
发布时间:2012-09-13 18:42:14   来源:文档文库   


Lesson 15Your passports ,please.

1.Are you ______(Chinese) ? Yes, we are.

2.Are they ______(Japanese) ? Yes, they are.

3.Are they ______(American) ? Yes, they are.

4.Are they ______(German) ? Yes, they are.

5.Are your ______(friend) Danish, too? Yes, they are.

6. Our ___ are brown.   A. cases  B. dress   C. watchs

7. Are your friends ___ ?    A. tourist  B. teachers   C.doctors’

8. Our boxes are yellow. (提问) ______ ______ ______ your boxes ?

9. They’re tourists. (提问) ______ ______ ______ jobs ?

10. These are my rulers.(变单数句) __________________________________.

11. Are these your cases ?(变肯定句) _________________________________.

12.Are those your children ?(做肯定回答) _____ , _____ _____.

Lesson 17 How do you do?

1.Come and _____( see) my friend.

2.This ____(be) my sister.

3.Those _______(woman) are hard-working.

4.What are their _____(job) ?.

5. Look at those two boys. What are ____ names?  A. they  B. them  C. their

6. This is Jim. ___ is my best friend.   A. She  B. He   C. I

7. They want to go hiking. (提问) ______ ______ to go hiking ?

8. Miss Yang is my teacher. (提问) ______ ______ your teacher ?

Lesson 19  Tired and thirsty

1.What’s the matter, ______(child) ?  We are tired.

2.There _____ (be) some boys in the room.

3.Give ______ (they) some cups of tea.

4.These ice creams _____ (be) nice.

5.Look at ______(that ) dresses. They’re nice.

6. -What’s the matter? -I ___ tired.   A. am  B. is   C. are

7. Mum, we ___ thirsty.    A. am  B. is   C. are

8. That woman ___ very busy.   A. am  B. is   C. are

9. These children ___ very happy.  A. am  B. is   C. are

10. Their mother ___ tired ,too.  A. am  B. is   C. are

11. I have a headache.(提问) ______ ______ ______ with you ?

Lesson 21  Which book?

1.Show _____(I) some cakes.

2.Give ____(she) book to me.

3.Give ______ (they) some cups of tea.

4.Show some pictures to ______(he).

5.Look at _______(they). They are hard working.

6.Look at ______(he). He’s my young brother.

7.Let _____ (we) play soccer ball.

8.Is this Tom’s coat? No. ___ coat’s black.   A. Her   B. My   C. His

9.Are these your pens? No, they aren’t. ____ pens are here.   A. I   B. His   C. My

10.Look at them.  What are ____ jobs ?   A. they   B. them   C. their

11.Look at the young man. ___ is our office assistant.  A. She   B. He   C. His

12.____ ruler do you want? –I want the big ruler.  A. What   B. Where   C. Which

Lesson 23

1.Give me some _______(glass) ,please.

2._____(this) girls are from China.

3. ___ glasses do you want ? The ones on the table. A. What B. Which C. Where

4. I lost my pen and I want a new ___. A. it B. one C. that

5. Give me a book ,please. (变同义句) Give a book _____ _____.

6. Give him a ruler ,please.(变复数句) Give him _____ _____ ,please.

Lesson 25

1.______( Mr Smith) kitchen is small .

2.This is ______(Lilei) pencil-case.

3.There _____(be) a table in the room.

4.There _____(be) two cups and a bottle on the table.

5. My brother sits ___ the right of Tom. A. on B. in C. at

6. There is a table ___ the left of the room. A. on B. in C. at

7. There are some desks ___ the middle of the room. A. on B. in C. at

8. The cup is blue. (提问) ______ ______ ______ the cup ?

9. Mrs Green’s bike is very new. (提问) ______ bike is very new ?

10.There is a cup on the table. (变复数句) __________________________________________.

11.There is a table in the room.(变一般疑问句) _____________________________________?

12.There are many people in the park.(变否定句) ____________________________________.

Lesson 27

1.There are some ________(newspaper) on the TV .

