
发布时间:2011-05-02 12:17:56   来源:文档文库   





1. 高级口译翻译数字理论


2. 英译汉翻译技能

3. 汉译英翻译重点

4. 高级口译翻译十大原则和十大经典句型

第一章 高级口译翻译数字理论



I have a yellow face. I have a pale face. I have a withered complexion.


economic equality经济平等╳经济均衡化

efficiency Vs effectiveness效率 Vs 效能 performance绩效

我宣布……开幕了I declare …openI declare the commencement of …… is herewith inaugurated.

meeting 非正式会议conference 正式大型会议session 特定主题专业会议


White elephant白象 请愿书round robin


think tank智囊团




第二章 高级口译评分标准

1) Wording Accuracy Phrase Accuracy Paraphrasing Nativeness

Swallowing small companies, the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans read and watch.

2) Sequence Coherency My father is a good teacher who is kind to his students.


3) Spelling, Punctuation and Tense 拼写:拼错一个单词扣一分,同样的错误不扣分

时态举例: 中国人民一直希望世界太平。

The Chinese people are always loving world peace.


1would表示意愿I would be only too glad to help you.

2、表示一种特人的行为That’s just what he would say. It would rain on the day we chose for a picnic.

3so that… would表示目的、结果so that + can will may (现在/过去时态)表示目的

She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them.

125点考察考生硬功,约占比例80% 34点考察考生软功,需在平日不断积累

第三章 英译汉翻译技能

是指在译入语条件许可的前提下,在译文中既表达原文的思想内容,又保留原文的语言表达形式 直译:一针及时省九针 意译:事半功倍





pizza Toyota Sahara Sauna AIDS Jazz

1) In my Walter Mitty dreams I am a prima ballerina. He did it a Jordan.

2) It was Friday and soon they‘d go out and get drink.

3) He pretended to be a Thursday VIP and fit in with the local community quite well.


Zero Ground Sesame Street Oval Office specified risk material 高风险物质

Tabloid tree hugger极端环保主义者rock石毒

But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”, caught between kids and parents但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。 

He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “s/h/it”.


You told me the other day that you were going to write anything about him yourself. It would be rather like a dog in the manger to keep to yourself a whole lot of material that you have no intention of using.


The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that rarely leave hope at bottom.


People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss.


A measure of privatization of adoption is called for, with a diminution in the powers of ideological apartheiders of the Nanny State.


We might look upon the glory of our Rust Belt states, where there are hundreds of vast steel mills that are at least 40 years out of date and also spew smoke that causes acid rain.


3.2释义 (Paraphrase)


1) Bill’s new girlfriend is certainly a knockout. 尤物

2) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 内奸

3) The weather forecast seems to be accurate. No sooner had I fortunately come back home than rain poured cats and dogs.——touchwood. 老天保佑

4) Don’t you think it’s weird for a husband to appreciate his pinups with his wife?  美女照

5) He was smooth and agreeable. 八面玲珑

6) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 过度的肥胖或消瘦

7) He acts a lot older than his years. 少年老成

8) The kid went through fire and flood to save his mother.  赴汤蹈火

9) Mary is now between the devil and the deep sea on dealing with her job. 进退维谷

10) That fellow is always an easy-going guy. He always throws her cares to the winds. 无忧无虑;把烦恼抛至九霄云外

11) The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars. 搭车

12) 3.3增词 (Amplification)



1) 世纪伟人邓小平Mr. Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures in the twentieth century

2) 班门弄斧show off one’s proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter

3) 三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses Zhuge Liang, the master mind.

2、根据逻辑关系需要增补 汉语重义合、英语重形合。增加连词成分


1)增加量词an elephant a martial music

Soon the whole sky is azure and flaming. 不一会儿,万里晴空已是一片火红。


Yesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house.


The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve the health of the human race.


The surgeons weren’t sure how long my new joints would last. But they’re holding up fine.


It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come to church.


She would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes, and brushing her black hair. Then she would stand by the mirror and admire herself.


I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of parenthood and the love of eight children.



The lion is the king of animals.狮子是兽之王。

The slogan “Press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.


