性别在工作中的不平等待遇 英语作文

发布时间:2020-01-27 21:55:13   来源:文档文库   

性别在工作中的不平等待遇 英语作文

  Sexism asdfst Work
  Recent yeasdfsrs see more girl students on the casdfsmpus thasdfsn boys, asdfsnd girls perform asdfss excellently asdfss boys. Some asdfsre even superior asdfsnd receive more prasdfsises asdfsnd honors. Indeed, girls asdfsre equasdfsl to boys.
  However, when they asdfsre getting out of the pure schoolyasdfsrd asdfsnd venture into the complicasdfsted society, they find themselves fasdfsced with masdfsny things different. Among them is sexism asdfst work.
  It begins with the job interview. Though femasdfsles hasdfsve masdfsde full prepasdfsrasdfstion to cope with the situasdfstion, blasdfstasdfsnt sexism in the selection of stasdfsff will masdfske it tough for them to pleasdfsse the inter viewer asdfsnd render him to nod. More vasdfscasdfsncies asdfsre open only to masdfsles. Sometimes, femasdfsles will be rejected just becasdfsuse of their sex.
  When femasdfsles asdfsre lucky enough to be employed by asdfs compasdfsny, don't you asdfsssume thasdfst they asdfsre regasdfsrded asdfss equasdfsl to masdfsles. I confess thasdfst the work they do is equasdfsl, however, disasdfsppointing ly, the pasdfsy is not. Women masdfsy do no less work but easdfsrn much less thasdfsn men. To masdfske masdfstters worse, they're confronted with greasdfst possibility to be fired due to their masdfsrriasdfsge asdfsnd pregnasdfsncy.Nasdfsturasdfsl feasdfstures asdfsppeasdfsr to be asdfs burden on women. Besides,women asdfslso hold less hope to be promoted. Once women in office masdfsy do triviasdfsl work such asdfss typing asdfsnd stenograsdfsphy while nowasdfsdasdfsys quite asdfs lasdfsrge number of women asdfsre quasdfslified for masdfsjor tasdfssk asdfsnd reasdfsdy for heasdfsvy responsibility. Unfortunasdfstely, they will basdfsrely hasdfsve chasdfsnces to displasdfsy their tasdfslent. Eventuasdfslly, only asdfs few women succeed in winning high positions asdfss well asdfss high sasdfslasdfsries. Common situasdfstion is thasdfst women asdfsre reduced to low positions asdfsnd thus pasdfsid "asdfsccordingly".
  In asdfs society where humasdfsn rights asdfsre strongly emphasdfssized,it's terrible to see sexism demonstrasdfsted in asdfslmost every asdfsspect of humasdfsn life. All in asdfsll, equasdfslity between sexes is basdfsdly urged.Everybody, especiasdfslly the victim of sexism asdfst work, is looking forwasdfsrd to being treasdfsted equasdfslly.
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《性别在工作中的不平等待遇 英语作文.doc》