2.Tom’s room is large. (提问) ______ room is large ?

3. There is a picture on the table. (变复数句) __________________________________________.

4. There is a chair in the room.(变一般疑问句) _____________________________________?

5. There are many boys in the park.(变否定句) ____________________________________.

 6. There are some books on the TV. (提问) ______________________________________?

7. The pictures are on the wall. (提问) ______________________________________?

8. There are some rulers in the box. (变否定句) There ______ ______ rulers in the box.

9. There is a picture ___ the wall.   A. in   B. on   C. over

10. There is a hole() ___ the wall.  A. in   B. on   C. over

Lesson 29

1.You can’t smoke here .(变同义句) ______________________________________.

2.You mustn’t be late again. (变同义句) ______________________________________.

3.You may not park your car here. (变同义句) ______________________________________.

4.No talking in class. (变同义句) ______________________________________.

5.Air the room, please. (变否定句) ____________________________________.

Lesson 31

1.What’s Tom ______ (do) now ?

2.She ________(sit) under the tree now.

3.Lucy usually ______(sit) under the tree.

4.Who’s _______(climb) the tree ?

5. The dog _________(run) after the cat now.

6. ____ is she reading books ? – At home.   A. What   B. Where    C. When

7. The dog often ___ the cat.  A. runs after   B. is running after    C. run after

8. She’s in the garden. (提问) ______ ______ she ?

9. He’s watching TV now. (提问) ______ _____ he ______ now ?

10.Jim is climbing the tree now . (提问) __________________________________________?

11.They are eating tomatoes .(变一般疑问句) _____________________________________?

12.Tom and Tony are doing homework at home .(变否定句) __________________________.

Lesson 33

1.There are some ______(cloud) in the sky and it’s ______(cloud) today.

2.My family ____ (be) large. There are ten people in my family.

3.Come over to my house and my family _____ (be) very kind and friendly.

4.Look ! The ship _______(go) under the bridge.

5.There are some boats on the river and the people are looking at ___. A. they  B. them  C. their.

6. ____ is she reading books ? – At home.   A. What   B. Where    C. When

7. The plane is flying ___ the river.  A. across   B. through   C. over

8. They are walking ___ the park now.  A. across   B. through   C. over

9. There are many clouds in the sky today. (提问) ______ _____ today.

10.It’s windy today. (提问) _____ ______ ________ _______ today ?

11.There are some boats on the river.( 提问) ______ ______on the river ?

12.Tom and Tony are doing homework at home .( 提问) _____ _____ doing homework at home ?

Lesson 35

1.My wife and I ____ (be) walking along the river .

2.This is a photo ___ my family .  A. for   B. of    C. to

3.The post office is ____ the library and the bank .  A.  beside  B. between   C. behind

4.The boy’s swimming ___ the river. A. across   B. through   C. over

5.The park is ___ the right of the bank . A. in   B. on   C. for

6. Look ___ the window and you can see a bottle on the table. A. across   B. through   C. over

7. The plane is flying ___ the river.  A. across   B. through   C. over

8. They are walking ___ the park now.  A. across   B. through   C. over

9. He’s swimming at the pool. (提问) ______ _____ he swimming ?

10.There’s a boy in the water. (提问) _____ ______ in the water ?

11.The village is between two hills.( 提问) ______ ______ the village ?

12.Some boys are coming out of the room.( 提问) _____ _____ coming out of the room ?


Lesson 67 The weekend

1. I ____ (be) in the shop last week .

2.Were you ___ the butcher’s ?    A. for   B. at   C. to

3.I want to ___.  A. stay at my mother  B. stay at my mothers   C. stay at my mother’s

4.Tom was absent ___ school last week.   A. to   B. of   C. from

5.He did homework ___.    A. in Monday   B. on Monday  C. at Monday

6. How’s Jimmy ? - ___.     A. I’m fine.   B. She’s OK.  C. He’s very well.

7.I’m going __________(spend) three days in the country.