Now, years later, that evening’s loveliness——I so nearly missed——is one of my most cherished memories.


She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea.



Fortune knocks at every man’s door once in a life, but in a good many cases, the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her.


French managers are Napoleonic and their management style is imperial.


Long-stemmed models ankled through the lobby.身材修长的模特袅袅婷婷地从厅中走过。

具体译法 所谓,就是在翻译过程中把原文中抽象或比较抽象的单词、词组、成语或句子用具体或比较具体的单词、词组、成语或句子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失,使译文产生与原文同样的效果


-tion 作用;过程

We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water.我们决不能忽视水的蒸发作用。

erosion of steel 钢的腐蚀(作用)

Many changes take place during the transformation.在转化过程中出现了许多变化。

During transportation, the driver should be careful.在驾驶过程中,司机要小心。

-ing 做法;行为

All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding.大家都被他那种吹毛求疵的做法激怒了。

-ness 状态;气质;心情

We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.我们都被他那种崇高气质所深深打动。

humbleness 谦虚作风

We all look down upon his humbleness.我们都看不起他这种贱相(卑微的态度)

We have to do our utmost to ameliorate the backwardness of our nation.我们必须全力以赴改变国家的落后面貌。

John’s lightheartedness, however, did not last long.然而,约翰这种轻松愉悦的心情没有持续很久。

-ity 性;-able-tive相关

reasonability 合理性sensibility  合理性sensitivity  敏感性creativity  创造性

originality  创造性ingenuity  创造性readability  可读性flexibility  柔韧性、可塑性、灵活性、延展性


family 家庭 家庭成员

team, group, family, class, committee, community, city, country, world

Our team is playing well. 今天我们对整体发挥的不错(隐含之意;对部分队员不满)

Our team are playing well. 我们球队每个人都打疯了(隐含之意;对每个队员都非常满意)


very timid 非常胆小 胆小如鼠 very strong 非常强壮 壮得像头牛


a great and through-going change 巨大而彻底的变化翻天覆地的变化

very anxious to return home 回家心切 归心似箭


We have discussed our safety and sanitary regulations.我们已经讨论了安全规则和卫生规则。

We left so much in Vietnam——so much innocence, so many dreams, so many good men and women.


He had become a master of evasion: his main response to criticism is to threaten, filibuster and delay.


Mary was ready to go, but first she wanted her book to be in print.


3.4减词 (Omission)


从语法角度进行减省 冠词 连词 介词 代词

As a frequent moviegoer, I am keeping abreast of the latest development of Hollywood movies.


We can not discover any material in an element but itself.在一个元素里,除元素本身外,不可能再发现其他物质。

I framed the words in my mind, “Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you?”


As it is late, let us go to bed.不早了,睡吧


1) 有些做宾语的代词 I am going to have it. 我想去吃

2) 泛指的英语人称代词做主语

3) 指代抽象名词的代词Ford’s basic wage of $5 a day caused not only a wage explosion in the city, it also caused a population explosion.

4) 物主代词

5) 形式主语和形式宾语it


The hardest part of any big project is to begin.任何一个大项目最艰难的是起步。

There are plenty of opportunities to attend community events and volunteer your services.


The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach.


To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.学习不容易,应用更不容易。

In mid-1977, world sea-going tonnage amounted to 338.5 million grt which reflects a rise of 5.8% in grt over mid-1976, compared with a corresponding increase of 9% from mid-1975 to mid-1976.

1977年年中,世界远洋船吨位共达 3.385 亿注册总吨,比 1976 年年中注册总吨增加了 5.8% ,而 1976 年年中比 1975 年年中注册总吨增加了 9%

3.5转换 (Shift of perspective)

大体可分为 7 种:①词类转换(转性);②句子成分转换;③表达方式转换;④自然语序和倒装语序转换;⑤正面表达与反面表达转换;⑥主动语态与被动语态转换;⑦分句转换。

一、词类转换1. 名词到动词1)表示心理状态和观点表达的名词。

My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once.我建议他立刻戒烟。

Opinion thought objection refusal declaration declination proposal suggestion hope wish

Dream dread afraid worry


For millions of immigrants, the Statue of Liberty was their first sight of the promising land.


sight hearing touch smelling taste feeling hunch/intuition spectator audience

Large numbers enjoy the spectator sports.许多人喜欢观看比赛。

3) eror结尾的动词派生词,不表示身份或职业,而有较强的动作意味。

a fast runner跑得很快,a smart learner学得很快a good liar你真会说谎a bad kisser你吻技真差

You are such a loser! 你真逊!

