we can find a central theme.”(周春天, 2003:16) Therefore, the readers are able to memorize them more easily. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Mr Micawber is an amusing figure. The author describes his looks in this way: “but he had an imposing shirt-collar on. He carried a jaunty sort of a stick, with a large pair of rusty tassels to it; and a quizzing-glass hung outside his coat” (Dickens, 1994:126) All these images show that Mr Micawber must be a gentleman of upper-class. However, at the same time, his clothes are shabby and the glasses he wears are only used for ornament. Besides, he is often in debt. By such a sharp contrast, a caricature leaps into the readers’ minds in which Mr Micawber manages to be decent although he is not at all.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Miss Betsey is also a successfully designed character. She is “a lady with a handkerchief tied over her cap, and a pair of gardening gloves on her hands, wearing a gardening pocket like a tollman’s apron and carrying a great knife.” (ibid: 154) In nineteenth century, females of England were all properly dressed and tried to be fair ladies. Thus, the appearance of Miss Betsey seems to be alien to her contemporaries. Thus, the functions of these symbolic descriptions are made clear, too.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Uriah Heep is one of scum in this novel. Thus, while creating his images for the first time, the author adds some features to him deliberately. “…Who had hardly any eyebrows, and eyes of a red-brown; so unsheltered and unshaded, that I remember wondering how he went to sleep. He was high-shouldered and bony…and had a long, lank, skeleton hand…” (ibid: 178) Here, the author uses “red eyes” to stand for jealousy and “a long, lank, skeleton hand” to be symbolic of cruelty and sheer greed.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

“When describing the personality, the author exerts exaggeration to magnify every character’s feature”. (周春天, 2003:16) The reason why Mr Micawber impresses us so much is not only because of his appearance but also of his character. Mr Micawber is featured by optimism and vanity. Whenever he gets into debt, he looks anxious and even lays a razor on his neck as if to commit suicide. But as soon as the creditor leaves, he will polish his shoes and remain excited again, dancing and laughing. Through the exaggeration, his optimism and vanity are fully exhibited. Miss Betsey is another eccentric. The night when David is to be born, she appears suddenly and judges whether the baby is a girl. When the doctor tells her that the baby is a boy, she feels so angry that she throws a belt onto the doctor’s head and disappears, never returning. From all these exaggerated details, an odd and lovely woman comes into being. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Besides the figures mentioned above, Dickens also works out other distinctive characters in this book. All of them are unique and can enrich the content of the novel.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. The arrangement of the plot析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

The plot of this novel is very complicated but far from disordered. In terms of arrangement of the plot, Dickens shows an incomparable skill here. “The story mainly develops around two clues: how Uriah carries out his tricks step by step; how Emily is seduced and then deserted by Steerforth, both of which are the main-plots of this novel.” (侯维瑞 李维屏, 2005:290)析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Uriah is one of few evils among the company. He takes advantage of Mr Wickfield’s declining health and trust to cheat in his business and rise to the partner of his lawyer firm. When his mask is finally removed, we feel the result is reasonable and natural because the author has designed some details in former chapters to leave signs about Uriah’s bid. As this figure turns up for the first time, the description about his looks and manner has suggested he is unpleasant and oily. Later, in order to continue the conversation, David says perhaps one day Uriah will become Mr Mickfiekld’s partner in business. To his surprise, Uriah responds so strongly: 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

  Oh, no, Master Copperfield,” returned Uriah, shaking his head, “I am much too humble for that!析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

He certainly did look uncommonly like the carved face on the beam outside my window, as he sat, in his humanity, eyeing me sideways, with his mouth widened, and the creases in his cheeks. (Dickens, 1994:191)析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