8. He was at the greengrocer’s yesterday.(提问) _______ ______ he yesterday ?

9. He’s often late for school.(yesterday改写) He _____ late for school _________.

10.Were you absent last week ?(做肯定回答)  ______, ______ ______.

11. Were you absent last week ?(做否定回答)  ______, ______ ______.

12.They were at school yesterday.(变否定句) They _______at school yesterday.

Lesson 69 The car race

1. There ____ (be) a car race in our town every year.

2.There _____(be) a car race in 1995.

3.There were _________(hundred) of people here.

4.My wife and I ______(be) there , too.

5.There are two _________(hundred) boys in the hall.

6. They are stand _____ the left.    A.  in    B. on   C. of

7.___ were just behind him.   A. Five cars other    B. Other five cars  C. Five other cars

8.____ , I bought a book .    A. On the way to home   B. On the way for home   C. On the way home

9. You can’t drive so quickly.(变同义句) ________ ________ so quickly.

10.You can ________(meet) a lot of children there.

11. It was an __________(excite) finish.

12.They finished __________(do) homework.

Lesson 71 He’s awful!

1. I ___________ (telephone) him yesterday morning  .

2.What did he say to ________( he) ?

3.He telephoned me _____.  A. now   B. tomorrow   C. yesterday afternoon

4.Tom watching TV _____.   A. now   B. tomorrow   C. yesterday afternoon

5.He is going to buy a pen_____.    A. now   B. tomorrow   C. yesterday afternoon

6.She can’t _________(speak) to you now.

7.__________(not telephone) my daughter , please.

8. He is awful.(提问)  _______ ______ he _______?

9. He telephoned me four times yesterday.(提问) _______ ______ times ____ he telephone you yesterday?

10.I arrived home at 6’o clock last night. (提问) _______ ______ he arrive home last night ?

11. My boss answered the phone yesterday.(变一般疑问句) _____ your boss ______ the phone yesterday?

12. She phoned me at 9 o’ clock.(变否定句) She _______ _______ me at 9 o’ clock.

Lesson 73 The way to King Street

1. I went to London last week and ________(lose) my way.

2. ‘I can ask _______(he) the way’ I said.

3.She said to _______(her) ‘I can go there with Lucy.’

4.The man smiled __________(pleasant).

5.He was a _________(tour).

6.She read them _________(slow).

7.__________(not do) that again , please.

8. Can you tell me where the shop is?(变同义句) Can you tell me _____ _____ _____ the shop ?

9. He was a teacher. (提问) _______ ______ his ____  ?

10.He spoke German. (提问) _______ ______ _______he _______?

 Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes.

1. Do you have shoes ____ these ?   A. like   B. love   C. have

2.He bought them _____.   A. a month ago   B. tomorrow   C. now

3.Can you get a pair ____ me ?    A. for   B. to   C. at

4.They were ____ fashion last year.   A. on   B. with  C. in

5.They ____ very comfortable.   A. look   B. look at   C. watch  D. see

6.They are ____________(comfortable). I don’t like them.

7.__________(not telephone) my daughter , please.

8. I want size five .  (提问)  _______ ______ does he want ?

9. He bought those last month.(提问) _______ ______ he ____ those ?

10.I arrived home at 6’o clock last night. (提问) _______ ______ he arrive home last night ?

11. My boss answered the phone yesterday.(变一般疑问句) _____ your boss ______ the phone yesterday?

12.I have some shoes.(变否定句) I  _______ _______ _______ shoes.

Lesson 77 Terrible toothache

1. I want _________(see) the dentist.

2.Do you have ___ appointment ?   A. a   B. an   C. /

3.Can you come here ____10 o’clock ?    A. on   B. in    C. at

4.I had a toothache ____April 12th.   A. on    B. at   C. in

5.I must _________(see) the dentist.

6.Can the dentist see ______(I) now ?

7.I can wait , but my tooth ___.  A. don’t   B. not   C. can’t

8. I have a terrible toothache.  (提问)  _______ ______ _______ with you ?

9. Can you wait until 2 o’ clock ? (变否定疑问句) _______ you wait until 2 o’ clock?

10.I must see the doctor. (变同义句)  I _______ ______ see the doctor.