4) 四大基本趋势以及任何表示动态变化的名词increase decrease stabilization fluctuation

The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years.

在过去的 20 当中,美国航空业迅猛发展。

Extension concentration dilution growth boom prosperity

2. 介词到动词

1) off 脱离;离开;出去;走了2beyond 超过

The book is beyond my understanding.我根本读不懂这本书。

The classroom is beyond its maximum seating capacity.这个教室坐不下那么多人。

Beyond paradise

3) above / below超过/ 低于It’s below the average level.

4) with /without 具有;拥有/缺乏;没有

5from/to 包括;如

the developing countries from China to Brazil包括中国、巴西在内的发展中国家如中国、巴西的发展中国家

from derive from 来源于 free from脱离

to gift to you赠与;给

6over 战胜

The victory of justice over arbitrary acts, of reason over decadence and blindness, of democracy over imperialism, of good over evil.正义战胜了专断行为,理智战胜了堕落和盲目,民主战胜了帝国主义,善战胜了恶。

7) under 客观的具有;under the policy under the assumption

中国政府无义务承诺The Chinese government is under no obligation to

8during 赶上During the 10th anniversary of our corporations founding, Id like to have 35% off the original price.

3. 形容词和副词互转Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad. 我国政府十分关心海外侨胞。

4. 动词到名词Our proposal was warmly welcomed by all the representatives.我们的提议得到了全体代表的热烈欢迎。

The girl impressed her relatives’ favorably with her vivacity and sense of humor.


The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.上周日,来访客和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。



有灵动词:有生命的主语接 无灵动词:无生命的主语接

American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.托马斯·杰斐逊美国的教育事业做出了巨大贡献。

Her presence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.


Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day. 9 3 日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下了安特卫普

2、定语和宾语转换Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.自建国以来,每一代美国人都被要求宣誓效忠于祖国。


He will give an immediate reply.他会立即答复。


score, dozen, decade, quarter

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.87

She will be back in the last ten days of June.六月下旬

During the first part of his life, Watt studied weather and storm.年轻时

His father is in his sixties.年逾花甲

She has been a widow only for six months.他丈夫死了不到半年

Our men’s wear 25% discount.七五折

You are quite a stranger here. 这里的人不认识你

There used to be a river here two centuries back of this. 两个世纪以前

I’m low IQ, you know. 我很笨 low EQ(吃不开)low AQ(沉不住气)

There is always a place for you at your table.





frost-free refrigerator无霜冰箱duty-free zone免税区carefree无忧无虑的Wet paint!油漆未干!

Stop talking nonsense!别胡扯了!He yelled “Freeze!”他大喝一声:“不许动!”Keep off the lawn!请勿践踏草坪!I failed to understand your meaning.我弄不懂你的意思。The coffee is too sweet to bear.咖啡甜得让人受不了。

Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you?你想知道她为什么不想见到你?

Her husband hates to see her stony face.她丈夫不愿意见到她那张面无表情的脸。

A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards.行为不检点的人,日后往往要后悔。

The naughty boy is far from honest and his excuse is pretty thin.这个调皮的男孩很不老实,他的借口一点也站不住脚。

You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it.你现在已经激起我的好奇心了,那现在你别在卖关子了。

Appearances are often deceptive.外表往往是靠不住的。

At the news of his father’s death, he remained quiet for several days.一听到他父亲的死讯,他好几天一言不发。


I adhered to all the courtesies I had been taught. This frustrated my son to no end.


