
发布时间:2022-11-10 12:22:24   来源:文档文库   
2020上半年商务英语准考证打印入口在哪这是考生都很关心问题,今天给大家带来了2020上半年商务英语准考证打印入口,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家,来欣一下吧。 2020上半年商务英语准考证打印入口
从剑桥商务英语报名网获悉,2020上半年商务英语考前5日就可以打印准考证了,请考生在规定时间内登录官网剑桥商务英语报名网完成准考证打印工作! 问:BEC打印准考证忘记注册时自定义的密码怎么办
答:登录剑桥商务英语考试网,点击考生登录栏下方“忘记密码”键,然后根据系统提示输入系统验证过的电子邮箱和验证码,再点击“发送邮件验证”,系统将自动向考生的邮箱发送重置密码的链接,考生收到邮件后,点击链接重新设置密码即可。 商务英语BEC中级听力辅导
Section Two


( Questions 18
you will hear another five short pieces. For each piece, decide what the speaker is trying to do. Write one letter ( A H next to the number of the piece. You will hear the five pieces twice. 18._________________ 19._________________ 20._________________ 21._________________ 22._________________ A place an order B make a complaint C change an appointment D give a warning E explain a delay F thank someone G make an arrangement H reject an offer 答案:BGFEC Tape scripts: 18. This is the third time I've called about this. It's a complete waste of
my time and my staffs time. When we ordered the photocopier


from you, you assured us it would be installed by one of your engineers and set up ready for use. Well, all your engineer basically did is plug it in and that was that. And now every time we switch it on, we get a warning message. But we don't know what it means because your man didn't even leave us a copy of the manual. 19. Before we begin, I've been asked to tell you that Dr Jones has been delayed. That means he won't make it in time for his presentation on 'Dealing with Complaints'. Unfortunately, this means we've had to cancel the session and anyone who signed up for it should now choose between the other two sessions which are running this afternoon. Thank you. And now I'll hand you over to
Kate. 20. I'm just ringing to tell you about the positive feedback we've had on
the presentation you gave the other day. I really appreciate you