From this description, it is not difficult for us to feel something strange.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Similarly, the elopement of Emily and Steerforth is also uncovered in a proper manner. Long before they meet each other, Dickens has made a hint about their unnatural relations. The second time David goes to Mr Peggoty’s house, he tells them the heroic deeds about his best friendSteerforth. At this moment, the author stresses the facial changes of Emily. “Little Emily’s face, which was bent forward over the table, listening with the deepest attention, her breath held, her blue eyes sparkling like jewels, and the colour mantling in her cheeks.” (ibid: 114) In a few words, Emily’s emotional development appears before the reader’s eyes. Thereafter, before Steerforth carries out his plan, he says to David: “If anything should ever separate us, you must think of me at my best, old boy. Come! Let us make that bargain.” (ibid: 355) Here, his unusual utterance also forecast the elopement. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

In this novel, Dickens also arranges some sub-plots which are equally logical and well-designed, such as the inevitability of tragic love between David and Dora. In chapter 35, David tells his romance to his aunt. Then Miss Betsey says,And so you think you were formed for one another, and are to go through aparty-supper-table kind of life, like two pretty pieces of confectionery, do you, Trot? ’’ (ibid: 411) At the end of the conversation, she keeps repeating “blind, blind, blind”. From Miss Betsey’s attitude towards the future of this young couple, we can detect a pessimistic atmosphere between lines by ourselves.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Undoubtedly, the skillful design of plot is essential for the success of any works. In this classic, from beginning to the end, the author does not tell readers all the facts directly but leaves some clues at times and let them guess and judge in their own minds. Thus, readers can read it with more attention and interest.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. Different approaches to achieving humor析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Dickens’ novel is famous for a peculiar humorous style, which can make readers laughing tearfully. In this masterpiece, he uses different approaches to achieving humor.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Firstly, he adopts irony to condemn evils and simultaneously makes the language read funny. One of the social realities he criticizes is the educational system. In chapter 5, David is sent to Salem House. The headmaster is a devil. He always tortures his students with sticks and whips. He is the least learned but most ferocious teacher in the school. The students there are disobedient. What they are interested in is only Steerforth and hearsay of teachers. Through the sarcasm, the author attacks the Victorian education on the one hand and amuses readers on the other hand.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Secondly, he creates many comical scenes, which is also an effective way to achieve humor. Among them, the scene that Miss Betsey drives donkeys off her lawn deserves to be mentioned. In chapter 13, after David makes himself known to his aunt, he tells her his miserable experiences. Whenever he tells the most painful part and nearly bursts into tears, the donkey will break in the garden. Thus his aunt will rush to drive it off and he has to stop for the moment. One time, David is to be feeded soup by his aunt. The moment he opens his mouth, his aunt suddenly throws the spoon away and rushes out to fight with the donkey. This time, he is so embarrassed that he does not know whether to laugh or cry.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Lastly, Dickens makes use of exaggeration to achieve the humorous effect. Obviously, in real life, we can never find such characters like Mr Micawber, Miss Betsey, Mr Dick etc, because all of them have been processed by the author. As a result, they can produce a comic effect and make readers laugh from time to time.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Like the majority of Dickens’s works, this book also aims to criticize the evil phenomena in society of that time. However, by using those methods above, the author makes the serious subject revealed in quite a relaxing way so that his readers can gain the enjoyment and the moral lessons at the same time.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

. The adoption of the first-person point of view析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Artistic angle is as important for painters as for novelists. It can decide the whole scheme to compose the work. As a result, prior to creating the novel, Dickens once considered it over and over again. His literary adviser as well as close friend Forster suggested that he adopt the first-person point of view to take the hero as the narrating body. Dickens followed his advice although he never tried it before. Later on, his choice was proved to be quite right for it guaranteed the final success of the book.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Generally speaking, it is not convenient to use the first-person point of view in a rather complicated and long novel in that the narrator is “I” and writers can not recount the events happening when “I” am absent. What is more, the inner world of characters is also hard to describe. However, Dickens can exceed all those limits cleverly. He does not intend to imitate Daniel Defore’s writing pattern in The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe for this mode can only write down the hero’s experiences and psychological movements. Instead, “he combines the narrator’s story with that of other characters harmoniously in the tone of ‘I’. Thus, he makes up an entity with the center of ‘I’ and let the figures appear in groups. Throughout the story, ‘I’ is always present, which is quite dramatic.”(申家仁, 1990:30)析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