You can’t be too careful.你越仔细越好。

We could not be more mistaken.我们大错特错。

The United Nations Organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.到目前为止,联合国辜负了世界人民寄予的希望。

For three weeks I held both jobs, working from eight in the morning until midnight. Never in my life have I been happier.三周来我身兼两职,每天从早上八点一直工作到午夜。我的一生中以那段时光最为快乐。



1) 多种被动词


He was released immediately after Oct 7.一过十月七号,他释了。

He was described as impressed by Deng’s flexibility.据说他(小平)的灵活态度感动

2) 省略被动词(同时可以作及物、不及物的词)

The risk of global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced.全球核冲突的危险性已经大大减小了


Over 700 of the world’s finest footballers were gathered in Japan and South Korea for the 17th World Cup tournament.700多名世界顶尖足球运动员聚集在日本和韩国参加第17届世界杯比赛。

3) 主被交换

a) 主语+谓语+状语 结构的被动句,结构调整为:状语+谓语+宾语(原主语)

Movies were first made in Hollywood before WWI.一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影。

b) 主语(受动者)+谓语+by)施动者 结构的被动句, 处理为施动者+谓语+受动者的主动结构

The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults.年轻人推动了移动电话市场的繁荣。

4) 形式主语法

“据…… It is said that… 据说……It is reported that…据报道……It is calculated that… 据统计……



It is believed that 有人(我们、人们)相信(认为)……

It is generally considered that…大家认为……It is well-known…众所周知……

It is rarely known鲜为人知……


1) 马路两旁是整齐的梧桐树。The avenue was lined with neatly-spaced plane trees.

2) 我也佩服你的见解。I was also struck by your suggestions.

3) 全国人民所渴望的政治协商会议现在开幕了。The Political Consultative Conference so eagerly awaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated.

4) 全国同胞们,中华人民共和国现已宣告成立。

Fellow-countrymen, the founding of the People’s Republic of China is proclaimed.

3.6归化 (Adaptation)



1) have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下

2) to be cut at elbows 捉襟见肘

3) at sword’s points 强烈分歧

4) Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无词

5) A little pot is soon hot 量小易怒

6) I don’t understand how he can think she is good-looking, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


7) He may always possess merits which make up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts.他也许总是保持着弥补一切的优点,失之东隅的,他可以收之桑榆

8) It was a case of diamond cut diamond. They thought they were going to beat Barcelona. In fact they lost the game 0:3.强中自有强中手,他们以为可以痛宰巴塞罗那,事实上他们03惨败。

9) All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day they’ll come out on top.你只有破釜沉舟跟他们拚,或许有朝一日会出头的。

10) The students must be enjoying the speech, because they’re laughing their heads off.


3.7切分 (Division)



目的:1、句法上的需要 2、修辞上的需要

1) At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.


2) The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.


3) Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said.


4) The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle.



1) The intent to make an immediate gift must be clear and unmistakable, and the transfer must take immediate and permanent effect.直接赠与的意向必须明白无误,转让行为必须立即产生效力,且该效力应具有永久性

2) Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 hundred years old.这座桥是1192年修建的,至今已经有700多年的历史了。

3) Several blocks from the park, running parallel to it, Clement Street bustles like a second Chinatown with dozens of ethnic restaurants. 离公园几个街区便是与公园平行的克莱门特街。那儿有十几家民族餐馆,热闹得如同第二个唐人街。

句子分译 句子分译可以分为简单句的分译,并列复合句的分译,主从复合句的分译以及长句的分译。

1) His wealth enables him to do everything.他有钱,什么事都能干。

2) His contemptuous attitude towards us is contemptible.


3.8合并 (Combination)

主要是中译英First Enron was a company. Then it was a scandal. Now it is a transitive verb.


第四章 汉译英翻译重点







1) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。

a) The turn of the century finds China most attractive on the diplomatic arena.

b) At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities.


Great changes have taken place in China. China has witnessed tremendous changes.

2) 一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。

a. China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world.

b. In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world greatly.

3) 又瘪了。We’ve got another flat tire. Our tire is flat again.

4) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

a. It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints.

b. We can’t judge people from their appearance, just as we can’t measure the ocean by pints.

增补主语 推敲语境 2 考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要

沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!

起大风了。It’s blowing hard.

用劳动实现自己的理想,用理想指导自己的劳动。You realize your ideals through labor and you guide your labor by ideals.

1) 中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪的驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。

a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization.

b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.

