both, either, neither用法各不同

发布时间:2010-07-13   来源:文档文库   
both, either, neither用法各不同

both, either, neither这三个词都可以作代词及形容词,在考试中频频亮相,许多同学都容易将他们混淆,现将它们的用法归纳如下,让大家看个明白,轻轻松松掌握它们的词义、词性及用法。


Both are right.= Both of the answers are right.这两个答案都对。 Either(of themis OK. (他们两个中任何一个都行。
I don't know which book is the betterI shall read both.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读。
I like neither.(两个我一个也不喜欢。
③作定语,both后面接复数名词,eitherneither后面接单数名词。例如: Both answers are right.两个答案都对。
On either side of the river there are a lot of trees.河的两边都有许多树。 Neither boy is going there.两个男孩儿都不打算去那里。

You must both come over this evening.你们俩今晚必须都过来一趟。(作主语you的同位

We are both from Chongqing.我们两个都来自重庆。(作主语we的同位语 He helped us both.他帮助了我们两个人。(作宾语us的同位语

相关链接:both... and...可以翻译成"„„和„„两个都""又„„又„„""既要„„又要„„"either... or...意思是"或者„„或者„„"neither... nor...意思是"既不„„也不„„"这三者都是连词,可以连接名词、代词、形容词、动词和介词短语等。both... and...连接名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;neither... nor...连接名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词须nor之后的名词保持一致;either... or...连接名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词要与最临近的主语保持一致。例如:
Both she and I are going to do the cleaning.我和她两个都要做清洁工作。 Mike is both tall and handsome.迈克长得又高又帅。
In the program tonight Mary will both sing and dance.在今天晚上的节目中,玛丽既要唱歌又要跳舞。
You may either stay or go.你可以走,也可以留下。 Either you or I am wrong.不是你错,就是我错。 He neither drinks nor smokes.他既不吸烟也不喝酒。
Neither he nor I am well-educated.他和我都没有受过良好的教育。

根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子: 1.我既对英语感兴趣又对汉语感兴趣。
I'm interested in _______ English ________ Chinese. 2.汤姆和玛丽都不知道该怎样做这个工作。
________ Tom ________ Mary knows how to do the work. 3.这两条路你随便走哪一条都可以。 You may take ________ of the roads. 4.或者你去,或者我去。
________ you________ I am going there. 5.这两本书对我来讲都没有用处。 ________ of the books is useful to me. both, either, neither用法各不同参考答案:
1. both, and 2. Neither, nor 3. either 4. Either, or 5. Neither


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both可作形容词、代词或副词用,意思是“两个”“双方”“两个都”。在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语。

如:Both are right.两者都对。(主语 I like both.两个我都喜欢。(宾语
Both可参与构成名词词组,也可和动词连用,还可与and构成并列连词。在使用时,要注意下列几点: 一、Bothboth of后都可接复数名词,构成名词词组。Both后的名词前可有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词作修饰限定,也可没有;both of后的名词前却一定要有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词作修饰限定。
如:可以说both(the theseher children;也可以说both of the(theseherchildren;但一般不说both of children
Both of后可接人称代词宾格,both后则不可;但人称代词宾格后可接both可以说both of us(youthem,一般不说both us(youthem,但可以说us(youthemboth 二、Both与动词连用时,大多数放在系动词be之后,其它动词之前。 如:His parents are both workers.
They both enjoy reading. 若句中谓语动词包含情态动词或助动词时,both大多放在第一个情态动词或助动词之后。
如:The bridges must both be built this year. 两座桥都必须在今年修建。
kate and Mary have both gone to English. 凯特和玛丽都去了英国。
三、Both可与and构成并列连词,连接两个性质相同并在句中作相同成分的并行结构。 如:Both he and his brother are good at English. (连接两个主语 She can both dance and sing. (连接两个谓语动词 Mary is both kind and beautiful. (连接两个表语
四、含both的句子变为否定时,是将both改为neither 如:当肯定句为Both of the boys are clever.(两个男孩都聪明时,否定句当为Neither of the boys are clever.(两个男孩都不聪明Both后接复数名词,neither后接单数名词,动词的人称和数也要随之变化。若把句子变为Both of the boys are not clever,则是不完全否定。意思是:并不是两个男孩都聪明(一个聪明一个愚笨
如:I know both the man and the woman. 我既认识那男子,也认识那妇女。
I know neither the man nor the woman. 我既不认识那男子,也不认识那妇女。 Both beats and birds would have the bat as their friend. Neither beats nor birds would have the bat as their friend.
Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。
The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish. 这位秘书不但能讲而且能写西班牙语。 Youve given both your uncle and myself a lot of trouble. 你给了你姑父和我很多麻烦。 Sophia was both happy and sorry to see her. 索菲娅看到她既高兴又难过。 The food was both bad and insufficient. 食物既坏又不够吃。
She was ashamed, both for herself and for Diana. 她感到羞愧,既为自己也为戴安娜。

I did all this both for you and for myself. 我做这一切是为了你,也为我自己。 He both speaks and writes Spanish. 他既会说也会写西班牙语。 Tonight they will both sing and dance. 今晚他们将又唱歌又跳舞。
说明:作为关联并列连词,它通常应连接两个相同性质的句子成分,但有时后一成分可能省略与前一成分相同的词。另外,若连接两个成分作主语,谓语总是用复数。如: Both she and I are good at English. 她和我都擅长英语。
Both teaching and research work are making great strides. 教学与科研都在大踏步前进。 Both she and Sophia were pleased with the girl. 她和索菲娅都喜欢这个姑娘。

neither...nor... 一、either...or...

When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either...or...连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的形式。 either...or...连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的"就近原则"。例如:

Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。 注意:如果把上句变成一般疑问句,助动词形式与主语you保持一致,所以要用are提问,而不是am。例如:

Are either you or I going there tomorrow? 明天是你还是我去那里?

Either you or he has lunch at school. 其一般疑问句应为:Do either you or he have lunch at school? 是你还是他在学校吃午饭?

若要对either...or...句型进行否定时,只需把either...or...换成neither...nor...即可。例如: Either you or she is good at drawing. 变为否定句应为:Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画。


There are many shops on either side of the street. 街道两边有许多商店。这个句子也可以这样表达:There are many shops on both sides of the street. 在街道两边有许多商店。 either用在否定句的句末,表示""的意思。例如:

If you don\'t go there. I won\'t, either. 如果你不去那里,我也不去。 二、neither...nor...

She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither...nor...接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则"。例如: Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。


Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。

还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个"。例如: Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。

neithernor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neithernor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:

He doesn\'t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。

They didn\'t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。

| either of ,neither of, both of all of 的用法

先来一个总结,再给例子 either of (两者其一 neither of(两者都不 这两个后+单数

both of (两者都,后+复数 all of (三者或三者以上都是 none of (三者或三者以上都不是


either of 是指“两者有其一......

Either of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“) neither of是指“两者都不... 用于否定句 Neither of us English. (注意“speaks“) both of是指两者都...... 用于肯定句

Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。

Either ofboth of 注意区别两者的意思,不同的意思,单复数不一样.
There are two apples on the table; you can take either of them. 桌上有两只苹果,随你拿哪一只。

There are two apples on the table; you can take both of them. 桌上有两只苹果,你可以把两只都拿去。 There are trees on either side of the street. 街的两边(每一边)绿树成荫。 There are trees on both sides of the street. 街的两边绿树成荫。

all of是指所有人(或物)都...(超过两个)

All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers.所有中国学生都是少先队员。 否定式:Not all of,意思是“不全是” (千万不要误认为是“全部都不是” Not all of us went to school yesterday.昨天我们不全都来上学。 对比:All of us went to school yesterday.昨天我们全都来上学.

none of 是指“所有人(或物)都不...”全部否定(超过三个) None of 开头的句子,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。

None of ...作主语,强调个体时,谓语动词用单数;若强调整体时,谓语动词则用复数。 None of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“)

He likes none of these books.这些书他一本也不喜欢 None of the food was left.没剩一点食物

None of the money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的. None of these cars is [are] new.这些汽车没有一辆是新的. None of us has got a camera.我们中间没有一个人有照相机. None of 后接限定词,the, my, these
1. not onlybut also面所连接的词的词性必须对等:

(1 Franklin was considered not only an inventor, but also a statesman. 富兰克林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。

(2 The nurse was not only competent but also kind. 这位护士不仅能干而且亲切和蔼。 (3 They not only broke into his office and stole his books, but also tore up his manuscripts. 他们不仅闯进他的办公室,偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。

(4 Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony. 不令你而且她也得参加典礼。 (5 In production, we should always keep an eye not only on quantity but also on quality. 在生产中,我们不仅要关注数量,而且要关注质量。

(6 They completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly. 他们不仅准时完成工程,而且完成得很出色。
2. not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可分开用:

a. He speaks not only English, but also French. 他不仅说英语,还说法语。

b. Television is not only boring, but it also wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。
c. She was not only compelled to stay at home, but she was also forbidden to see her friends. 她不仅被强迫蹲在家中,而且被禁止去看朋友。 3.谓语动词的数应与but also后主语的数保持一致:
Not only you but also Mr. Zhang teaches in this college. 不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。 Not only Mr. Zhang but also you teach in this college. 不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。

1as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。也,还解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。而用not only ...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。如:
Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。
(=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me

Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy. 电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。


《both, either, neither用法各不同.doc》