Lesson 79

1. –What are you doing ? – I ___________(make) a list.

2.He has a __________(shop) list.

3.We need lots of _________(thing) this week.

4.What about ________(vegetable) ?

5.They must go to the butcher’s ,________(either).

6.They haven’t got ________(some ) tomatoes.

7.We have got ________(some) beef.

8.What about some wine ?  (变同义句 )  _______ ______ some wine ?

9. Have you got any beer ?(做肯定回答) _______ ______ _____  

10.I have got many potatoes. (变一般疑问句) _______ you______ many potatoes ?

11. I have got many books.(变同义句 )  I _____ many books.

12.I have got much tea and coffee.(变否定句) I  _______ _______ much tea_______ coffee.





Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes

1.-Where’s Lucy ? - She ________(have) a bath.

2. ____(be) dinner ready ?

3. We can have lunch at 12:00 . (变一般疑问句 )_____ you _____ lunch at 12:00 ?

4. Sam and I had lunch together. (提问) ______ had lunch together ?

5.I had roast beef yesterday. (提问) _____ _____ you have yesterday ?

6.They can help me with my homework. (变否定句) They _____ help me with my homework.

Lesson 83 Going on holiday.

1.Do you want to eat lunch with ____(we) ?

2.I have already ____(have) lunch.

3.______(not be) you lucky !

4.We’re going ___ tomorrow . A. leaving B. leave C. to leave

5. Let’s ___ into the room . A. going B. to go C. go

6. Tom and I ___ having a good holiday. A. is B. are C. be

7. I went to the city ___ June 1. A. in B. at C. on

8. I have been to the U.S. (变一般疑问句 )_____ ______ been to the U.S.?

9. I had lunch at half past ten. (提问) ______ ______ you ______ lunch ?

10. I stayed at home . (提问)_____ ______ you stay ?

11. I had dinner at nine. (提问)_____ ______ you _____ at nine ?

12.Have a cup of coffee . (变否定句) ______ ______ a cup of coffee .

Lesson 85 Paris in the spring.

1.I believe that this house is for ______(sell).

2.May I ______ (have) a look at your book ?

3.Why do you want _________(sell) your house ?

4.I have been ___ New York . A. for B. to C. in

5. ___ did you live here ? Two months ago. A. When B. How C. Where

6. ___ does this house cost ? A. How many B. How long C. How much

7. I went to the city ___ June. A. in B. at C. on

8. I have been to the U.S. (变一般疑问句 )_____ ______ been to the U.S.?

9. I saw it on TV last year . (提问) ______ ______ you ______ it on TV ?

10. I was there in April. (提问)_____ ______ you there ?

11. The weather was awful. (提问)_____ ______ the weather ?

12.I have been there once. (变否定句) I ______ ______ there once .

Lesson 87 A car crash

1.I _________( not know) your address .

2.Can Tom ______(repair ) his pen ?

3.They are trying ________(find) their lost car.

4.Let’s ___ into the garage. A. to go B. goes C. go

5. They’re still working ___ math. A. in B. for C. on

6. ___ did you go there ? –Two day ago. A. Where B. When C. How

7. Have you been there ? -____. A. Yes , I do. B. No , I have not C. Yes , I have.

8. I brought my car here three days ago. (提问)_____ ______ you bring your car here?

9. What’s the number of your car ? (同义句) What’s your ______ ______ ?

10. Let’s look at your photo. (同义句) Let’s _____ ______ your photo.

Lesson 89 For sale

1.I believe that this house is for ______(sell).

2.May I ______ (have) a look at your book ?

3.Why do you want _________(sell) your house ?

4.May I use your pen ? ____ A. Sure B. That sounds interesting C. Thank you

5. ___ have you lived here ? Two months. A. When B. How C. How long

6. ___ does this house cost ? A. How many B. How long C. How much

7. I have lived here ____. A. since four years B. four years ago C. for four years

8. I want to sell my house because I will retire. (提问)_____ ______ you want to sell your house?

9. How much does this bike cost? (同义句) ______ ______ ______ this bike ?

10. My dictionary’s forty dollars. (提问)_____ ______ _____ your dictionary ?

11. I have been here since 1997. (提问)_____ ______ have you been here ?

12.I believe that he’ll come here soon. (变否定句) I ______ ______ that he’ll come here soon.