2) 我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。

a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers.

b. Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.

3) 他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就赢得了大家的信任。

a. His outspokenness and readiness to make friends with anyone soon won their trust.

b. He was very outspoken and always ready to make friends with anyone, so he won their trust.

4) 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。

a. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.

b. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries.

5) 轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。

a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improve.

b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and richer variety.

6) 楼的质量不好。The building is not well built. The quality of the building is poor.


Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.

真是太荒谬了。It’s utterly absurd.

只有冷静才能成功。Success depends on calm minds.

端午节吃粽子。On the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat zongzi.


That Shanghai has changed greatly in recent years has won admiration from people all over the world.



1) 中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。

a. The Central Government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of the HKSAR.

b. The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.

2) 中国的经济将融入世界经济的大潮。

a. The economy of China will merge into the tide of the world economy.

b. The economy of China will converge with that of the world economy.

3) 这事到了现在,还是时时记起a. Even now, this remains fresh in my memory.

b. Even now, I still often think about it.

4) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃

a. The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.

b. At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities.

5) 在同新闻界谈话的时候,上海人使用越来越多的最高级形容词。

a. When they talk to press, the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the superlative degree.

b. You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press.

6) 我又闲了一个多月了啦!

a. I’ve been idle for another month now.b. Another month now and I’ve had no work.

7) (颐和园)1900年遭八国联军破坏。

a. The palace was reduced to ruins by the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.

b. The palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.

8) 她们逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。

a. They gradually calmed down, restored self-confidence.b. Gradually, they calmed down and regained self-confidence.

9) 封建社会代替奴隶社会,资本主义代替封建主义,社会主义经历一个过程发展后必然代替资本主义。

Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

10) (一个世纪以来,中国人民在前进道路上经历了三次历史性的巨大变化……)第一次是辛亥革命,……第二次是中华人民共和国的成立,……第三次是改革开放……

The first change was represented by the Revolution of 1911…The second change was marked by the founding of the People’s Republic of China…The third change was featured by the reform, opening-up policy…


1) 农业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。

a. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure.

b. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure.

2) 关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。

a. Full attention has been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants.

b. The municipal government has paid full attention to the housing conditions of the urban inhabitants.


The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Peking operas, is based on a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.


The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world, where one feels as if he was in paradise.”

英雄造时势,时势造英雄。Heroes create the times, the times produce their heroes.


Crossing the threshold, I was taken aback by the mess in the house.

四川被称为“天府之国”。Sichuan is noted as the “Land of Abundance”.

4.3 语序的调整




沙发上坐着一个人。A man was sitting on a couch.


The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou was what impressed Marco Polo most during his trip to China.



1) 我们明天上午九时动身。We are going to start at nine tomorrow morning.

2) 这本书是三天前买的。The book was bought three days ago.

3) 每晚都要看电视。He watches TV every evening.

4) 在机器中很多能量是由于部件之间的摩擦而损失的。In a machine a great deal of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts.

5) 他们很细心地观察化学变化。

They observed the chemical reaction with great care.

They observed with great care the chemical reaction.

6) 他们肩并肩地以疯狂速度向那座石塔奔去。

They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.

Side by side and at a fantastic speed they ran towards the stone pagoda.

Side by side they ran at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.



大会将于①今年九月②在北京③隆重开幕。The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September.

①他每晚②都在图书馆③用心读书。He reads hard in the library every evening.


He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.


The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.


浩瀚的大海The vast sea 古老的中原文化The time-honored Central Plain culture

举世闻名的万里长城The world-famous Great Wall


Before liberation in 1949 the Chinese people suffered from some of the worst inflationthe world had ever known.


the best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexesin China

第五章 翻译十大原则

1) 动宾连接原则:翻译动宾短语时,先考虑宾语的成分

中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。The Chinese people are always looking forward to global peace and friendship among all nations.

The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.

avoid the stupid and short-sighted traps摆脱束缚 打破禁锢 摆脱羁绊

2) 时态原则


The Chinese people have always been cherishing freedom and peace.

The Chinese people always cherish freedom and peace.

The Chinese people are always cherishing freedom and peace.