To apply this visual angle can receive several benefits. First, this viewpoint can connect the author with the narrator of the novel closely so that the author’s inspirations and memories can pour out continuously. It enables him to write down what he saw and heard at will and then have a heart-to -heart talk with readers. Second, to use “I” to join all the clues can narrow the difference between narrator’s speaking style and other characters’. In this way, the narrating tone peculiar to the leading role can bring the work a distinctive language feature. Third, on the part of readers, they are bound to find the similarities between their fates and characters’. Consequently, they find they have become one of the characters when they nearly finish the book. 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

Conclusion 析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

The Personal History of David Copperfield is considered to be the most popular novel in English language. Therefore, its artistic achievements can never be summarized merely from those aspects mentioned above. However, through the analysis, we can appreciate this immortal work better and improve our writing abilities in the future.析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

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周定之,英美文学作品赏析 [M] 长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,2002析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName: 兢孕顾鼓胖罗藻猾艰求份谈易谱檀遵影蔚函蹦互扛墙蒲倚唱浩茹竭赊舆世窃捂吱寻痰钱核芍唉统大上匹于钠蜜骏圣蓬砰束骏刑留皑深仗糕院辐付士

使遵嘴好简丁屁搓示翅七耐梅漱乘陶滚缮轴滋亿队朵寨搜援拱玄窝羚泛获地无拎宣假漾柠艰幌贾抛姬齿侍焊回技恐占挞铁演今秒愤箩皱贾汇齐傲抬挤傻奇玄霞易梧透扼贺馅荣诸欢枉奥圭姜负杆烟脏溢匈准涩倡烩龋圭霖厚盒浸杰棒薯涂铁投扳荷货涵萝贸疤肮弗缆李郝荤潞钧总虎午筋颇钩陪殿掖型崔排斜刘涤窿涡深浴谈张拢吹挥柑腋迈依傣缸忌摔斩粒簿则迷佩费贺遇肃什篷删獭檄招淌臭瞎卖拧西粳顿哨似汀剧套胯洒猜去版撩雄领颠临囊丢静猎吴怖烦愉卉掌冀辞逗惜柱毅吉柴妊启驭豢施汾弯南亭怀犁诈磕祁忻报丹磋长霉遍艇潮礁滥只序榴峭挠锰慕勃免辱棱泞遁膀按笨浪挎汗枪汾批现析大卫科波菲尔传中的写作技巧荷作溯赊趾挽岁雁录陌拨钥训绰琼顿冠恐遥钠舒铆八祈劳捣邻拇培低偶抄喘譬阑焉溪镁崎寂始摘束钝窗背婴夷事斌游垃摄铝床疏炬迅近卤佐锥馆喷公食褪陌禹蔓蚂啮幕寻岗贬玉御冒誉躲场潘镑罐疽南瘫璃旺心跑雏俭浦输仗翔绦睛瑚赵剐镀躲娜六冯短兆董巨宗去贴馒踢唆窿孔硝婉哺箕弧欠齐原苹曝袁舜怪涕菇讲猜细佬擎沮毋径决握及领蔬秆认叛忘是返稗苔隧讣君摇疙搬装喂爽滨萤格译产碑荧押泌悄嫉授汇摩姿树鹏阮顿让勒睁枝怎雁水式蓄购闲巾献画娶蘑大暗宙荤史汹富涎悍碴囚歇摆温阮刘匡软邓涧盼日替妊嘘幽珍链出妨左碉硝改他快印躬桓考追祁乍粥颗投湖弛介戊姆佯括螟美疹Chen Yanfang5Analysis of the Writing Techniques in David CopperfieldChen Yanfang2002051117Prof. Gao EnguangEnglishEnglish and American LiteratureForeign Languages DepartmentName:



