
发布时间:2018-07-01 22:38:13   来源:文档文库   

18.暗杀未遂 attempted assassination

19.截获消息 intercept the message

20.自发反应 spontaneous reaction


College is designed to be a time of personal growth and expansion.At times it can be threatening .For certain, it is an experience that contributes to young adults 's growth and maturity .Not only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge ,but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information .Just as proudly ,they are growing in their understanding of themselves ,others ,and the world in which they live.



"Your lips say,no no no ,but your eyes say ,yes yes yes ."is a line from an old popular song .It may sound somewhat phony ,but the author was hinting at that kind of nonverbal communication known as body language .It can reflect a person's views more accurately than any words coming from his or her mouth .

Body language covers the infinite range of facial and body movements ,including the myriad ways to smile ,to walk ,to manipulate your eyes ,to move your hands and arms .We draw messages from body language ,whether it's the ''no''that a shake of the head conveys ,the ''I'm not interested ''that a turning away of the head can suggest ,or the ''Hey,I'm bad ''statement Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder expected their swaggers to make in Stir Crazy.Sometimes ,the message are conveyed through deliberate ,conscious gestures ;other times ,our bodies talk without our even knowing .But conscious or not ,our body language helps us portray a wide range of feelings ,including boredom ,amusement ,impatience ,fatigue ,concentration ,interest ,puzzlement ,and embarrassment.

Some of our body-language expressions are common idioms ,To most people ,for example ,the thump and forefinger forming a circle means ''Everything's okay.''A fist with the thump point is ''Good luck ''or "All system go .''





A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than is possible to learn in general history classes .The most typical history courses concentrate on politics ,economics,and war.But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only political values of people ,but also religious beliefs ,emotions ,and psychology.In addition ,information about the daily necessities of our ancestors ---or of the people very different from our own----can be provided by art.In short ,art expresses the essential qualities of the time and the place ,and a study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books.

In history books ,objective information about the political life of a country is presented ;that is ,facts about politics are given ,but opinions are not expressed.Art ,on the other hand ,is subjective .The person and emotional view of history can be presented through art.




Our inclination to tell the truth may be a biological trait built into our genes.It may be a feature of humanity as characteristic for us as features for birds or scales for fish.It may enable us to live ,at our best,the kinds of lives we are designed to live.

The alternative explanation is that we are brought up to love the truth as children ,in response to the rules of our culture .But if that is the case ,you would expect to encounter,every once in a while ,societies in which the rule doesn't hold ,and I have never heard of a culture in which lying was done by everyone ,all life through ;nor can I imagine such a group functioning successfully.

Biologically speaking ,there is good reason for us to restrain ourselves from lying to each other whenever possible .We are a social specious ,more interdependent than the social insects .We can no more live a solitary life than a bee.We are obliged ,as a species,to rely on each other .Trust is a fundamental requirement for our kind of existence .Without it all our linkages would begin to snap loose.

The restraint against lying is a mild one ,so gentle that we can hardly perceive it.But it is there.We know about it from what we call guilt.






To be a good parent is one of life's most important roles ,yet after six months John began to doubt himself ,''Nobody ever rings any bells to tell you that you're succeeding.You don't get a raise or promotion---or any thanks .Life with kids is always chaotic,and if that's your main function you begin to wonder if you're a very competent person .You think almost any dum-dum ought to be able to do what you do .''

John never found ways to vent aggression or frustration .''You can't take it out on the kids ,obviously ,and Lettie comes home with her own problems .I swallowed it ;I walked around with a constant low-level depression.''

John's relationship with his wife also began to change .She was preoccupied with her work ,and seemed to need him less,but he needed her more .

''I looked like a bum all day long but found myself shaving and putting on some decent clothes in the late afternoon .Lettie's arrival home was the highlight of the day .If she called up to say she had to work late ,I' d feel crushed ,especially if I'd put a lot of effort into dinner .But you can't really complain ,can you ?I'd done it often enough.''

It also bugged John when his wife occasionally entertained business clients at a fancy restaurant and he had to stay home and eat spaghetti with the kids .''I was desperate to get out of the house .Get a baby sitter,candlelight dinner for two ,cheek-to-cheek dancing .But then she'd say she was exhausted,or had to work on a report.''