中国过去是、现在是、将来是……China was, remains to be

中国人民深感自由与和平的珍贵。The Chinese people have cherished freedom and peace than ever.

After all, China and Cuba and other targets of U.S. –led criticism in the committee were always going to vote and lobby against Washington.



3) 主语确定原则


The citizens will live more spaciously and comfortably, benefiting most directly from achieving the goal.(重新确定主语)


To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable.(增补主语)

They cannot control who crosses their borders either physically or culturally.


注:there be 句型:状语变主语

They have been increasingly chagrined by Washington’s tendency to ignore the international consensus on issues ranging from the use of land mines to the Kyoto climate change treaty.


4) 谓语最小化原则


The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and investment among all APEC members for the start of a new round of negotiations by WTO.

如何化解谓语:1、动词变为名词2、多使用介词短语:with; through 3、多使用分词短语

4、多使用to do sth.目的状语5、最后一个谓语:使用“,which 引导的非限定性定语从句”


Many traditional U.S. supporters clearly withdrew their votes to signal displeasure over U.S. unilateralism.

5) 动宾换序原则:


The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China.在新千年,经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此做出反应。


The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university.研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。

6) 句群逻辑关系原则









Thanks to the rapid development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology has been laid in the western region of China.

The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China


Through creating a favorable background, China will be devoted to building a national system for innovation to promote the innovation in knowledge, technology and system, which is the only path/indispensable/essential for China to achieve cross-century/trans-century/century-crossing/turn-of-the-century development.

7) 连接原则不仅考虑逻辑关系,还要区分主谓语、次谓语


Not vexed by reading comprehensively though futilely, I deal seriously with teaching and handling affairs and have no regret for suffering losses.


China has been engaged in the talks for entry into the WTO for 15 years with its consistent stance.

8) 减少of原则

经济全球化深入发展提高了人民的生活水平。The furthering economic globalization has improved people’s living standard.

中国富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.


Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.

质量不好。The building is not well built.


9) 名词词组与分句互译原则

They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent.基金会提供了一种方式,可以让有钱人和大公司能实际支配花去税款的方式


But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid.



The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university.研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。


10) 妖词原则

From a small beginning at the turn of the century ……本世纪初,基金会的数量并不多。 

Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.亚洲国家的经济总量将超过其他国家地区的总和。

Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.


The major feature of project money, whether its source is government or business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract for each project, so that the investigator’s independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts.


第六章 高级口译翻译十大经典句


1. leave sb the choice of … or … 要么…,要么;或者 (选择类经典句)

Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.


年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 

2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事 (使动类经典句)(重点)

The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。


The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.


If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings.

3. it was the memories of 追溯到 (回忆类经典句)

Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’ development.


4. on the premise/ground/prerequisite/proposition/hypothesis/presuuposition that 基于一个前提 (假设类经典句)


The Chinese proclaimed/declared to adopt/implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China.

Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.


5. be bound to 必定;一定 (意愿类经典句)

西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large.

Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.正义战争必然要战胜侵略战争。

6. a matter of sth/doing sth ……有关的情况或问题 (描述类经典句)(重点)

Considering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being ‘poor’ won’t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.”请思考一下同一个人现在及八年前说的话。“说到底,‘贫穷’与其说是生活在贫穷的国家里,还不如说是技艺不精。”

处理这些问题全凭经验。Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.

7. This is the similar case with/when 这恰如;正如;也会 (比较类经典句)


This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart’s musical pieces.


Besides, this is also the case with the citizen’s expenditure such as education, information, traveling.

8. be exemplified by 这一点也证明了;这点反映在以下事实:…★(举例类经典句)

This American desire to keep the children’s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.



The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools.


其它词如: illustrate demonstrate represent embody

9. constitute (不用于进行式)是;认为 (判断类经典句)


History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship.

我的决定不应视为先例。My decision does not constitute a precedent.

The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.这一失败是我们外交上的一次较大的挫折。

10. witness 见证 (发生类经典句)(重点)

a time or event witnesses sth/sb in a particular situation or doing a particular thing.


The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.


I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East.



The southwest part of China witnesses a serious car crash with a casualty of about 30 people.


