Teachers handbook

发布时间:2013-11-07 10:53:15   来源:文档文库   


Teacher’s Code of Conduct


Teachers are expected to:

1. Set a good example for students, care for others, be devoted to teaching, co-operate and be willing to learn from others.

2. Create teaching/lesson plans, accomplish the intended teaching task with the highest devotion and efficiency. Teachers must also show flexibility in their teaching methods where possible, be enthusiastic about teaching, and display a great deal of patience.

3. Grade homework consistently, as required and keep accurate record of the students’ performance in class.

4. Be open to suggestions, comments and criticism from the company and fellow colleagues. Teachers are always encouraged to improve their teaching style and be able to motivate their students.

5. Abide by the school’s policies regarding attendance. Always be punctual; never leave before the end of class.

6. Be passionate about your work and commit yourself to the school and students. Accept your moral and professional responsibility to the students, always set a good example to them. Respect the students be firm, but fair. Instruct the students without discrimination or the use of physical or mental abuse.

6. Be precise, cautious and modest, respecting, helping, and learning from each other. Avoid badmouthing other teachers, the school and students, the company and always create a civilized atmosphere on campus.

8. Refrain from idle chat with students during class time and maintain the image of the school and company at all times.

9. Don’t smoke in the office or the classroom, and maintain acceptable standards of public health and sanitation.

10. Don’t leave personal belongings in the office, classroom, or other public areas.

11. Your assistance with keeping operating expenditure reasonable for the company is required and in so doing, avoid making non-official calls from the office and use stationary sparingly.

12. Any, personal relationships of a romantic nature with nationals or foreigners should be kept in the private domain of the foreign language teacher. Any such relationship will not be tolerated at the assigned school during normal class time, on the premises of the school and such relationships may never compromise the integrity and good standing of the company.


1. Develop teaching plans

Teachers must be familiar with the course outline and teaching material to be covered. Teachers are encouraged to stress any difficult points of each unit and chapter to their students clearly. General teaching plans for the new semester will be made by the teaching coordinators in consultation with the school and foreign language teachers. Each individual teacher will be required to create his/her own teaching plan for daily classes in line with the general semester plan.

2. Prepare for lessons

Teachers are expected to have a clear idea regarding their teaching task and requirement for each unit, preparing formal and clear teaching plans for each class, according to the teaching materials. Teaching plans should include: the aim of the class, important points to be stressed, problem areas, procedures and methods of teaching, distribution of time and a summary after class. Do not give a lecture without preparing a lesson plan.

3. Teaching in class

Teachers are expected to begin and finish classes on time. Teachers are not to leave the classroom during class time unless absolutely necessary. Teachers are expected to dress appropriately, behave in a professional manner and create an interactive and friendly atmosphere in class. The focus of each class should be on the grammar outlined in each unit, and helping students understand the material been taught in an articulated and clear manner. Proper explanations should also be given for any units or exercises that are unclear to students.

4. Assignment and homework grading

Teachers are to assign homework based on the areas of understanding difficulty. Instructions and examples are to be given so that the students have a clear idea of what the learning outcomes are. Teachers are responsible for correcting and grading the students` homework with an individual assessment for each student.

5. Tutorship

Teachers should provide tutoring if requested by the student. This individual tutoring will take place during the teacher’s office hours or as additional work which will be compensated in overtime pay by BNUIAEC, after approval has been given. Tutoring should be provided specifically to individual student’s specific needs and should be given according to their skill level. The aim of private tutoring outside of class is to target lesser performing students so that the class standard may be raised. Tutoring must be recorded by the teacher and skills such as researching, referencing and independent study should be stressed.

6. Assessments

Assessments include:

Reviewing and checking each unit; giving an examination each semester and keeping track of daily performance records. Test papers will be created by teachers according to the requirement and IELTS style, and supervised by the teaching coordinators. The Foundation Test Paper refers to the admission requirement of the university abroad, including basic knowledge and comprehension. Test papers are graded by all the teaching staff after the exam and are based on fair and objective criteria. Scores are recorded and kept by the teaching office. Any person wanting to view his or her score will need to obtain the necessary permission. from the teaching coordinators. Viewing of exam scores will be done under the supervision of at least two teachers. Teachers are then required to give feedback to the students about mistakes made in the test, corrections and suggestions for the student.