Lesson 91 Poor Ian!

1.He _____ (sell) that house last week.

2.If he moves , we’ll ____ (miss) him.

3.When you get home please give him my _______(regard).

4.I have already ___ my bike. A. sold B. will sell C. sell

5. Has she returned home ? ____. A. Yes, she did B. No, she hadn’t C. Yes, she hasn’t

6. He’s going to ____tomorrow. A. has moved B. move C. will move

7. I didn’t want to move,____ my wife did. A. or B. but C. and

8. I’ll miss him tomorrow. (提问) ______ ______ you miss him ?

9. Has Ian sold his house? (变肯定句) Ian ______ ______ his house.

10. She has been a good person.(变一般疑问句) _____ she _____ a good person ?

11. I think they’ll move in the day after tomorrow. (变否定句)

I ______ think they ______ move in the day after tomorrow.

12.Will you see Ian today ? (变肯定句) I ______ ______ Ian today.

Lesson 93 Our new neighbour

1.He _____ (be) a pilot.

2.He _____(be) in the U.S. last month.

3.He ________(go) to Changchun next month.

4.Tom _______(fly) to China two years ago.

5.Lucy is a _______(luck) girl.

6. Jim ____ tomorrow. A. goes shopping B. went shopping C. will go shopping

7. She always ____ computer games at home. A. will play B. has played C. plays

8. I have just ____ my homework. A. finishes B. will finish C. finished

9. Tom ____ a book yesterday. A. has bought B. will buy C. bought D. buys

10. He’s a pilot. (提问) ______ ______ ______ ?

11. He’ll fly to New York next month. (提问) ______ ______ he fly to New York ?

12. He flew to Spain a week ago. (提问) ______ ______ he ______ a week ago ?

13.He’ll return next week. (提问) ______ ______ return next week ?

14.He’s only forty year’s old. (提问) ______ ______ ______ he ?

15.My wife usually stays at home. (提问) ______ ______ your wife usually ______ ?

Lesson 95 Tickets ,please.

1.What time will the next train _______(leave) ?

2.Let’s go and _____ (have ) a drink.

3.You had better ______ (stay) in bed for another two days.

4.The train will leave in five ______(hour) time.

5.Lucy is a _______(luck) girl.

6. I want two tickets ___ China. A. for B. with C. to

7. We have got ___ milk at home . A. a few B. many C. plenty of

8. I have just ____ my homework. A. finishes B. will finish C. finished

9. Tom ____ a book yesterday. A. has bought B. will buy C. bought D. buys

10. The train will leave at eight nineteen. (提问) ______ ______ ______ the train leave ?

11. You had better drink some tea. (变否定句) You ______ ______ ______ drink any tea.

12.Let’s go back to school now . (变同义句) Let’s ______ ______ school now.

13.There’s a bar next to the station. (变否定句) There______ a bar next to the station.

14.It’s twenty past seven. (提问) ______ ______ is it ?

Lesson 97 A small blue case.

1.I _____(go) to Changchun the other day.

2.Can you ______(describe) your case ?

3.Let ___( I ) see your homework .

4.What about ______(have ) some tea ?

5.-Thanks for helping me. -___. A. All right B. That’s all right. C. That’s right.

6. I will go there on the train ___ London. A. for B. from C. to

7. I have got a house ___ an interesting garden . A. with B. in C. to

8. Is this ___ box ? A. you B. your C. yours

9. This bag is ___. A. you B. your C. yours

10. This ruler’s mine. (提问) ______ is this ruler ?

11. This book belongs to me . (变否定句) This book ______ ______ belong to me.

12.You’ve given me the wrong coat. (变同义句) You’ve given the wrong coat ____ ____.



