
发布时间:2010-12-02 20:15:50   来源:文档文库   



  1. 首字母缩略词。取一个词组的各词的首字母而成,如:

   Voice of America VOA(美国之音)

   British Broadcasting CorporationBBC(英国广播公司)

   Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI(美国联邦调查局)

   Central Intelligence Agency CIA(美国中央情报局)

  2. 缩短词。将一个多音节词去掉一部分字母而构成,如:

   advertisementad airplaneplane influenzaflu

   microphonemike doctordr./doc automobileauto

  3. 拼缀词。两个词各取一部分拼缀而成,如:

   smoke + fog smog(烟雾) motor + hotel motel(汽车旅馆)

   psychological war psywar(心理战) popular music pop music(流行音乐)


  1. 标点符号的种类

  2. 标点符号的用法

  3. 附:中国学生使用英语标点符号的注意事项


  1. 逗号 , (Comma

  2. 句号 . (Full StopPeriod

  3. 问号 ? (Question Mark

  4. 感叹号 ! (Exclamation Mark

  5. 分号 ; (Semicolon

  6. 冒号 : (Colon)

  7. 破折号 (Dash)

  8. 括号 ( ) (Brackets Parentheses)

  9. 引号 " ” ‘ ’ (Quotation Marks)

  10. 省略号 (DotsEllipsis)

  11. 连字号 - (Hyphen)

  12. 撇号 (Apostrophe)


  1. 逗号表示最短的停顿。

   a. 用于表示并列的词语、结构或句子之间,如:

   Solids, liquids and gases can be changed from one to another.

   He came in, took his bag, and then hurried away.

   b. 不属于句子组成部分的词或词组,如称呼语、插入语、wellyesno 等,须用逗号与句子的其它成分隔开,如:

   Tom, take care!

   No, I don’t think so.

   Tomorrow, I suppose, it will clear up.

   c. 状语置于句首时,须用逗号把它和主句隔开,如:

   Actually, I’ve had enough.

   On July 2, 1995, I graduated and found a teaching job in a college.

   If it rains tomorrow, our party will have to be postponed.

   d. 非限制性定语从句前一般用逗号,如:

   She said she had been waiting for 2 hours, which was true.

  2 句号表示一句话的结束,如:

   Knowledge is power.

   All that glitters is not gold.

  3. 问号表示一句问话的结束,如:

   Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the railway station?

   Are you sure?

  4. 感叹号用于感叹句或表示情感的句子或词的结尾,如:

   What a beautiful garden!

   Look out!


  5. 分号表示比逗号较长的停顿,如:

   Tomorrow he will set out to another country; there he will spend 3 years’ studying, researching, and cooperating with his foreign colleagues.

  6. 冒号用来列举事物或解释前文,如:

   I can’t go on my vacation this summer. There are two reasons: first, I have no money; second, I have no time.

   Here you can do whatever you want: read books, play tennis, take a walk after supper, and so on and so forth.

  7. 破折号表示解释或意思的进展,如:

   Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body—the brain.

   He is modest, considerate, warm-hearted—he is a good man.

  8. 括号用法如下:

   a. 用在表示解释说明的插入语或同位语前后,如:

   The book (I can’t remember the title) was about Shakespeare.

   I spoke to Mary (Henry’s wife) and told her what we had decided at the meeting.

   b. 用来表示句中不重要的可省去的部分,如:

   What a fine day (it is)!

   c. 用来标明句中可换用的部分,如:

   My computer is as (so) expensive as yours.

  d. 注明序号等,如:

   Do the following exercises: (1) Answer the question; (2) Translate the sentences into Chinese.

  9. 引号主要用来表示文中的直接引语,如:

   "What the hell are you doing here?” he shouted.

  10. 省略号代替句中被省略的部分,如:

   "Not only ... but also ...” is a correlative conjunction.

  11. 连字号用于一个词的内部,不表示停顿,其用法如下:

   a. 用于部分复合词的各组成部分之间,如:

   sister-in-law five-year-old

   b. 用于派生词的前缀和词根或首字母缩略词之间,如:

   re-collect anti-fascist H-bomb(氢弹) V-day(胜利日)

   c. 用于数词的个位数和十位数之间,如:

   twenty-two thirty-third

   d. 双音节和多音节需要移行时,用于一行的末尾,表示这个词没有完。

  12. 撇号用在一个词的内部或末尾,不表示停顿,而表示名词的所有格和字母省略,如:

   a student’s bag the students’ books

   I’m not a teacher.

   He didn’t go there.


  1. 汉语的句号为一个小圆圈(。),英语的句号是一个小圆点(.);

  2. 英语里没有顿号,表示并列的词语或结构时英语用逗号(,);

  3. 汉语的冒号可用于提示语后表示停顿,如:"女士们,先生们:,但现代英语多用逗号,如: "Ladies and Gentlemen,”

  4. 汉语的引号("”)除标识直接引语外还可用来表示强调或特别说明,如:他可真 "积极呀!英语的引号(" ”)也有这种用法,不过手段更丰富,如采用单词大写、斜体或粗体等方式,如:

   The word "culture” has different meanings.

   He said, "I am NOT guilty!”