7. Understanding your job responsibilities

i. To teach students material as defined in the course outline for each course

ii. To provide his/her best efforts in presenting classroom lessons

iii. To perform duties in a manner and spirit which adds value to the company mission

iv. Respect the applicable rules and regulations, people and environment. Students are interested in the cultures and ways of the teachers’ home land, teachers must avoid any talk of adopting such cultures and values.

v. Teachers should use their best judgment when selecting materials for class, teaching is a highly respected profession and what is said in the classroom is accepted as the truth, sensitive topics of a, sexual nature, politics and religion are not permitted during classroom discussion. Keep all personal opinions about the internal affairs of the country to yourself and never enter into debate or dialogue with students and Chinese teachers about your views on the affairs on this country.

vi. During your time off, you are free to do and move around as you please. Remember, though, that you are a guest in a foreign country and any behavior of a disorderly or unlawful nature will not only bring the company into disrepute, but also will result in your visa been withdrawn and your exit from the country.

8. Organization

When planning a lesson, it is best to put as much information on paper as possible, if the lesson objectives are clearly stated in black and white, the students will understand the goal for the class, this level of preparation ensures a good class and earns the teacher more respect.

9. Uniformity and Routine

Uniformity and Routine may sound boring but classes work better and are more organized, if there is consistency and pattern to them. Students will appreciate knowing what will happen in advance and classes will run smoothly. All learning styles will be addressed in the class. The following is an example of a class routine:


Opening activity

Grammar structure/grammar review

Oral and written practice/exercise



Review, teach, reinforce, practice then move on to the next point and review, teach, reinforce


1 Opening activity

The teacher needs to set the tone and mood for each lesson right at the beginning of the class. A short introduction should set out the objectives or goals for day’s lesson, get the students involved, and review points from previous lesson. Routine matters such as attendance or assignments due can be covered as well. Remember that the teacher sets the tone and atmosphere for each lesson and controls the pace and tempo throughout the lesson. If it’s slow and boring, do something about it!

3. Grammar

Practice makes perfect” so explain grammar points according to the rules in the textbook. Give students as much practice inside and out of class as possible. It is important to explain grammar points to everyone’s satisfaction. Some grammar points such as prepositions will take several weeks to explain clearly, while pronouns will only take a few days. In China students are drilled with grammar from a very young age, students are accustomed to this and they will expect it, remember that in many cases the students have a full day and not a lot of time to do homework except maybe during lunch breaks. Much depends on the students themselves, opening activities, oral practice and final activities should always relate to the grammar points that have been discussed. Grammar lessons can be separated into two sections for the purpose of this outline. The first section would be a review of homework and correction of common errors where necessary. The second would be an introduction of new grammar exercises and practice, e.g. if the grammar point deals with prepositions, then the opening activity could be point A to point B using as many prepositions as they can, in the lesson plan, grammar points should be clearly defined and followed as precisely as possible, this will demonstrate to the students what grammar points they will be studying.

4. Oral and /or written practice/exercise

During a lesson it is ideal to provide a lot of practice both orally and written but it depends on the class. Some classes demand more writing and less speaking. if this is the case then the teacher can spend time walking around from student to student helping individuals with structure, flow and creativity. Students should be assigned writing for homework and concentrate on pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure during a conversation, the most important thing to remember is to always correct in a pleasant manner. Oral exercise could be pair work, reading short stories, group work, debates, questions and answer, etc.

When correcting students make sure that it is done in a kind, gentle way and not with a harsh tone. It may be necessary to repeat the correction several times before the student understands. This may be frustrating but remember to respect the student and be a good teacher, not a dictator.

5. Activities

Activities are the best way to open up introverted students and allow them to speak in a comfortable environment. Activities should be as interesting and enjoyable as possible, while maintaining control. The teacher should ensure that every student is involved in all activities and that there is one person that dominates the group. Some examples of fun activities are in the teacher’s manual.

6. Organizing the lesson

This format for the lesson plan should be separated into four distinct parts followed by a summary overview.

a) Opening activity: ____minutes

b) New lesson:

Review ____minutes

New lesson _____minutes

c) Oral/written practice:_____ minutes

Reading, writing, listening and speaking(will depend on the level of the class)

d) Activity

Exciting activity to reinforce grammar learned

e) Summary overview

Assign new homework and finish up activity.

I_______________________________hereby acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and undertake to abide by these guidelines as far as it is incumbent on me to do.

Signed on this_____day of______2011, in the presence of the undersigned witness.

_______________________ _____________________



《Teachers handbook.doc》
