
发布时间:2019-09-09   来源:文档文库   
1、秋风瑟瑟,紫荆花恋恋不舍地离开枝头投入到了大地怀抱。 The autumn wind is rustling, and the Bauhinia leaves the branch reluctantly and throws itself into the embrace of the earth. 2、一阵风吹过,小树像是冷了一样的晃动起来。
A gust of wind blew, and the tree swayed like it was cold. 3、小树长高了,一阵风吹来,小树摇曳着树枝在跳舞呢! The tree grew tall. A gust of wind blew. The tree was dancing with its branches. 4、秋天的小河是浪漫的,片片叶子向他倾诉。
The River in autumn is romantic. Leaves talk to him. 5、一棵棵松树精神抖擞地站立在山冈上向远方眺望着。 Pine trees stood on the hill and looked out into the distance. 6、春天来了,迎春花害羞地绽放黄色的薄纱。
Spring is coming, and the spring flowers are shyly blooming yellow gauze. 7、公园里的花开的特别鲜艳,恰如一个个花季少女。

The flowers in the park are very bright, just like girls in the flowering season. 8、湖面是那样平静,就像一个熟睡的少女。 The lake was so calm, like a sleeping girl. 9、叶子沾满了小水珠,站的错落有致,非常美丽。
The leaves are covered with small droplets of water. The stands are very beautiful. 10、田里的麦苗好像口渴的人儿孜孜不倦地吸收着春天的雨水。 The wheat seedlings in the field are like thirsty people assimilating the spring rain tirelessly. 11、一排排柳树倒映在水中,欣赏着自己的容貌。
Rows of willows are reflected in the water, enjoying their looks. 12、河水静静地思考着,思绪象诗一样,慢慢地向大海游去。 The River ponders quietly, thinking like a poem, slowly swimming towards the sea. 13、石榴树上开满了花,欢笑着迎接人们的到来。
The pomegranate trees are full of flowers, laughing to welcome people's arrival. 14、桔子树爸爸赐给他们,已经藏了多年的桔黄色晚礼服。 The orange tree father gave them the orange evening dress, which had been hidden for many years.
The moon slipped out in the dead of night. 16、细雨如丝,一棵棵果树宛如沉思的诗人在推敲诗句。 The drizzle is like silk, the fruit trees are like meditative poets deliberating on poems. 17、寒冬里,梅花像雪白的雪花静静的开了。
In the cold winter, plum blossoms open quietly like snow-white snowflakes. 18、调皮的秋风姑娘吹一口气,黄叶就跟着翩翩起舞。 The naughty autumn wind girl blew a breath, and the yellow leaves danced with her. 19、雨水温柔的将小草上的尘土轻轻的拂去。 The rain gently brushes the dust off the grass. 20、可爱的小蜻蜓和顽皮的小青蛙在快乐地嬉戏着。
Lovely dragonflies and naughty frogs are playing happily. 21、美丽的鲜花开放着就像一个婀娜的少发摆弄着优美的舞姿。 Beautiful flowers blossom like a graceful little hair with beautiful dancing posture. 22、黄河啊,黄河,你用自己的乳液养育了我们。
The Yellow River, the Yellow River, you nourished us with your own lotion. 23、春天来了,河水上涨,小青蛙睡醒了,开始欢乐地歌唱。

Spring came, the river rose, the frog woke up and began to sing happily. 24、天是个害臊的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。
Heaven is a shy little girl, hiding and hiding. 25、寒冬里,梅花静静地穿上了红裙,露出了羞涩的笑容。 In the cold winter, plum blossoms quietly put on red skirts, showing a shy smile. 26、青蛙整了整衣领,微笑着从洞里走了出来。
The frog straightened his collar and came out of the hole with a smile. 27、初生的太阳告诉我们要以最美的笑脸迎接新的一天。 The new sun tells us to greet the new day with the most beautiful smile. 28、海底的鱼奏起了各种各样的美妙的旋律。
Fish on the bottom of the sea play all kinds of wonderful melodies. 29、浪花拍击着海岸就像妈妈轻轻抚摸着自己的孩子。 The waves hit the shore like a mother touching her children. 30、夏天的夜晚田野里传来青蛙动情的歌声。
On summer nights, frog songs came from the fields. 31、漂亮的牡丹花开了,那是为了答谢阳光的恩情。

Beautiful peony blossoms, that is to thank the sunshine. 32、一辆冒着黑烟的车发疯似的开了过来。
A smoky car came frantically. 33、风吹动树叶,叶子互相挤推着发着沙沙的声音。
The wind blows the leaves, pushing them against each other and making a rustling noise. 34小草用自己星星点点的绿色,织成了一块块绿茵茵的地毯。 Grass with their own dots of green, woven into a green carpet. 35、春雨过后,竹笋争先恐后的从地下钻了出来。
After the spring rain, bamboo shoots rushed out of the ground. 36、熟透了的石榴,像小孩子张大了嘴,露出了整齐的牙齿。 The ripe pomegranate, like a child, opens its mouth wide and shows its neat teeth. 37、小草,抬起你的头,挺起你的腰,不要哭泣。 Grass, raise your head, raise your waist, don't cry. 38、小草在烈日的照射下,趴下了腰,好像吐着舌头一样。 The grass lay on its waist in the scorching sun as if it were spitting its tongue.


